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March 17, 1973 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1973-03-17

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ihte £irs ian Pafrd
Eighty-two years of editorial freedom

Carrying the death penalty to extremes


420 Mayne

Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan
rd St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552

- -,


Medical clinic threatened

PARTISAN political maneuvering in City
Council is threatening to delay or
defeat vital improvements needed in Ann
Arbor's health care situation.
Currently $1.4 million in federal rev-
enue-sharing funds are available to the
city. A Democrat-HRP compromise was
to permit $136,000 of this amount to be
allocated to health care, of which HRP
hoped to get $40,000 for its proposed
Community Women's Clinic, to provide
for low cost medical service.
At Monday night's City Council meet-
ing Democrat Mayor Robert Harris ex-
pressed distrust of the clinic because that
proposal "does not have a track record."
HRP at first backed down by agreeing
instead to use the clinic money for an
Indigent Fund to allow underprivileged
people to use medical facilities normally
beyond their means.
But immediately after a heated public
hearing during the meeting, the Human
Rights Party bounced back, demanding
the clinic. Democrat Norris Thomas-
(First Ward) met this challenge by ac-
cusing HRP of "robbing from the poor"
by abandoning the Indigent Fund.
I AT THOMAS ignored is that this
clinic was created with the poor in
mind. Payment for services on a sliding
scale according to income would elim-
inate the threat of local profiteering now
that abortion is legal.
The controlling clinic board would be
politically, economically, and racially rep-
resentative of women. Future plans in-
clude application for a tax-exempt status.

The Community Women's Clinic is a
welcome solution to area health problems.
Integrating counselling service with all
aspects of medical care including abor-
tion would eliminate much of the im-
personal stigma attached to conventional
hospitals today.
Harris, by declaring that if one of the
revenue sharing allocations cannot be
agreed upon,'the others cannot be agreed
upon either, pushed Council 'to postpone
approval until next week. This action is
dangerous because consideration on
health care could be postponed until after
the April election. The new City Council
could prove to be less sympathetic to com-
munity health care needs than the cur-
rent Council.
UNFORTUNATELY, the problem of
funding for the clinic is the major
stumbling block. Democratic mayoral
candidate Franz Mogdis would like to
take away proposed funds from such
programs as Community Center and an
infant care center. We find such a pro-
posal unacceptable.
Because cities in Michigan are notI
allowed to work under a deficit budget,
$200,000 of the revenue sharing money
is scheduled for debt retirement. Rather
than scrap the Indigent Fund, we feel
that clinic funding could come from the
debt fund. A considerable amount would
be left for debt retirement, and the valu-
able services of both the Indigent Fund
and the Women's Community Clinic
would remain. It would be unfortunate to
have to choose between the two.

Nixon's thoughtful and humane
speech on crime and drugs the oth-
er night, I must admit I am per-
suaded: we must bring back the
death penalty and we must g e t
Nixon put it in blunt language.
"I am. . . proposing that the death
penalty be restored for certain fed-
eral crimes," he said. "At my
direction, the Attorney General has
drafted a statute consistent with
the Supreme Court's recent decis-
ion on the death penalty. T h i s
statute will provide capital pun-
ishment for cases over which the
federal government has jurisdic-
tion, and for treason and other
war-related crimes."
I agree with that. Of course, it
seems to me that when the Chief
Executive violates his oath of of-
fice, he is, in effect, committing
treason. If he promises to obey
the Constitution, and then doesn't
do that, it is as despicable an act
as giving A-bomb secrets to the
Russians. One problem, however,
is that Nixon violated the Consti-
tution throughout his first term,
when he waged a war .which was
not declared by Congress. He is
violating the Constitution right
now, by refusing to release fed-
eral funds that have been allocat-
ed by the Constitutionally guaran-
teed legislative branch. Under his
own new laws, Nixon himself could
get nailed.
Take "war-related crimes." Well,
poor Lt. Calley has already been
convicted of 27 homicides, which
were definitely "war-related." He

