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March 27, 1973 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1973-03-27

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City mayoral candidate statements


age £fr an Basj
Eighty-two years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

Ed. note: Today The Daily begins
to print campaign statements from
the city election candidates. Today,
the candidates for mayor and from
the second ward.

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-0552


SGC: Gl for president

WE ENDORSE Lee Gill for the presi-
dency of Student Government Coun-
cil, as we find him the only candidate
capable of providing the leadership and
initiative Council has so sorely lacked in
recent years.
During the reign of outgoing President
Bill Jacobs, Council has been fraught
with ineptitude and fiscal irresponsibility
so gross as to stagger the mind. While
Council spent marathon sessions locked
in ridiculous debate piddling away the
students' money so it also piddled away
any support or respect it once might have
While Jacobs and Co. deserve applause
for the creation of an SGC legal advo-
cate, one of their few positive actions, the
manner in -which that position was se-
lected and funded leaves much to be de-
LEE GILL, through his work with South
Quad Minority Council, the Council
for Black Concerns, and as SGC vice
president for minority affairs proved
himself to be the most effective and dy-
namic leader on campus. Gill has the
ability to command respect from stu-
dents and administrators alike, as well
as the knowledge of the University bu-
reaucracy to serve as a truly effective
Council president.
Perhaps more importantly, Gill has
Shown that he is careful and responsible
in the disposition of funds. He has opened
the books of the Council for Black Con-
cerns and promises to do the same as
president of SGC. We believe that a Gill
presidency will be a responsible and open
one, under which Council will finally as-

sume a posture of action rather than pet-
It was brought to our attention recent-
ly .that Gill has a prison record. He was
sentenced to two years in Milan Federal
Penitentiary for auto theft, and was hit
with several other charges which were all
subsequently dismissed. Gill is not secre-
tive about his past, and prison officials
and University administrators alike re-
gard him with the utmost respect.
Gill must be judged solely on his abili-
ties, which we consider exceptional; not
on his history.
SINCE THE SIXTIES student activism
here and elsewhere has slowly but
surely evaporated into a fog of apathy. At
one time students may have been able to
look to Council for leadership out of this
destructive trend, but anyone who wit-
nesses the bureaucratic entanglements
and ego-ridden shouting matches of
SGC's "activists" can only conclude that
apathy is a safe bet.
It is not. The recent busts of three stu-
dents on drug charges inside the dorms
is a clear indication of things to come. As
more and more campuses turn from vi-
brant activism to complacent sleep, more
and more students will be awakened by
Lee Gill has the capability and the
energy to fight that trend and win.
It is nov time to give SGC, in the form
of Lee Gill and his capable vice presiden-
tial candidate Sandy Green, another
chance. The organization needs only di-
rection to realize its potential.
We believe this to be the right time
for SGC, and Lee Gill to be the right man.

Benita Kaimowitz
CO VOTE MONDAY. It will make
a difference.
My election will put Ann Arbor
back on the map. It will lift us out
of the feeling we've all had since
November of being up against the
Nixon wall, helpless.
When I'm mayor of Ann Arbor,
we're not going to be able to elim-
inate the evils in our national sys-
tem. But we'll feel change is pos-
sible - we'll be moving again.
I'm going to fight to get rent con-
trol, to change police priorities so
we can end harassment and start
protecting ourselves from the crim-
es that hurt, to get a real Com-
munity Women's Clinic going in-
stead of just abortion mills, to
make this city responsive to all the
people who haven't been listened
to by officials beholden to the
banks, developers, and the Uni-
versity administration.
THE DEMOCRATS are trying to
scare us into voting for Mogdis.
They are hoping that we will be
so cowed by the spectre of Stephen-
son that we won't notice much
what they've offered instead:
0 the man who approved the
classified Defense Department con-
tract "Analysis of Vietnamization"
for his department at Bendix.
" the new improved Franz Mog-
dis who this year is saying, "Oh,
2nd wa
Frank Shoichet
IN ORDER TO make an intelli-
gent choice, voters should look
beyond campaign rhetoric. They
should ask what the past record of
the three political parties has been
on City Council, which party sticks
to its platform and doesn't find
convenient excuses to cop out, and
whether each party has nominated
an activist.
On each basis, HRP and I feel
we merit your vote and y o u r
crats and Republicans combined to
defeat HRP proposals on rent con-
trol, a public rent-information file,
holding public hearings on the po-
lice, calling for a Federal investi-
gation of rent-freeze violations, op-
posing the St. Joseph Hospital
move, funding the Women's Com-
munity Clinic, forbidding the im-
portation of strike-breakers, and
Some of these votes went con-
trary to the Democrat's own plat-

