See Editorial Page
I Rta
See Today for details
Vol. LXXXIII, No. 125
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, March 1, 1973
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
over salary
I" , i I I rzvi-AU
Saunders retires
Harold Saunders has turned in his resignation as City Clerk of
Ann Arbor after three and one-half years of service. In a pre-
pared statement Sanders said the decision "was based entirely
upon personal and professional reasons." As of April 16, Saun-
ders will begin his new duties as the City Manager of Novi,
Insult to injury
Steven Speil alias "Spleet" looked out his window Tuesday
morning and noticed that his car was nwhere to be seen. He
naturally called the police station only to discover that his car
had been impounded for $175 in unpaid parking tickets. From
the police station, Speil called home to inform his roommate, one
Michael Sahn, of the news. Sahn, however, had some news of
his own.'The apartment the two share on Forest Court had been
burglarized. Sahn then joined his colleague at the police station
to report the robbery. Returning home after what could only be
described as an incredible day, the two discovered that their
apartment had once again been struck. Some days it just doesn't
pay to get out of bed. The robber must have thought so'too,
as he was apprehended by police in his third attempt to hit the
Woman for all seasons?
Today received a call yesterday complaining of our dis-
criminatory treatment of winter weather. According to the un-
identified woman caller, our derogatory terms such as "gloomy"
and "frigid" to describe the cold are an affront to those who
enjoy winter weather. "Every snow flake has its own beauty,"
the winter queen said. "If you don't like Michigan weather, go to
the University of Miami." Winter, love it or leave it.
Happenings ...
.. .include a little of something for everyone, starting with
an antique show for all antique buffs from 9:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. at
the Twining Aviation Bldg at the city airport. . . . there's a Fu-
ture Worlds press conference at 2:00 p.m. in Angell Hall Ob-
servatory . .. for hungry folks, there's an International Dinner
at the League starting at 5:00 p.m. . . . one can hear real testi-
monials tonight at the Christian Science meeting at 7:15 in 3545
SAB . . . those interested in government can either go to the
SGC meeting in Heath Lounge at the Union or a PIRGIM election
meeting in 1511 SAB. Both begin at 7:30 . .. there's a Feminist
House meeting at 225 E. Liberty No. 203 at 7:30 . .. if you're in-
terested in either chemistry, labor problems, or the environ-
ment, then get on over to 1300 Chem. at 8:00 to hear Jeanie
Stillman ... and if socializing is more your thing, then 9:00 p.m.
should find you at the International Social Hour at Rive Gauche,
1024 Hill and a Rap Session at St. Mary's also at 9:00 p.m.
* Dope notes
Students at the University of Windsor have recalled the
president of their student government following allegations that
he used student funds to buy dope. The student newspaper, The
Lance, reported recently that President Gerry Gagnon used stu-
dent government money to buy 20 lids of grass (at $10 each)
before a December student referendum was held that asked
whether the drug should be legalized. The paper reported the
dope purchases were made to help those who have never tried
the evil weed vote more intelligently. The grass was allegedly
passed out around campus before the vote . . . in other dope
news, a young Long Island clamdigger and his wife have ad-
mitted giving their three-year-old daughter some marijuana to
smoke in hopes that she would gain needed extra weight. Fred-
erick and Dorothy Kart, both 20, were arrested at their home
Monday night and arraigned Tuesday on a charge of endang-
ering the welfare of a minor. Agents said the couple's daughter
took a "few drags on a marijuana cigarette" and that Mrs. Kart
said she thought the marijuana, and its resultant munchies,
would be good for the underweight child. The Karts were re-
leased in their own recognizance for a hearing to be set later.
Referral agencies hit
LANSING - Legislation was introduced yesterday by Sen.
Gilbert Bursley (-Ann Arbor) to prohibit unscrupulous persons
from capitalizing on abortions by outlawing commercial medical
referral agencies in Michigan. "Women are being charged out-
rageous prices for what amounts to a phone number," Bursley
said. The bill would prohibit any physician, hospital or clinic
from entering into agreements accepting referrals from any re-
ferral service operating for profit in Michigan or outside the
state. The legislation is patterned after a New York law, where
referral agencies had been charging as much as $300 for the
phone number of an abortionist, though the abortion itself cost
only $124 to $135 if the patient contacted the clinic directly or
used a non-profit referral agency.
Farm prices up
Have you been seeing the inside lining of your wallet more
lately? You'll be seeing even more of it, because the cost of
foodstuffs produced on farms rose by 2.7 per cent last month.
