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March 16, 1973 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1973-03-16

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14e £r4igian Dail
Eighty-two years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

More useful hints for summer travelers


420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-0552I

FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1973

- Wrong choice for FBI head
THE PROPOSED nomination of L. Pat- GRAY FIRST BROKE precedent w
rick Gray III for director of the Fed- he allowed White House Counsel J
eral Bureau of Investigation has become Dean to sit in on FBI interviews of WI
a messy political issue reaching into the House staffers regarding Watergate.
realm of the Watergate affair. We are acceded to White House requests ag
convinced that he is not the man for the by providing Dean with Watergate in
job. view reports involving those outside
Gray's years as a Navy submarine com- White House staff.
mander and later as an HEW executive When Martha Mitchell threatened
provided him with little law enforce- spill the beans about "those dirty thi
ment experience when he was named that go on" in government, FBI age
acting director by President Nixon. That investigating Watergate wanted to qu
fact itself does not speak well for Gray. tion her. However, interview plans w
Gray also flunked his only major spur- halted by Gray after former Attor
of-the-moment test. When a Southern General John Mitchell objected.
Airways jet was hijacked, he ordered FBI When newspapers reported that DE
agents to shoot out its tires, endangering was using the FBI interview reports
the lives of the passengers aboard. The coach key Watergate figure Donald
jet meanwhile was forced to take off gretti for his rand jur aer
grenywfayh. grand jury appearan
anyway.Gray protested to Dean.
Politics-the Watergate affair in par-
ticular-however have become more im- Dean, of course, denied the wh
portant than these factors in the Senate thing. Gray then quickly accepted Dea
consideration of the nomination. denial, and told the Senate commit
Critics of Gray have charged that that he dealt with the White House w
he is too loyal to Richard Nixon and that a "presumption of regularity."
the FBI with Gray in charge therefore Not a very good presumption to m
would become a partisan force under the while investigating the possibility
direction of the White House. White House campaign irregularities.
Partially due to this criticism most of During the campaign itself, Gray g
the Senate Judiciary Committee's ques- a speech in Cleveland after receiving
tions to Gray have dealt with his han- White House memo suggesting he m
dling of the FBI's investigation of the the speech. The White House said O
Watergate incident. was "crucially vital to our hopes in T
Gray's answers have only helped con- vember."
firm the suspicion that he is too closelyN
tied to the White House to be the head NONE OF THESE actions lead us to
of the federal police agency. lieve that Gray has the independe
of th fede alpoicea ency.necessary for an FBI director. Gray
obviously loyal to the Nixon administ
Today's staff: tion and his loyalty has swayed his
News: Penny Blank, Mike Duweck, Jona- tions as acting director.
than Miller, Bob Murray, Christo- One of the first functions of ev
pher Parks, Ralph Vartabedian president during the reign of J. Ed
Editorial Page: Robert Burakoff, Ted Stein Hoover was to re-appoint Hoover as F
Arts Page: Diane Levick chief. If Gray's nomination is confirm
Photo Technician: Stuart Hollander and he does direct FBI actions accord
to White House wishes, a dangerous p
cedent could be set.
Director of the FBI could become
Editorial Staff political appointment with each Pr
dent choosing a political crony as dir
CHRISTOPHER PARKS and EUGENE ROBINSON tor. The FBI would soon be little m
Co-Editors in Chief
than a White House police force,
ROBERT BARKIN................Feature Editor frightening possibility to say the least.
DIANE LEVICK..................Associate Arts Editor
DAVID MARGOLICK .... ...Chief Photographer We do not believe that Patrick G
MARTIN PORTER ........ Magazine Editor has demonstrated the necessary law-
KATHY RICKE................... Editorial Director
ERIC SCHOCH ....................Editorial Director forcement experience or independen
GLORIA SMITH........................Arts Editor The message therefore from the judi
CHARLES STEIN ........................ City Editor
TED STEIN.......................Executive Editor ary committee to the Senate should
MARTIN STERN................Editorial Director very clear-the nomination of Patr
ED SUROVELLBook.........oos Editor
ROLFE TESSEM .....................Picture Editor Gray should be rejected.

