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January 13, 1973 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1973-01-13

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Page Six


Saturday, January 13, 1973

Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, January 13, 1973






DETROIT -Joe Schmidt, a de-
fensive superstar who never found
coaching -as easy as linebacking,
resigned yesterday as head coach
of the Detroit Lions after six sea-

The reserved Schmidt, 40, said he quipped: "Only if I could be an
quit because "coaching isn't fun owner. I am convinced now the
anymore," but it was never too only good positions in pro football
much fun for the stocky blond who are as player or owner-nothing
anchored the famous Lion defenses ' in between."


JOE SCHMIDT (right) resigned
yesterday as mentor of the fal-
tering Detroit Lions. The genial
Schmidt was unable to put the
Lions on the playoff trail in his
stay as head coach. No word has
yet been given on his successor.

.- A P Photo s' ":: .v:i' $i:?v~: vr vi ".:.:*l.* .}.P.
has an opening for an experienced and eager
photojournalist on its staff. If interested, call
76-DAILY and leave a message for David
Margolick or Rolfe Tessem. Portfolio and
equipment are required.

sons of attempting to mold a cham.- of the 1950s. ! He thanked Ford for his treat-
pionship team.
The spark he exhibited a meat through nearly 20 Years
as .:} ..
No new coach was named,.since
player in spurring his unit-of-ten with the Lions, and praised his
the decision, revealed to the Lions keeping Detroit in ball games that assistant coaches for their talent
Wednesday, came as an apparent seemed abandoned by the offense- and loyalty.
Lion's officials said they had no somehow never translated into the Status of the assistants was not
leadership needed to squeeze po- immediately clarified, although "c
rime candidates for the and!
post, tential and desire from his players. Thomas said that "they had per- rt
were in no hurry, although "six or
Schmidt retired from playing mission to look elsewhere for°
seven" possibilities are under con- after 13 years to take the head work." He confirmed the new
coaching job in 1967, replacing coach will have a free hand in
Harry Gilmer-a target of many naming his own staff.
" a Tiger Stadium snowball. Schmidt, who had three more
'C lark w l Schmidt, Lion owner William years on his contract, said his
Clay Ford and General Manager decision was carefully thought out
Russ Thomas put a "five-year and discussed'with his family.
plan" into effect and when the "I feel that I owe it to my wife,
Lions reached the playoffs with a' my children and myself to lead a
d on B u llet 10-4 record four years later, it more normal life," he said. The "
seemed about to introduce a cham- Schmidts have five children. ::::. {.
pion. He denied there was any pres-
to S Soo][1 But the job of turning the once- sure for him to resign.
laughable offense into a powerful
Ford said hewas"surprised"by, '
attack came home to haunt Detroit, Schmidt_
s decision, but "I can't
BALTIMORE (All)-The Baltimore and the aging defense broke down. i argue with his reasons. It won't
Bullets announced yesterday that The team compiled only mediocre be the same without Joe Schmidt AP Photo
the National Basketball Association 7-6-1 and 8-5-1 records the past two i around. I have a feeling of loss." -
i club and holdout superstar Archie years as opponents ran through l It was speculated the Lions- a Ready for Game
Clark had reached an oral argee- gaping holes in the front wall.
i crushed by division rivals Minne- Members of the Miami Dolphins and Washington Redskins mug for
ment on a new contract. Schmidt's resignation appeared sota and Green Bay twice each-
Owner Abe Pollin said the con-, friendly photogs in Los Angeles before their showdown on Sunday.
to come more from his frustration would shake up heir coaching staff pictured are Nick Bunicotti (left) and Larry Brown in the upper
tract would cover the remainder of ? Y with the job and disgust with media following the disappointing season,
the current season and the next two abuse for his failure rather than but most figured Schmidt, would picture, Bob Griese (left) and Bill Kilmer in the middle, and
years, and probably would be from the pressure of a frank re- stay on. I Mercury Morris (left) and Jack Pardee in the lower frame.
signed early next week. Terms ! evaluation following the team's
were not disclosed. ' second-place finish in the National CRIMSON TIDE BATTLES COMMODORES
f Clark, who averaged 25 points' Football Conference's Central Di- and eight assists last season for vision.
M the Bullets, is expected to make "The job is no longer fun; I
his debut with Baltimore in a game
at Los Angeles Tuesday night. don't enjoy coaching any more, olfpack stalks erps
Schmidt told a news conference "Archie has indicated that he is i yesterday. "It has gotten to be
eager to play for the Bullets," more burden than fun. j
M Pollin said, "and we are extremely', By MARCIA MERKER burning offense, with a 102.7 points , average there is Leon Douglas
happy to have him back in a Bul- i "I made it clear to Mr. Ford Time and time again sports writ- per game average. The Wolfpack's { standing 6'9".
lets uniform. and I promised myself and my record stands at 10-0 behind the
I ers challenge the accuracy of the Another' poll tester happens at
"I'm family in 1967 to get out when it firing of David Thompson, happy that its resolved infamous Top Twenty polls. This ' ; Manhattan 'Kansas today between
Clark said. "It's been a long time ;was not fun. Unfortunately, I feel weekend the standings go to trial aging 25.5 against apposition this : Missouri, 12-0 and Kansas, State
coming. I think both parties are ,that its gotten to that point. as numbers two and three, five and season. University, 10-2. Missouri slid past
f satisfied. At least, I am. Schmidt stressed he had "more seventeen and nine and fourteen Thompson's not even the Goliath Kansas earlier this season in, the
"My chief concern now is to get good times than bad" in coaching, I clash on the courts. of the squad. "Tommy" Burleson ! Big Eight Tournament 82-72.
4 in the type of shape that will allow ; but admitted "I haven't accom- Nearing UCLA in the rankings, at 714" claims 18 points a contest Both teams are suffering injuries.
me to be productive from here on pushed what I set out to do." j Maryland (9-0) pits a well-gelled ; with little Monte Towe, standing ; Missouri began the season with
M in. My legs s are in fairly good But he defended his overall rec-' offense against North Carolina anywhere from 5'5" to 5'7" in three returnees out but two have
shape, but my stamina is not what ord of 43-34-7 as "standing for it- I State's David and Goliath, Sunday. height, according to Carolina's recovered enough to start tomor-
it should be." The advantage of the home court sports information department row
self. When I joined the team in . John Brown center and
Noting that the Bullets lead the ; '67 for Maryland certainly can't hurt manages a surprising 13.9 average. Olympian, shoots 23 points. At 6'7",
, it was not good and there were the team's attack. I Coach Slum plans to start ; he's the tallest man on the Tiger
NBA's Central Division with a
25-17 record, Clark said, "The rec- things wrong with it. We straight- ; Maryland's leading shooter, Tom ; "Corky" Cafferky, 7.3 points, over squad.
ord is indicative that we have an ened that out, and I think I am ; MacMillan, 611", averages 22.3 l Meanwhile the Purple Slugs of
outstanding team. Now, I hope we ! leaving a better team than I got. points and ten rebounds per game. Kansas had managed to
= go with-
can be that much better and chal- He leads the Terps' front line, fol- I ! out an injury until Thursday night
lenge the powers of the league." "I'm leaving with my head held lowed by 6'8" Jim O'Brian just a'
practice when starter Lonnie- Kru-
Ciark received $135,000 last sea- i high. ! jump behind averaging 14.8 marks.: ; ger bruised his ankle. Coach Jack
son, the last year on a three-year Schmidt said he would return to ( Maryland Coach "Lefty" Driesell { Hartman called it an "udfortunate
pact he signed when he was with t a partnership as a manufacturing : eyes the contest as a match be-1 Jim Hawkins, 10 points, against blow" and "Handicap" for the
the Philadelphia 76ers. f 1 agent. When asked if he would con- tween two excellent squads who Maryland because he figures that Purple Slugs. Bob Chipman re-
He reportedly asked for $375,000 i sider returning to pro football he have long winning streaks going North Carolina will need the ball places Kruger at guard. Kansas this season, and when the case for them. Mar
______.____ yland is second to handling ability over Maryland's State's hig est scorer, Steve Mit-
later went to U.S. District Court, UCLA in the number of games won fast squad. chell, stands 610", nets 17-1 points
the Bullets contended he had sub- Open invitation consecutively. per contest.
# Already at this tender time of f
sequently rejected an offer of 1 Michigan State has invited 10 S Down in Raleigh, North Carolina !the season the Southeastern Con- Notre Dame, 3-6, gets a chance
$200,000. ' football players for fall practice. State's Norm Slum has trained a ference title is at stake. Number to add to its win column today
ninth ranked Vanderbilt, 10-2, when the Fighting Irish tae on the
challenges 14th Alabama, 7-1, to- Marquette Warriors. on home court.
day in Tennessee before a sellout Three of Notre Dame's losses
crowd of 15,58E have been by merely two points
and another loss was in overtime
SAN . . 1% .r ,JIL ® _ --Vanderbilt lost Rod Freeman, its to Ohio State while Michigan flat-
JIL ....- ..-...L ..._r 7 .. _-.7 ------ ! tonoti the Trich QAl-Q7






