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March 24, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-03-24

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See Editorial Page

SirO~ A6

:43 til

For details, see Today

Vol. LXXXIII, No. 137

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, March 24, 1973

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

h "

N. Viets
to release iC Oru




v Vote note
Heroin addiction has become a major issue between Franz
Mogdis and Be Kaimowitz, the Democratic and HRP candidates
for mayor. Mogdis wants all persons arrested for property
crimes to be given heroin tests. If heroin is detected, but the
person agrees to rehabilitation, currently prohibitive bail levels
would be reduced. Refusal to take the test would mean the
application of the regular bail, which usually averages six
months' pre-trial confinement. Kaimowitz describes the plan
as-"preventive detention and a blatant violation of -civil liberties."
Call me
It seems that' someone named "Eve" tried to pull a fast
one yesterday. Apparently "Eve" placed an ad in the personal
column of The Daily, saying she wanted to have fun and left a
phone number. But the number she gave was for the West Quad
food service department. "Maybe she didn't like our food," said
an anguished chef, complaining about the deluge of calls. "Al-
though," he added with an afterthought, "I wouldn't mind meet-
ing Eve." Wonder what he meant by that?
Krasny: I'll stay
City Police Chief Walter Krasny yesterday quashed rumors
that he would retire. The 55-year-old city top cop said he has
been eligible for retirement for seven years, but has no plans
to quit just yet. Krasny also took the opportunity to express
dismay at Democratic mayoral 'candidate Franz Mogdis' recent
statement that he would fire him. "If he thinks he's going to
get votes by saying that-fine. But he should at least say why,"
Krasny said.
Things quieter at schools
Things were generally calmer at Pioneer High School yes-
terday following student violence earlier this week. There was
scuffling and pushing at the city's other high school, Huron,
however. There were no arrests or injuriesbut six students were
suspended when they refused to leave the area and/or go to
class. Attendance at Pioneer dropped to. at least 50 per cent
yesterday, with no less than 80 per cent of the black students
staying away from classes in what amounted to a spontaneous
class boycott. Attendance at Huron was about normal.
Happenings . .
include a seminar on "Collective Negotiations and
Teacher Organizations in Today's Education System" from 10
a.m. to noon, in Schorling Aud. in the School of Education Bldg.
a film "I am a Jerusalemite" shown in Trueblood Aud. in
the Frieze Bldg. at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. Admission is $1 . . . a
"shamrock for distrophy" drive sponsored by the Fraternities.
Co-ordinating Council and the Panhellenic Council. The opening
ceremonies, which will be highlighted by a ribbon cutting cere-
mony by Mayor Robert Harris, will take place on State Street
in front of Angell Hall at 1:30 p.m.
Dope notes
LOS ANGELES-About seven kilos of marijuana has dis-
appeared from a West Los Angeles courthouse where it was to
have been used as evidence in a trial. The disappearance of
the grass worth $13,000 on the street recalled the much larger
theft of $18 million worth of drug evidence from New York
Police Department property rooms. Someone must be awfully
high . .- . and speaking of high, the preparation for the second
annual hash fest is rapidly reaching a climax. Even though
the President turned down his invitation 'you don't have to be
an April fool, too. Sunday at noon.
Lawmakers at work
It was all smiles for the Texas House of Representatives
Thursday as the Tyler Junior College Band and "Apache Belles"
girls' dance team presented Speaker Price Daniels with a cer-
tificate naming him as "Apache Belle." The smiles became
cheers and applause, afterward however,, when six of the
dancers lined up at the front of the chamber, turned their backs
to the-legislators, and simultaneously bent at the waist, holding
letters that spelled out "reform" behind them. That's using
your head.
Chew on this
MELBOURNE-Thieves stole nearly 3,500 teeth worth about
$1,500 from a dentist's surgery here yesterday. "You name it,
they took it, back teeth, front teeth, plastic and porcelain
teeth," the dentist, Dr. W. D. Fairlie, said.
On the inside. .. .
are first-hand reports on two championship events
on the Sports Page. Rick Stuck relates the doings at the
Big Ten gymnastics championships while Chuck Bloom
does the same for NCAA swimming . . . the Edit Page
features pro and con arguments on a city abortion clinic
and the Arts Page presents Warren Rosenberg's
analysis of Robert Hayden's poetry.
The weather picture
It looks like we're going to have another one of those

coal spring days, with a high around 40 and a law near 29.
There are going to be a lot of clouds in the sky, too, but
fortunately none of the little critters are supposed to bring

