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March 14, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-03-14

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See Editorial Page


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See Today for details

Vol. XXXIII, No. 128

Ahn Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, March 14, 1973

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages









Justice blind?
The state's case against Rainbow People's Party members
Pun Plamondon and Craig Blazer is apparently something less
than airtight. The two are charged with trying to collect by force
a $3000 debt in a marijuana transaction. In Monday's hearing in
Benzie County Court one of the state's two witnesses completely
contradicted the arguments presented in the prosecution's case.
Bruce Peterson, who lived with Uvay Wagner, the man allegedly
threatened by Plamondon and Blazer, said that the two had no
weapons and made no violent threats in dealing with Wagner.
He further commented that the articles allegedly stolen by the
pair were in reality voluntarily given up as a sort of collateral
on the payment. Despite the conflicting testimony, bond was kept
at $100,000 for each. Buck Davis, the pair's attorney, said he was
"numbed by the judge's decision." An appeal of the high bail
is planned.
Campus crime
Street crime has once again reared its ugly head in the
campus area. Late Monday night, Rosie and Andre Hunt, who
reside in an apartment on South Division Street, heard a knock
at their door. Upon opening the door, Hunt was confronted by a
knife-brandishing pair who forced their way into the apartment.
After removing items from a jewelry box and seizing five dol-
lars, the thieves tied up Hunt with telephone wire. They then
forced his wife into the bedroom and sexually assaulted her. City
police have two suspects in the crime. One of the pair is also
charged with an arson and breaking and entering committed
March 10. Bail was set at $50,000.
Council briefs
While most of their time was taken up with the fight over
revenue sharing, City Council last night did manage to take
action on severaIl other matters. By a 9-2 vote council gave tenta-
tive approval to an ordinance requiring unit pricing in most city
stores. Originally proposed by the Human Rights Party, the mea-
sure is considered an important step in the fight for consumer
protection. A public hearing and final action on the ordinance is
scheduled for March 29. On the question of the Eisenhower Park-
way, council postponed action for two weeks to provide time for
further study of the controversial thoroughfare. Georgetown resi-
dents fear the proposed six-lane highway will cause serious prob-
lems in their neighborhood.
Local POW homeward bound
Navy Cmdr. Kenneth Coskey of Ann Arbor is among the
group of 108 POWs scheduled to come home this week. Coskey,
who has been held prisoner since mid-1968, will join his wife who
currently resides in Virginia Beach, Va. His parents, however,
still live in Ann Arbor.
.. .today are topped by a panel discussion on the freedom
of the press and related topics. Sponsored by the University's
chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, the panel will include Paul Branz-
burg of the Detroit Free Press and journalism Profs Paul Jess
and John Stevens. The discussion will begin at 7:00 p.m. at 150
Hutchins Hall . .. the Chinese Students Association is showing
"White Hair Girl", a revolutionary film from China tonite in Aud.
A, in the P&A building at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. . . . Prof. George
Mendenhall will deliver the Henry Russel Lecture this after-
noon at 4:00 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre . . . the East
Conference Room in Rackham will be the scene of a Grad Cof-
fee Hour at 8:00 p.m: . . . and while the week is still young, it is
not too early to start thinking about Friday night, when UAC and
South Quad will sponsor a dance at 8:30 p.m. in the quad's main
dining rooi. BEER IS FREE and admission is a dollar. Two
bands, Detroit and The Rockets will provide the entertainment.
Crosstown traffic
LOS ANGELES-An unidentified man was killed at dawn
yesterday on the Hollywood Freeway after being hit by five
different cars. Police said the man, while attempting to cross
the freeway, was knocked to the pavement by the first car
which did not stop. He regained his feet and was hit by a
second car which sped off. He got up again and was hit by a
third car which sped off. He got up again and was hit by a
fourth car which sped off. Then, while sprawled on the ground,
he was run over by a fifth car which also continued on. The
man was dead at the scene. Police said only one of the five
drivers, 57-year-old Mary Lewis of Los Angeles, came back to
see what had happened.
On the inside .. .
the Arts Page features Mike Harper's review of
Alice Cooper's latest album . . . the Editorial Page presents
"Trying to Make It Real" by Alta Starr . . . the Sports
Page retells the gruesome story that was the Big Ten bas.
ketball season.
The weather picture
Those ominous clouds are to continue hanging over us,
threatening our existence with a 70 percent- chance of rain.
Meanwhile, the temperature is conspiring to reach a high of
65, and beware of gusty winds.

