Eighty-two years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan A call for welfare reform 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1973 American tragedy MANY AMERICANS probably reacted with amazement and disgust upon hearing of the Indian takeover of Wounded Knee. "Why the nerve of those people: You'd think they owned the place!" Indians just didn't do things like that. They were the quiet noble red men who said "how" a lot in the movies, and al- ways accepted the "great white father's" beads and treaties with a few puffs of the everready peace pipe. Indians were the people who entertain- ed trainloads of tourists with their exotic dances to snakes and rain gods and who wove feather covered baskets to decorate our basement walls. Indians were our quiet minority-they didn't sit in, or cry for "red power." But most Americans didn't see the ter- rible poverty of the reservations-barren stretches of prairie and mountains that kept a proud people in a state of perpet- ual reliance on a niggardly government. ple unable to get work because their guardian, the United States, had left them untrained and ill-educated on reservations where few jobs exist. MOST AMERICANS really couldn't com- prehend the act of defiance that was symbolized in the occupation of a town where 200,Indian men, women, and chil- dren were butchered under the blazing artillery of the U.S. Cavalry 80 years ago. Yes, most Americans could not really understand why these people had moved to reclaim a piece of this land, land that was once theirs. "The nerve of those Indians! You'd think they owned the place!" TIoday's stiff: By PETER RUSH AN EMERGENCY meeting of thirty welfare activists, trade union militants, and socialist or- ganizers recently launched a na- iional organizing campaign for a :elegated National Welfare Rights Organization conference in Phill- adelphia on March 31 - before Nixon and Faith Evans, his NWRO :ratchet person, can complete their Mans to destroy welfare organiza- tion in the U.S. Constituting itself the Committee to Rebuild NWRO, the meeting mapped out plans to reach during the next eight weeks every active welfare organizer still committed to struggling against the slave labor plans and welfare cuts now sweeping across the country. It further resolved topropose to the Philadelphia conference that the NWRO expand its focus to become the first national organizationof the unemployed in over thirty years, incorporating within its ranks the growing numbers of the unemployed, veterans, students and underemployed, unorganized workers. The meeting was the latest step in a bitter factional struggle be- gun by NWRO founder Jeannette Washington against NWRO's sell- out leadership, presently under the control of OEO-employed F a i t h Evans. It brought together repre- sentatives of the majority of re- maining active East Coast welfare rights chapters from Boston, Cn- necticut, upstate New York, New York City, Philadelphia and Wash- ington, D.C. AS A BODY, these fifteen in- dividuals represent the few cour- ageous organizers remaining af- ter ten years of the black struggle, beginning with the civil-! rights movement. Unlike the hundreds of black activists who have dropped "Thanks to the wrecking action performed by Nixon's HEW and the FBI, National Welfare Rights Organization is heading toward a pre- mature death." YV.-":':?":: ?'??'{;: r"':"':d:::<:":"J}:"?4t}" : . ! " . { sa"1 :?}.<< ?.J.; :t: out of organizing or have been lur- ed into government jobs, these wo- men have continued org4,nizing, even in the face of NWRO's slow, two-year collapse. Together th e y resolved to keep welfare organiz- ing alive, to work "arm in arm with every welfare organizer to save what is left of NWRO and to rebuild it, whether or not we agree on every issue." Thanks to the wrecking opera- tion performed by Faith Evans along with Nixon's HEW and the pell them from NWRO if they failed to hold "special elections" he. demanded in the letters. Meanwhile, on September 1 he let the cat out of the bag with his announcement of an upcoming Eastern Regional meeting set for Sept. 23. Point number two of the slated agenda was "two Regional Pro- posals for funding," one of which was soon revealed to be a flat grant for "cooperative" WRO members from the notoriously anti- FBI, NWRO is rapidly heading towards a premature death. For the past five months Evans h a s confused and disorganized NWRO's Eastern Region under orders from Nixon. Despite the twists and turns taken by this campaign, Evan s and HEW's disruptive activities serve only one purpose: to demor- alize NWRO activists with endless meetings, to convince them they have no choice but to drop out of organizing or cooperate with t h e government, to leave them w i t h only the shell of a national organi- zation, incapable of either leading a national fight against workfare or even publishing the Wdlfare Fighter. With NWRO and all the organizers it used to represent out of the way, nothing can stop Nix- on's plans to recycle the working class. Late in