I'm for human services too" -
when last year he ran a losing race
for Council on a conservative plat-
O a man so insensitive to civil
liberties that he would use high
bail to punish anyone accused of
a property crime who didn't sub-
mit to a "voluntary" urine test.
Democratic voters all over the
city who feel they've been pushed
too far and asked to compromise
too much with this candidate, have
joined my campaign because it of-
fers a real alternative.
The existence of the H u m a n
Rights Party in Ann Arbor means
that none of us has to settle for
unacceptable candidates from the
other, two parties. Disenchanted
Democrats plus a strong student
vote can put me in office.
Your vote Monday is crucial.
Franz Mogdis
THE FEDERAL Government, un-
der Nixon, has abdicated its
responsibility toward the people of
this nation. It has used the Amer-
ican peoplle to achieve its o w n
self-serving end and in so doing,
has negated humandpriorities. The
election results of last November
demonstrate that the people of Ann
Arbor want humaneness returned
to government. As mayor, I would
make this my first priority. If we
are to maitain the uniqueness of
our community, then we cannot ig-
nore the needs of any segment
of our population.
And this position is a major dif-
ference between myself and the

Republican and HRP candidates
for mayor. The Republican, if
elected, has promised to exclude
from the decision-making process,
indeed, would make second class
citizens of, half the community -
the poor, students, minorities, to
name a few. The HRP candidate
would do the same in the opposite
direction. Neither approach, of
course, does anything to solve the
problems facing this community.
In fact, such attitudes only inten-
sify the diviseness and problems
we must find solutions to.
Government must serve all cit-
izens. The poor as well as the rich
have a place in Ann Arbor. Stu-
dents have equal rights to non-
students. Minorities must be serv-
ed along with the majority; wo-
men's needs must be met; sick
people must be cared for: and the
unskilled must be trained.
THESE GOALS can be realized
but only if all resources available
to our city government are direct-
ed to this purpose. Ann Arbor can-
nt go back. We cannot elect a
right-wing Republican who advo-
cates a return to the past and the
implementation of Nixon priorities
here. And that is the soectre we
face. A vote for either the Repub-
lican or HRP candidate for mayor
accomplishes that end. As has been
proven time after time, HRP can't
win city-wide; but they can re-
peat last year's council races in
the fourth and fifth wards and Last
year's school board races and elect
a right-wing Republican. It should
be remembered that even at the
height of HRP success last spring
they only got 24 per cent of the

vote, city-wide, and they haven't
come close to repeating that fig-
ure since.
The leadership provided by the
mayor must be progressive, hu-
mane and responsive to the needs
and concerns of the present and the
future. I am the only candidate
who has campaigned city-wide on
these concerns and offered specific
solutions to the problems we face.
I pledge this type of leadership if
elected Mayor on April 2.
James Stephenson
ANN ARBOR was once a leader
in solving community prob-
lems, the city was well run and
there was a strong community
spirit. Today important problems
are being ignored; city services are
steadily deteriorating, and we are
torn by doubt,Amistrust, and in-
decisiveness. A Democrat-HRP
coalition, more concerned with
symbols and ideology than with
the substance of sound government
management, controls City Hall
and is starting Ann Arbor into the
hopeless problems that plague de-
caying cities. We can no longer
afford this. If I am elected I will
be honest, fair, and frank with all
of the people. I will face our prob-
lems, seek creative solutions and
bring sound management to our
government in order to provide
needed services with a minimum
tax burden.
Every day we are terrorized by
rip-offs - muggings,rrobberies,
rapes, shootings, bodily assaults
and senseless vandalism. The
crime rate is appalling. We must

