Pdge Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, March 14, 1973 P~ge Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Indian mystic talks Presidential aide to Reps at Ill.capitol asked to SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (A7) - The Indian guru whose gentle eyes and flowing robes glided across the! youth culture scene of the 1960s came to the Illinois Statehouse yes- terday with a message on how toI handle fiscal problems. "People who make budgets aret nervous when there are problemst in society," said the Maharishi Ma-. hesh Yogi. "The basis of a restfulj budget is no problems in society."a The guru, who has served as spiritual adviser to the Beatles, the Beach Boys and Mia Farrow,? also told the House of Representa- tives he sensed in its chamber "a spirit of Abraham Lincoln, who stood for unity and freedom, and I'm just thrilled to the heart." Before addressing the House, the+ exponent of transcendental medi-1 tation kicked off his sandals and,+ sitting in a full lotus position atop+ a couch at the back of the speak-; er's platform, answered questions from newsmen. "I have a system of infinity," he WASHINGTON (Reuter) -A said. "It would not mean much in Senate committee yesterday direct- conventional terms."eaeCin1tte etra iet Speaker RobertBlair introduced ly challenged the White H o u s e the Maharishi to the House as "a by calling upon a presidential aide theMahrisi t th Hose s Ito reveal whathekosfte man of love and peace." He re- trge c he knows of the ceived a standing ovation from Watergate buggig case. the lawmakers, who last session The Senate Judiciary Commit- approved a resolution backing the tee, in issuing the call, ignored a teaching of transcendental medi- statement by President Nixon Mon- tation. day that he would refuse to let The guru thanked the House for members of his White House staff passing the resolution and urged testify before Congress. it to pass laws to "create a so- The Committee voted unani ciety free from suffering and fullrmmously to invite White House legal of peace and harmony." counsellor John Dean to appear at I testify Although the committee invited Dean to testify on Gray's qualifica- tions to be FBI director, it has lately been centering its hearings on a probe into the Watergate case. Gray, who was appointed acting director of the FBI following the death of J. Edgar Hoover last year, testified last week he gave FBI files on the Watergate inves. tigation to Dean. If Dean turns down the invita- tion as expected, liberal Democrats on the committee are likely to try to subpoena the White House legal adviser, but it is uncertain if they can muster enough votes. Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), a member of the Judiciary Com- mittee, said if Nixon did not al- low Deanuto testify, "I think it will be much more difficult for Gray to be confirmed." t' -+ i, :+- Camp Lindenm"ere: ~LLE F~44$ThANIA1~f FOR YS J4I i TANNER" INTERVIEWING FOR STAFF ON THE CAMPUS ON SATURDAY, MARCH 17th General counselors, athletic specialists, tennis, riflery, archery, drama, boating, and assist- ant waterfront needed. Later, the Maharishi met with about 50 persons in a legislative committee hearing room. Although the meeting was described as a conference with government agen- cy heads, most of those present appeared to be from nearby col- leges. committee hearings on the fitness of Nixon's choice, Patrick Gray, to be permanent head of the Fed- eral Bureau of Investigation. The committee's vote escalated whet Senate Democratic leader Mike Mansfield of Montana earlier rnl d n miini ncUrI i cig a 1I UlWipt iv .Interviews being held between 9:00 A.M. and +6:00 P.M. FOR APPOINTMENT CONTACT: MRS. COOPER SUMMER PLACEMENT OFFICE 763-4117 Join The Daily CIRCULATION DEPT. Come in anv afternoon 420 Maynard FUTURE TEACHERS WE STOCKTHE NEW P5NFERIIFNAI called a mounting crisis between the Senate and the White House However, according to Sen. over Nixon's refusal to allow White James Eastland (D-Miss.), chair- man of the committee, there are House aides to testify before Con- enough votes to confirm Gray even gressional committees. if Dean did not testify. EDUCATION SERIES Whatever your major you'll want to examine this new breed of publication... designed to help you relate educational , theory to the realities of the classroom and priced so that you can easily afford it for use as a course review or subject overview. We have a complete stock of titles. 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