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January 13, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-01-13

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See Editorial Page


Sir 43gaU


Cloudy, a
little warmer

Vol. LXXXIII, No. 85 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, January 13, 1973 Ten Cents
oday.Small colee ulishes salar
if y ou see news happen call 76-DAILY Sl Ise a a

Ten Pages

Govt. moving on in .
City officials are gloating over the final cite approval for a
federal building Ann Arbor has been waiting for since about
1950. The building, to be constructed between Fourth and Fifth
Aves. at Liberty St., will displace the Varsity Laundry, the
Eberbach Bldg., the Masonic Temple, and some privately owned
homes. Costing about $4 million to construct, the federal building
will bring about $40,000 a year in taxes to the city. Private groups
will own the structure for the first twenty years, after which it will
revert to the government. According to happy city officials, not
only will the building bring in tax money and house some 240
government employes presently scattered all over Washtenaw
County; it will help "rejuvenate" the central business district.
The news was announced this morning by Rep. Marvin Esch
Griffin moving on up ..*.
From now on, when you read or hear on the news that "The
Senate Foreign Relations Committee did such and such ."
you should be aware that you are represented on that august
body. Michigan's own Sen. Robert Griffin has just been trans-
ferred from the Finance Committee to prestigious Foreign Rela-
tions. And that's not all Bob's been doing-last week he was re-
elected assistant minority leader without opposition by Senate
Republicans. As the ads used to say, "Look Martha, he's right
up front."
A matter of life and breath
Hate to see people killing themselves? You're in luck. TheJ
fourth floor study area of the UGLI has been designated as a
non-smoking area for the Winter 1973 term at the request of
numerousnon-smokers. Smoking is still permitted on the other
floors of the UGLI.
Return of campus djs
For all of you who have been waiting with baited breath for
the campus' crackerjack radio station WCBN to return to the air
after a lengthy., vacation, your time has come. The merry
Morning Men of 'CBN will start spinning the vinyl promptly at
12 midnight tonight. Set your tuner to 89.5 on the FM bracket for
a special 12-hour inaugural show. "Turn Me On-I'm a Radio..."
Happenings.. ..
. . . Appear slim to our experienced eyes. At 6 p.m., the
Pyramid gallery will hold an Art Happening titled "All aliens
must report on Jan. 13." . . . If you're in a sporting mood, check
out the gymnastics, wrestling and/or hockey events today, but if
you're more into academics, try the lecture by Preston Slosson,
professor emeritus of history on "The Impact of American Life
on the American School: The Colonial School," at 10 a.m. at the
education school building.
Strike in Italy
ROME-Millions of Italian workers joined a four-hour nation-
wide strike yesterday, to protest the centrist government's social
and economic policies. Worst hit by the strike, called by the
nation's big three labor unions, was Rome and the surrounding
area, where unions rallied their members for twenty-fourhours.
One good piece of news for the government of Giulio Andreotti,
head of the nation's most conservative administration in ten
years, was that Italy's 1,200,000 construction workers reached
agreement early yesterday morning on a new labor contract.
The construction workers have also been staging a series of
More quakes in Nicaragua
MANAGUA-When bad luck comes, it never seems to want to
leave. Residents of the Nicaraguan cities of Managua, Masaya,
and Jinotepe will be the first to tell you. Renewed activity in
nearby volcanoes shook all three cities early yesterday morning,
sending people rushing into the streets in panic. The agriculture
ministry reported that the most serious result of the volcanic
activity was damage to coffee crops and cattle pastures from
volcanic dust and gas emissions.
Hoe, hoe, hoe
PRESTBURY, England-When Roy Sheldon advertised a
freelance gardening service, he received more replies than he
expected-most of them from women who wanted a gardener and
a little something on the side. The trouble started when his ad,
which read "Man wants work. Ring any time. Will do anything
in the garden," slipped behind another card on the town bulletin
board. The words "in the garden" were obscured. It did not
take long for Sheldon's wife to receive the first of many calls.
On the inside *. *
Warren Rosenberg reviews Richard Wilbur's poetry
reading, on the Arts Page . . . The Editorial Page includes
Daily staffer Dave Burhenn's analysis of the tri-factionalized
debate at Thursday's Human Rights Party meeting.
And Sports Night Editor Dan Borus promises us that his
pages, 6 and 7, hold "a whole lot of goodies."
The weather picture
The sky will be fair tomorrow, which is more than we
can say for the rest of the weather. It's won't be quite as
cold as yesterday, but the low will range between 12 and
17 degrees, and the high will be in the lower 30's. The
winds will be from the southwest to 10 to 15 miles per hour,