restore the confidence of the in-
dividuial in the ability of our city
government to protect all citizens.
Our city is littered with unsight-
ly and unsanitary garbage and
garbage cans. Our streets are fil-
thy, rutted, filled with potholes,
and snow and ice removal in neigh-
bodhoods is non-existent. Lansky's
junk yard is still with us. If I am
elected, part of our revenue shar-
ing funds will go toward improving
the environment and restoring
backyard garbage collection.
soreading like wildfire. We all suf-
fer because of the hurts of the
addicts and because of the result-
ing increase in crime. Attempts
to solve this problem through great-
er police enforcement have not
been successful. This is a medical
problem. In addition, we must eli-
minate the profitsafrom the sale
of illegal drugs. I am not optimis-
tic as to how far we can go alone
in solving this problem. However,
I will push as far as possible and
will make everyseffortato stimulate
action at the state and national
Apartment dwellers and other
renters fell the pressure of rising
rents, in part, due to our failure
to expand the supply of housing.
We also are developing pockets of
declay and slum areas which
should be replaced. Unless we act
now we will become another de-
caying urban disaster area. Ann
Arbor Tomorrow is a vital first
step. We must further encourage
the building of better single fam-
ily, multiple dwelling, and com-
mercial structures.



rd candidates look at the issues

form. Why is it that their "con-
science" votes always seem to be
on the side of the status-quo? Coin-
No wonder my Democratic op-
ponent feels it necessary to run
a "me too' campaign. But even.
in their attempt to blur differences,
the Democrats still fall far short of
workable solutions. Instead of rent
control NOW, they support t h e
STUDY commission they passed
with the support of the Republi-
cans. Instead of tenant-controlled
code enforcement they would ask
the same old bureaucrats to do bet-
ter. Instead of calling- for City
pressure on the University for low-
cost housing, they remain silent.
Instead of calling for shifting of
money away from exotic police
hardware into addict rehabilitation
(to help stem the rip-off prob-
lem) they call for more foot pa-
trols from the same police who in-
creased marijuana possession ar-
rests 33 per cent last year. Their
Mayoral candidate proposes what
amounts to preventive detention for
UT BEING ON City Council is
more than just pasing laws. It

means being an activist. After my
service on the Michigan Political
Reform Commission, I left the
Democrats. I workedas an intern
in Detroit Model Cities. Locally, I
was a Community Organizing Di-
rector for the Moratorium, a fund-
ing member of the white support
coalition for BAM, coordinator of
student support for GM and the
University workers' strikes and a
Mayday organizer. Since Septem-
ber, 1971 I have been a near full
time activist with HRP. I am pre-
sently a law student at the Uni-
Carol Jones
WE MUST BEGIN to redefine
"essential city services." Child
care, health care, transportation,
etc., are at least as much govern-
ment's responsibility as the more
traditional uses of municipal au-
thority. City-supported and user-
controlled child care services are
needed to give parents a full op-
portunity to use their talents most
productively. Government - pro-
vided health care must replace a

private health care system which
provides adequate health care to
the rich, and suffering to the poor.
Money now used for acres of as-
phalt must be used to build a con-
venient, low - cost transportation
system. The power of government
must be used to help those who
need its help most, not to rein-
force the disparities betweenrthe
powerful and the powerless.
are only as good as the people who
implement them are responsive.
Too often at present, City Hall
bureaucrats respondsonly to vested
interests ; developers, road build-
ers, landlords. Council must take
an active and critical role in mak-
ing city government responsible.
Regular and periodic review
should be held for all departments
and department heads.,
Administrators who are not re-
sponding to the public's and Coun-
cil's input should be fired and re-
placed by ones who will. The best
way to make City Hall responsive
to the people is to get more of the
people into City Hall. More wom-
en, blacks, younger people, etc.
must be recruited for decision-
making positions in city govern-
I am running for City Council to
serve the needs of under-represent-
ed people in Ann Arbor, not to fur-
ther the ambitions of a political
party. People like George McGov-
et, Fred Postill and Liz Taylor
make it clear to me that progres-

sive change can be achieved by
working in the Democratic Party.
My chief opponent spend most of
his time yelling about how bad
things have always been. I am
working to make them better for
people in the future.
Clan Crawford
should be concentrated in
densely populated, areas instead
of cruising empty through the su-
burbs. I.support the bus millage.
The ridiculous traffic island on
Hill St. at Forest should be elim-,
The University should provide
more outdoor recreation space for
the students, such as around
dorms in student apartment areas.
Many new apartment buildings
should be constructed to create
a competitive situation in student
areas -enabling tenants to ef-
fectively bargain for fair rents
and good service.
Those who are fed up with can-
didates who claim the city has nil-
lions for programs they propose
but are not willing to help squeeze
a mere $139,000 out of city coffers
for decent trash collection and
those who support the positions
above have a choice before them.
Elect Clan Crawford to City Coun-
cil from the Second Ward next