August Evans began his wrecking work in earnest, sending letters on August 30 and 31 to Washington D.C., New Jersey and Boston WRO's threatening to ex- union Johnson and Johnson Com-' pany - a major source of funds for Evans' disorganizing these days. The third projected agenda topic was discussion concerning "our continued relationship with NWRO," which directly referred to his and HEW's plans to split up the national organization by first splitting off and dismantling the Eastern Region. Just as Evans had planned, the Sept. 23 regional itself on the sur- face achieved very little, but in reality - because of the wide- spread confusion and chaos it created - went further towards unravelling Eastern Regional NWRO. During the three months that followed it, Evans pushed ahead with his disorganizing by excluding Inner City WRO from a phony WRO organizing campaign in Boston, and by leaving N.J. WRO without any national assist- ance at a time of fierce repres- sion of welfare activists and re- cipients in general in New Jersey. During that same period .'ean- ette Washington began a campaign to expose Evan's dirty work and put NWRO on a new positive foot- ing. This campaign was answered by Evans and his clique on No- vember 11 in Baltimore at ni!her Eastern Regional meeting - one of the many pointless meetings- Evans has called to both confuse and wear people out. At his meet- ing, Washington was singled out for attack and was threatened with expulsion by supporters of : n e Evans clique. Finally on December 12 Evans announced the illegal suspension of Washington as Tist- ern Regional Representative and called yet another phony special Eastern Regional meeting for Jan. 13 to rubberstamp his decision. THIS RUMP MEETING of less than 40 handicapped Evans sup- porters in Washington D.C. was picketed by Philadelphia, Washing- ton and New York WRO organiz- ers, who held a press conference denouncing Evan's plans to sus- pend Jeannette Washington.tAlong with supporters in other cities, the picketers had issued a call to boy- bott the meeting and to build a real delegated NWRO convention by late March. This most recent meeting, held a couple of weeks ago, worked out the policy and some of the details of the upcom- ing conference. At this meeting Jeannette Wash- ington outlined her perspectives for reconstructing NWRO. Review- ing the past history of NWRO, she criticized its former leaders f o r failing to put into practice what it had preached: a policy of perm- anent, well-planned coalitions with unemployed and underemployed workers, housing activists, s t u- dents, and trade unionists fighting for adequate income, dignity and economic justice for all. She cited the phony, paper-thin alliances with the SCLC, NAACP and the NTO as responsible for leaving welfare organizers isolated from potential class allies. '"All these groups - the SCLC, the CP, the YWLL, the Muslims, the Panthers - have fallen asleep in the U.S. today," she asserted. "We've got to make them sweat, we've g't to make them work with us." Washington placed special em- phasis on organizing into an ex- panded NWRO the rapidly swell- ing ranks of unemployed veterans now coming home: "Nobody's talk- ing about the job creation neces- sary so they can lead productive lives." Recently, Bobby Seale endors- ed the class-wide organizing t h a t the March 31st conference in Phil- adelphia represents. L. Marcus, National Chairman of the Labor Committees, spoke after Washington and explained t h e broader purpose of the capitalists' slave labor plans; "recycling" first welfare recipients and then the unemployed in and out of the jobs presently employed workers at low- er and lower wages for all. Im- pending depression, he pointed out, leaves thedcapitalist no choice but to drive down. the wage levels of the entire world working class in this manner. Such a widely un- popular policy, however, would be impossible for a tiny group of cap- italists to directly impose on the population. For this reason, he con- tinued, "they must use judo -- pit the employed against the unem- ployed." THE AVERAGE WORKER, Mar- cus emphasized, will not yet want to face up to this reality because he still has some attachment to the capitalist system. He will con- sole himself by saying, "I have an angle, some small husle that will allow me to make it - if need be at the expense of anyone else." But as trade unions crumble, speedup intensifies, and real wages plunge those handfuls of trade unionists with the guts to face the truth will begin looking beyond trade unionism for class ' allies among the student, welfare and un- employed population. Peter Rush is a member of the Socialist, Nationalist Caucus of Labor Committees. r Y News: Mike Duweck, Judy Ruskin, David sem Gene Robinson, Stoll, Rolfe Tes- Most Americans countless number of drew young Indians never visited skid-row bars like magnets, the that peo- Editorial Page: Kathleen Ricke Arts Page: Diane Levick Photo technician: John Upton Tryin' to make it real .t X 1 ', ' By ALTA STARR 'Tis true my pearls were beads of sweat wrung for weary bodies' pain, instead of rings upon my hands I wore swollen bursting veins. My ornaments were the whip-lash's scar my diamond, perhaps, a tear. 