would have to go' right to the hot
seat. And according to standards
established during the Nuremberg
War Crimes trials, so would a lot
of other people.
General Westmoreland w a u i d
have to go, because his poli;y of
forced removal of civilian popula-
tion was defined as a war crime
at Nuremberg. Humphrey w o ' 1 d
have to go, and Bundy, Rosrtw,
MacNamara, Laird, and a lot of
the others who took part in order-
ing these actions. And most of the
returning POWs would have to he
indicted upon arrival, for the "war-
related" crime of dropping bombs
on civilian populations.
BUT THAT MIGHT be the price
we will have to pay in order to get
a little quiet around here. As the
President put it: "There are those
who say that law and order are
just code words for repression and
bigotry. This is dangerous non-
sense. Law and order are code
words for goodness and decency in
America." Well, we have to be for
decency, even if it costs us our
This, of course, will mean an all-
out attack on heroin traffickers,
and if Nixon gets his new laws
passed we can crack down on some
of the biggest ones. We can start
with General Thieu, whose govern-
ment is one of the largest traf-
fickers in heroin. The good general
will be in the country for a few
weeks; he could be nailed on the
way in. This would also lead to
the re-unification of Vietnam, an
unexpected fringe benefit.

The best thing about all of this
is that with a single speech Nixon
has given us all a renewed sense
of security. It was his best speech
since the one last week when he
told us that the crises in the cities
was officially over. Nixon is a
realist, and he has facts that the
rest of us don't have, so I know
when I move through Brownsville
that I am not seeing what I am
seeing: the place is really the new
Oh, there are still a few prob-
lems in the cities. Like crime. But
Nixon will solve that. He will have
to kill a lot of criminals. We just
don't have the courtrooms, t h e
jails or the money to handle all the
criminals; we'will have to do it on
the spot. Anybody found smoking
a joint, reading a dirty book, or
failing to salute the flag, or talk-
ing to a "permissive judge" will
be strapped in and done to a turn.
Not immediately, of course. First
we have to establish the prece-
dent. But soon.
"Society is guilty of crime only
when we fail to bring the crim-
inal to justice," the President said.
"When we fail to make the crim-
inal pay for his crime, we en-
courage him to think that crime
will pay."
THAT ATTITUDE will certainly
help restore faith in American jus-
tice. For example, we are now
assured by the President,. t h a t
Maurice Stans, Dwight Chapin,
Donald Segretti, John Mitchell, the
wheat deal guys, the milk deal


"When we fail to make the criminal pay for
his crime, we encourage him to think that

crime will pay ...


guys, all the guys with the cash in
the suitcases for the Committee to
Re-Elect the President - all those
guys will go to the can. Nixon
has given us his word. Who can
doubt a firm, strong President?
We can doubt the word of Richard
Nixon, even if some of the r ,cst
prominent lawbreakers anywhere

are guys who worked for him, or
for the President before him? Ah,
justice: how sweet it is,
Pete Hamill is a columnist for
the New York Post, copyright
1973 by the New York Post Cor-

o w

T 10" -Il/ 1 I-- b

Ineffective crime fighters.

THE REGENTS have nobody to blame
but themselves for the recent mas-
sive increase in campus crime.
For the past ,two years, they have
adopted an attitude towards the crime
problem that can only be -called simplis-
tic at best, and irresponsible at worst.
It was not as if the Regents were not
told what was necessary to stem the rise
in crime. They were. But they ignored
the advice.
Two years ago the University hired
Frederick Davids, a tough former direc-
tor of the Michigan State Police, to pre-
side over campus -security.
From his office in the administration
building, Davids was soon at work writ-
ing proposals, suggesting changes, de-
manding action.
But were Davids' suggestions heeded?
Put simply, Davids was ignored.
Maybe it was that Davids, a former
state police trooper, was not slick enough
for 'the extremely slick people who run
this University, but on point after point
his ideas. were either overruled in the
,interestsof an "economy" that proved to
News: Angela Balk, Cindy Hill, Cheryl
Pilate, Ted Stein, Sue Stephenson
Editorial Page: Bil Heenan, Linda Rosen-
thal, Martin Stern
Arts Page: Sara Rimer, Gloria Jane Smith
Photo Technician: Tom Gottlieb

