lu I a r 94e £freIgan DaU4 Eighty-two years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan SGC seat filled: Unfair discrimination? 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1973 Indians Seeking change IT IS UNFORTUNATE when any group is driven to massive civil disobedi- ence, as is the case with the seizure of Wounded Knee, South Dakota by a group of several hundred Indians. As with the takeover of Alcatraz Island a while back and the trashing of the Bureau of In- dian Affairs office in Washington last year, the Indians are again attempting to bring the problem of their race into the pudic eye, where it has been ignored for so long. At press time, about 400 Indians still retained possession of Wounded Knee, along with 10 hostages. The Indians were armed, and willing to fight to the death if necessary, showing how sin- cere their efforts are. According to a group spokesperson, the Indians have used this action as a means of getting across several demands. These include a thorough investigation of the dealings of the Department of the Inter- ior and the Bureau of Indian Affairs, which the Indians feel have not treated them fairly, a point which they are per- haps well documented on. The Indians also requested to have Senators Edward Kennedy and John Ful- 'oday's staff: News: Debbie Allen, Laura Berman, Mike Duweck, Debbie Good, Charles Herring- ton, Cindy Hill, Debbie Pastoria, Mar- ilyn Riley Editorial Page: Martin Stern Arts Page: Diane Levick Photo Technician: John Upton bright meet with them at the site of the Oglala Sioux to discuss the Indian prob- lem. There are over 11,000 Indians living in the Oglala reservation, which is most- ly barren prairie land, and nearly half of the work force is unemployed. The Indian demands seem justified, and while it is indeed disturbing that they have chosen violence as a means of being heard, one wonders what other means, if any, have been available to them. The takeover of Wounded Knee has its irony, for it is where Federal troops mur- dered over two hundred Indians 83 years ago. Hopefully, no similar massacre will occur this time around-on either side. An assault is needed, not physical, but a mental assault on the sensibilities of the government and Indian officials. THE INDIAN has become the "forgotten American." Murdered and relocated by Americans during the great "Mani- fest Destiny" expansion days of the 19th century, the Indians who remain in this country are only a sad remnant of the proud race which once ruled this land. Currently concentrated in reservations and faced with attempts to strip them. of racial pride, Indians currently have one of the, lowest standards of living for any group in this country, with an aver- age suicide rate three or more times the national average. It is hoped that the Indian takeover in South Dakota will end peacefully, and that perhaps some of the Indians prob- lem's will be resolved. For the Indians are a race which has suffered too long. By DAVID FAYE THE METHOD by which t h e SGC chose to fill a vacancy was unfair and deplorable. I'd like to express my disagreement with the letter that Council member Margaret Miller submitted to The Daily (Feb. 7) in which she ex- plained and defended the intent of interviewing board of which she was a member. The board felt that the qualifica- tions for the position included race and sex. (Unfortunately, Lee Gill, another member of the board and SGC Vice President for Minority Affairs, felt the same way as Miller. This is nothing short of a sheer racist and sexist viewpoint. The seat went to a black female, Elaine Leaphart. She was only one of two black females to apply for the seat, and, in reality, one of only two people to be considered. So little importance was out on those whites and males who ap- plied that Miller didn't even know that she interviewed 14 applicants for the opening, not 16 as she wrote in her letter and not about 20 as she previously told me. As one of the applicants for the SGC seat who had the misfortune of being both white and mate, I certainly feel that I have been discriminated against. Miller's letter was in reso inse to an earlier letter written by Laurie Artz, SGC Vice President for Council Services, who was up- set that she had been informed be- fore her interview that she was another applicant who could not be chosen for the open seat due to her color. Miller described Laur- ie's charges of racism and sexism as a "conservative viewpoint." This is a very misleading state- ment. It is very surprising t h a t Miller would say this about a per- son she knows and works w!th. Most people, including Laurie her- self, consider her to be. very lib- eral. Laurie has been on the Ann Arbor Committee for Freeing Poli- tical Prisoners, has worked on the Mark Green case, has been a mem- ber of the Counter-Inaugural Steer- ing Committee, and was a Mc- Govern worker. It would be almost as impossible to write off this article as just another