'Instead of paint and powder on my face I wore a solid mask of fear to see my blood so spilled. And you, women seeing spoke no protest but cuddled down in your pink slavery as though somehow my wasted blood confirmed your superiority.' Beulah Richardson NASCENT YET, the singular move- ment of black women, as women, I believe can be realized. Because the necesary sense of urgency is obscured behind the facade of other forms of ex- pressed empathy and solidarity, the few omens appear as ignored and undeci- phered glyphs. But listen to the voices sometimes, though I am not inducing you to magnify what in any case is only rudimentary and fragmentary. If there is a "feminine consciousness" (and the words embody a trailing off behind the ineffably seductive); its roots are here. "Ain't is hard to stumble got no place to fall? If the wolfman's knocking at your door, may not have place at all." Bernice Reagon 'Matriarch Blues' There are continuing arguments as' to the value of cultural nationalism. In the final analysis, some say, it is only a dis- traction from the ultimate human con- cerns and the fulfillment of those con- cerns. To the extent that racialism eas- ily allows for a certain immobilization and stasis, by its tendency to mystifica- tion and stereotyping, it indisputably becomes self-defeating. James Baldwin says, in a discussion of the dynamics operating in a certain group of expatriat- es: "For one thing, it becomes impos- sible, the moment one thinks of it, to predicate the existence of a common experience. The moment one thinks about it, it becomes apparent that there is no such thing. That experience is a private, and a very largely speechless af- fair is the principal truth.. ." Agreed. And still we find the world of individuals constantly involved in the charting of analogous hypotheses and experiments, discoveries and frustration; the hope evidently being that somehow corre- spondence will be found, and from cor- respondence will grow support, and from support-change. "We been had/we been took/ we been misled" You should hear the 'Harambee Sing- ers.' Bernice Reagon is the guiding force behind the group which consists of four black women. During the peak of the civil rights movement in the South, she was .a member of the Freedom Singers. She and her songs have changed in con- gruence with the shifts in the political emphases of the black liberation strug- gle. To hear them is to live momentarily dom in the air' came forth with an ur- gency and pain that brought out'a sense of intense renewal and commitment to liberation. James Forman This is not to suggest a return to only songs and praying. Remember and re- discover that the impetus resulting in such creation is not one of purely in- dividual exprience. "I wish that it had not been necessary to become socially and politically oriented. I don't want to be Jesus Christ. I don't know beans about politics-I mean technically. But I had to choose this way. My people were in trouble." Nina Simone And Nina sings. "They say you live to fuss and fight and bring a good man down. build a movement out of this in some ways elusive, perhaps errant, and in any case emotional sensibility?. 'We been had/ we been took/ we been misled" Radcliffe College is sponsoring in May, through the offices of assistant dean Doris Mitchell, a symposium entitled "Black Women: Myths and Realities." The guiding rationale appears to be that sisters caq begin to approach the task of self-definition and self-direction with definite focus. It is an excellent idea, and the title in particular encompasses the dilemma in which we find ourselves. For example, we watched our seduction by the Moynihan myth of the black matriar- chy. And continually, still, we miss the union and explication of our perceptions of the reality through which we are living, and through which we wish to to: How does one begin to subvert the alienation forced upon one by apartment living in New York City? The answers struggled out with as much difficulty as the questicn, and only when individuals began to relate their personal experiences of a group suppor- tiveness and closeness, did any pattern emerge. Mothers and children and all living without men, worked and shared the fruits of that work. Those non-preg- nant, or for whatever reason unemploy- ed, kept their children and those of the working mothers. And sisters talked of food co-ops. "In the end/ unity will be thrust upon us" Gil Scott-Heron On a hot Southern summer day, the first gljnmers of an idea that only ef- Letters to The Daily Election To The Daily: IT IS MY concern as Elections Director to disperse any doubts about the validity of the SGC elections. It is for these reasons that I have appointed Paul, How- ard as Assistant Elections Direc- tor for computer programming. Furthermore, as provided in the election code, section 14.62 the