be false, or they were allowed to gather
For example:
0 Davids realized soon after he ar-
rived here that the University was not
adequately policed by the Ann Arbor
Police Dept. He urged the creation of a
separate police force, complete with
student-faculty advisory boards, to con-
centrate its efforts on the campus. The
Regents decided to continue making
payments to the city police for law en-
forcement coverage - an arrangement
which is certainly undesirable judging
by the latest statistics.
* Davids urged that better systems
of identification be developed for Univer-
sity employes and students, so that tres-
passers on University property could be
quickly identified. No action by the ad-4
THIS NEWSPAPER will not blame Da-I
vids for the increase in crime. We
know the man too well and we know that
he has had the right ideas from the
No, the responsibility for this Univer-
sity's inability to deal effectively withI
rising crime rates lies with the Execu-
tive Officers and the Regents for fail-
ing to heed the advice while there still
was time.
Now, if the Regents are serious about
the crime problem, they will accept the
advice of a man who knows what he isI
talking about.

To The Daily:
I FIND THE Daily's artihle of
March 15 on the split within the
Democratic party over the mayor' s
race a fantastic piece of imagina-
tive writing. Unfortunately, it's nt
based on facts, but rather based on
a string of inputs from unnamed
observers, anonymous sources, out
of context quotes, hearsay, and out
and out fabrication of information
and facts. It's interesting to note,
however, its similarity to nie
Daily's reporting which preceded
Perry Bullard's overwhelming vic-
tory in his race for State Repre-
sentative in November over the
HRP candidate who was supposed-
ly supported by a vast number of
disenchanted Democrats.
Unfortunately, this time around
such reporting is not only mislead-
ing journalism, but is also danger-
ou because the stakes in this
election are the future of the ci y.
In point of fact, such reporting miy
supnorts the election of a consarva-
tive Republican mayor who is com-
mitted to overturning and stoping
all therprogressive programs;nit-
iated or prooosed by both llemo-
crats and HRP in the last three
years. It risks this in the real world
of Ann Arbor where is it imoisi-
ble for HRP to win a city-wide
ra:ce, but where it is possible for
tem tofragment the liberal-rndi-
cal vote and hand the election to
the conservatives.
This is no euphemism. It i, a
diect statement of fact. It was
in this way that conservative te-
Benner and Colburn were ele.ted
las spring. A vote for the HITJP
mayoral candidate is, in fact, a
votF for a conservative Republican
-James Stephenson. It must be
remembered that even at the
height of HRP succes last sorng,
they only garnered 24.4% of the
city-wide vote, and haven't come
close to repeating that figure cit-
wide since.
ONE OF MANY examples oi the
distortion of facts in the Daily ar-
ticle was their attempt to a;so-
date me with the Mayor's pos.ton
at Monday night's Council meeting
crnosing the Women's Commun'tv
Clinic, even though they note in
the article that they had in had
a press release from me stating
my position on the issue. I qim
in part from that press release tf
March 13: "I am convinced th
there is an immediate demand in
Ann Arbor for a clinic which would
povide, at costato those who choosy
to use it, planned parenthood in-
formation, contraceptives, counsel-
ine and abortions." I further stat-
ed that I support the inclusion of
such a clinic in a "renegotiated re-
vnue-sharing budget and that a
contract to provide such services
can be negotiated with the re
cently incorporated Community
Women's Clinic' I find it hard to
define that position as opposed to
the Women's Community Cin.:
Ir closing let me say that :n
fairness to the constituency that
the Daily services, it seems to me
the, have the obligation to accur-
aiely and fairly present the issues
and choices in this campaign, pr
tvularlythose that affect the cam-
pus area and to honestly reflect
the positions of the candidates on
-Franz Mogdis
March 15