the last
o f POWs
By AP and Reuter
SAIGON - North Vietnam said
yesterday it will release its last
American prisoners of war by next
Wednesday's deadline.
Maj. Gen. Le Qang Hoa, chief
of the North Vietnamese cease-fire
i delegation, said the North Vietna-
mese plan for repatriating the
POWs would be handed over at a
special meeting of the four-party
Joint Military Commission today.
Hoa made the statement at a
news conference at his headquar-
ters at Tan Son Nhut air base.
But an impasse still appeared to
exist between the United States
and North Vietnam over conditions
for the release of the POWs.
The Jan. 27 Paris peace agree-
ment says that all American pris-
oners shall be released and all U.
S. troops withdrawn from Vietnam
within 60 days - by Wednesday.
The United States suspended
withdrawal of troops this week be-
cause the Communist side had not
provided a list of the American
prisoners to be released in Laos.
The communists then called off
the release of 138 American POWs
scheduled for this weekend in Ha-
Hoa charged that the U.S. posi-
tion on the prisoners in Laos was
"totally unreasonable and unre-
lated to the agreement."
"Since this obstacle is built up
by the U. S. side, it is incumbent
on the U.S. side to remove this
obstacle," Hoa said.
"We request and we demand
that the U. S. side provide our
delegation with the schedule for
the withdrawal of U. S. troops and
those allied countries within the
same time, in other words within
the 60-day period," he said.
Sources said the United States
and North Vietnam held secret
meetings yesterday in an effort
to resolve the impasse.
Meanwhile the United States yes-
terday gave Hanoi a thinly - dis- -
guised warning that it might use
its air power to knock out a sur-
face to air (SAM) missile site
which the Communists allegedly
have set up in South Vietnam.
A Pentagon spokesman told re-
porters: "The warning means just
what it says."
"We reserve the right to do
whatever we think is necessary to
act against these sites," Major
General Daniel James said.
Asked whether this included air
strikes by U. S. bombers, he said:
"The other side has the right to
interpret that (warning) anyway
they want."
A&D dean
Reginald Malcolmson, dean of
the College of Architecture and De-
sign since 1964, will step down
from the deanship next year to
resume teaching and research at
the University.
Malcolmson's decision, effective
August 31, 1974, was announced at
a faculty meeting Thursday. A
successor has not yet been named.
Since Malcolmson's appointment
eight years ago, the architecture
and design school has developed a
department of urban planning and
begun construction of a new build-
ing for the college on North Cam-

pus, to be completed by the fall
of 1974. Malcolmson has also re-
structured the administration of the
Under Malcolmson a professional
doctoral degree in architecture has
been instituted, along with an ex-




~~ Liddy gets
~ 20.year
i:vi:: ::;i}};"i}W.}}::"~ sen ten ce ,
WASHINGT1ON (Reuter) -
?t.: =James McCord, former secur-
:;:ity chief of President Nixon's
. =re-election committee, h a s
said that perjury was commit-
ted in the Watergate trial and
indicated that he will reveal
the names of other persons
involved in the case.
This accusation came yesterday
as Chief U. S. District Court Judge
John Sirica sentenced former
White House aide and alleged Wat-
ergate ringleader Gordon Liddy
to up to 20 years in prison.
In a letter to the judge, McCord
<> said political pressure had been ap-
plied on Watergate defendants to
>h xplead guilty and remain silent.
McCord said his family feared for
'his life.

Wounded Knee lookout
Constant watch is maintained on government movements by members of the American Indian Movement (AIM) at Wounded Knee.
Militant AIM members took over the tiny h-'mlet over three weeks ago and early yesterday morning exchanged an estimated 1,000 rounds
of gunfire with government forces. No casualties were reported from the shootout.

Democrats have alleged the
Watergate bugging was part of a
widespread Republican sabotage
effort against the Democratic pres-
idential election campaign last
year, and that the conspiracy went
all the way to the White House.
The Judge said he would post-
pone sentencing of McCord, who
remains free on bail of $100,000, at
least until next Friday.
He also ordered thefive remain-
ing defendants - all of' whom
pleaded guilty at the start of the
trial - to appear before him again
In the meantime he temporarily
sentenced them to the maximum
prison terms alltwed on the wire-
tapping, burglary and o t h e r
charges and advised them to seri-
'ously consider making public ev-
erything they knew about the Wat-
ergate affair.
Howard Hunt, 54, a former White
House consultant and Central In-
telligence Agency official, was tem-
porarily sentenced to 35 years im-
The other four, all from Miami,
were each temporarily sentenced
to 55 years imprisonment. They
were Bernard Barker, Eugenio
Martinez, Frank Sturgis and Vir-
gjlio Gonzalez.
The judge told the five: "I hold
out no promises." But he said he
hoped they would take full advan-