100 pinched in big c
WASHINGTON (Reuter) - U. S. The press conference was ap-
and Mexican government narcotics parently called to emphasize U.S.-
agents have seized 24.5 tons of Mexican cooperation in fighting
marijuana in a five week antidrug drug traffic in the wake of recent,
drive along the Arizona - Mexican news reports that the "Mexican
border, it was announced yester- Connection" was playing an in-
day. creasingly significant role in drug
The Campaign, called "Opera- smuggling here.
tion Cactus," resulted in more than The Mexican Ambassador in
100 arrests on both sides of the Washington, Jose Juan de Olloqui,
border. The marijuana was said to told reporters that his country was
hive a street value of more than mounting an intensive d r i v e
$16 million. against drug traffickers in cooper-
More than nine pounds of hero- ation with U. S. authorities. He
in, with a resale worth of $2.5 mil- said results had been excellent,
lion, was also seized. The two U.S. officials paid tri-
Details of Operation Cactus were bute to Mexican cooperation in the
disclosed at a Washington press narcotics war and Ingersoll de-
conference by Vernon Acree, U. clared that press reports pinpoint-
S. commissioner of customs, and ing Mexico as a source of narcotics
John Ingersoll, director of thp Bu- were "no help, because it gives
reau of Narcotics and Dangerous the country a black eye."
Drugs. But he conceded that Mexico was

becoming increasingly attractive
as a trans-shipment point for
drugs as other traditional routes
were closed off.
He said most of the heroin from
Mexico coming via air traffic prob-
ably involved different traffickers
than the Mexican and American
marijuana smugglers arrested in
"Operation Cactus."
He described the joint operation
as one of* the largest, if not the
largest, of recent years during
which the United States and Mexi-
co have cooperated in the nar-
cotics war.
Last month's operation in a
desolate "No Man's Land" on the
border involved helicopters, radio
equipped vehicles and dogs.
The Mexican part of the opera-
See DRUG, Page 12

Daly Photo by TOM GOTTLIEB

Daily Photo


Indian sieg~e
coninues as
tal s reopen
By the Associated Press, UPI and Reuter
WOUNDED KNEE, S.D.-Militant Indians met with an assistant
U.S. attorney general yesterday as the standoff at Wounded Knee
continued with a tightened government cordon around the village.
In the first meeting since negotiations collapsed last Saturday,
Harlington Wood of the Justice Department met with Indian leaders
for two hours.
The Indians were told, Wood said, that there would be no attempt
by the federal government to take control of Wounded Knee while
negotiations were in progress.
He also said that the meeting has been held in a friendly, business-
ike manner and had been productive.
The cordon of men and armor around Wounded Knee was re-
established Monday after J'istice Department officials said the Indians
had used the opportunity to allow more men and weapons into the
hamlet and after several shooting incidents, including one in which
an FBI agent was wounded.
However, government officials at nearby Pine Ridge said yesterday
that only one shot had been fired the next, night and that apparently
no one had been hurt.
According to Wayne Colburn, chief of U.S. marshalls at the
scene, the original group of 200 Indians has now swelled to 300 and is
well armed.
The government has 15 armored personnel carriers and six road-
blocks around Wounded Knee, manned in shifts by almost 300 men.
American Indian Movement (AIM) leaders who originally came to
Wounded Knee to protest alleged bad conditions on the reservation have'
established their own defensive perimeter and system of bunkers.
See INDIANS, Page 12

Daily Photo by KEN FINK
Double fryer
Daily Photographer Ken Fink spotted this bizarre sign contrast while strolling along the streets of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., during
spring break. He decided to share this chance meeting of two "fry by night" outfits with our readers.