several years. Some of us sat on
the Democratic Screening Commit-
tee which first reviewed Mogdis'
credentials as a Mayoral candi-
Most of us first met Franz dur-
ing our early involvement in the
McGovern campaign. None of us
would describe ourselves as "regi-
lar Democrats" - at least not in
the sense implied by the Daily.
We are supporting Franz Mogdis
with our time and whatever ex-
pertise we have for three simple
reasons which were made amply
clear to your reporter:
1. Mogdis' positions on issues of
importance to Ann Arbor ar ex-
2. Mogdis is accessible and symn-
pathetic to people of our general
political persuasion.
3. The choice is between Franz
Mogdis and James Stephenson -
a reactionary of the first order.
Our role in the Mogdis -ampaign
is simply understood. We prepare
and distribute literature in t h e
campus area as a supplement to
the canvassing done by the regular
ward organizations. Our i tera tre
is based entirely upon statements
taken from Mogdis' general cam-
paign literature,
We are not a splinter grou. We
could care less whether thee is a
split in the Democratic Party. We
are simply doing a job.
The purpose of our group wasre-
peatedly made clear to your re-
porter. The fact that this account
and hers bear so little resemblance
is distressing to say the least.
Finally, we are curious about
why a former HRP campaign
worker was assigned to cover the
Democratic campaign.
-Bob Ambrose
and 16 others
March 16
(Editor's Note: The affiliation
of Terry Martin, the reporter in
question, to HRP was based on
a class assignment for Political
Science 300 last fall, and w a s
quite minimal. Martin canvas-
sed for HRP for three days, and
distributed leaflets for a similar-
ly short period of time.)
To The Daily:
INNUENDOES, misleading quo-
tations, and plain poor research
marked Thursday's lead story by
Terry Martin on an alleged split
in the Democratic Party.
The article twisted the facts to
such an extent that the result was
a pretty good propaganda piece for
For instance, the writer stated
that all the male democratic coun-
cilpersons "voted against allocat-
ing federal revenue sharing money
to a Woman's Community Clinic."
The fact is that what wastvoted
down was an HRP proposal to fund
the clinic with money that had
been slated for the Indigent Re-
ferral Program and the Poor Peo-
ples Medical Clinic.
The Democrats are not going to
accept that kind of swap. Norris
Thomas, First Ward incumbent,
was singled out by the author be-
cause he is thetonly Democrat run-
ning for re-election. Thomas sup-
ports the Woman's Clinic, but not
at the expense of other poor peo-
ple's services. Thomas would like
to see the money for a Clinic to
come from the debt retirement por-
tion of the proposed budget.
EVEN HRP candidate Frank
Schoicet's letter to the Daily on

Martin leave us to imagine t h e
worst? Why not ask the Demo-
cratic hopefuls Ethel Lewis and
Carol Jones? Of course, they would
have squelched all rumors with a
statement supporting Mogdis, and
that would have left Ms. Martin out
in the cold.
The absurd bit about Mogdis be-
ing soft and wishy-washy is simply
a matter of poor usage of out of
context quotations. Every candi-
date goes to special groups f o r
help. HRP candidates go primar-
ily to student groups for aid. Every
political hopeful has campaign
workers write his material. Franz
Mogdis believes in what he says
and in what his literature s a y s.
To imply that Mogdis lets his cam-
paign staff do his thinking is an
unsubstantiated blow below t h e
Finally, the screaming headline
"Dems split over Mogdis" is un-
supported in the story. Nowhere is
there a statement by any Demo-
cratic candidate or worker that he
or she is not supporting Mogdis.
There is no split over the candi-
dacy of Franz Modis.
-Randy Phillips
March 15
It tapes two
To The Daily:
WHY IS IT the University b-
lieves itself in the position to force
its staff members to partake in the
fine institution of marriage before
they can enjoy the' full benefits of
working for the University?
A new member of the staff, I
called the University Athletic Of-
fice to find out about football tck-
ets for nextaseason. I was infor-
ed that as a married member of
the staff I would be allowed two
tickets: as a single staff member,
I would not be accorded the sat'e
privilege of companionship but
would be given one ticket.
In what light should this fni-
versity rule be taken? There s no
rule that the married staff m,-m-
bers must (under threat of dism -
sal) take their spouse to the games.
Perhaps the University wishes to
give the married staff members
the option of takings their spoue
or, if they're tired of them, taking
someone else. If so, I applaud ie
University's attempt to providing
married staff members with a for-
um for personal interaction.
On the other hand, perhaps the
University sees it as an incentive
to the single staff members to take
the plunge into marital bliss. Sin-
gle girls can hold the extra ticket
out as part of their dowry - "mar
ry me and get to see the U &f M
games; don't marry me, and no
ticket." Or perhaps as an escae
for hapless single men abot to
fall into the marital trap - "can't
see you today, have to go to the
game." Or finally, perhaps the
University wishes to highlight t: e
loneliness of the single stat
brushing shoulders at the U of M
games with those estatic married
couples who walk hand in hand to
the fifty yard line each Saturday.
A little more realism in polic.
Two tickets for all staff members,
or even just one ticket for ,n).
-Ann Conway
March 13
Cellar support
To The Daily:
BEING A relatively naive Ann

