Iihe Sfrfitgan aau Eighty-two years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 F Editor's No a Women's H( Revenue Shari articles, Betit er, and Kathy of the Comm state why the the second ar ber, City c Ward, explain funding. "Thet Wom trer ne unding a woi te: Should funding for medical information and health re- [ealth Clinic come from serh cnu rg? In the first oftwo search, consumer complaint pro- a Cowan, Laurie Leving- cedures, rape and menopausal Okun, three supporters counseling, dispensing of prescrip- nunity women's Clinic, tion drugs, laboratory, and a phar- tey believe it should. In rticle below, Robert Fa- macy or dispensary. ouncilman for second It is clear that a medical facil- Ls his opposition to such ity like the Community Women's Clinic will fill a tremendous need C om m ity in the community for high gality, O / " J low cost and compassionate medi- ,en's Clinic cal care. This need is currently unmet (and in fact ignored) by es- tablished medical institutions. St. Joseph Hospital refuses to do mendous abortions. Presently J. Robert Wil- son of University Women's H o c- ed . . pital holds a monopoly on delivery of women's health care in Wash- SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1973 men's clinic: Two views Pointless drug arrests Thursday's arrest of three dormitory residents on drug charges by state police again demonstrates the misguided priorities of both law enforcement agen- cies and the University, and a willingness to ignore reality. The issue is again one of victimless crime. While the total rate of such ser- ious crimes as rape, theft and breaking and entering are increasing 25 per cent both in the dormitories and in the gen- eral off-campus areas, such drug arrests in the dormitories seem pointless. County Sheriff Fred Postill has an- nounced that marijuana activities and other victimless crimes will receive his lowest priority, but city Police Chief Wal- ter Krasny said Thursday that there "ob- viously was a need developing for a more concentrated effort in this area." We hope Krasny's statement is not a predic- tion of a campus-wide drug campaign. The area needing concentration is not victimless crime. Armed robberies involving marijuana will not be stopped by eviction, as we have stated before. The student may be evict- ed, but marijuana use will not leave at the same time. A crack-down on dormi- tory drug use will create an atmosphere of repression and paranoia. But given the reality of marijuana use in the dormitor- ies in particular and the campus in gen- eral, a crack down will not meet the armed robbery threat. And the problems of assault and theft in dormitories will not be touched. Yet University housing officials ap- pear to be ready to crack down on drug use of all kinds in dormitories. This atti- tude first became apparent last month when the Housing office began proceed- ings to evict an East Quad victim of a marijuana-related armed robbery. The Daily believes that arrests for pos- session of marijuana are pointless. Com- batting victimless crime should not be a high priority of either police agencies or the University. Let's leave marijuana alone and turn our attention to the more serious crimes that affect the Univer- sity community. Watergate truth emerging jN AN appearance on the Dick Cavet show. Thursday night, Presidentia aide Peter Flannigan stated that he couldn't understand why everyone was so upset over a few Cubans trying "t read Larry O'Brien's mail." Yesterday's developments may begin t explain why we are so concerned abou Watergate. Convicted defendant James McCord, in a letter to presiding Judge John Sirica, has admitted for the first time that "there was political pressure applied to the defendants (in the Water- gate trial) to plead guilty and remain silent." There are widespread implications from this statement. The Administration has held firm to a position that the group convicted of breaking into the Watergate building last year for political espionag purposes was acting on its own, and had no connection to the White House. Yet there are strong opinions to the contrary During the trial in January, an uncon- firmed report by United Press Interna- tional cited sources as reporting that the Watergate defendants were being offered $1,000 each for every month spent in jail and an additional lump sum upon release Though never confirmed, this report now seems more believable. McCord also stated that perjury had occured in the trial "in matters highly material to the very structure, orienta- tion and impact of the government's case and to the motivation and intent of the defendants." Today's stoff: News: Bob -Barkin, Jack Krost, Chris Parks, David Stoll, Becky Warner Editorial Page: Denise Gray, Eric Schoch, Martin Stern Arts Page: Sara Rimer, Gloria Jane Smith Photo Technician: Thomas Gottlieb t McCord further indicated that there a were others involved in the Watergate in- e cident whose names were not revealed, s and that the CIA wasn't responsible for o the break-in McCord thus requested a private audi- a ence with Sirica, expressing concern t about talking in the presence of any gov- s ernmental officials or FBI agents. e IT SHOULD NOW be clear that the Wat- ergate break-ins was part of a, larger e conspiracy, going far beyond just the - "reading" of former Democratic Party 1 Chairman Lawrence O'Brien's mail. The Administration is obviously most s suspect, for they had the most to gain in 1 pre-election sabotage and espionage. Yet, ? everyone, even one's government is en- e titled to a judgement of innocent until e proven guilty. 