and, mercifully, there is only a five per cent chance of
Meters haunt autos


Arts Editor
Pulitzer Prize winning American poet
Richard Wilbur read a varied sampling of
his works yesterday afternoon to an over-
flowing crowd at Rackham Amphitheatre.
Although most of his poems are not par-
ticularly political in nature, Wilbur dedi-
cated the reading to Capt. Michael Heck,
B-52 commander who recently refused to
continue bombing North Vietnam following
his 175th mission. "Everyone's bored by the
war," the poet mused, "but it's worse now
than ever."
He then read "Advice to Prophet," a
poem he described as his "closest to politi-
cal" writing in which he reacts to the.
Hiroshima bombings.
It was an hour of seriousness and humor
that followed, as Wilbur read various selec-
tions from his early and recent works, in-
cluding some often witty rhymes from his
soon to be published children's book.
A graduate from Amherst College who
received his M.A. degree from Harvard
University, Wilbur currently teaches En-
glish at Wesleyan University.
The 51-year-old poet has been the honored
recipient of the National Book Award and
the Bollingen Prize.
Wilbur's reading followed the presenta-
tion of the Underclassmen Avery and Jule
Hopwood Awards, the Bain-Swiggett Award,
the Michael R. Gutterman Award and the
Academy of American Poets Award.
For a review of Richard Wilbur's read-
ing and further details about the awards
presented, see.the Arts page.

Richard Wilbur

i Dlyrenews effort
to open 'U' salaries
In a move which could affect future University salary
disclosures, Saginaw Valley College has released a complete
faculty salary list in accordance with a previous court order.
The small, state-funded college dropped its appeal of
Bay County Circuit Court Judge Leon Dardas' ruling in favor
of a Bay City Times' suit last June ordering publication of
the list.
Dardas' opinion stated that "the public has a clear and
unquestionable right to be kept fully informed as to how
their tax dollars are being spent."
Saginaw Valley follows two other state-supported col-
leges in publishing its salaries. Both Michigan State Uni-
versity and Delta College,,,-
which was originally a defen-
dant in the Bay City Times ia*
suit, have released full salary I
information within the past


By CINDY HILL the rob
Although incidents of petty clear p
thefts within the University's Accor
residence halls have been signi- thief chi
ficantly lowered, armed robberies Then h
have increased over the past reurns
term torthehighesterate in Ui- returns
versity history. lect an
Five robberies took place in Feldk
dormitories across campus last dent av
term, totaling over $3,300 in swer fo
stolen money and goods. "I su
Although not all of the rob- have a
beries have been proven to be kamp.
drug-related, some University of- Foulk(
ficials believe the five cases all crimina
involve the sale of marijuana to age an
strangers. dent set
The series of gunpoint robberies Juana1
began last September with a Arbor."
$3,000 theft at South Quad. Then Ann A
East Quad experienced two rob- Krasny
beries in November.
The Ann Arbor police report
that one suspect has been ar-T
raigned for thetheftreported
from Mosher-Jordan on Dec. 4 "
and possibly other thefts. His
two companions are still being
The suspect being held has s
confessed to another robbery at
Markley. However, this robbe'ry
has not been reported by the W
victim and the date and amount WASH
stolen cannot be determined. six men
The robberies have come at a craticF
time when most University offi- suddenly
cials were priding themselves on mors so
the effect of increased security ants we
in reducing petty crimes in Guilty
dorms. tremelyi
"We had this belief (increased would e
safety) until these robberies was beh.
came up," says University Hous- tapping
ing Director John Feldkamp. ters dur
He termed the rash of rob- election
beries a "setback," attributing The ru
it to "pretty damn foolish in- that eacl
dividual students." fered $1,
Both Feldkamp 'and David .d
Foulke, University housing secur- in jail an
ity chief, as well as a number of when th
dormitory directors, claim that disclosed