Higher prices for beef, pork, poultry, eggs, and fresh vegetables
are blamed for the increase.
Lansky convicted
MIAMI - A federal jury yesterday convicted reputed under-
world financier Meyer Lansky of willfully refusing to answer a
federal grand jury subpoena. It was Lansky's first conviction
since the early 1950s, when he served three months on a minor
gambling violation which grew out of the Kefauver hearings
into organized crime.
A reminder
The Today column is always happy to help you publicize your
events. But we can do nothing if you don't let us know what you
are up to. Remember, to get your happening in Happenings we
must have detailed information by noon the day preceeding the
event. You can either bring this into The Daily in person, or mail
it, through the U. S. or campus mail; to TODAY, Michigan Daily,
420 Maynard, Ann Arbor.
On the inside . .
the Arts Page features an article on Anais Nin's
speech and works by Jane Dobiji . . . the Editorial Page
features another Letter from the Editor entitled "On suing
Student Government Council (SGC), the Daily,
the local chapter of the National Organization of
Women, and three other local organizations filed
suit yesterday to force the University to make
public complete lists of the salaries it pays to
faculty, staff, and administrators.
The suit will receive a March 20 hearing before
the State Court of Appeals. In his brief, SGC
Legal Advocate Thomas Bentley asks that the
following information be released to the public;
-The names and total number of University
employes and the salary paid to each;
-The classification or title of each employe
and the length of time he or she has been at the
-The sex, racial or ethnic background and
occupational qualifications of University employes
-The dollar amount and percentage of the
budget that, pays for employe salaries as well as
the dollar amount and percentage of student
assessments that pay for various University
expenditures and funds, such as the athletic or
building funds.
Eugene Robinson, co-editor-in-chief of the Daily,
last night explained the position of the newspaper
in asking for the release of the salaries.
"We seek," he said, "to force the Regents to
disclose faculty salary lists because of what such
lists may indicate-possible discrimination by
race or sex, or overt padding of the salaries of
particularly prestigious but not so industrious
"Since the University is funded primarily
through funds from students and taxpayers, we
believe the students and citizens of this state
have a right to know exactly how their money is
being spent."
SGC president Bill Jacobs called the legal
action, "an excellent example of the power that
students can exercise through their directly
elected council to force the University to accede to
their demands."
The reaction from administrators was muted
and somewhat cautious. Vice-president for Aca-
demic Affairs Allan Smith said, "I expect that
in respect to the individual salaries being re-
leased, the suit will be resisted."
Both he and Secretary of the University Richard
Kennedy pointed to a July statement by President
Robben Fleming as representing the basic posi-
tion of the administration.
In that statement, made in response to an
earlier attempt by the Daily to force release of
the salary lists, Fleming said disclosure of the
information would constitute an invasion of pri-
vacy. Fleming is currently out of town and un-
available for comment.
In his brief, Bentley wrote, "Clearly, specula-
tive harm is not sufficient justification for atax-
supported governmental institution to suppress
See STUDENT, Page 10
Daily Photo by RANDY EDMONDS
VICE-PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Allan Smith reacts after being served with a suit
asking that the University release complete salar y lists. Women's representative Zena Zumeta, who
presented Smith with the document, stands at the right.
eize S.
rU' to evict
victim of
robbery from East Quad
The University has inform-
ed the victim of an armed
drug robbery in East Quad
that he will receive a 24-hour
eviction notice today or to-
Housing Director John Feld-
kamp told Chris Hoitt, '76 yester-
day he had violated his dorm lease
by "engaging in activities causing
danger to other students" and will
have to move out of his room by
the weekend.
And in a meeting held last night
Feldkamp told some 150 East
Quad students that University
policy now calls for "eviction of
any student who, by encouraging
illegal activities such as the buy-
ing and selling of drugs, attracts
the threat of armed robbery."
The incident involving Hoitt oc-
curred last week when two men
stole his three ounces of mari-
juana at gunpoint after discussing
a possible drug sale. Hoitt inform-
ed the dorm security force of the
robbery, but no suspects have
been apprehended.
Feldkamp indicated in the ear-
lier meeting with Hoitt that the
eviction decision was final, but
under questioning from several
students at the East Quad meet-
ing stated that he "will not fin-
olize this thing until I've had suf-
ficient chance to look at the
Hoitt reacted angrily to the an-
noinced eviction move.
"I never should have trusted
Feldkamp or anyone else from the
University," he said yesterday. "I
am extremely bitter about what
(Feldkamp) has done."
