Saturday, January 13, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Saturday, January 13, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three CULTUj,,R CALEJNWAR WEEKEND BARS AND MUSIC-Bimbo's, Gaslighters (Fri., Sat., Sun.) cover; Del Rio, Armando's Jazz Group (Sun.) no cover; Rubaiyat, Iris Bell Adventure (Fri., Sat., Sun.) no cover; Pretzel Bell, RFD Boys (Fri., Sat.) cover; Blind Pig, Brooklyn Bluesbusters (Fri., Sat.) cover, string trio (Sun.) no cover; Golden Falcon, The Fifth Revelation (Fri., Sat.) cover; Mackinac Jack's, Lucille Spann and the Garfield Blues Band (Fri., Sat., Sun.) cover; Mr. Flood's Party, Diesel Smoke and Dangerous Curves (Fri., Sat.) cover; Odyssey, Stone Front (Fri., Sat.) cover; Bimbo's on the Hill, The Crickets (Fri., Sat.) cover; Ark, The Golden Ring (Fri., Sat.) admission. FILMS-Cinema Guild is presenting Rock Around the Clock starring Bill Haley and the Comets in Arch. Aud. at 7, 9:05 tonight. New Morning is showing Melvin Van Peeb- les Sweet Sweetback's Badasssss Song tonight in the Modern Language Bldg. The Bursely Hall Movie is They Shoot Horses, Don't They in the W. Cafeteria tonight at 9. OPERA-The Canadian Opera Company is presenting Moz- art's Cosi Fan Tutte in the Power Center tonight at 8. DRAMA-The Theater Company of Ann Arbor's production of Dracula is again presented tonight at 8 at Mendels- sohn. ART EXHIBITS-Lantern gallery features "From N.Y. via AA With Love!" which focuses on works by selected New York artists; University Museum of Art features draw- ing and photographs By WARREN ROSENBERG From the size of the crowd in the Rackham amphitheater yesterday afternoon, one might think that the Michigan-Ohio State football game was being replayed. But, in fact, it was all for art, as the Hopwood under- classmen writing awards and three other literary awards were presented. The center of interest, however, was the Pulitzer Prize, and NationalsBook Award winner Richard Wilbur. Introduced by University En- glish Professor Donald Hill, who has written a book on Wilbur's poetry (Twayne, 1967), the poet read selections from some of his five books of poetry and Rus- sian and French translations to an enthusiastic audience. Wil- bur's poems are tremendously controlled and contrast markedly with the looser style of the "beat generation" poets who were his contemporaries during his form- ative period. Yet, he has the ca- pacity to evoke tremendous emo- tion and his poems, which con- tain a sensuous dignity, avoid the dryness of over-intellectuali- ty. A prime example of this quality was a poem he read ear- ly in the reading which con- cerned his daughter,halso a young writer. As the person passes by her room he hears her typing furiously. He makes some typically condescending and glib Have a flair for. artistic writing-? If you are interest- ed in review ing poetry, and music. stories ab out*the arts: Contact Art, E d it or, c/o The drama, dancefilm, Wilbur 's powerful poetry of emotions remarks about the relative im- portance (to her) of what she is writing about, but then remem- bers a sparrow that had been trapped in that same room two years before. As he remembers the sparrow's bloody struggle to escape the room he, (as does the listener,) b e c o m e s suddenly aware of the superficiality of his first response and concludes more soberly, "I wish you what I did before/But harder." While at Amherst College in 1938 Wilbur was considering journalism as a career, but, he says, "it was not until World War II took me to Cassino, An- zio, and the Siegfried Line that I began to versify in earnest." Indeed, the poetic transformation of his war experiences culminat- ed in his first, brilliant collec- tion of poetry, The Beautiful Changes. In "First Snow in Al- sace" two qualities which per- vade his later work appear; his masterfulhandling of rhyme, and his gift for metaphor: The snow came down last night like moths Burned on the moon; it fell till dawn, Covered the town with simple cloths. Absolute snow lies rumpled on What shell bursts scattered and deranged Entangled railings, crevassed lawn. As if it did not know they'd changed . . ." Wilbur, who now teaches En- glish at Wesleyan University in Connecticut, is still very much against war. In fact, he dedicat- ed the reading to a Capt. Heck All Lemenv of heTruih Coptured Live on film ::S:S";8?N: vy{$"vn". . Y":i.s.. :"..:'.. T ING RO and his 42 MEMBER COMMUNAL TOURING COMPANY LATE SHOWS SAT. ONLY-ALL SEATS $2.00 OPEN 11:30, ST ARTS 11:45 not continuous with "Cabaret" 71=9. 