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March 02, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-03-02

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See Editorial Page




See Today for details

Vol. LXXXIII, No. 126

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, March 2, 1973

Ten Cents

Ten Pages









Plamondon jailed
Pun Plamondon, a local activist and a leader of the Rainbow
People's Party, and Craig Blazier, also a member of RRP were
arrested yesterday on charges of robbery, extortion and usery.
According to city police, the pair were arrested while in their
car in the Packard-Hill area.hThetcity police said that they only
assisted the state police who had the warrant for the arrest. The
Rainbow People said they would not have a statement until after
Plamondon and Blazier were arraigned later today.
Au revoir
Bleary-eyed and distraught after a disastrous week of mid-
terms, the Daily staff begins today a well-deserved respite at the
Mardis Gras, or wherever the sun shines bright. Hopefully with
renewed vigor, we will return, body rested and mind at-ease,
on Tuesday Mar. 13 so you can read the news with your morning
People's park
Downtown' Ann Arbor promises to be a little greener and
brighter come next spring. The Ecology Center yesterday an-
nounced plans to build a temporary park on the corner of Main
and Huron Streets. John Dames, owner of the vacant property
will allow the Center to create a simple park until he decides
on a further use for his land. The Ecology Center is calling upon
the entire community for volunteer financial and labor support
to make the park a reality.
Solstice's sunset
Solstice School, once the pacesetter in local free schools,
will meet its ignominious death today. According to two former
Solstice students, Cindy Baker and Peggy Hefner, the building
will be razed today for lack of student participation and a num-
ber of unpaid debts. For several years, the students said, the
school was a place where high school and junior high school
students could take courses in a relaxed setting. Since the estab-
lishment of alternatives within the public school; system itself,
few new students have come to Solstice. The University, the
landlord of the school building, will now go ahead with a plan
to extend the adjacent parking lot.
Vote notes
Political action is increasing at a steady rate with all par-
ties having an eye on the city's election April 4. The Human
Rights Party, in a mass meeting, Wednesday night adopted
platform planks against ageism and sexism. In addition David
Kaimowitz, 15-year-old son of mayoral candidate Bea Kaimo-
witz, and Kathy Barnett were chosen to co-ordinate the party's
campaign. Meanwhile, Democratic candidates Ethel Lewis and
Mona Waltz, called plans to construct a segment of Eisenhower
Parkway to connect Maple Road in Georgetown a "piecemeal
approach rather than planning," and described the plans as
Future Worlds future
The gnomes at University Activities Center (UAC) have an-
notmced a Future Worlds Conference Festival April 13, 14, and
15. The future fest will explore a variety of alternative futures
through panels, workshops, discussions, art, etc. Students are
invited to contribute to the program as they can. The confer-
*ence festival is open to anyone, according to UAC, willing to ex-
plore the future. Those interested can contact Future Worlds
at 763-1107. Read Today for future future features.
Happenings . .
. . .include an international folk dance at Barbour Gym at
8 pm. . . a meeting of the Commission for Women at Homer
Heath Lounge in the Union at 3:30 pm. . . . and a meeting of
the Medical Center Committee for Women Steering Committee
at S6330 main hospital at noon . . . and the best happening of
all, the end of classes for 10 glorious days.
On the inside.
... The Editorial Page features an article on drug laws
in other countries and another "not insane" column by
feature editor Bob Barkin . . . arts page delivers it popu-
lar cinema weekend . . . and sports night editor George
Hastings sheds another tear for Michigan's maplemen
The weather picture
The weather today will be nothing better than awful
but will fall short of abysmal. The high will be 45-50 with
lows between 35-40. But the accompanying rain will make
the warm temperatures less enjoyable. Can't have your
temperature and sunshine, too.

Release of Sirhan,
Arab captives asked

freed b
By AP and Reuter
The 11 persons held host-
age for two days by members:
of the American I n d i a n
Movement (AIM) were freed
last night after the militant
Indians negotiated for more
than two hours with South
Dakota's two senators.
The freed hostages said they
would stay in Wounded Knee be-
cause it is their home, Sens.
George McGovern and James
Abourezk both Democrats told a
news conference.
Meanwhile, in Gallup, New Mex-
ico, an Indian student leader from
the University of New Mexico was
shot and killed yesterday, after an
abortiveattempt to kidnap the
community's mayor.
McGovern and Abourezk who
led the negotiations said they
would continue to negotiate withj
AIM leaders, who are requesting
(-) the Senate Foreign Rela-
tions committee hold hearings on
the old treaties signed after the
Indian warsn(treaties which they
claim have not been upheld, by the
government); and
(-) the Senate investigate the
current plight of Indians in Amer-
ica, especially their treatment on
Sioux reservations in South Da-
The Indians charge that the gov-
ernment is neglecting their wel-
fare while permitting race and job
discrimination. Another complaint
is poor housing conditions on res-
The Indians originally seized the
hostages on Tuesday night. They
asked to see Sen. Edward Ken-
nedy (D-Mass.) and Sen. William
Fulbright (D-Ark.), but the two
declined in favor of the South Da-
See INDIANS, Page 6