1 In which case. the major question is, if the Nixon administration is indeed in- nocent of involvement with the Water- gate group, then why aren't they at- - tempting to locate the real culprits? President Nixon's refusal to discuss x Watergate, as well as his extension of executive privilege to his past and pres- ent underlings (to prevent them from v talking to Senate investigators) only throws more suspicion on the Nixon ad- I ministration. Y It is reassuring, however, to know that - attempts are being made by the Senate and other concerned individuals to make the truth known. Hopefully, the scope of the "conspiracy" will not extend to the point of posing a threat to the public's right to know, which in the case of Wat- ergate, remains extremely important. IT WILL BE a let-down of sorts if Nixon himself is implicated in the Water- gate scandal. After all, we do know how concerned he is with crime in our coun- try. By BETITA COWAN, LAURIE LEVINGER, and KATHY OKUN CAN YOU get an abortion in Ann Arbor? No! Can you get an iodine strain test for vaginal cancer upon request in Ann Arbor? No! Does abortion counseling (n o t merely referral) exist in Ann Ar- bor? No! Is low or zero cost medi- cal care provided by a woman's health facility? No! How many women had to leave Ann Arbor lar year to get abortions? Over 5,000. THE NEWLY-ORGANIZED Com- munity Women's Clinic (CWC) re- presents much more than a medial facility where women can finally obtain safe, low-cost abortions. CWC is part of the new era of womanhood; part of the dream of liberation from oppressive, hu- miliating medical treatment. Tra- ditionally women have been con- ditioned to regard their bodies as sources of embarrassment; to re- gard pelvic exams as humiliating experiences; to regard menstruat- ing as "the curse"; to regard con- traception and the role of child- bearing as entirely theirs; and to find their sexuality and personal satisfaction burred somewhere be- neath the societal dictates which force a woman's pleasude, social outlets and sexual satisfaction to be derived entirely f r o in some man. In former yearsra woman's success was measured in terms of her husband's success as well as how clean she kept her house and how many sons she could bear. There have been small victories since thefirst liberation 50gyears ago, when women were granted the right to vote. But the first glimmer of hope of winning the fight against female oppression came on January 22, 1973, when the Supreme Court proclaimed a woman's body to be her own, and allowed her the right to decide whether or not she will bear child- ren. The area in which women have had the most difficulty making in- roads is concerning medical care, because of the rampant sexism existing in medical establishments. THE COMMUNITY Women's Clinic will be a first-of-its-kind of medical facility in t h e United States. It will be controlled by the very people who use its 'serv- ices. While there may be physic- ians and other medical people on an advisory board, the actual de- cision-making body will be com- posed entirely of women consum- ers. The services provided by the CWC will be comprehensive and meet the whole range of women's health needs. Included will be: VD diagnosis and treatment, h i r control counseling and dispensing of contraceptives, termination of pregnancy, menstrual epxraction (a technique of removing the aterine lining, usually done in cases of in- determinate pregnancy or unpro- tected intercourse), abortion cour- seling, educational services and literature, informal casses on ixomen's health and patient's rights, tenaw County. University uospital offers a small number of women the chance to obtain an ab )rtlon only if they can pay exorbitant pri- ces, and consent to be used as a teaching device for OB/GYN in- terns. Ann Arbor send away approxi- mately 100 women a week t7 seek abortions elsewhere, because our present medical institutions refuse to perform routine abortions. CURRENTLY, the Community Women's Clinic is being used as a political football in the struggle for revenue-sharing monies. It would be reasonable to assume that a community-controlled health facility would be a priority item for revenue sharing funds. And women in the community assumed the Community Women's Clinic, along with other clinics (e.g. Sum- mit Street, Free People's Clinic), would receive funding. Even the Health Subcommittee of the City Council originally agreed tn allo- cate funds to the CWC. But