conservative viewpoint. This is because I am President of the Coalition of Liberals a n d Moderates Party (CLAMP), have worked on the campaigns of many liberals, led a successful petition drive to name a school for slain Philadelphia rights leader Samson Freedman, have belonged to many progressive organizations, and have been a volunteer for a political re- form group called Common Cause. I BELIEVE that most blacks and most women have only been in- terested in equal rights, including equal chances with whites and males for positions. I believe that most blacks and most women would - or at least should - be insulted to receive jobs solely on the basis of their race and sex without any consideration of their qualifications. The same is hope- fully true for those whites and males who are unfairly favored by bigoted institutions and businesses. This same logic should apply to an opening of SGC. Miller even stated that "to ideal- ly represent student body," five of the twelve SGC members-at- large should be women and o n e should be black because the stu- dent population here is 39.9 per cent women and 8 per cent black. She claims she's "enlightened'; I claim she's regressive. If this type of thinking aplies to blacks and women for the open SGC seat, why wasn't the search extended to in- clude other minority groups who are totally unrepresented on SGC? How about foreign students? Or how about Chicanos? What about Italians? Or Communists? Or homosexuals? Or even members of CLAMP and other parties whose supporters have no reoresentation on the current council? In ft-c, this regressive idea can be ex- panded to include countless minori- ties with their own interests. Obviously, this type of repre- sentation for the current 19-member SGC (of which 6 are non-voting members) is mathematically im- possible; it would have to become an extremely larger body. It should be just as obvious that just because a person is a member of a certain group, it does not mean that he or she will be an advocate of that group's interests, and just because a person is not a mem- ber of a certain group, it does not mean that he or she can't repre- sent them. For example, there are many whites who have supported the civil rights movement and many males for women's rights. Think of any person in Congress and you will realize that he or she has definitely supported and help- ed many groups that he or she does not belong to. If this were not true, then our entire representative system would be worthless. This country h a s strived so long and so hard to meet its original idealistic belief that all men are created equal, be- cause quota systems discriminate against most people (including, in fact, most minorities), t h e y serve as a serious roadblock to this goal. This country in general and this university in specific should begin CLAMPing down on quotas wherever they may appear or be suggested. Of course, t h i s doesn't mean that minority mem- bers shouldn't be enthusiastically en- couraged to run for SGC or other governments. Part of the problem in the last Student Government election was that only S of the 20 people on the ballot for SGC were women and only 2 were black, and other minorities had less or no candidates. This is a shame in it- self. IN THE MEANTIME, the pat- thetic way in which a person was chosen for the SGC opening should have been completely done over. First, this is because of *he way the interviews were handled. My interview lasted only about ten minutes, during which I was asKed about four questions. Some of the interviewers just held private con- versations among themselves with- out even listening to my answers. They knew I was a white male, and that's all that mattered. In fact, none of the interviewers even bothered to ask what qualifications I had for the position. I was told as I left that I should not be upset if I was not selected because they were looking for a black or a woman, and preferably a black woman. Secondly, before many interviews even took place, SGC President Bill Jacobs held a meeting wit: about eight or nine peopu, includ- ing members of his GR1OUPIJN- TEGRITY Party, Lee Gill, and Margaret Miller. They pre-picked Betty Martin, one of the two black female applicants for the seat who also happened to have oeen defeat- ed in the INTEGRITY Party slate for SGC in the last election. Five SGC members later walked ou- at the next SGC meeting ii protese, while Lee Gill incredibly calledr them "racist." The followng week, Elaine Leaphart, the other black female applicant, defeated Betty Martin 7-2 for the seat. Thirdly, the Compiled Code that SGC follows specifically states that "the nominating board shall be composed of five Council members appointed by Council. ' Yet, there were only four interviewers. This is a clear violation of the rules. FINALLY, Thomas Bentley, SGC's Legal Advocate, has called the Board's actions positive dis- crimination. I must not end this comment, however, without