g a
e a

Editor'ssnote: This is the third In a five
part series on traveling abroad.
and J. P. MILLER
PASSPORTS, visas, vaccination certifi-
cates, insurance, student identity cards,
rail passes, hostel cards, charter flight in-
The pre-departure paper work required
for a successful, personalized trip abroad
needn't boggle your mind. Most of it can
be handled in Ann Arbor or requested
from locations here.
Start cutting through travel red tape at
the International Center Work/Study/Travel
Abroad Office, a central location where a
wide range of both necessary and exotic
travel information is available.
One visit may save you dozens of frus-
trating phone calls or fruitless errands and
a few unfortunate experiences overseas.
You'll discover not only "how-to" informa-
tion but also helpful insights from seasoned
travelers and a library of guidebooks and
firsthand accounts.
To apply for a passport, go either to the
City-County Building, corner of Huron and
Main Streets, or the Main U.S. Post Of-
fice, 2075 W. Stadium Boulevard (769-7100).
You'll need to bring along the following
-Proof of U.S. citizenship - either a pre-
viously issued passport, a birth certificate
or naturalization papers;
-Two passport size (2x2") photos (full
face and identical); and
-Identification - driver's license with
your signature, photo and physical descrip-

Passports cost $12. Appiy early since they
take from two to three weeks, and occas-
sionally longer, to be processed in Wash-
ington D.C.
Visas are stamped notations in a pass-
port authorizing entry to a foreign coun-
try. Since their cost and duration vary,
check with embassies for recent informa-
tion. A list of fees and addresses of em-
bassies and consulates is available at the
International Center. Some countries re-
quire a photograph before issuing a visa,
so buy an extra passport photos.
To escape an attack of the Delhi Belly,
the Tokyo Trots or the Aztec Two-Step, go
to the Immunization Clinic in the basement
of Health Service, 207 Fletcher, and find
out what shots you need for your trip. The
Clinic is open Monday through Friday, 8
a.m. - 4 p.m. Appointments aren't neces-
sary, but if you don't want to wait, come
before 10 a.m.
Health Service issues the stamped Inter-
national Record of Health and Immuniza-
tion required as proof of protection. If you
catch an exotic disease or merely have a
hassle filling a prescription abroad, let
Health Service know about your exper-
iences. They're anxious to learn about
health tips from experienced travelers.
Adequate travel insurance is a safeguard
against health and baggage problems over-
seas. If your regular policies don't cover
you while you're traveling abroad, check
into the information about low cost travel
packages at the International Center. Re-
member that low-budget travelers can't af-

ford to pay for losses themselves.
University Health Insurance provides
worldwide coverage against accidents and
illness. If you have University Health In-
surance which will be in force while you're
abroad, take along claim forms available
at the International Center or the Student
Government Council in order to speed up
processing claims in case of loss.
A good piece of identification to carry,
the International Student Identity Card
helps you cut costs on meals, accommo-
dations, transportation, and theater and
museum entrance fees. Fulltime undergrad-
uates and graduate students are eligible
and can purchase cards at the International
Center for two dollars. Bring in one photo
and proof of student status such as an
official letter from the Registrar's Office.
Overnight accommodations in Youth Hos-
tels in 47 different countries can be arrang-
ed if you own an International Youth Hostel
Pass. The pass costs $10 and is valid for
one year. The International Center issues
passes and also carries hostel directories.
Does your European itinerary include
more than three or four countries? If yes,
consider purchasing a rail pass (still econ-
omical even though prices have recently
gone up 10 per cent due to the devaluation
of the dollar).
The Eurailpass provides unlimited first
class travel in 13 Western European coun-
tries at a cost of approximately $145 for a
three week period. (You can also buy a