Mayor Robert Harris inter- vened and refused to give the CWC any funds. Harris was pressured by establishment doctors and mem- bers of Family Planning Medical Services (a not-as-yet operatiae teaching and research abortion clinic controlled by J. Robert Wil- son of Univ. Hosp.). Harris re- jected funding for a non-profit, community - controlled women's clinic. By doing this, Harris h a s shown himself to be unresponsive to the needs and the demands of women for a clinic that has re- ceived broad-based community support. And so, who are the women who began the Community Women's Clinic? We are a non-partisan group of black and white, young and old, rich and poor women from the Ann Arbor community. We are already a large group and we hope to continue to grow. We need and invite every woman who feels com- mitted to the goal of a low cost woman controlled health facility to join us. "The abortion clinic ., . many questions and flaws By ROBERT FABER AT LAST MONDAY'S C o u n c i l meeting the issue of a locally sponsored abortion clinic wasrais- ed with such persistance and with such passion that the survival of the carefully and objectivelybcon- structed Revenue Sharing budget is now in gravendoubt. The budget is a responsible one, recognizing the city's physical and financial needs (new fire equipment, police vehicles, retirement of past debts, transportation study, etc.) as well as its human needs (youth employ- ment, drug prevention and treat- ment, day care facilities for low grcome families, recreation pro- grams, etc.). Because the emotion- alism of the issue of the abortion clinic has so clouded the reasons for and the nature of the opposi- tion it is important that the histov and the status be more clearly re- fined. After months of discussion vnd public hearings three broad major categories of the budget were iden- tified and funded - Youth a n d Drug Related Programs ($200,000), Day Care Centers ($200,000) and Medical Needs ($114,952). Each of these categories was assigned to a tri-partisan committee for fur- ther designation into specific pro- grams. In the Medical committee $62,500 was allocated to the Summit Med- ical Center in order to expand their program of providing low cost medical care on an ability-to-pay basis in their own and other den- tal and medical facilities. A last minute request for funds for the abortion clinic was made to the Medical committee, but because of the group's embryonic stage of dje- velopment the committee decided to use the remaining $52,452 as -n Indigent Referral Fund. This mon- ey was to be used for payment of medical tests and treatment for those poor who, for reasons of in- adequate staff or equipment, were unable to be treated at one of the subsidized clinics. A last moment, high-powered plea was made to divert a b o u t $50,000 to the creation of the abor- tion clinic. The Mayor indicated his opposition, but promised to hold the Medical component of the bud- get for a week if there was any hope the . delay might produce a change or a compromise. The sub- sequent caucus of the Democratic councilmen revealed a unanimous and determined opposition to any possibility of eliminating the Indi- gent Referral Fund in favor of an incompletely designed abortion clinic, so the request for the week's PoSGC reconstruction delay was denied. Consequently, the' Democratic and HRP counc!l members reached a final agree- ment on the budget that includ d the Indigent Referral Servie and that was later presented at r h e Monday night 6:00 Council me.-ing. This was at 4:05 P.M. Monday. UNFORTUNATELY and unfairly, the proponents of the abortion clin- ic viewed opposition to the allo- cation as opposition to the concept and attacked accordingly. The problem, however, was of a dif- ferent nature: - The proposed project was so new and so undeveloped that some of us felt an allocation of anything like $50,000 would be grossly irre- sponsible. The persistance and en- thusiasm of the group was impres- sive, but the documentation of budget needs and income was to- tally lacking. A complicated med- ical facility anticipated to cost about $250,000 seemed to have been thrown together in almost no time without reasonable explanation of the cost or location of a facility, size of staff or sources of additional funding. - The spokeswoman for t h e group indicated the annual number of abortions expected to be per- formed at the clinic would be in excess of 3,000. In as much as this is about the total number of child- ren born in Ann Arbor each year, there is a high likelihood that ei- ther the figure is completely inac- curate (in which case the budget is equally out of line) or the facil- ity is being designed to service all of Washtenaw Countygand perhaps beyond. I entirely agree with the need for a regional facility of this sort, but I cannot support the idea of the City of Ann Arbor bearing the burden of funding the project unassisted. - The proposal was made at such a late date that the optio'is open to us were either to spend the limited available