attack by the Regents with specious
justifications of practicality and
student welfare. At least one of
that illustrious set revealed h i s
knowledge of the strain the Cellar
places on local merchants to re-
main competitive or sink. Just as
I'm sure there were "reasons" why
motorists and hitch-hikers should
endure the inconvenience of being
routed through Toledo bed, trinket,
and food vendors instead of hop-
ping right on to 1-80-90, so now is
"reason" mustered against the Cel-
carries a slide-rule to the grocerv
store, I can assure any doubters
that the Cellar offers substantial
savings, far beyond the $5 loan it
asks. Then for kicks, try to imag.
ine the change in campus commer-
cial book and trinket prices t h a t
would accompany the removal of
the pearl. Yesterday was a good
day to buy stock in Ulrich's.
It is incumbent upon the bene-
ficiaries to look out for number
one, who is all of us. I suspect let-
ters to individual regents wouldn't
hurt. Even boogey-people find that
self-deception makes blatant evil
more palatable. Their "reason" is
as much to convince themselves as
others. We can make this harder.
Beyond this, collective leadership
is up to longer-rooted natives, per-
haps to you. Knowledge is power.
Now is the time for all good people
to come to the aid of themselves.
-Tom Dragosavac
March 16

.s !

Dem coverage stirs criticism

Dow boycott
To The Daily:
THERE ARE 165 courageous
people at the Dow Chemical Plant
in Bay City which has been on
strike for 14 months. They would
like to enlist the aid of your news-
paper and members of the student
body so that we may survive. Dow
Chemical is using its unlimited re-
sources in an attempt to destroy
us economically and eliminate the
collective bargaining process of our
Local Union which is 14055 of the
United Steelworkers.
Many workers and their fam-
ilies have suffered unlimited hard-
ships in the loss of income and per-
sonal property which they have had
to sell in order to feed their fam-
ilies because Dow Chemical refus-
es to resolve an unjust labor dis-
pute provoked by Dow Chemical
and its local management.
In the interest of humanity we
ask that you print this letter in
your college paper and that the
student body aid us by refusing to
buy Handi-wrap plastic food wrap
and Ziploc bags which are made at
the Bay City plant.
If there are individuals or groups
on campus who would like to xid
us in this humane endeavor, plea.e
contact me at' the address which
is given below. We request that
they boycott the above mentioned
products which are produced by
Dow Chemical in Bay City and by
any other aid or activities which
may aid our cause.
-Martin Schwerin
401 N. Chilson St.
Bay City, Mi.


Sylvia's Sign s
A lucky day for all! Happy St.
Patrick's Day!
Pisces. (Feb. 19 - March 20) Be discrim-
inative today. You'll be among people who
are really not your type. Deception could
prevail this evening. However, this eve-
ning should be remembered 'for years to
Aries. (March 21 - April 19) Your time
is best spent with a crowd of laughing
happy, people in order to shut out depressing thoughts. Those
around you will respond with warmth and enthusiasm.
Taurus. (April 20 - May 20) Your magnetism and charm is at
a high point. Take advantage. Romance should go well this
evening. A strange party may be your call. Investigate possibili-
Gemini. (May 21 - June 20) You will make a great financial
gain at a St. Patrick's Day party. Be on the alert. Be careful
not to alienate another with outspokenness, especially regarding
intimate affairs.
Cancer. (June 21 - July 22) You will become immediately im-
pressed by an intriguing stranger. Your first impressions are
quite valid. Take initiative to create new limits for your
own behavior.
Leo. (July 23 - Aug. 22) New acquaintances and romance will
best be found among crowds. Frequent parties and the like this
evening. Don't put on an act. Leo'shave impressive personalities.
Virgo. (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) Day is best spent working ambitious-
ly on a new business project or schoolwork. In the evening seek
new diversion. Head down State St. for an answer.
Libra. (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) Avoid worry. Your plans for the eve-
ning are well laid out and will prove successful. Romance will
soar as you are excellent host to a gala Ann Arbor affair.
Scorpio. (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) Aspects find you in 'a friendly gath-
ering of sorts. It would seem that envy and insincere flattery i
also present. Ignore the petty and indulge in the surrounding


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