VENGEANCE DOES NOT PAY See Editorial Page Y Sir iAau 43attiv OBSCURE High-55 Low-42 See Today for details Vol. LXXXIII, No. 127 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, March 13, 1973 Ten Cents Ten Pages FOOD, SUPPLIES BLOCKED E Press freedom investigated Ann Arbor's Representative Perry Bullard is heading an investigation into Wayne State University's administrative posi- tion on freedom of the press, specifically relating to the Univer- sity's student newspaper, the South End. Bullard has sent a letter to WSU Acting President George Gullen, formally re- questing that copies of all documents concerning the school's stance on the paper, and of all regulations covering WSU's Student Publications Board, be made available to a special House subcommittee on Student and Faculty Civil Rights, which Bullard chairs. The investigation is sparked by last month's brouhaha at Wayne State, when Wayne's Board of Governors passed a resolution allowing Gullen to hand-pick the members of the Student Publications Board, which has the right to choose and dismiss the South End's editor. On the outside Todays' Appointments, Incorporated Dept. notes that two University VIPS have been recognized in the outside world. President Robben Fleming has been -elevated to the ranks of the College of Electors for the "Hall of Fame for Great Americans" at New York University. The College is composed of represen- tatives from all 50 states. Law School Dean Theodore St. An- toine has been appointed to the seven-member UAW Public Re- view Board, an institution which serves a watchdog function for the labor movement. St. Antoine's appointment fills the hole left by the resignation of ... President Robben Fleming. Ah, spring! At exactly 1:13 p.m. March 20, young men's fancies can start turning to those kinds of thoughts. At that moment, accord- ing'to 'U' astronomer Hazel 'Doc' Losh, the sun will cross the equator on its way north. This occurrence, scientifically known as the vernal equinox, is commonly referred to as the first day of spring. Losh notes that though the arrival of spring is clearly the most important astronomical event of March, there is also an outstanding constellation lighting up the twilight sky. This is Bootes, the giant "Bear Driver," which represents a powerful running man with a spear in one hand and the leash of his hunt- ing dogs in the other. Happenings .. . . . . are topped today by another Future Worlds lecture. Ddnela and Dennis Meadows-co-authors of "Limits of Growth" will speak on "Limits to the Limits of Growth" at 3 p.m. at Hill Aud. . . . star gazers can groove on the first still photos from the Apollo 17 at the RC Aud, 9 p.m. . . . or if your interests are a little more down to earth (so to speak) you can see color slides of Brazil at the Michigan Consolidated Gas Company Bldg at 7:30 p.m. . . . chess afficianados can get it on when the University Chess Club meets from 8 to 10 p.m. in South Quad dining room number 2 . . . the LSA Coffee Hour this week fea- tures mathematics at 3 p.m. in 3212 Angell Hall . . . and if you can haul yourself out in the a.m., you can catch a lecture on Angola at 9 in lecture room 1 of the MLB followed by the film Armed Struggle in Angola and a slide show in 2212 MLB from 10 to noon. Both are presented by the Liberation Support Move- ment . . . have a nice day. Daredevil Civic leaders in Port Huron will pay Karl Wallenda $5,500 to risk his neck high above their city this summer. Wallenda-a member of the tragedy-prone "Great Wallenda" tight rope act- will earn his keep by walking a 600 foot wire cable (sans net, of - course) from Port Huron's jail to the YMCA. As an added teaser, each time he traverses the wavering wire, Wallenda will stop in the middle-where the wire sags some 15 feet-and stand on his head. He will perform this stunt twice-a-day, each day of the week-long Blue Water Festival in July. Wallenda is 65 years old. Nixon bash A dynamite twin-bill starring Merle "Oakie from Muskogee" Haggard and the Osmond Brothers will be featured at Pat Nixon's birthday party at the White House Saturday. Some 250 guests- mostly members of Congress and their escorts-will attend the 8:30 performance which will be followed by a late evening champagne buffet and dancing. The birthday bash follows close on the heals of the Nixon's last smash-hit which featured Sammy Davis Jr. The Great Escape Mario Sellirini dived into the Tiber to escape a policeman who caught him trying to rob a car Sunday. The policeman jumped in after him, just in time to save his life. Sellirini can- not swim. Ouch! The American woman tourist was furious with the British car she hired. The engine noise was so loud she couldn't hear herself think. Dashboard lights flashed for not apparent reason. No matter how hard she tramped on the gas she couldn't reach 50 miles an hour. Finally she asked Norry Fyfe, an Automobile Association official, for help. He inspected the vehicle Sunday, asked a few questions and told her-she had driven the 200 miles from London to Cornwall all in