funds for ;he 4 abortion clinic, a good concept with a less than overwhelming as- surance of success, or use it for the Medical Referal Service for the indigent. The Referral Service re- cognized a very real and immed- iate need that could easily be ful- filled by existing agencies. I far one was not about to risk a pro- gram of such obvious value for one that had as many questions and flaws as the abortion clinic. I FIND IT sad that the dedicat- ed and concerned women who are so anxiously pushing this proposal, recognizing as they must the pre- mature and unresolves aspects of the abortion clinic, persist in jeo- pardizing such immensely valuable Revenue Sharing programs as Day Care Centers, Youth*Drug p r o- grams and other medical care pro- grams by their determination. It has been understood and stressed from the beginning of the budget process that the Revenue Sharing budget would be passed as arpack- age or not at all and this relent- less effort on the part of the pro- ponents of the clinic could well de- stroy the entire package. But saddest and most confusing of all is the antagonism evidenced by the supporters of the abortion clinic. klumerous programs h a v e been proposed and examined. Ot pitifully limited funds have neces- sarily excluded most of them. Our options were many and our decis- ions were difficult, but t h o s e decisions were made on the basis of ultimate anticipated value to the community. Unfortunately, none of us zan ascertain with absolute certainty which programs will provide t h e most comfort to the most needy. We try and we hope and I find it difficult to fault that. By DAVE SCHAPER THE PRESENT Student Government Council has many problems, is often unrepresentative, and has many recognized abuses. However, it is im- portant to keep the problem and the solution in perspective. The solution to these problems is re- form designed toCsolve those problems, not the destruction of SGC. Nothing SGC does or would like to do can be done unless all students are included in its membership. While the idea of a "free ride" may be superficially alluring, there can be no student power in any University decision-making unless there is a govern- ment that includes all students. No voluntary mem- bership association can legitimately seek or re- receive representation unless it includes everybody. Thus, optional funding is no solution. It would de- stroy student government. The proposed new constitution for SGC would solve the real problems of SGC without destroying it. The proposal has 3 main parts: (1) restructuring SGC so as to include representa- tives from all of the many diverse parts of the stu- dent body. (2) Reducing SGC dues from $1 to 45c plus 30c for the legal counsel. (3) Eliminating specific abuses that have caused so much legitimate criticism of SGC. FIRST OF ALL, let's look at the restructuring. The present small, elitist, party-dominated Council is elected at large and this makes it accountable to no one. The New Constitution includes every interest group in a 30 vote body: 10 votes are apportioned by population by hous- ing: Dorms, co-ops, fraternities, sororities, married studentrhousing, and apartments all receive re- presentation. 10 votes are apportioned according to school - LSA, Engineering, Education, Medical, Law, and so forth, including even the inter-college degree programs. 10 votes are apportioned by degree division: Rack- ham graduate (2), Professional Graduate (2), and Undergraduate (6). The president and vice-president of the student body would still be elected campus-wide, and the Bill of Rights and Central Student Judiciary would remain intact. SECONDLY, there is the dues reduction. The 45c plus 30c proposed is neither excessive nor oppres- sive. It represents the amount SGC minimally needs to do its job. The present $1 included 25c which was to be used for the grocery co-op which the Re- gents vetoed. The collection of dues recognizes the reality that there is no such thing as a voluntary student govern- ment. Finally, there are a series of specific abuses which are corrected in the New Constitution: " Members and Officers of Student Government' are required to be current students, and students of the constituency which elects them. " Vacancies - which occur regularly - will be filled only by election. Gone will be the spectacle of packing and filling "elective" seats non-electively. * Salaries are prohibited. " Outside allocations will require a 2/3 vote - a rule, when it was not in the constitution, was often ignored. The ludicrous SGC' quorum would be reduced to prevent the quorum-pulling circuses and blackmail. The quorum would be a majority. * Members who failed to attend 3 regular sched- uled and announced consecutive meetings would be removed - as would graduating members. * School and college governments would be guar- anteed their independence within a federal system. * Communication would be- improved by having a directly elected president of government that ex- actly parallels one of the districts, to hold