ecture at
Hill upset
by fracas
Thesusually intellectually staid
atmosphere of the Future World
Lecture Series was shattered yes-
terday as Hill Auditorium became
the scene of a confrontation be-
tween MIT Prof. Dennis Meadows
and members of the National Cau-
cus of Labor Committees, a so-
cialist organization.
Meadows, lecturing on "Limits
to Growth: Challenges to Future
Education," believes growth-eco-'
nomic, material and physical-
cannot continue at its present rate
on our finite planet. He proposed
a slow down in growth equilibrium
so we can study our objectives,
realize our limits and study theirj
long range effects.
A caucus member called Meadows
j "scientifically incompetant" and
charged his growth equilibrium
theory was "facist by implication."
The crowd responded to the state-
ments with jeers, hisses and cries'
of "get off the mike." The caucus
member persisted even though a
member of the audience attempted
to take the microphone from him.
See LECTURE, Page 12

City programs threatened

According to Mayor Robert Harris, poor peo-
ple in the Ann Arbor area face a "simply ter-
rible" fiscal 1974 because of what he terms an
"incredible number" of federally funded pro-
grams that will be slashed or ended altogether.
Harris presented this finding in a report to
City Council on a trip he made to a Washing-
ton conference of the National League of Cities
and the United States Conference of Mayors.
While at the conference, Harris and mayors
from all over the country were briefed on the
effect of Nixon budgetary cuts on programs to
aid urban areas.
In his report, Harris outlined several specific
areas that would suffer as'a result of budgetary
At the present time, about 17 persons are em-

ployed by the city with funds provided under the
Emergency Employment Act (EEA).
According to Harris' report the end of this
funding will force the firing of these employes
as well as persons employed by the county and
other organizations with EEA help.
The Summer Youth Program has provided
summer employment for young people during
the past few years. Harris says that "things
look bleak" for its continued funding.
Regarding urbanimprovements, the report
says "the practical message for Ann Arbor is a
vastly reduced level of operations for Model Ci-
ties . . . (and there is) no sense in even trying to
apply for more public housing, or any other
community development program."
In addition, Harris learned that the Office of
Economic Opportunity Community Action Pro-
See HARRIS, Page 12

Daily Photo by SARA KRULWICH
Mayor Harris


University returns the Fort
Wayne skeleton' to Indians


Dems, HRP clash over clinic;
revenue sharing pact in trouble

After a month of intense debate,
University officials have surrender-
ed possession of the controversial
"Fort Wayne skeleton"-an ancient
Indian skeleton which local Indian
groups have long claimed belongs
to them.
Controversy over the skeleton be-
gan last month, when some 30 local
Indians disrupted a meeting of the
University Regents. They demand-
ed that the bones be removed from
the University's anthropology mu-
seum and that they be buriied ac-
cording to Indian custom.

"We do not rob
-VP Allan Smith
James Griffin, director and
curatorof the Museum of Anthro-
pology said, "It (the Fort Wayne
skeleton) is estimated by us to be
between 1,000 and 2,500 years old."
However, at an early press con-
ference last month, the Indiansces-
timated the age of the bones to be
between 250 to 400 years old.

"(The findings of) some of the
materials are the result of erosion
or construction," Smith said.
And according to Griffin, "In
no case did the staff of the mu-
seum excavate such materials. We
have regarded the preservation of
this material of a public trust and
saved it from destruction or cas-
ual disposition."
Meanwhile, local Indians prepare
for a non-violent march and rally
at St. Mary's park this Sunday, in
Monroe, Michigan to show support
for theIndiansat Wounded Knee,
Soith Dakota and to focus atten-
tion on the conditions and diffi-

Funding of a community abortion clinic threat-
ens to destroy a tenuous Democratic-Human
Rights Party (HRP) compromise federal revenue
sharing budget.
k At Monday's meeting, City Council deferred ac-

agreed upon last weekend.
The total budget contains over $1.4 million
received from the federal government for an
18 month period beginning in January, 1972. Some
5160,000 of revenue sharing funds have already
been spent by council.

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