Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, March 22, 1973 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY . ___., I, ITT tried ASKED CIA AID Chile election fix D. B. PRODUCTIONS Spring JAZZ -Concert By AP and UPI ITT President Harold Geneen he become president of Chile. program to improve housing and mistic on the outcome" of the Chile WASHINGTON - Former Cen- "mentioned a million dollars in Allende won a plurality in the technical and agricultural assist- election and felt Allende would win. tral Intelligence Agency (CIA) support of any U. S. government popular election of Sept. 4, 1970, ance in Chile. He said is was "very probable Director J o h n McCone told plan for the purpose of bringing and Was elected president by the "At no.time was the suggestion that he asked Helms to have one the Senate yesterday that the pres- about a coalition of opposition to Chilean congress in late October. In made to use the money surrepti- of his staff, familiar with the situ- ident of the International Tele- Allende," McCone said. September 1971 the Allende govern- tiously," said the slight, white- ation in Latin America, to get in .phone and.Telegraph Corp. wanted McCone said he discussed the ment took over ITT-owned Chile haired witness. "There was noth. touch with Geneen." to provide $1 million to defeat idea with Geneen and that it was Telephone Co. covert about it." Marxist Salvador Allende in the subsequently presented to Kis- McCone said at a meeting with ingcommrtteeMmemserslyrrtd y Chile presidential election of 1970. singer. Helms, probably in June 1970, he But committee members were suggestion that the ITT board of McCone, now an ITT Director, "Mr. Kissinger thanked me very asked if the government was in- clearly skeptical that the offer, said directors had in mind underwrit- said he carried the offer to Rich- much and said I would hear from terested in doing anything to sup- to have been originally suggested ing operations by the Central In- ard Helms, who had succeeded him him," McCone related. "I did not, port one of the opposition candi- by Geneen, was for economic aid. telligence Agency in Chile, but he as CIA Director, and to Henry Kis- so I assume there was no such dates. Several committee members sug- asknowledged such an idea may singer, national security adviser plan." McCone said that the idea was gested that the money was intend- have been part of "staff thinking." to President Nixon. McCone said he discussed with to support a coalition of Chilean ed for undercover operations. a caliio ofChlea 'McCone said he had discussed He said he was unfamiliar with McCone testified before a spe- Helms ITT's fear that Allende political opponents to Allende, who MeChiead the name of William Broe chief of cial Senate subcommittee on alle- would expropriate the company's faced a runoff election. McCone the Chilean political situation fre- Western Hemisphere clandestine gations that ITT tried to keep Al- properties as well as the property also said the idea was to have ITT quently before the September elc- services for the CIA, but Broe's lende from taking office. of other U. S. corporations should contribute to any U. S. government tion with Richard eIms, wo st m meeting with Geneen on July 16, and recently was named ambas- 1970 in a Washington hotel appar- sador to Iran. ently was the result of his meeting HisartIaHmho sdhe cale with Helms. an interagency committee consist- aged by students at the University of ing of members of the White House. Michigan. News phone: 764-0562. Second Vt t 01 O S State Department, Defense Depart- Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich fiesdrcl o ht os iganhc 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, ment, as well as the CIA had dis- Miolgan 48104. Published daily Tues- ycussed the Chilesituation and "the clay through Sunday morning Univer- By AP and UPI tive privilege to prevent Dean's appearance be- decision had been reached that sity year. Subscription rates: $10 by fore the committee.nohg~ carrier (campus area), $11 local mail WASHINGTON - L. Patrick Gray said yesterday nothing would be done." (in Mich. or Ohio); $13 non-local mail WASHIGTON