Vote no on optional funding

ALL BALLOT propositions to come
before the student body in recent all-
campus elections none has had more pro-
found implications than the proposal for
voluntary funding of the Student Gov-
ernment Council.
The plan, if approved, would allow in-
dividual students to decide whether they
wish to pay a $1.00 tuition assessment to
support SGC. The-result, in all likelihood,
would be a drastic reduction in the power
of SGC if not its total extermination as
an institution.
For that reason, we urge a "no" vote on
the proposal.
Voluntary funding's proponents argue
that SGC has shown itself to be irrespon-
sible in its use of student money, giving
it out piecemeal rather than developing
a comprehensive responsible fiscal pro-
gram of its own.
Therefore, so the argument goes, Coun-
cil should not be entrusted with large
amounts of student funds.
We feel we must reject this argument.
The power to tax is the fundamental
power on which any government rests. It
cannot be subject to a year by year re-
review by the voters if government is to
have any stability or any chance to carry
out coherent programs.
If the people decide a government is
abusing their trust, it is reasonable to at-
tempt to alter the composition of that
We agree that SGC's spending policy
must be reformed. Voluntary funding,
however, is not the way to °go about it.
ONE LEVER that can be used to produce
a more fiscally sound SGC is a reduc-
tion of the government's funding to a

more reasonable level. We therefore sup-
port a reduction of the SGC assessment
from $1.00 to 75 cents as proposed, by the
first ballot proposition.
While not attacking the principal of
SGC's right to tax, this would demon-
strate voter dissatisfaction with SGC
spending policies in the past. Further, the
25 cents being cut is merely the amount
formerly slated for the SGC meat co-op.
Since the Regents have vetoed the co-op
plan, this money cannot be spent anyway.
THE FOURTH BALLOT proposition-the
so-called "10-10-10 plan"-calls for
adoption of a wholly new SGC constitu-
tion based on radically different patterns
of representation. We urge a "no" vote.
Under this new constitution, each stu-
dent would have three representatives on
SGC: One determined by his or her typej
of residence, one by class standing and
one by which school he or she attends.
Each of this student's representatives
would sit on one of 3 different bodies of
10 representatives. On each body of 10,
various groups would have a fixed num-
ber of votes proportional to the percen-
tage of the student body they represent.
Although the principal of wider and
more complete representation on SGC is
a good one, we feel this plan is not the
way to accomplish it. It is a badly execu-
ted constitution, hastily drawn up con-
taining enough loopholes and ambiguities
to render it completely unworkable under
stress conditions.
We would like to see a careful exami-
nation of the present constitution and
would support sensible, well thought out
changes. However, we. urge you to reject
this ill-conceived plan.

Klein for LSA gov't head

HE KNOWLEDGE and exper-
ience of Jonathan Klein in the
area of academic reform make his
election the most promising of the
three candidates now running for
LSA government.
Klein, presently vice-president for
academic affairs on the council,
has proven his ability to work with
faculty members and initiate pro-
posals of his own for the better-
ment of his constituency.
The Daily also recommends Jim
Glickman, a present LSA govern-

ment member, for the position.
Glickman's support and work in
the areas of governance, counsel-
ing, and grading proposals a 1 s o
make him highly qualified for the
The objectives of both Glickman
and Klein are nearly identical.
Both candidates differ primarily in
their proposed methods to achieve
these objectives, and although
Glickman's hopes for mass student
support for LSA proposals may be
commendable, the Daily finds it

The Daily, however, feels that
candidate Ronald Strauss, a new-
comer to politics at this Univer-
sity, lacks concrete plans for an
effective LSA administration.
At present, we do not feel he
yet has a sufficient knowledge of
LSA politics to serve as president
of the body during a crucial per-
iod when many academic reforms
are imminent.
The Daily instead endorses Klein
for the presidency of the LSA gov-