Hoitt insisted that Feldkamp
"doesn't care what effect this has.
He's the only one around here who
See DRUG, Page 10
By AP, UPI, and Reuters
WOUNDED KNEE, S.D.-About 400 militant Indians were
in control of this tiny prairie town last night, holding about
10 residents hostage and demanding that two U. S. senators
come to their reservation to discuss Indian grievances.
A spokesperson for the American Indian Movement (AIM) said
the demonstrators had vowed "to die if necessary" unless their de-
mands are met.
Spokespersons for the Indians-whose numbers reportedly grew
from about 200 when the trouble started Tuesday to 400 by yester-
day afternoon-said a ceasefire had been arranged with the FBI.
Some 90 state law enforcement and FBI agents had sealed off the
area, 18 miles northwest of Pine Ridge on the Pine Ridge Reservation
for the Oglala-Sioux tribe.
South Dakota law officers and agents set up roadblocks around
the Pine Ridge Reservation.
An Indian spokesman, Carter Camp of Ponca City, Okla., said
in a telephone interview that, the hostages had not been hurt and were
in no, danger "unless the police come in here and try to annihilate us.
"If they come in here shooting, it's going to be pretty hard to
distinguish between Indians and white people," Camp, a national coor-
dinator of AIM, said. "The hostages are in no danger from Indian
people, so they're in the same danger if the law enforcement officials
decide to invade."
Camp said the Indians were armed, many of them with high-
powered rifles.
Camp also said the Indians will hold the hostages until Sens. Ed-
ward Kennedy of Massachusetts and J. W. Fulbright of Arkansas, both
Democrats, come to the 2,500-square-mile Pine Ridge Reservation, the
nation's largest.
The Indians, seized the town Tuesday night, occupying its handful
of buildings, including the Wounded Knee trading post, clearing out
artifacts, guns and ammunition.
See INDIANS, Page 10
U.S. assuredPO
release to resume
By AP and Reuter
Secretary of State William Rogers won unconditional as-
surances in Paris yesterday from North Vietnam that it soon
will resume releases of American war prisoners, a U.S. spokes-
person reported.
Ip Washington, the White House took a guardedly op-
timistic stance in the dispute with Hanoi over the timetable
for future releases.
h Press Secretary Ronald Ziegler said the United States
has "every expectation" that more than 120 POWs will be
released by the end of this week in accordance with the
prisoner-release agreement signed in Paris, Jan. 27.
It was only under questioning -
that Ziegler acknowledged Rogers
would continue to boycott the
Paris sessions until all details have Gm akes
worked out for a second-stage pri-:
soner release that Washington ar-
gues should already have taken We
place.rg t
A ray of hope came from Saigon " "
with the arrival of North Vietna--public
mese Col. Bui Tin carrying a list
from Hanoi of the next group of WASHINGTON IP)-Acting FBI
American prisoners to be freed. Director Patrick Gray III said Wed-
This was taken as a sign that the nesday his agency sent information
releases might soon be resumed. obtained in its investigation of the
At the same time, American and bugging of Democratic national
N o r t h Vi e t n a m e s e headquarters during the presiden-
dinlomats headed toward agree- tial election campaign to the White
ment on terms of a declaration to House.
give international backing to the Gray offered to open FBI files on
month-old Vietnam peace accord. the incident to interested Senators.
In a day of hectic backstage di- Gray said the investigative re-
plomacy, there aso were signs to port and interviews conducted by
AP Photo*
A BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS (BIA) GUARD (left) stands by his patrol car at a road-block out-
side the Indian-held city of Wounded Knee, S.D., yesterday. At right is an unidentified tribal chief who
was seeking entry to the beseiged city.
McPherson resigns school post
Superintendent of Schools R.
Bruce McPherson yesterday 'an-
nounced he will submit his formal
resignation at today's special
meeting of the -Ann Arbor Board
of Education. At last night's
board meeting, a majority of the
Foundation in Chicago.
During his term as superin-
tendent, there were several dis-
putes over policy between the
board and McPherson.
According to Board member
Charles Good, the conflicts were
too frequent and the question of
living on both sides of I-94 could
attend the same school.
The plan was part of McPher-
son's gaal of achieving socio-
economic balance in the schools.
The Board, however, maintain-
ed the highway was a natural
boundary and the attendance
McPherson's term in office.
Community High School was
instituted as a school without
walls and Pioneer II was started
as a free school run by its stu-
According to Board Presidmt
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