7 M n who, during his fourth tour of duty in Vietnam, refused to fly a bombing mission over Hanoi. After making the dedication Wilbur read his famous poem "Advice to a Prophet" which at- tempts to make us feel the hor- ror of nuclear annihilation. The effect was not wasted on those listening. "One does not use poetry for its major purposes," Wilbur once said, "as a means of organiz- ing oneself and the world, until one's world somehow gets out of hand. A general cataclysm is not requiredg thedisorderymust be personal and may be wholly so, but poetry, to be vital, does seem to need a periodic acquain- tance with the threat of chaos.' One is at a loss to find much chaos in Wilbur's writing, but he gave a glimpse into his personal struggle in a poem entitled "Cot- tage Street, 1953." The poem was writtenrecently, but it de- picts an afternoon in 1953 when his mother-in-law invited him to her house to "cheer-up" a young poet who had already attemted suicide. The poet was Sylvia Plath, and Wilbur saw it then as his "office" to be a "stupid life- guard" to a girl who had already "drowned." The power of the poem lies in Wilbur's ability to juxtapose events and choose the right details. He contrasts the happy 88 year life-san of his mother-in-law with Plath's brief tragic one. Yet the poet is so much more compelling to him for she was able "to state at last her brilliant negative." Although Wilbur does not oft- en express his personal pain and sense of chaos in his poems, in "The Terrace," from his 1950 collection, we find a beautiful, symbolically rendered expression of one night and his feelings of emptiness: We ate with steps of sky about our shoulders, High up a montainside, On a terrace like a raft roving Seas of view .. . Mixt into all the day we heard the spice Of many tangy bees Eddying through the miles- deen Salad of flowers When we were done we had our hunger still: We dipped our cups in light; We caught the fine-spun shade of clouds In spoon and plate; ... Out in the dark we felt the real mountains Hulking in proper might, And we felt the edge of the black wind's Regardless cleave, And we knew we had eaten not the manna of heaven But our own reflected light And we were the only part of the night that we Couldn't believe. Other books by Wilbur are Ceremony (1950), A Bestiary The Michigan t Daily Arts f Page is now accepting poetry for publication Submit work to Arts Editor c/o The Daily. (1955), Things of This World (1956), Advice to a Prophet (1961), and Walking to Sleep (1969). He also translated Mo- liere's Tartuffe and was the co- recipient of the Bolingen Prize for translation in 1964. * * * Hopwood Awards in essay, fic- tion, and poetry were presented by Prof. Radcliffe Squires. This year 47 students entered a total of 60 manuscripts, five in essay, 20 in fiction, and 35 in poetry. The judges were Profs. Laur- ence Goldstein and Eric Rabkin. In the essay division there were two awards: $100 to Della Dipietro, '76 for "The Case of the Fuller Street Bridge," and $50 to Linda Burk, '76, for "Thoughts." In the fiction division there were three awards: $150 to Deb- ra Bernhardt, '75, for "Spring Valley Stories"; $100 to Patricia Anne Margaret Dombrowski, '76, for "Prophet"; and $50 to Karen Kasmauski, '75, for "Mother's Shadow." In the poetry division there were also three awards: $150 to Marcia Perry, '75, for "A Crea- ture's Poems"; $100 to Matthew Cain, '76, for "Rocks of Youth"; and $50 to Bonnie Towne, '75, for "Poetry." The Bain - Swiggett Poetry Award of $40 went to William Leavitt, '73, for "Three Poems." In this contest 14 entrants sub- mitted 27 poems. The Michael R. Gutterman Award of $100 went to Jennifer Malik, for "Holes." There were 35 entrants, with 67 poems. The Academy of American Poets Award of $100 went to Ronald Vroon, Grad, for "Three Poems." Forty - three contest- ants entered 94 poems. Ri Looking at new recorded comedy WDIAL Matthau: "A COMEDY THAT WILL MAKE YOU LAUGH & CRY, IT COULD BE THE BIG HIT OF THE NEW SEASON." -Detroit Free Press "Iee'n!k Daily Photo by TOM GOTTLIEB chard Wilbur Burnett "AN' INTELLIGENT COMEDY WITH SOME OF THE CLEVEREST LINES IN YEARS . . . THE SURPRISE COMEDY HIT OF THE YEAR." -A.A. News Tillie" By CHUCK BLOOM Unlike musical albums which can be enjoyed time and time again, a comedy album usually brings only temporary pleasure. (Unless it is an album by the Firesign Theatre, which is so complex in its makeup that sev- eral sessions are needed to fully understand all the subtleties.) As good as it can be, the euphoria of the jokes wear off all