one, two or three month pass). An extra
advantage is that the pass is valid on many
likes and river steamers, ferry boats and
The Student Railpass is available to bona
fide students for a two month period at a
cost of approximately $150. It provides
unlimited second class travel and is also
accepted by many water and land trans-
portation services.
Great Britain has its own train passes
and student discount pass, BritRailPass.
asses must be obtained prior to leav-
ing the U.S. You can apply for rail passes at
any local travel agency and need to bring
along your passport number and an Inter-
national Student Identity Card for student
The cheapest way to get abroad is still
the charter flight. UAC (second floor of the
Michigan Union) has a series of flights to
Europe and can book SOFA flights - intra-
European student charters which can, cut
commercial rates in half.
Youth/Excursion 'Fares provide reduced
rates on regular scheduled airlines based on
student status or a special length of stay.
Travel agents and airline offices should be
able to give you more details. However,
the status of youth fare and travel group
charter (TGC) flights is unclear right now.
Major airline carriers can't agree about
price rates. Decisions expected some time
in April should clear the situation.
Jane Anderson and J. P. Miller are staff
members of the University's International




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A grave condition:
Healthy as the buck

I WENT INTO the clinic the other
day for my biennial medical
checkun. When it was oyer, the
doctor looked at my chart and said
"you are as sound as a dollar."
No matter how we try to steel
ourselves for the acceptance of
bad news, we are never quite pre-
pared for a thunderbolt of that
Learning that one's health has
been devalued 20 per cent in the
last 14 months comes as a nasty
jolt, regardless of how stoic one
might be.
I figure that being sound as a
dollar means I only have a few
more months to live.
PSYCHOLOGISTS tell us we go
through four emotional states in re-
action to unfavorable prognosis.
The stages are disbelief, resent-
ment, depression and resignation.
My disbelief was instantaneous.
"But Doc," I protested, "there
must be some mistake. I've been
as fit as a fiddle since my last
checkup. At times I've even been
in fine fettle. Now you tell me I'm
as sound as a dollar. Are you sure
you haven't got the wrong cliche?"
He took another look at my
chart. "There's no doubt about
it," he said. "Your soundness is
definitely dollarish."
I said, "How can you be certain
I'm not as sound as a whistle or
as a bell?"

"Those similes don't match your
tvne of bromide," the doctor re-
That brought on resentment.
"But I'm too young to be as
sound as a dollar," I cried. "And
I have a family to support. Why
me? Why couldn't this have hap-
pened to George Shultz or John
THE DOCTOR tried to be con-
soling. "Don't lose hope," he said.
"The International Monetary Fund
is constantly experimenting wi th
new formulas for currency reform.
*"Someday, someone will find a
cure for inflation, trade imbalances
and other disorders that under-
mine and weaken the dollar."
"Don't try to kid me, Doc," I
said. "We're no closer to stamping
out those disorders than we were
after the last devaluation.
"If I have to rely on Phase III
to pull me through, I'll be lucky
to last until the next international
monetary crisis."
Fortunately, however, it . didn't
take me long to reach the stage'
of resignation. I have even man-
aged to become philosophical about
my plight.
If one must have a terminal pla-
titude, being as sound as a dollar
is as good as being as dead as a
doornail. Maybe better.
Dick West is a special feature
writer for United Press Inter-

_l 1


Of fing Meadows'
gloomy forecast
WILL INCREASED growth of industry, population and
pollution concurrent with diminishing resources and a
fixed food supply mean disaster for the human race in 100
According to Profs. Dennis and Donella Meadows, unless
we radically change present trends in growth, world devel-
opment will end catastrophically by the year 2100.
Their conclusions are the result of computer work going
on at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology which Den-
nis Meadows discussed here last Tuesday as part of the Fu-
ture World's Lecture Series.
In keeping with the Meadows' advice, the Public Interest
Research Group in Michigan (PIRGIM) will investigate sev-
eral important areas, including land use and energy needs
endangered by growth in Michigan.
The Meadows have researched the exact relationships
between our present levels of population, resources, food
supply, industrial output and pollution. But the problem
with their doomsday forecasts is that we are asked to turn
to the future to find a crisis.
WE DON'T HAVE TO WAIT one hundred years to find a
world in bad shape, we see great inequalities even before
we start the time machine rolling. When a computer model
tries to extend these factors over time, its results became
very uncertain. By assuming present trends to remain con-
stant, the readjustment factor that might prevent the crisis
gets left out.
The realistic world situation is not an end-of-the-world
game, but a survival game played every day. The pall-
bearer approach neglects the important fact that conditions
under stress change the motives of the players throughout
the game.
A better strategy is available: The emphasis of the Mea-
dows' project should shift away from doomsday forecasts
of the present trends towards using the model to find poli-
cies that change the factors that create these trends.
THIS STRATEGY is essentially pursued by PIRGIM. It
is very interested in knowing the long run effects of the so-
cial change it works for.
The best strategy towards guaranteeing a better future
is to center on the root of the problems. It requires propos-
ing the kinds of solutions that everyone can work towards.
Comniter mndels are onlv useful after we break down the