Mss transportation, cycle
to be consideredbyci
By WILLIAM DALTON in Ann Arbor by telephoning a minutes to the final destination. reconst
Transportation is the key issue dispatcher and requesting service. Special low rates are planned for tion of
in two upcoming referenda, as During peak hours, from 6:30 to senior citizens and low-inQome passes,
propositions involving mass tran- 9 a.m. and from 3 to 6 p.m., a families. ramps,
sit and safety improvements in- "feeder" system of dial-a-ride ve- Proposition B asks the voters capped
cluding construction of bicycle hicles will pick passengers up at to allow the city to issue general Speci
paths around the city are brought their doorsteps and take them to obligation unlimited tax bonds for allocat
before the voters for approval express bus transfer points, where a sum not to exceed $1,790,000 for city-wi
in local elections. they will board buses to their the purpose of highway safety. deveolp
Proposition A concerns amend- final destinations. The fare would The money would be used for would
ing the city charter to allow for a be a flat twenty-five cents, with highway improvements and re- lanesa
tax levy of 2.5 mills annually for an average time of twenty-three lated safety faciilties such as the
equipping and operating a public-
transportation system. The char-
ter amendment is required because
the city is already taxing at the L e n o rd
maximum allowable rate.
The increased revenue would
help to support a new transit sys-
tem which combines dial-a-ride ea e Ui e
service, with an express bus net- --e
work. The initial funding of the'NEW YORK UP-- Former Beatle
program will require two million 60 days yesterday to leave the count
dollars for buying the buses and ported as an undesirable alien His la
building a garage facility.
After thebinitial cost the annual Federal immigration judge Ira Wi
operating budget is expected to ;
remain at about two million dol- $? non's Japanese wife, Yoko, deportab
lars a year. However, the system ' plication to stay in this country as a p
is expected to generate only |;|: The denial of a similar applicat
$364,000 in annual revenue. The his 40-year-old wife with the appare
increased tax assessment wouldh
defray the additional' costs of the between her husband and this count
system ,and its passage is seen by visitors' visas.
Ann Arbor Transportation Author- A spokesman quoted the couple <
ity Chairman William Drake as who were in Los Angeles, as say
being essential to getting the new ing in a statement after the de-
transit system started.w ision: "Having just celebrated
ahe proposed system will allow our fourth anniversary, we are not
a person to travel anywhere with- Lennonnrepared to sleen in senarate heck

ruction of bridges, construc-
sidewalks, pedestrian over-
bicy cle paths, curbs,
and curb cuts for handi-

ifically, $800,000 would be 'tage of any opportunity to cooper-
-d towards construction of ate with a Senate committee which
de bikeways. In the under- will investigate the bugging, and
ped areas of the city this with a grand jury investigation
mean building separate into the whole affair.
along the sides of streets. The sentencing of the five will
See CITY, Page 8 be, reviewed in three months, he
Court observers said Judge Siri-
ca, who frequently complained dur-
ing the trial that the hearings fail-
ed to unearth all the facts, was
clearly implying the five would
-a ereceive lighter sentences if they
gave a full account of the bugging
John Lennon was given and its political implications.
Only McCord, who was caught
ry voluntarily or be de- inside the Democratic Party head-
wyer said an appeal was quarters, and Liddy maintained
their innocence throughout the
ieldsteel also found Len- trial.
le, bteegasnted he n-"The court has reached the opin-
le, but granted her ap- ion that the crimes committeed by
ermanent resident alien. these defendants can only be de-
ion by Lennon, 32, left scribed as sordid, despicable and
nt dilemma of choosing thoroughly reprehensible," Sirica
,ry. Both had overstayed said.
About 150 spectators, crowded
See McCORD, Page 8

Chile 1P4-1 Y1

By prof resigns HEW
By PENNY BLANK. I alwvays felt it was important

to be a builder, but after

Peace and love from John and
Leonard Wildes, attorney for the
Lennons, said: "They're not go-ILn e
ing to separate. My own impres-
sion from their statement is that SANTIAGO, Chile {P) -- A pro
they're staying and they're going turned down an offer from an In
to see it through." I (ITT) executive to help anti-Mar:
Lennon's expulsion was based on Salvador Allende as president.
his 1968 conviction in England for Arturo Matte Larrain said in
possession of hashish. Fieldsteel
said the crime made him inadmis- Berrellez, an ITT public relationsE
sable here as a permanent alien ago while the election of Allende
resident under U. S. law. balance.

For University education Prof. Joseph Cosand, "thirteen
months in Washington was too long."
Cosand returned to Ann Arbor last month after quitting his
position as Deputy Commissioner of Education, claiming he had
done all he could do "under mnesent conditions."


there was no action on funding I felt only like a caretaker in
Washington," he reflects.
"The Administration position on higher education is that,
as they see it, available aid should go basically to low income

ominent politician said yesterday he
ternational Telephone & Telegraph
xist Chileans block the election of
a telephone interview that Robert
executive, made the offer two years
, a Marxist-Socialist, hung in the
manager for ex-President Jorge
n1 nnntorvativP wlinennP f -twxn nnn-

The couple came here Aug. 13,
19-,1 ostensibly in search of Ms.

Matte Larrain was campaign

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