second gear. Good Samaritan Daniel Scwartzler thought it his duty to turn over a 250- pound military bomb he found in the desert. He put it in the back seat of his car and took it to police headquarters, but then made his mistake-he told police his name. Officers thanked the 20- year-old Pacoima man for risking his life, but then reminded him of several delinquent traffic warrants. He was booked on the traffic charges.l On the inside .. . C..RaconteurtGene Robinson reviews the David Bowie Concert for the Arts Page ... . Senior Psych Student Jim Conley talks about the left-wing blues on the Editorial Page . and Jim "60-Minute" Kahler summarizes the vacation Government LSA spells out academic code By DAVID UNNEWEHR In a meeting yesterday, the literary college faculty unanimously approved a new code of academic conduct defin- ing which activities the colleges considers dishonest and sub- ject to penalty. At the same session, the faculty rejected 80-44. a grading proposal that would have abolished failing grades and estab- lished a system of student-faculty options for determining the grading environment. Just several weeks ago, the college's faculty overwhelm- S-ingly defeated a similar grad- isolates Wounded IKnee WOUNDED KNEE, South Dakota, (Reuter) - Federal authorities slapped a ring of men and armor around the .:: Indian-held settlement of Wounded Knee last night, de- termined not to allow anyone to slip through their cordon. The Indians, led by' members of !t'the American Indian Movement (A.I.M.), have declared Wounded Knee and the surrounding 40-odd- acres a sovereign state at war with the U.S. Food supplies into the area were halted, and chief federal marshal Wayne Colburn strongly hinted that - .water, power and telephone links with the besieged settlement might also be cut off. The government reaffirmed that it wants to avoid bloodshed but it appears that the latest policy to try to end the 14-day occupation of the tiny town by militant Indians may be one of forcing its estimated 300 occupants to go hungry and thirsty. Pun held on drug charges GRAND RAPIDS (UPI) - Pun Plamondon and Craig Blazer of the Rainbow People's Party were arraigned yesterday in Benzie County Court on various charges stemming from an alleged attempt to collect by force $3000 in a mari- juana transaction. Bonds of $100,000 were continued for both Plamondon and Blazer pending their appearance at an un- determined date in the court lo- cated in the northwest part of tha state. The pair is charged with con-, spiracy to extort, extortion, armed robbery and conspiracy to violate the criminal usury law. The two were apprehended by city and"state police March 1 while driving in the Packard-Hill area. Attorney General Frank Kelley, said the charges resulted from' Blazier and Plamondon's alleged threats of violence to a Benzie County man who was unable to pay an agreed price of $3000 for 25 pounds of marijuana. ing proposal. Proponents of the reforms who have worked for several years to effect changes feel that the entire grading issue may well be dead. The new academic code, the first in the college's history, spells out these offenses; -Plagiarism or the submitting of another person's work without proper attribution; -Cheating; -Fabrication or presentation of data which was not gathered ac- cording to proper procedure; -Aiding and abetting dishon- esty, and; -Falsification of records and of- ficial documents. Under the new code, a person who believes that a violation has occurred must bring evidence to a newly established Academic Judic- iary, composed of seven students and seven faculty members. Students suspected of dishonesty will be notified and given time to prepare a defense. The judiciary will-weigh evidence and then make a judgement on the case. Penalties for those found guilty range from a letter of reprimand or a failing grade to expulsion from the literary college. The seven students on the Aca- demic Judiciary were chosen from and approved by the literaryfcol- lege student government. Faculty See LSA, Page 21 Daily Photo by DAVID MARGOLICK Bites the dust A hungry crane devours the final remains of the old Landscape Architecture building on Hill Street. The Business Administration building stands majestically in the background. NO CONSPIRACY CITED: F our useized in federal drug raid BULLETIN City Council last night defer- red for a week a decision on its $1.4 million revenue sharing budget as the Democratic-Hu- man Rights Party compromise crumbled over the issue of an abortion clinic. HRP had pre- viously agreed to drop its de- mand for a $50,000 abortion clinic, but after public hearings and some rethinking the two HRP representatives decided to back the clinic. The vote for de- ferral was 7-4. A Republican re- quest to postpone action until after the April elections was voted down. Colburn told newsmen, "I would like to think I can change their desire. . . . It means cold; it means not being able to read the Indian e v e n i n g newspaper; it means not being able to watch TV; it means