Po' ge Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, March 21, 1973' P a g e T w o T H E M IC H IG A N D A ILY1111111111 I . s' - - W e d n e sd a y , M a rc h 2 1 , 1 9 731111111111Ili inil.Illl n APPEASEMENT ATTEMPT Britain gives Ulster plan LONDON (Reuter) - Britainr yesterday announced a plan for Northern Ireland giving the Catho- lic minority a greater share in government but with Britain re- taining over-all control. The plan, set out in an official White Paper, seeks to meet part way the demands of both Catholics and t h e majority Protestants whose enmity has boiled over dur- ing the past year into Ireland's worst bloodshed for more than half a century. The basis of the plan is a new 80-seat Provincial Assembly to re- place the old Protestant - dominat- ed Parliament which was sus- pended almost a week ago. The assembly will be elected by proportional representation which will guarantee the Catholics a fair share of the seats. Also, a system of government committees will be established to give Catholics a role in the actual administration. But the white paper pledges1 anew that Northern Ireland will remain part of Britain as long as the majority of its 1,500,000 people1 want it that way. of will not be tolerated. The White Paper makes clear that the British Army will remain in Northern Ireland as long as it is required to maintain order. One surprise in the White Paper is its lack of provision for an All- Ireland council which would have given the Republic a say in Nor- thern Ireland affairs. Such an acceptance of a Repub- lican role in the North would have infuriated a large section of Pro- testant opinion., But the existence of the so-call- ed "Irish Dimension" in the af- fairs of the North is recognized in proposal to call a conference be- tween representatives of both North and South to discuss long- term problems. This is as far as the white pa- per goes toward satisfying Cath- olic aspirations for Union with the Republic. Use Daily Classif ieds MUSIC LESSONS SIGN UP NO WFOR CLASS GUITAR LESSONS. JUST $12.00 FOR A SIX-WEEK COURSE. Rentals ovailoble. Also private lessons on guitar, flute, recorder, banjo, piano, and moog. CALL Ann Arbor Music Mart 769-4980 9:30-9:00 336 South State Street featured inthsmn s Playboy. Seeit while plus ALL ABOUT SEX! . 82 -3300 FREE tLiNTER PARKING Ann Arbor Civic Ballet PRESENTS A Spring Concert AT THE Power Center FRIDAY, MARCH 23 at 8:00 p.m. DETROIT CITY BALLET GUEST COMPANY Six Outstanding Ballets 1.00 ADULTS-$3.00t Tickets on Sale at Stc Sylvia Studio and Chels At Power Box Office M 1 to 9 p.m. and March 23, CH ILDREN-$ anger's, ea Flower, March 22, 1 to 8 p.m. W WILLIAM WHITELAW, Secretary for Northern Ireland, displays the British Government plan, entitled "Northern Ireland Consti- tutional Proposals," at a press conference in London yesterday. U In addition, the power to make laws for Northern Ireland will remain vested in the British Par- liament. The plan is aimed at reassuring Protestants that they will not be pushed againsttheir will into union with the Irish Republic. By keeping the reigns of pow- er in London, it is intended to as-' sure Catholics that the discrimi- nation they have long complained EMU Major Events Committee Presents B. B. KING with special guest :Howin Wolf MARCH 23, 8:00 P.M. BOWEN FIELD HOUSE Club-swigig cops evict Greek. students ATHENS (UPI) - Club-swinging police yesterday stormed the Athens. University Law School and dragged demonstrating students out by the hair, kicking and beating them. The students, many scream- ing, sang the Greek national anthem. Hundreds of police took part in the assault on the building where a group of 1,000 students had climbed to the roof and chanted freedom slogans. Witnesses said more than 100 students emerged from the build- ing bleeding and at least a dozen were carried out by other students. One policeman also was carried to a police car barely conscious, the -witnesses said. Several hundred uniformed police entered the building while others stationed outside met the fleeing students with swinging clubs, dragged them by the hair, threw them on the pavement and beat and kicked them, the witnesses said. Most of the injured students emerged from the building with head wounds. Inside the building witnesses heard screams of pain and the sing- ing of the Greek National anthem. The students lowered the flag and began to chant "we want the restoration of democratic freedoms," "we want freedom of the press to report what they see," "we are your children," "we are the chil- dren of Greece" and other rhythmic slogans. AUDITIONS ANN ARBOR CIVIC THEATRE THE MOST HAPPY FELLA MASS MEETING, 7:30, MARCH 21 All persons interested should attend Auditions: 7:30 Mar. 23; 2:00 p.m. Mar. 24 f Bring music and dress to dance STUDIO ROOM, MICHIGAN LEAGUE FUTURE WORLDS LECTURE SERIES Presents Arthur M Rubin SPEAKING ON "THE BIRYTHDATE PHENOMENON" one of the most significant statements of this century Part I: March 22, Thursday, 3-5 p.m., MLB, Aud. 3 Part II: March 26, Monday, 7:00-10:00, Nat. Sci. Aud. I ENDS TODAY! SHOWS AT 1, 3, 5, 7, 9p.m. ' I fW-JNNE kiRoD TBULOR $2-$3-$4 Reserved s Tickets may be purchased at Ann Arbor Music Mart, Huc- kleberry Party Store, McKenny Union, Hudsons, The Branch APRIL 7:UAH IEEP BILLY'PRESTON 961 -4323 I STARTS THURS. SBBERS I The Michigan Daily, edited and man- aged by students at the University of Michigan. News phone: 764-0562. Second Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan. 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues- clay through Sunday morning Univer- sity year. Subscription rates: $10 by carrier .(campus area); $11 local mail (in Mich. or Ohio); $13 non-local mail (other states and foreign). Summer Session published Tuesday through Saturday morning. Subscrip- tion rates: $5.50 by carrier (campus! area); $6.50 local mail (in Mich. or Ohio); $7.50 non-local mail (other states and foreign). "NEVER GIVE A INCH" was the motto of the Stampers of Oregon... and live It they did! t i Based on the Novel by KEN KESEY THURSDAY, MARCH 22} Modern Languages Bldg., Aud. 3A 7:30 & 9:30 p.m. $1.25 NEW WORLD FILM CO-OP -11 . 6 aN See 65 exciting powerhouses, including sleek front- wheel drives and classic era sporting car's, oil set against the backdrop of one of the world's finest auto collections, Free movies, '72 Indy. Hours: 9-5 weekdays, 9-10 Fri., Sat., Sun. Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Michigan. thru f"'rch 25 Heng or Museum SOON: Paul NEWMAN: "THE LIFE & TIMES OF JUDGE ROY BEAN"' LONDON THEATRE WOR KSH OP SUMMER 1973G July 16-August 31 sponsored by U of M Extension Service and U of M-Flint Theatre Department Four hours of graduate or undergraduate credit for Speech 533: Special Work in Theatre Production and Performance (2) and Speech 539: Production and Direction of Contemporary Drama (2).I International faculty. Tours, lectures, workshops, classes, films, street fairs, open rehearsals. Approximate cost, including tuition, round-trip air fare, housing and meals at Imperial College, Unive.rsity of London, and theatre admissions-$ 1,000. mR In.At Uh lhU WHbI BAT "Another Warhol Freak Show! I i DOUBLE FEATURE ENDS WEDNESDAY "Fritz"-6:30, 10:00 "Oh! Calcutta !"-8 :05 persons under 18 not admitted He's X rated and animated! JA t 1 .w. - -mmm , _..... .. i:.}"%Y ii'v.::i:??i''::{.}}ay.:}ii:iv; ni'l.Wn'.::?:i.: v};.}:^ i:{i? .. vt}:{'?'R:?i?:f:i. ATTENTION FRESHMEN! U.A.C. Is Looking for a PRODUCER FOR NEXT YEAR'S SOP SHOW Applications May Be Picked Up in the UAC Office, 2nd Floor Michigan Union, and Must Be Returned by Friday, March 23. :."~ maim+s Application deadline: April 1. Registration limited. For information, contact Dr. Gene J. Parola, Theatre U of M-Flint: (313) 767-4000, Ext. 234. Department, Join The Daily Ad Staff ENDS TODAY! S[PARAONPIMURE esenis M/ A FO~rX :q r I a new film by KURT VONNEGUT a space fantasy 11 STARTS TOMORROW ! THURS. & FRI. AT 7 P.M. & 9 P.M. L M..$4 IELUA AAMOUT ICTUE SHOWS AT 1,3, 5,79F . EVERYONE WELCOME! WINE & CHEESE EXTRAVAGANZA THE, BACH CLUB presents The St. Matthew Passion (of Bach) Introduction by DR. GRAHAM HARDIE with performance by Julia Conwell-soprano Marsha Holmes-soprano John Hall-tenor Charles Brown-bass Ellen Sudia-Oboe Linida Arcngeli -f lute Carolyn Hohnke--ob/Eng. Horn Richard Harlow-cello P .:, , Arik . i.__, innn I PASOLINI... SACED PROFANE ANY ALBERTO GRIMALDI PRODUCTION COLORt PIER PAOLO PASOLINI Artists HELD OVER ! LAST TIMES TONIGHT 7 & 9:30 p.m. -$1.00- PLUS-TONIGHT ONLY! ON STAGE at 8:45 p.m. Michael McClure's play, THE BEARD "Billy the Kid and Jean Harlow in eternity" Admission 25c additional to "Decameron" Ticket AUD. "A"-ANG.LL HALL I I Featuring SHARRIET ANDERSON " INGRID -rTHULINu BETWEEN TIME A Kln 71 ADI A I/TI I I i "I N I I f . 1 I I i I