stating that it is not meant to be a per- sonal attack on Miller at all, but instead a condemnation of her opinion on a controversial issue on which we have a clear and honest disagreement and on whizn we are worlds apart. David Faye is the president of CLAMP. SGC's discrimination defended J Editor's Note: The following is an explanation of the other side of the SGC controversy. By MARGARET MILLER BACK OFF, you allegedly op- nressed white University of Michigan males! Your mere pre- sence at Midwest, U. makes y o u elite. The structure of government and industry enhances your power and has given you money, posi- tion, education and ultimately wo- men - control over half your own race and all other races. White males, you built this coun- try to suit your own needs, to protect your own interests. ft was constructed with the blood and sweat of blacks, women and emi- grants who toiled in hopes of gain- ing your favor - and who even today get nothing but your dis- dain. Your constitution states that "All men are created equal" and means just that. Equality is extended to men - white men - in this so- ciety, but what of the rest of is? Our equality is founded in only those things, positions and dollars you are willing to give, up with your own hands. God help us if ie try to take a part of the pie with- out your explicit permission or blessing! Or without your first having a taste of it to be sure you don't want it yourself. SUCH IS the case with the ap- pointment of Elaine Leaphart to an opening on SGC. A white male, David Faye, and Laurie Artz, (a white female, I am alarmed to re- port) wanted the seat for himself (and herself) and felt he (and she) had more of a right to that seat than Elaine, a black female fully qualified to hold the position and representative of a large group of students on this campus wha until now have had no representatio:i on SGC. When informed that he was not going to get this political plum because the seat was being re- served for a more representative person, this white male was shock- ed and irate and demanded that he ,was qualified for the position and therefore, should get it. This reaction is not unzommon among white males confronted with the fact that in 1973 the tables just may be turning. I have heard many forlorn young men complain- ing that they could not get a job because they were not black, fe- male, or a member of another minority group. They seem to forget that for centuries (literally centuries) be- fore 1973 minorities have been de- nied an equal place in this society because they were not white and male. If our society was perfectly structured and equal along racial and sexual lines, then we would hear no complaints by white males that they have been "discrimninat- ed" against, and we. could judge each person or apolicart strictly on that person's " iualifications'. I'm not certain such a judgment would be desirable, but it could be done 'with objective computers and the like. But at present we don't live in such a perfect society. We must try to equalize the situation as ex- pediently as poss*ble. Granted, we could do this slowiy by taking each new opening and judging men, wo- men, black and white all on equal criteria. BUT TO DO that would mean, for example, in order to get a reasonable (let alone equal) num- ber of women on the faculty at the U-M, we would have to wait for all the faculty currently employed to give up their tenure. Then each position in turn would look for applicants and choose either a man or a woman. If half these posi- tions were filled by men and half by women it is easy to see that even after half the faculty has re- tired, died, or quit there would be only 25 per cent women on the faculty. Giving women and minorities preference for the interim speeds this process. And I see no reason why, in our mobile and frantic society the process should not be speeded. Certainly there is enough of the pie to go around! Previous so- cieties were not advanced enough to allow the luxury of equality and affluence for all. Now we can af- ford it and it is only the blockades put up by white males and like- minded members of the status quo who keep us all from having every- thing. We must definitely reorganize our criteria for distributing money and power and position. I don't feel the spirit of "competing" for these based only on "qualifica- tions" is appropriate. Again, every- one should be able to have and do whatever he or she wants. * * * BUT BACK to the specific case at hand for which I have been so widely reprimanded. Elaine Leaphart, to dispel any rf David Faye's fears, is highly qual- ified for the position she was given -probably more qualified than Faye because he had earlier been rejected along with his entire CLAMP slate by the voters in te last SGC election. She represents the black students on this campus who have lacked representation until now. A Febru- ary 8 letter claimed she did not represent black students, hut