not being able to make telephone calls; it means not being able to get soap to wash their clothes with; it means all of these things." Asked if this meant that the 300 federal. agents and Bureau of In- dian Affairs police in the area did not plan an assault to recapture Wounded Knee, Colburn replied: "Well, it sure as hell means I'm planning to change their life style." When Colburn was asked if this policy amounted to starving out Wounded Knee, he replied, "We will not let food through because the people who need food supplies, are the residents, and if they want food, they can come out." He said the original residents of the 50 or so homes in the area had been told food supplies would be easily made available to them. The government cordon of road- blocks, patrols and 12 armored per- sonnel carriers went into positions around Wounded Knee last night after it was announced that since the removal of roadblocks last Saturday, people and supplies had started to move into the area. The Justice Department with- drew surrounding federal marshals and FBI men in an attempt to defuse the potentially explosive situation. charged with possess ion in court By REBECCA WARNER Four city men posted bond yesterday and were released on bail pending trial on charges of possession with intent to distribute marijuana. Federal customs agents accompanied by local police raided the men's house at 1131 South Forest Friday. They told reporters they confiscated 400 pounds of marijuana and "an undisclosed amount" of cocaine. Officials claimed Saturday the men would be charged with conspiracy to smuggle cocaine and marijuana. However, the charges brought at the arraignment did not include smuggling. The defendants said yesterday they though the agents were expecting to find cocaine, but claimed none was confiscated. The four plan to plead not guilty to the marijuana charge. The bust began with a knock at the door Friday night. house residents said. When they opened up "a guy was standing there with a shotgun." No warrant was presented at the door, the four men said. Official street value estimates for the grass have ranged from $100,000 to a quarter of a million. "There was no cocaine and there wasn't 400 pounds of marijuana," the men insisted yesterday. They called the case against them "weak" but "still in the process of investigation," so they declined to explain how the agents came to suspect them.. Inside the house, the residents said, the officials were fairly polite but made some unpleasant personal com- ments. "They kept saying, 'Where's the cocaine?' Once they said, 'We've found an ounce of cocaine, it's all over."' The agents confiscated all the money they found in the house and also broke the lock of the adjoining house and searched it, confiscating what the men said was the "personal stash" of the two women tenants, who were away on vacation. The -women were unavailable for com- ment yesterday. The four men were taken to Washtenaw County Jail and then to the Federal Building customs headquarters in Detroit, and finally to Wayne County Jail before being released Saturday. A fifth man, whose identity was undisclosed, has also been arraigned on related charges and released on bail, the four said. Daily Photo by DAVID MARGOLICK Site of drug bust Bentley files suit against Regents; I M k asks ml-eetnsbe open By MIKE DUWECK of each month to vote on University policy. A suit demanding an end to the Regents' While they hold open sessions on Thursday t practice of holding private meetings will be afternoon and Friday morning, many ob- t filed today or tomorrow by Student Govern- servers agree that important decisions are ment Council (SGC) legal advocate Thomas made in private, off-campus sessions. to public Bentley. Plaintiffs in the action are SGC, the Daily and its co-editors, and the Michigan Student News. Bentley declined to comment on specifics of the suit until it has been filed in Lansing. However, he said that the purpose of the It would be a grave disserv- ice to government to open private m e e t i n g s to the nuic.. G I t a r Smith said, "It would be a grave disservice to government to open private meetings to the public." Bentley has made several previous at- tempts to change regental meeting policy. In December, he sent a memorandum to the body on the question. In that document, the legal advocate cited a section of the state constitution which reads, "formal meetings of the Board (of Regents) shall be held in public." Nixon declares staff privileges WASHINGTON (P)-In a move that is certain to exacerbate the already strained relationship be- tween Congress and the White House, President Nixon yesterday announced that past and present members of his personal staff will turn down requests to appear formally before congressional -committees. His two-page written statement on how he will employ the traditional doctrine of executive privi- lege came as Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee sought ways to subpoena White House counsel John Dean to testify about the Watergate