theft hits dorms

year and a half.
The disclosure may stir new
controversy over the Regents' re-
fusal of a request by the Daily last
July for disclosure of a full salary
list, includingthe names, positions,
sex, race, and length of service of
all staff members.
At that time the Regents voted
6-2 against disclosure, supporting
President Robben Fleming's re-
commendation that the Dardas' de-
cision was "not final" and that
the board should "decline to re-
lease this information and prepare
to defend against any legal ac-
Fleming, presently on a two-
month leave of absencce in South
America, could not be reached for
comment on the most recent de-
velopment in the salary list issue.
Daily Editor Sara Fitzgerald
called the disclosure "a good indi-
cation that Judge Dardas' ruling
in favor of open salary lists would
hold up in an appeals court."
Fitzgerald added that The Dily
will renew its request for full dis-
closure "in the very near future."
"When President Fleming called
for a refusal of our original re-
quest," she said, "he did so
knowing that Dardas' decision
awaited an appeal. This is no long-
er the case."
Fitzgerald said The Daily will
continue to fight "this effort to hide
j the University's failure to pro-
vide equal pay for women and mi-
Regent James Waters, one of the
two board members who voted in
favor of the salary disclosures,
said a new effort to make sala-
ries public would "most certain-
ly have his support.
He added that he felt Regents
Gertrude Huebner and Paul Brown
might join Gerald Dunn and him-
self in supporting such a request.
See STATE, Page 8
Strial into

bberies follow a "very
ding to them, a potential
becks the dorms for stu-
nterested in selling dope.
e makes the contact, and
later with friends to col-
y dope or money the stu-
ay have.
amp claims that "stu-
wareness" is the only an-
r the thefts.
ggest they just say 'I don't
ny grass'," says Feld-
ke claims most of the
ls are under 20 years of
d "attracted to the stu-
tting and our liberal mari-
laws in the city of Ann
Arbor Police Chief Walter
classifies the thieves as

"anywhere as low as 15 years
old to the more hardened, sea-
soned criminal."
He attributes the problem, in
part, to the relaxed atmosphere
of the dormitory system, the
availability of firearms and the
students themselves.
He claims a lot of students
"are being preyed upon by being
the good Samaritan." He also
blames. student carelessness.
"People take this as sort of a
lark-go out and smoke pot. A
person who's looking for an easy
prey will look for this type of
individual. He's likely to be
carrying some money in his
Norman Snustad, director of
East Quad where two of the rob-
beries have occured, claims that
"there are probably more rob-

beries than have ever been re-
ported." He bases his conviction
on conversations with other dorm
Students are logically concern-
ed about possible prosecution for
possessing contraband if they re-
port the robberies.
However, Snustad reports that
"those who reported the rob-
beries found that the police were
not after the students."
"It (possession of marijuana) is
against the law," says Snustad,
"but I don't think anyone wants
to come down that hard on stu-
"The kid has been held up, he's
shaken," says Snustad. "The one
I spoke to is not going to try it
(selling marijuana) again," he
See ARMED, Page 8

By Reuters and UPI
WASHINGTON - President Nix-
on's surprise abandonment of al
most all compulsory wage-price
controls was not expected to lead
to an immediate round of price in-
creases, but there were mixed
views on the long-term effects.
The chief restraint against rapid
price rises, observers said, was
the President's promise to stop ac-
tion that would be "inconsistent
with our anti-inflation goals."
This was widely interpreted as a
threat of government rollbacks of
excessive wage or price hikes.
The President revealed the lift-
ing of mandatory controls, except
for food processing and retailing,
health services and construction,
in a message to Congress Thurs-
day. The plans were 'part of a re-
quest to extend his authority to
impose controls beyond the cur-
rent April 30 cutoff. Some observ-
ers felt that he was dropping man-
datory controls in order to assure
continuation of his authority to
clamp them back on again if in-
flation gets out of hand.
Last year inflation dropped from
six per cent to about 31 per cent.
This was one point short of the
President's goal of 2 per cent
but still good enough for Nixon to
lift the mandatory controls which
labor and consumer groups com-
plain have held down wages but
not profits, dividends, interest and
food prices.
Nixon, who came into office gen-
erally opposed to wage-price con-
trols, told Congress that complete
elimination of the controls could be
hastened by relying to a greater
extent on voluntary cooperation.
The government will continue
to set guidelines for price and
wage rises. For the time being, the
White House asked pay increases
to be limited to the current guide-
line of 5.5 per cent annually.
As a general rule, the White
House said, price rises should not
exceed increases in cost, and, if a
firm was earning more than a
certain profit margin, it should ab-
sorb cost increases without rais-
ing prices.
There were varying opinions
among economists on the effects
of -Nixon's latest action. Charles
Shultz, Nixon's chief economist,
said "a little surge" was possi-
ble in the coming months but
doubted that prices would explode
now that controls have been lifted.
However, other economists were
worried about an easing of con-
trols resparking widespread price
rises, particularly in the wake of
a big December rise in wholesale
See PHASE, Page 8