Letters to The Daily

To The Daily:
THIS IS IN reference to manda-
tory funding for Student Govern-
ment Council. Student groups such
as Advocates for Medical Informa-
tion cannot exist without petty cash
to cover their minimum, operating
expenses. Too often student groups
are formed with good intentions to
work hard for social and economic
change, but dissolve when their
members find that, in addition to
working 12 hours a day on a pro-
ject for no pay, they have to pay
for necessary materials out of their
own pockets. Prior to receiving a
$1000 grant from SGC last fall, the
members of our organization had
spent as much as $100 of their own
pocket money for xeroxing news-
paper ads, and purchase of mater-
ials. Without the funding from SGC
we would not have been able to
bring about change for students at
U of M, or for students on a na-
tional level. We would simply have
There must be mandatory SGC
funding if Student Government


own student government.
-Advocates for Medical
March 24
From the past
I WOULD LIKE to compliment
you on the recent article (March
18) by Laura Berman on the old
Ann Arbor Depot. Aside from be-
ing very well written and enter-
taining, the article managed to re-
create a time and atmosphere
most of us know very little about.
I can remember traveling from
Ann Arbor to New York City,
through Canada, in 1959 (the serv-
ice and cars were lousy then too-
the New York Central by then was
in steep decline) and can also only
vaguely remember riding on trains
driven by steam engine. Today,
when one hears small children play-
ing "trains" by saying 'choo-choo,"
one can be fairly certain that they
don't realize that 'they are mimic-
ing the chug of a steam engine. The
article prompted me to reflect up-
on a significant era of American
history and engage in a bit of nos-
talgia for times gone by.
Please continue these types of
articles, they are a welcome addi-

>ledge made during our campaigns:
We support Benita Kaimowitz and
Frank Schoichet, the winning can-
We are working in their cam-
paigns and urge others to do so.
For their campaigns contribute to
the growth of the third party move-
ment, and, in the second ward, will
hopefully give HRP another repre-
sentative on City Council.
At the same time, the Debs Cau-
cus (formerly Chocolate Almond)
has continued to meet. We will go
on trying to convince people with-
in the party that our perspective
is mostpuseful to create funda-
mental social change in Ann Ar-
bor and. in America. We continue
to see the party as a healthy coal-
ition of a variety of viewpoints,
united around the conviction that a
third party is necessary to create
real social change in our society.
For us, the primary was an import-
ant first step in the process of ex-
plaining our politics to the broad
constituency of HRP.
--Anne Bobroff
Lisa North
M'tarch 15

Sylvia s Signs
Aries should avoid mixing business and
Aries. (March 21 - April 19). It is time
to make a change. Do it with extra care
and consideration to make sure it is an
improvement. Study is favorable as ro-
mance seems headed downhill. The result
however, is enlightenment.
Taurus. (April 20 - May 20). Your ro-
mance and finances suffer setbacks today.
Chances are you will find yourself depressed and headachey.
Escape by taking a long drive in the country.' Delhi Park may
be just what the doctor ordered.
Gemini. (May 21 - June 20). Make sure to finish schoolwork
and other errands early today to give yourself plenty of free
time. Tonite should bring romance into the scene as new peak in
love reached.
Cancer. (June 21 - July 22). You will be reacting to situations
rather than initiating action so hold your tongue. Others will be
too easily offended. Spend a quiet evening by the TV to escape.
Leo. (July 23 - Aug. 22). Don't overeat today, especially rich
desserts as your inactivity will produce unnecessary pounds. Pro-
fits will continue to soar today as an important business deal is
Virgo. (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22). Finish a pending term paper today
to escape from boredom and wasted time. All your affairs should
begin to move forward bringing inspiration, liberation and fun!
Libra. (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22). Events which you have participated
in- of late bring disappointing results. However, the long 'run ef-
fect will bring you unexpected pleasure. You have touched some-
one important.
Scorpio. (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21). Don't make schedule changes that
you have been contemplating. The results could be disastrous.
Set yourself up for an excitingly romantic date that will cost very
Sagittarius. (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21). Cooperation is the keyword
today so take added care in your dealings with others. A good
day to play master chef as new recipes may give you unexpected
insight to a hidden talent.
Capricorn. (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19). An important job interview may
be waiting for you. Check out the possibilities as summer ap-

University Housing Council

IN AN ELECTION year when student
evictions, proposed dormitory rate
hikes with reduced services and dorm se-
curity have become major campus issues,
The Daily finds the election of Candice
Massey as University Housing Council
(UHC) president important for a strong
student voice in housing issues.

Massey has displayed the enthusiasm
and energy necessary for the job. Her
previous experience as a member of UHIC
and awareness of the shortcomings in the
present hierarchy in University housing
hopefully insures a more productive lead-
ership than his been offered during
UHC's brief history.

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