computer program is now current- ly available to all curious consti- tuents. Elections are going to be com- ing up next month, and it is my job to make sure as many people will vote as possible. There are many controversial issues, and powerful positions to be elected and decided. It is my sincere hope that turnout will be large, and will not be marred by petty C&R and CSJ suits as in the past. If a large turnout occurs, the student governments of this campus will have some clout and be able to place a wedge into the facultytand administration for many "of their anti-student stands. With this let- ter, I also wish to kick off the slo- gan of the election. Represent yourself and, in the immortal words of Charles Schultz's Lucy in the "Peanuts" comic strip "Vote for the Blockhead of your Choice." Ken Newbury SGC Member and Elections Director. Gu iards To The Daily: WITHIN THE past few weeks the University Safety Department has instructed the Burns Guard Agency that current University of Michigan students are no longer to be used as guards on the Ann Ar- bor campus. Although the exact reasons for this decisions are un- known, it has been rumored that the Safety Department is concern- ed that guards might use their ac- cess to University buildings to change grade transcripts or to ac- quire sensitive academic informa- tion. Apparently the University con- tinues to believe that it can limit employment opportunities f o r whole classes of persons (minori- ties, women, and now students) at will. Apparently the University is correct, for students are no longer being hired as campus guards. I find it intolerable that a deci- sion such as this should be made without public discussion and with- out compelling justification. Does every guard on campus have ac- cess to academic materials and records? Are internal procedures of the University so sloppy that one can change his academic re- cord merely by altering one or two documents? If a present student can change his academic record, how about the U of M graduate who is em- ployed as a guard because he has been unable to find work in his field of preference? The Burns Ag- ency has been providing guard service on campus for over a year; what circumstances sudden- ly impell the exclusion of student guards? What exactly is the problem, and why was this solution select- ed? R.J. March 11 , Peace To The Daily: TWO RECENT letters in The Daily my Mohammed Saleh and Riad Al-Awar have drawn my ire. Both students used the context of the tragic downing of the Libyan passenger airliner with the appar- ent intent of condemning Israel for totally unrelated acts. Firstly, I want to express my deeply felt grief at the tragedy. There is no excuse, whatsoever, for destroying a commercial plane that is filled with innocent civil- ians. For that barbarous act, Is- rael deserves severe condemna- tion. However, Mr. Al-Awar satirical- ly writes of "the 'courage' of the two 'heroic' Israeli airmen . ." No Israeli would even think in those terms. No Israeli would con- sider the gunning down of inno- cent civilians as "courageous" or "heroic." Nor would any Israeli consider the machine-gunning of airline passengers inside the air terminal, or the slaughter of Olympic athleties as being "cour- ageous"tor "heroic." I am no' trying to allude to any revenge factor because the Libyan tragedy is unrelated to the Lod Airport tragedy. Mr. Al-Awar's statement, " once again the revolting spectacle of Israeli ruthlessness toward its Arab neighbors." There is no jus- tification, I repeat, for the mur- der of civilians, but Al-Awar's pos- ture of Arab innocence in the Arab-Israeli conflict .is totally fa- lacious. He also states that "it was Israel thatsrejected Jarring's peace initiatives . . ." The fact is that Sadat said he would accept them conditionally is Israel with- drew from all occupied Arab ter- ritory BEFORE the start of the ne- gotiations. Israel answered that it would negotiate first before with- drawing. Mr. Saleh's argument, on the other hand, centers on the more historical problems of the Arab- Israeli conflict. He hypothesizes that peace will only come if Israel would allow the return of the Pal- estinian refugees into a nebulously projected bi-national state. Mr. Sa- leh forgets, however, that when the Jews were advocating such a plan ,the Arabs responded by un- mitigated attacks at Hebron (1921), Tel-Hai (1922), and scores of other towns and settlements in 1929 and 1936-39. The existing Arab states opposed the Partition Reso- lution of 1947 in the United Na- tions and attacked Israel one day after the Declaration of Indepen- dence (14 May 1948). Since then, Nasser and the Syrians clamored to "sweep the Jews into the sea." Such actions and rhetoric seem to disprove Mr. Saleh's conditions for peace. In conclusion, it is only mature responsibility on the part of both the Arabs and the Israelis that can make peace possible. And mature responsibility includes the guaran- tees of safety for airline passen- gers on all flights and in all air- ports. The abolition