dge orders Watergate

elusion amid guilt plea. rumors

INGTON - The trial of
accused of bugging Demo-
Party headquarters was
halted today amid ru-
me or all of the defend-
re ready to plead guilty.
pleas would make it ex-
unlikely that the full facts
ver be known as to who
ind the break-in and wire-
of Demicratic headquar-
ing last year's presidential
mors came amidst reports
ch defendant is being of-
000 for every month spent
nd an additional lump sum
ey are released by an un-

The unconfirmed United Press,
International report from sources
close to the defendants, identified
the group only as "Friends fromE
Miami" including a prominent fig-
ure in the Bay of Pigs invasion.
These "friends reportedly made,
their offer this week in private
meetings with the defendants.
It is believed that the Miami
group, in making the offer, appar-
ently hopes to end the trial before
information is brought out in
court proceedings which might,
damage their undisclosed inter-!
The judge in the so-called Wat-
ergate case - named after the
office building where the Demo-

crats had their headquarters -
met in secret for two hours yester- I
day with prosecution and defense1
lawyers, giving rise to speculation
of dramatic new developments in
the case.-
Then Judge John Sirica informed
the jury the trial was adjournedI
until Monday. All lawyers involved
were under strict orders not to
If all of the accused were to<
plead guilty, the trial would be
over - and there would be no op-j
portunity for the court to find out
about the political espionage car-
ried out against the Democrats
last year.
The Watergate trial was in its
fifth day and testimony had been
taken from only five witnesses.
One of the original seven men
charged with breaking into the of-
fices in the Watergate complex last
June 17 to steal documents and
intercept communications pleaded
guilty Thursday to all six counts
against him.
That man, former White House
aide, E. Howard Hunt, told the
judge that the case, as outlined by
the government was correct.
The remaining defendants are
G. Gordon Liddy, also a former
White House aide who was fired;
as finance counsel for the Com-
mittee for the Re-election of the

the arrest of the four Cubans and
McCord inside the Democratic
headquarters offices at 4:30 a.m.
on June 17.
The trial had been stopped ear-
lier Friday to await the decision
of the U. S. District Court of Ap-
peals on whether intimate conver-
sations overheard by wiretappers
should be publicly aired in Court.
Later in the day, the appeal
court decided that the evidence
was admissable only if no one ob-
jected. Because the Democrats
made the appeal it is unlikely the
tapes will be heard.

'U' may include race
on job applications

How many t i m e s have you
emerged from a department store
or a dentist's office and found an
annoying slip of white paper tucked
under the windshield wiper of your
car? If you've lived in the city
for any length of time. and own a
car, it has probably occurred at
least once.
Our city abounds with narking

restrictions along the side streets
near campus.
Unless you carry a pocketful of
change at all times, tickets for ex-
pired meters are inevitable. And
according to police officials, "even
metermaids receive parking tick-
If you plan to park all day, it is
often cheaper to risk getting a one
dollar ticket rather than constantly

Racial identification on Univer,
sity job applications is currently
being considered by the Regents
as a means to evaluate progress
on its affirmative action pro-
Following a discussion of the
question at the December meet-
ing of the Regents, Dr. Nellie
Varner, affirmative action direc-
tor at the University, was asked

members of minority groups em-
ployed by the University" in or-
der to determine the success of
affirmative action programs.
No college in Michigan requires
racial information on their job
applications, Varner said. How-
ever, she added that there is con-
siderable informal recording of
the race of prospective em-
The Michigan Civil Service is




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