ro The Daily:
THIS LETTER is to express our
support for the newly incorporated
Community Women's Clinic, and
to invite all interested community
women to an open organizational
meeting to be held Sunday, March
18, at 3:00 p.m. at St. Andrews
Church basement at 306 N. Divi-
The Community Women's Clinic
statement of purpose includes pro-
viding services "relating to wo-
nen's health care, including b u t
lot limited to: diagnosis, counsel-
ing and treatment of venereal dis-
ease; birth control counseling and
Dispensing of prescriptions for con-
traceptives; termination of preg-
3ancy; counseling services; lab-
)ratory; pharmagy or dispensary;
educational services and literature
relating to women's health prob-
lems; presentations of informal
:lasses and workshops on women's
health . . ." on a sliding scale fee
basis. The Community Women's
Clinic will be a strictly nonprofit
:orporation that will be directed
by a wide .representation of com-
munity women.
In order to ensure the rapid es-
tablishment of Community Wo-
nen's Clinic, financial support is
essential. Monies are currently be-
ing sought from city revenue shar-
ing and other sources. In addition,
.ndividual donations or loans are
necessary as "seed money" and
as expressions of community sup-
port. Community Women's Clinic is
currently in the process of apply-
ing for tax-exempt status which
will be retroactive to March 12,
All donations may be sent to:
Community Women's Clinic, P.O.
Box 268, Ann Arbor, Mi. 48107. De-
benture bonds of a minimum of
$25 with no interest may be pur-
chaed hy endinir cheks marked

Women's clinic boosted

port in the form of financial con-
tributions and by participation at
the Community meeting March 18.
Thank you. a
-Laurie Levinger
Sally Harrison
Linda Garnets
March 13
Mogdis hit
To The Daily:
I WAS ACCOSTED recently by
a series of posters that the streets
around the campus area have
sprouted, which advocateathe can-
didacy of Franz Mogdis for mayor.
These proclaim that if we elect
Mogdis, he will open up the gov-
ernment to let us change it.
This is a generous offer on Mog-
dis' part, but like fool's gold, its at-
traction is to the unwary. Mogdis
might open up City Hall, but he
does not offer to open up the eco-
nomic system that owns it. For
some reason, Mogdis and his
Democratic slate see the problems
of Ann Arbor as being divorced-
from our economic way of life.
Such£is the mistake of the fool-
hardy. Liberals, like Mogdis, fail
to understand that a supermarket
that misleads and misweighs is
following the same economic in-
stinct as the landlord that doesn't
make repairs, and that both will
be eliminated when both cease to
be profitable. Similarly, it is the
same system that established dic-
tatorship of the bosses on the job
that established dictatorship of
the wardens inside prisons, and
the supremacy of white men with-
in our social structure.
Joe Hill seemed to have sum-
marized Mogdis' argument t h a t
political change can come without
economic reorganization quite ably
over fifty years ago - pie in the
sky. Mogdis' open City Hall (which
nr-- -ntlr i nP not in: l>>ria nn