that letter was written by a white male student and how the hell would he know? Even if Elaine doesn't re- present all the black students, at least she represents some n o w where none had been earlier this semester. Second, I was attacked by Laurie 'Artz for telling her on the phone that she needn't come to apply for the seat because she wasn't black - but the important part of the story was left out. The true reason I even spoke to her on the phone was to make arrangements for soecial inerview because Artz had the London flu. Faye also disclaimed Artz' con- servatism by citing several radical organizations she belongs to. I congratulate her on her progres- sive general politics, but her sex- ual politics leave more than n lit- tle to be desired. If she sees the necessity of radical change in oth- er areas, why doesn't sne realize the need for radical solutions to racial and sexual discrimination? As for the claim that appointees should be insulted for having been chosen on racial and sexual grounds, I would say that they should be insulted by Faye's claim they are unqualified and he is qual- ified. IN THE FUTURE I hope this type of grievance will not be ne- cesary as groups on campus who could wield power organize to as- sert power (and I don't mean you, Status Quo). When other groups are as powerful as white males and the society does not fall apart in the hands. of those of us who white males would choose to call incoin- petent perhaps these petty atten- tions to race and sex will not be paid. Margaret Miller is a SGC mem- ber at large. 4 F I V 4~ } letter from the editor On suing the University By CHRISTOPHER PARKS Co-Editor IT SEEMS almost everybody's suing the University for some- thing, these days. The Indians have done it a couple of times, out of state students are doing it, and Mark Green may well do it. It is even rumored that more suits than we are now aware of may be in the works. Yesterday, Gene Robinson and myself went to court to sue the University on behalf of The Daily, We are suing, along with SGC, Herself magazine and others, to force disclosure of the faculty lists. The reason for the suit is simple: There is no way The Daily can monitor the University's progress in ending race and sex discrimina- tion if lists of individual faculty sal- aries are not at our disposal. Without these figures available for our own independent perusal and analysis we cannot honestly in- form the University community on this vital issue. THE DEEPER question, how- ever, is why The Daily-or any other campus institution-has to take the drastic (and expensive) step of taking the University to 'Now some big city newspapers will try to blow this up all out of proportion.' Letters: To The Daily: RECENT OCCURRENCES have oblig- ed the civilized world to witness once again the revolting spectacle of Israeli ruthlessness toward its Arab neigh- bors. Within a single twenty-four hour period, on the 21st day of February, var- ious units of the Israeli armed forces participated in the commission of two heinous acts: the first directed against the sovereign territory of another state, the second against a foreign passenger aircraft, and both -- ultimately - against human beings. Different events, yet similar in that they underscore, tragically, Israeli's utter disregard for human lives that do not happen to be Israeli. And yet we hear Golda Meir calling for "peace and neighborliness" from the Arab countries. But it should not be for-. gotten, in retrospect, that it was Israel that rejected Jarring's peace initiatives in implementation of Security Council 2?ntleinn '))o1h i m aa ini -i ac Israeli's revolting spectacle of the Libyan airliner, but neither act letter to express my appall and dis- has a plausible justification. gust with the blatant sexism present in Daily reporting. On two past occasions NOR SHOULD the "courage" of the The Daily has been in contact with our two "heroic" Israeli airmen, who shot organization and has both times display- down the passenger airplane with more ed extreme and insulting discrimination than 100 persons aboard, go unnoticed! directed against women. It is this same "courage" and "heroism" The first occasion was in an article on that helped to make Israel what it is the Bach Mai Hospital Fund Drive today. The incontrovertible facts remain (Daily, Feb. 4). In preparation for that that the pilot of the Libyan airliner was article both Terry Winter and I, two not aware that he was over Arab ter- spokespersons of the organization, were ritory occupied by Israel, and that no interviewed. We both contributed equally communication between the Libyan air- to the information conveyed in the in- liner and the Israelis had taken place, terview for the article. When the article thus disproving the contradictory fabri- appeared the next day, there was abso- cations initally put forward by Israeli lutely no mention of my presence at the authorities, interview what-so-ever, while