too quickly. Such is the case with a pair of recent releases, the All in the Family 2nd Album (Atlantic SD- 7232) and One Sacred Chicken To Go-Imus in the Morning (RCA LSP 4819). Both are some-what n o v e It y records, not done by "regular" comedians and both are, follow-up albums to success- ful initial efforts. Don Imus is a New York disc jockey on radio station WNBC with an insane sense of humor. It was amply demonstrated on his first album, 1200 Hamburg- ers To Go. He introduced to an unsuspecting public his various practical jokes, such as ordering 1200 hamburgers to go from a local restaurant. He also intro- duced several notorious charac- ters like Judge Hanging (a take- off on Lyndon Johnson) and his most popular, the Right Rev- erend Doctor Billy Sol Hargis. On his new album, Imus ex- pands the character of the preacher from "the Firch Church of the Gooey Death and Dis- count House of Worship from Holyland, U.S.A., Del Rio, Tex- as." The character, Hargis, played by Imus, screams at the top of his lungs to his radio congrega- tion, ("To be healed, place your hands on the radio") complete with organ accompaniament, and the Three Sanctified Sisters. Imus proceeds to knock es- tablished religion, commercials and people in general. The two gc br fe R ia to B in hi £'11 on Ine J 1aioumaresome If you want a real good album ood live cuts from his radio to listen to-even more than once oadcasts but they aren't as ef- -pick up on "An Evening with active or spontaneous as the Groucho" (A&M SP 3515). It is everend Billy Sol. not a collection of his old mono- Because Imus is not a comed- louges and dialogues from the n in the true sense, it is hard movies, but instead a warm per- judge him for comic value. sonal look at Grouch by Groucho. ut one thing is certain; Imus is It is a two-record set based on sane, which probably qualifies his recent lecture tour. It is as m for the club, worth getting as is Imus-even The All in the Family Album as a one-shot deal. best tracks on the album are "One Sacred Chicken to Go": ... One's that delicious, one's that religious ... Don't cook tonight, Call Hebrew Delight ... and "The Holyland Record Pack- age" with one of the niftiest jingles, ever heard: "I don't care if it rains or freezes Long as I've got my plastic Jesus Ridin' on the dashboard of my car-... Alenn th nlbn rac is a collection or collage of the outstanding shows during the progrgam's second season. The show is immensely funny and so is the album. . . provided you've seen them. Otherwise you won't know what's going on. Taking the lines out of context is harmful to the album causing it to lack continuity. The jokes are funny enough alone (Archie Bunker discusses his son-in-law's impotence as being, "Stuck in neutral") but the album needs the whole telecast for better ap- preciation. Shows like "Sammy's Visit", "Edith's Problem", and "Mike's Problem" are hilarious but lose too much on the black vinyl. Perhaps because the first album from the show was so success- ful, the novelty has worn off. - - U J ' I 0 1) 6:00 2 4 News 9 This Is Your Life 50 Star TrekAqventure 56 Thirty Minutes With 6:30 2 CBS News 4 NBC News 7 News 9 Untamed World 7:00 2 Truth or Consequences 4 George Pierrot 7 Michigan-outdoors 9 Bandwagon 50 Hee Haw 56U.S. Industrial Film Festival 7:30 2 YoungtDr.rKildare 4 Adventurer 7 Town Meeting 9 Beachcombers 56 Eye to Eye 8:00 2 All in the Family 4 Emergency 7 Alias Smith and Jones 9 NHL Hockey 56 Movie "Jules and Jim" 50 That Good Ole Nashville Music 8:30 2 Bridget Loves Bernie 50 Nitty Gritty 9:00 2 Mary Tyler Moore 4 Movie "Incident on a Dark Street" (72) 7 streets of San Francisco 50 Black Omnibus 9:30 2 Bob Newhart 10:00 2 Marlene Dietrich-I Wish You Love 7 Assignment: vienna 56 The Tribe That Hides From Man 50 Lou Gordon 10:30 9 Document 11:00 2 4 7 9 News 56 The American River 11:15: 7 ABC News 9 Provincial Affairs 11:20 9 News 11:30 2 Movie-Drama 4 Johnny Carson 7 Movie "Sex and the Single Girl" (64) 9 Movie "Dead Run" (67) 50 Movie 1:00 4 Movie "King Dinosaur" (55) 7 Movie 3:00 2 7 News you bled my momma .. . you bled my poppa .. . but you won't bleed MEI Nothing's happening, right? Just a lot of useless reading to do. Well DO something! F'rinstance, truck on down to 420 Maynard (that's the Daily) and say hi. You don't have to be a journalism major or anything like that to join the staff. If you're sports-minded, interested in advertising, or like to write, come to the MASS MEETING o, Tues., Jan. 16 7:00 P.M. -. I .I 5A6. , 1 . .fi t : ''\ Melvin Van Peebles' film