one of the district seats. Dave Schaper is the former treasurer for the SGC a m Sylvia's Signs SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1973 Aries should avoid stirring up trouble and jealousy. Aries. (March 21 - April 19). Y o u r thoughts should be maintained on a higher conscious level today. Learning to play and live the master game should be foremost. Mutual attraction exists. Taurus. (April 20 - May 20). You- must be careful now in becoming involved with new acquaintances until you know more about them. Don't fall for phony schemes. Evening date a likely dud. Gemini. (May 21 - June 20). Your tendency to party all the time is beginning to catch up with you. It is time to give serious thought. Partnerships in love give negative vibes. UN - under- standing. Cancer. (June 21 - July 22). Your personality and influence should be very strong today. Others will be taken by your mag- netism. Plan a quiet dinner by candlelight with someone close. Leo. (July 23 - Aug. 22). Many interesting invitations are being presented to you for entertainment and travel. Pleasant but un- expected ends could result. A party may not be up to par. Virgo. (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22). You are likely to be with uncon- ventional people and experience a strong urge to participate in the strange activities. Hold to your principles and reputation. Libra. (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22). Most Libras will find themselves traveling this weekend. A good time to visit with close friends or distant lovers. Chat a little with all your friends. Scorpio. (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21). The day will be rather frustrating. Your finances are off, others are successful at your game, and romance is elusive no matter how you try to stir. Sagittarius. (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21). Stay tight lipped where others may be hurt or offended. You should be inspiring and quite the centr nf attraction . mr il h in full blonm. Con: SGC reconstruction going up the stair . met a man who wasn't there." By JAY HACK THE PLAN for restructuring Student Government Council which will appear on the upcoming SGC election ballot is disasterous and can only lead to an increased bureaucratic framework which will accomplish even less than the present body, if that is possible. The present problems that SGC is facing cannot be solved by adding more members, as their addition will just leave room for more in- competent members. A student government with thirty childish members will be no better than a government with only eleven. In past years, as a matter of fact until GROUP first elected members to council in November of 1971, Student Government Council was able to work on a large number of important programs to bene- fit the students. Though there were tremendous political differences between the members, the structure of the government was viable because these members respected each other and worked hard. THERE IS no need for a change in the structure of SGC, and especially not the changes suggested in the proposal that will appear on the ballot. The division of students into three different major sec- tors and many minor divisions such as by degree status will only lead to increased factionalism that will make a coherent majority impossible to form- ulate. This plan is exactly what the university ad- ministration has been wanting for years. If stu- A--+ -- ,7..:- A _ , .+.:+ .,11 1. ,... .,. . IT IS UNFAIR, for example, to have all of SGC decide upon questions that interest only engineers, and these decisions should be left up to the engine council. Those decisions which SGC makes are de- cisions for all of the students and should be made by representatives of all the students elected by all the students voting together as a united block. Other parts of the Schaper plan are disasters. The first of these is the suggestion that the quor- um requirement be lowered. The purpose of a quor- um is to make sure that the majority of a small minority cannot tyrannize the students through the railroading of unpopular legislation. Schaper wants to remove the quorum requirement so that he and his flunkies can buy elections with large expendi- tures of money and then ram through their own pet motions with only less than half of the mem- bers. THE OTHER provisions of the new plan are too numerous to attack point- by point, but a few should be 'mentioned. The plan includes a provision for an end to executive salaries which sounds like a major change until one realizes that this amounts to only $25 per month for the president and less for other officers. It is true that there are too many officers on the present council who are receiving some menial salary like $15, but these officers are there primarily because those people supporting the plan put them there. SGC should go back to the time when there were only four executive officers and ther e ns nn hurrcrav tn make effective I- t WA1 i \ \ ANPA A f I ll t I E II - I