KHARTOUM, Sudan, (Reu-
ter) - Black September Pal-
estinian terrorists stormed
into the Saudi Arabian em-
bassy with submachine guns
yesterday and kidnapped and
slightly wounded two Ameri-
can diplomats. The guerrillas
then demanded the release of
Sirhan Sirhan, the convicted
assassin of Sen. Robert F.
Kennedy, and other Arabs in
jails around the world.
Saudi Arabian Ambassador Ab-
dullah Al-Malhouk said by tele-
phone from his besieged embassy
that both U. S. Ambassador Cleo
Noel and outgoing U. S. Charge
d'Affaires George Curtis Moore
were hurt.
In Washington ,a State Depart-
ment spokesman said Moore and
Noel received minor injuries -
Moore a facial bruise and Noel an
ankle injury - and had been given
medical treatment by a doctor.
Diplomats who had been at-
tending a reception in the embassy
said the guerrillas rode up in land
rovers, brandishing submachine
guns. They shot their way into the
building, but some of the guests,
including the British Ambassador,
managed to get out.
Apart from the two Americans
being held hostage, the guerrillas
also seized the Saudi Arabian
Ambassador and the Belgian and
Jordaniantcharges d'affaires as
1well as the Saudi Ambassador's
wife and children.
The guerrillas identified them-
selves as members of Black Sep-
tember, the group which claimed
responsibility f o r t h e Munich
Olympic massacre of 11 Israeli
athletes and officials. The organ-
ization was formed following a
Jordanian crackdown on Palestin-
ian guerrillas in September, 1970.
Sudanese government: officials
contacted the commandoes atcthe
embassy to plead for the safety
of the hostages. They also said
they were concerned for the lives
of the captors.
The reception that was disrupt-
ed was being given in honor of
Moore, who was leaving Khartoum
after representing U. S. interests
there through a special section
in the Dutch embassy.
Noel, a native of Oklahoma City,
was named ambassador by Presi-
dent Nixon in December.
In Washington, State Depart-
ment spokesman Charles Bray
was asked about the terrorists de-
mands as reported by Omdurman
Radio and said he was not in a
position to confirm the reports .
Officials said the U. 'S. govern-
ment was trying to restrain com-
ment while the Sudanese authori-
ties were negotiating with the
If the Black September move-
ment is demanding the release of
Sirhan Sirhan to free the U. S. Am-
bassador it would put the U.S. gov-
See U.S., Page 6

Cleo Noel

AP Photo
Lt. Cmdr. Edward Davis gets a kiss from Ma Co-the dog he brought back from North Vietnam-dur-
ing a news conference at Bethesda Naval Hospital n ar Washington. Davis was shot down over North
Vietnam on Aug. 26, 1965.

averted at
Scene bar
Anticipated conflict b e t w e e n
members of the gity's gay com-
munity and the management of
The Scene, a nightclub 'at 341 S.
Main, failed to materialize last
Confrontation was expected fol-
lowing charges of discrimination,
which had been levelled against
the club by representatives of the
Gay Liberation Front (GLF) and
the Gay Women's Awareness Col-
lective (GAWC) earlier this week,
In a letter to The Daily, Neil El-
kin, a GLF member, accused the
club's management of "blatant"
discriminationnagainst gay cus-
tomers in a number of incidents
which occurred there last Wednes-
day night.
Service was refused that night
to some gaytcustomers and the
music was stopped at pne point
when a number of gay douples on
the dance floor began a liberation
Sam Roumanis, manager of the
club, said service was refused to
some customers because they
were smoking marijuana. The
music was stopped, he said, be-
cause people on the dance floor
were being "disorderly."
In the only incident which oc-
curred up to press time last night,
two gay men were refused admis-
sion to the club. According to the
management, the two were turned
away because they had been
thrown out of the club the pre-
vious week, one for "obscene
dancing" and the other for abusive
language directed at the manager.