bosses' pocketbooks. This is the
crucial difference, and should be
considered first in deciding b e-
tween the two. Hippos are ugly and
seemingly slothful, but when they
decide to move, they clear their
own paths. Can the same be said
for jackasses?
-Everett Ehrlich
March 14
Gay acceptance
To The Daily:
THE RECENT letter to the Daily
signed JRB is a perfect example
of the suppression gay people feel
everyday. Even though JRB found
the courage to go to the Scene as
a gay person, he still lacks the
valor to identify himself by sign-
ing his name to the letter he wrote.
In the past few months the closet
queens of this community have
been peeking out their doors and
taking a good look at the world
outside. We don't like what we
see! The recent visits to the Scene
by large groups of gay people have
been a result of this. The actions
and attitudes of the "sexually lib-
erated" "hip" students is con-
temptable at the very least. (I
don't mean to imply by this that
any of the straight people at the
Scene are sexually liberated be-
cause they are not and have made
this clear by their utter contempt
for their gay sisters and brothers.)
It is the height of gypocrisy to
listen to the student revolutiona-
ries talk about the coming down-
fall of the Capitalist system when
they themselves are part of it. One
of the most efficient methods this
society has used to deceive people
as to who their real enemies are
is through the use of bigotry. With-
out a minority to discriminate
agailst people start thinking about
their own oppression.
Tma par atnl laaa ro- n cr- -

then you are part of the problem"
-Eldridge Cleaver.
Up until this point gay people
have more or less kept to them-
selves at the one bar in this city
which society has deemed to allow
us. That time has ended as of the
first visit to Mackinac Jack's. De-
spite the tthreats from bouncers
and clientele, despite the jibes and
insults we will continue to treat
every bar in this city as our own.
Segregation is no longer accept-
able for any people and especially
for us. If you don't feel that you
can enjoy yourself in the same bar
or discotheque with gay people
then feel free to leave because we
will not.
As Robert Bennett pointed out
very well in his letter in Saturday's
Daily, the progress of the so-called
revolution is not being held up by
the Capitalist system but by "revo-
lutionaries" who refuse to deal with
their own sexism. If you are un-
sure of your sexuality then deal
with it, don't deal it on me. I
know where I am at.
-Dan Byrne
Feb. 23
Socialist economics
To The Daily:
DANIEL DeLEON, founder of
Socialist Industrial Unionism, once
told a group of striking workers
that, "what the working class
stands in need of, aye, more than
bread, is an elementary under-
standing of economics." Without
this understanding the working
class is like a blindfolded boxer
striking in all directions without
ever hitting the target.
Due to this lack of understanding
the working. class confine their
s t r u g g 1 e s to guerrilla warfare
against the effects of the existing
system of capitalism instead of
concentrating their efforts upon the
ahnitin:- of n nit: li: th n n.

Sylvia's Si~gn
FRIDAY; MARCH 16, 1973
Pisces make excellent veterinarians
Pisces. (Feb. 19 - March 20) Avoid busi-
ness transactions today. Not much happen-
ing in the way of romance this evening.
Time is best spent at a sports event with
some close friends.
Aries. (March 21 - April 19) Your time
will be spent listening to another's prob-
lems. Be patient. The evening will be best
spent on a movie date with a new acquaintance.
Taurus. (April 20 - May 20) A successful day if it is spent
increasing your cash reserves. Apprehension over prior plans
made for evening will disappear as romance becomes more
unexpectedly enjoyable.
Gemini. (May 21 - June 20) You tend to be highly emotional
and explosive today. Refrain from sudden outbursts. Date may
be broken but last minute plans prove to be more favorable.
Cancer. (June 21 - July 22) Be patient with projects even though
they are not proceeding as you have plans. Towards the evening
you should become quite giddy promising a humorous night.
Leo. (July 23 - Aug. 22) Ignore those who are speaking, unfavor-
able things about you. The truth will come to light. A good week-
end to spent away from Ann Arbor. Visit old friends and escape.
Virgo. (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) The afternoon finds you surprised
to learn of a sudden rise in your- popularity. Political candidates
of this sign should take special note. Evening will contain more
conversation than physical activity.
Libra. (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) Make plans and financial agree-
ments carefully today and save innumerable steps and aggrava-
tion. Make an important long distance call without delay. Un-
Scorpio. (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) Study this morning so weekend
can be free from worry. You will feel an extra need for romantic
reassurance this evening but don't be dismayed if it is not there.


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