of the killing of civilians would be. a great step for all of mankind. Ira E. Hoffman '73 1 March I Y And don't know how to treat him when he takes you on the town. They say you ain't behind him and just don't understand, and I think that you're a woman, but acting like a man. Hey gal, what you gonna do? * * * When you love a man enough, you're bound to disagree, Ain't nobody perfect Cause ain't nobody free." from 'Blues for Mama" MILLIONS OF WORDS have by this time been devoted to the study of black music: that unique area of musi- cal expression created by Afro-Ameri- cans from the geperous heart of their experience. For example, we might agree with Samuel Charters, authorof The Poetry of the Blues: "It is in some ways discomforting to think of the blues as an expression of "differentness," since it is the difference between Negro and white in America which has been used as the justification for preventing the Negro from taking his place in American society, but there is a differ- ence in tradition and in the social me- mory which gives to both blacks and whites their distinctiveness." The great beauty of the blues is partly that it is not a constant caterwauling of social pro- test but the lucid and poetic presenta- tion of a shared lifestyle and sensibility. "I sing the blues of a woman that has to tell it like it is live; simply because it is so easy to accept the idealization, those titular and usually meaningless idealizations of our being. FEMINISM. Not just the 'same rights' as men; as in political and economic 'status'; which was made obvious in 1949 with the publication of The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir. No, more than anything else the righteous and in- trinsic concern of feminism appears to me to be the liberation of one's psychol- ogy, and one's self-definition, from the essentially incorrect and oppressive de- finition of some other. "I am a black woman tall as a cypress strong beyond all definition still defying place and time and circumstance assailed impervious indestructible Look on me and be renewed. Mari Evans But this is mythology. "We been had/ we been took/ we been misled" Mythology has its place, but the pos- sibility of seduction into a rigid and atrophying consciousness is imminent. This is not tryin' to make it real. fronts at solidarity - and perhaps, soli- darity as black women, could ease the battle for survival. There is now strong and vocal inter- est in questions raised by the constant exposure of the injustices in courts and prisons. People identify with prisoners unjustly held and gagged defendants in the courts, for here are the most visible manifestations of the bars around all our lives and the cruel gags that hold back articulation. "Let us units out of love! not hate" Gil Scott-Heron Too much to ask. Many steps must oc- cur before unity, all those painful steps at constant self-definition, and definition of the political realities. Psyche. Not jivin', but that may be hard to realize til wechase Freud out of the door, and Grier and Cobbs too unless they succeed in their efforts to free they phychological orientation from models of psychopathology, and c o m e full-circle to re-definitions in conjunct/ with black culture. Nations consist of individuals, and for the time being, most individuals are shaped by the cauldron, or cesspool, or nest of their families, or the absence of family. No more vis- ible chains on the body, the ultimate >attleground is for the chains of defini- tions and fantasy that hang on the mind. Feminism. Not simply the right to con- trol one's body but one's mind. The right to a new psychology. The right .to re- assess the possible ways in which in- WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1973 Pisces prefer to live alone., Pisces. (Feb. 19-March 20). You will find your- self placed in the middle as friends bicker. Don't get too involved. A romantic remark received may be misleading. Don't be too hopeful. Aries. (March 21-April 19). Day will run smooth- ly. Towards evening begin finding new diversions with friends. Frolic to the bars. What else can one do in A2? Taurus. (April 20-May 20). Activities around the house or apt. will stimulate creativity today. Con- centrate on little things and you will find the day more rewarding. Shower favors. r sign s humour will enhance your appeal tonight. Locate new adventures. Virgo. (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You can take many chances today if you don't jump in too deep. Avoid worrying. Entertainment and happiness will be found with another in a lucrative retreat. Libra. (Sept. 23-Oct.22). A rather off-beat day. Relax and enjoy the social and party life. Possi- bly even a psychic discovery in store. Retain good judgment for tomorrow's work. Scorpio. (Oct. 23-Nov. 21). Organize your day and complete one term paper today. Sagittarius. (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). A day of action. Complete business and school work in the early hours. The evening should bring relaxation and 'I 4