U' area study centers may, be
victim o f Nixon budgetary cuts

Unless current lobbying ef-
forts are successful, federal
funding for the University's four
foreign language and area stu-
dies centers may soon be elimi-
Among the many cuts in the
new Nixon budget is' a slash of
$15.3 million for area study cen-
ters. The cut will affect 53 col-
leges nationally, but the Univer-
sity, which has one-tenth of all
the country's fellowships in this
area, will be particularly hard

At the present time 88 full-
time fellowships totalling $370,000
are awarded to University stu-
dents in this field.
In addition the University's
four area studies centers East
Asia, Northeast and North Afri-
ca, Russia and Eastern Europe
and Southeast Asia receive $350,-
000 from Washington annually.
In defense of the cuts the gov-
ernment maintains that the man-
power shortages that existed
when the program started in
1958 no longer exist. Over 5,000
specialists in non-Western cul-

ture have been trained in the
last 15 years and the government
considers that sufficient.
Furthermore, the Administra-
tion contends that federal fund-
ing is no longer necessary as 90
per cent of the funds for area
studies centers now come from
regular university funds and ex-
ternal sources.
Some students, however, say
say the cuts may be more po-
litical in nature. They cite long-
standing disagreement with Nix-
on foreign policy as a possible
reason for the decrease in fund-


Fleming s




Anticipating the f i n a n c i a l
shock waves, a partisan audi-
ence of students and faculty met
recently in Lane Hall the home
of the area study centers to dis-
cuss ways of averting the crisis.
Noting that the wholesale cuts
of the HEW budget touched
areas with larger, more vocal
constituencies, political science
Prof. Robert Ward, realistically.
appraised the groups chances of
He said, ,"Richard Nixon is
probably not even aware of our
cause when so many others are
clamoring for his support."
Ward, director of the Center
for Japanese Studies, assured
clrrent fellowship recipients not
to worry too' much about this
academic year. He , explained
that forward funding of the pro-
gram under a continuing reso-
lition meant that the "money
pipeline" would almost certainly
remain open until June 30, the
end of this academic year.
Ward expressed hope that the
c u r r e n t antagonism between
Congress and the White House
would induce Congress to restore
the funds, but he cautioned the
auidence against undue optimism.
Ward reminded them that since
the President had already vetoed
two education bills, the Admin-
istration had probably deter-
mined its limit on educational
When faced with a 50 per cent
reduction of funds in 1970, pres-
idents of universities with area
studies centers met en masse
with Nixon and convinced him to
reinstate the funds.

Relaxed and sporting a golden tan, University President Robben
Fleming returned to his office yesterday after a two-month junket to
warmer climes.
Sitting at his desk, adorned with a bouquet of yellow roses-a{
"Welcome Home" greeting from his, office staff - Fleming relatedt
his travels of the past two months.
Making their way down the west coast and up the east coast of : .
South America, Fleming and his wife managed to "visit practically
all the South American ,countries," and some of their universities. "You
see things in a better perspective when you get away," Fleming said.
For any spring travellers planning to head south for vacation,
Fleming recommended the Virgin Islands. The jet-setting Flemings
spent a week on the islands and had nothing but praise for the
weather. "Day after day of sun, warm, but there's always a nice
breeze," he said somewhat wistfully.
The trip was truly a vacation for Fleming. "The last few weeks I :
wored n a few sneeches fnr this nrinx " he rcmmented "hut the*

From AP & Reuter
The Big Five nations yesterday
joined in an endorsement of the
Washington-Hanoi peace agreement
barring all foreign interference in
The world's great powers, plus
the communist and anti-communist
contenders in Vietnam, and the
four nations supervising the cease-
fire, initialed a nine-point declara-
Its central purpose was to iden-
tify the international community
with the terms of the month-old
complex of peace accords.
Canada, South Vietnam and
Britain, however, voiced definite
anxieties even while accepting the
Foreign Secretary Mitchell Sharp
of Canada told his colleagues
frankly that the peacekeeping ar-
rangements seem inadequate.

can POWs by the North Vietnamese
and Viet Cong.
The refusal of the communists to
free the men earlier in the week
had set off the first real crisis in
the Vietnam cease-fire agreements.
Coming out of POW camps with
the Americans will be two West
German medical workers, two
Thais and two Filipinos captured

Major powers initl
Vietnam peace accord

are' this week's winning
lottery numbers

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