,_ _ ,


Van Boven's Semi-Annual Sale


1 0

number one rebounder and second' tenea ine irfsn Yo-zsJ.
leading scorer, when he broke his Notre Dame is young with four
foot four games ago. Besides losing i sophomores and one junior starter.
Freeman, Vanderbilt fell to Florida Forward John Shumate leads the
scoring with 18.0. He is followed by
last Monday night in a humiliating Gary Brokaw at guard with A 17
' defeat. Commodore mentor Roy point per game average.
Skinner, knowing of the "very' Marquette ranks fourth nation-
!good" Alabama offense and its ally while the Irish have yet to
crack the Top Twenty. The War-
I strong rebounding ability, faces riors are worried anyway because
the Crimson Tide with a bit of of the talent on the Irish bench.
doubt. Coach Al McGuire contends that
Alabama, 2-0 in the conference, if Notre Dame can break Mar-
has the luxury of depth on its ; quette's press then the contest
bench. Coach C. M. Newton sports could fall to the Dish,
three fine guards--65" Charles The advantages that Marquette
Cleveland, 5'10" Paul Ellis and 6'2" harbors, are experience and depth
Ra Odum. Besides Wendell Hud- in Larry McNeill, 6'9", with 18.6
Y per game, and Maurice Lucas,
son, 6'6", who owns a 20.9 point 6'8", 16.00 points per game.
Prof. Murray Meisels
Dept. of Psychology, EMU
formerly at Hebrew Univ., Jerusalem
following lox & bagels brunch
(talk is free, brunch 75c)
Sunday, Jan. 14, 11 a.m., at Hillel, 1429 Hill


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