Terry Win- No one wishes to see continued in- ter was quoted several times and was justice and loss of life in the Middle titled co-ordinator. In this organization East, or anywhere else, but no change Terry Winter and I are both co-organiz- can come about while Israel is allowed to ers. This was made clear to the report- do as she pleases, ignoring international er but was neglected in the article. codes. of decency, nor while the Amer- Then at the SGC meeting on Feb. 8, I , nr~~a anarlt-l nrnn a hi-hfrlr- gave and explained to The Daily that I had presented the proposal at the meet- ing and was therefore mnore responsible for it's outcome. He also explained that we are both spokespersons for the organization and are working jointly, and cautioned The Daily against the misre- presentation present in the first article. In the article "SGC helps local Viet aid group (Daily, Feb. 9)" The Daily has re- peated it's performance. Terry Winter is quoted four times, while my partici- pation at the SGC meeting is entirely ne- glected, my name not even being men- tioned. IN BOTH these articles The Daily has not only grossly misrepresented the ac- tual event, but has succeeded in making the participation of a woman virtually invisible. I am personally insulted by The Daily's neglect of my ;nvo'vement, but more importantly am disgusted by The Daily's inability to accept and ac- curately report the equal participation of man a nd %xnmrn i n .n flfni court to accomplish its ends. The answer, simply put, is that the University is among the most arrogant, and secretive institutions ever to flourish in an allegedly de- mocratic society. Not a single member of this com- munity of roughly 40,000 sits on its governing body-the Regents. The Regents-none of whom live here-come to town once a month and make vital decisions behind closed doors. Often the only infor- mation available to them is that which comes from the executive of- ficers whom they've hired. They do hold so-called "public comment" sessions, but like the women in My Fair Lady, "they lis- ten very nicely and go out and do precisely what they want," if they haven't already done it. WHEN IT COMES to decisions, the Regents make all the big ones but a lot of the little ones are cov- ered with the same veil of silence. Most pernicious of all is the pro- cess for hiring and firing, or, as we say in the polite language of academia, "tenure." Tenure decisions are made by a faculty committee. The member- ship of the committee is secret, their meetings are secret, the in- formation on which they base their decisions is secret and their report is secret. Almost everything of significance which the University does is secret until it becomes a fait accompli. Except for a few token represen- tatives in "advisory" positions, students who comprise the bulk of the University community and are raison d'etre, are completely shut out. Students have no power, little in- fluence and in many cases not even the "right to know." SO WE TAKE the University to court, and no carping about loyalty Sylvia's Si gns THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1973 Pisces should exercise temper control. Pisces. (Feb. 19 - March 20) Don't read too much into intentions of a lover, you'll only upset yourself over nothing. Avoid over sensitivity. Turn to the subconscious. A good day to leave A2. Aries. (March 21 - April 19) Opportunity flourishes today, especially where finance concerned. Confine actions within own neighborhood. Danger looks with great dis- tances. You may be followed. Taurus. (April 20 - May 20) Honor is the keyword of the day. Your actions are finally rewarded. Positions open to you. Lover or partner extremely sensitive, watch for small signs. Give token of affection. Gemini. (May 21 - June 20) Don't argue with professors. Today they tend to be more knowledgeable. A good day for flirtations. Others are quite responsive to you. Cancer. (June 21 - July 22) A lender or borrower you may be but do it discreetly, losses may be heavy if you gamble wrong. Love seems to have been eliminated from your life today. Try meditation. Leo. (July 23 - Aug. 22) Partnerships may be prosperous so join hands together. Arbitrate where oppositions occur. Egotistical, you can certainly influence others in your favor. Virgo. (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) Date may stand you up. Don't judge too soon. Wait for explanations. Pressures high. A new friendship in the offing. Be a do gooder. Libra. (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) Poor love life today could result in depression. Turn to physical activity for release. Place your interests in friends you regard as faithful. Rewards will come later from one you trust. Scorpio. (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) Day starts well, but think before you speak as it progresses. You may offend someone close to you. You find supnort for your suggestions but dark shadows r'