nGray said he believed the type of material that He said, however, that Helms (other states and foreign). he gave FBI investigative reports on the Water- should be routed through the .attorney general told him that "some minimal ef- Summer session published Tuesday J*gaten gn cae dec to WhievHogusegcoul d- was the FBI's so-called LHM Letterhead Memo- fort within the flexibility of its own throughte Saturday bmorning.r Subscrip John Dean only a .week after receiving legal ad- radimonhcratessumar$5.50enb by FIcarrierculdb(cagaepus vice that information on .FBI criminal investiga- randum, which is a summary written by the FBI. budget could be engaged in" by area); $6.50 local mail (in Mich. or ins should be ratoted through the attorney g- The type of material given to Dean in his office the CIA. Ohio); $7.50 non-local mail (other y gener- were the investigative reports, or FD302s, consist- McCone said Helms was "pessi-_statesandforeign). al. SUNDAY, APRIL 1 - 8:30 p.m. Featuring JULIAN SCAN NON BALL ADDERLY SHERBIE MANN ALO SLES McCANSAME SHOW! 'TICKETS: $5.50 - $6.50 ON SALE AT J.L. HUDSON, GRINNELL'S, MASONIC Box Office NOTE: Tickets on sale day of show from 4 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. HERBIE MANN MASONIC AUDITORIUM Iw - C Is I I * STARTS TODAY OPEN 6:45 TODAY & FRIDAY AT 7 PM & 9 PM Under questioning by Sen. Edward Kennedy, (D- 'Mass.), Gray said Dean requested the material and picked it up personally in Gray's office last July 28. That was seven days after the FBI gen- eral counsel advised that FBI information for the White House should go first to Atty. Gen. Richard Kleindienst as head of the Justice Department. Gray told the Senate Judiciary Committee, ,:which is considering his nomination to be perma- nent FBI director, that it was his own decision to allow Dean to see the Watergate files because he said thesWhite House had requested it. Gray said Dean personally was handed the files at the FBI as part of his independent investigation * for President Nixon to ascertain if there was any administration involvement in the break-in of Democratic headquarters at the Watergate build- ing. "Dean and I didn't discuss the substance of his inquiry," Gray said. "He did his investigation" : and I did mine." The White House and the committee are at an irpasse which could delay Gray's approval in- definitely because President Nixon invoked execu- ing mostly of interviews. "The different approach was taken because there were different kinds of material involved," said Gray. Later,Kennedy told news men he couldn't see the difference between the types of information referred to by Gray and said "they both seemed to me to be sensitive." Kennedy said he believed that giving the ma- terial to Dean in Gray's office withouttnotifying the attorney general or anyone else in the FBI vio- lated procedures outlined by the FBI legal counsel and concurred in bythe acting FBI director. FBI general counsel Dwight Dalbey, in answer to a request for an opinion, told Gray last July 21 that the FBI should not on its own initiative supply the White House with information on criminal investigation in progress. In the memo, introduced yesterday, Dalbey said, however, "since the President is the top boss of the executive branch he can obtain" FBI informa- tion at White House initiative. He added, however, FBI information for the White House should first go to the attorney gen- eral since he heads the Justice Department. TH E CADILLAC COWBOYS COUNTRY & WESTERN SWING BAND & FRIENDS TONIGHT THURS.-8:00 P.M. 75c COVER UAC-DAYSTAR PRESENTS IJ"BEST PICTURE" _ "BEST DIRECTOR" "BEST ' SCREENPLAY" "BEST ACTRESS LIV ULLMAN NEW YORK FILM CRITICS AWARD "A MAGNIFICENT, MOVING AND VERY MYSTERIOUS NEW FILM. IT STANDS ALONE AND IT REDUCES ALMOST EVERYTHING ELSE YOU'RE LIKELY TO SEE THIS SEASON TO THE SIZE OF A SMALL CINDER." -Vincent Canby, New York Times I I I INGMAR BERGMAN'S i ' -'M ,;* i ,'!M I SAT., MARCH 31-8 p.m. Hill Aud. Reserved Seats $4.00-3.50--2.50 MICH. UNION 11-5:30MON.-SAT sorry, no personal checks 763-4553 763-4553 I ) I I ---- - - - - ------ A I I RICHARD, LINDA *,CLIFF JAECKEL LAWSON'POTTS BASED ON THE I/r- K1V/rrr-x U