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February 28, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-02-28

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:Y G



See Today for details

Vol. LXXXIII, No. 124

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February 28, 1973

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

The Doug Harvey Saga
Chapter Four in the Harvey Saga opens in the serene, north-
ern lower Michigan community of Indian River, nestled among
the pines in God's Country. Ex-sheriff Harvey, as you may re-
member from earlier chapters, stands accused of piloting his
car into a ditch under the influence of a potent brew and then
abusing police officers who tried to help him. All of this just
isn't so, Harvey says. Our hero has pleaded innocent to all
charges in Iddian River District Court., Stay tuned.
Another rip-off
Crime again has reared its ugly head on campus. The latest
episode was Monday night when a Bursley Hall, Lewis House
resident was robbed of $180. According to the police, two thieves
walked into his room, seized a knife lying on a nearby table and
demanded money. The robbers were pursued, and a brief strug-
gle followed, but they managed to escape. Later that night,
police apprehended a suspect, Roderick McCreary of Ann Arbor,
who was arraigned yesterday and held with a $10,000 bond.
Bottle ban
The City Council has taken the first step toward making all
soft drink and beer bottles returnable. At its regular Monday
night session this week, council gave first reading approval
to an ordinance designed by the Ecology Center which would
require local merchants to collect deposits on all bottles. The
ordinance, which must be approved in both a first and a second
reading, will come up again March 19 when there will be a
public hearing. If approved it will take effect March 1.
Aw , come off it
No, really, we're not kidding. An anonymous resident of the
Cram Circle area off Plymouth Road claims (believe it or not)
to have seen an abominable snowman in his neighborhood. The
man, who called The Daily with this news tip yesterday and ap-
peared to be sober, claims the animal is "Pretty damn big - a
good seven feet tall." He described the animal as being "furry,"
and says The Thing is so frightening he now keeps the door to
his desidence bolted at night. Concludes he: "It seems the fun-
niest things have happened since I came to Ann Arbor."
Happenings .. .
if you're looking for a cheap lunch at about noon,
go to 1018 Angell Hall for a Peanut Butter and Jelly Lunch, for
only 15 cents . . . LS&A Dean Rhodes will lecture on "Evolution,
Ethnics and Society" at the Modern Language Building, Aud. 3,
at 3 p.m. . . . by far, the most spectacular event of the day will
be the long-awaited David Bromberg Look-Alike contest at 7
p.m. in the Fishbowl . . . for the more serious-minded student,
the Human Rights Party will discuss sexism and ageism planks
at 7:30 p.m. on the second floor of the SAB . . . a program
of the "Divine Knowledge of Shri Guru Marharaj Ji" will be
held at 7:30 p.m. at 3545 SAB . . . those interested in radio
and TV advertising for the newly-formed Learning Exchange will
get together at 8 p.m. in the Guild House, at 802 Monroe . . .
at the same time, the Grad Coffee Hour willbe held on the
fourth floor of the Rackham Bldg. . . and a 9 p.m. "Hooten-
anny" in the Ark, at 1421 Hill, will top off the evening.
Sword swallower
Kraut, a 4-month-old German shepherd pup with a taste
for Italian sausage, instead swallowed a 12-inch butcher knife
and lived to bark about it. Benjamin Stevens, Kraut's owner, said
he and his wife were having a sausage snack in the kitchen of
their home during the weekend when the puppy jumped up,
grabbed the knife from the table and swallowed it without so
much as a yelp. Stevens rushed the dog to a veterinary hos-
pital, where it was discovered the knife was lodged so deeply
it could be detected only with the use of X rays. Surgery was
ordered. "The operation was relatively simple," explained Dr.
Roger M. Batts, who performed the two-hour' surgery, "but
it's still a miracle, that he's alive."
What next?
It had to come: the drip-dry suit for bullfighters. The new
suit designed by Fermin Lopez Fuentes weighs 21/2 pounds
less than traditional garb - and is washable. In a profession
where blood . plays a key role, this is an important change.
Washable suits are expected to last 19 or 20 afternoons. The
average life of a $600 outfit before was about four or five per-

formances. A leading bullfighter's tailor with more than 30
years' experience, Fermin teamed with painter John Fulton of
Philadelphia, Pa., to produce the new suits. Fulton, an American
living in Spain for several years, is an accredited matador.
Pom pon boy?
Jim Rosskopf, a 6-foot-4 sophomore at Stanford University,
wants to be a pomn pon person. In a move for men's liberation,
Rosskopf is vying against about 20 females for the five jobs of
"pom pon dolly," to wave pom pons, in a chorus line at sports
events. "I'm learning the routines because they're good exercise,"
said Rosskopf, who is practicing once a week with the others
for the tryouts in late March.
Pay as you go0
An enema of us all, the W0e toilet charge, was abol-
ished today at Chicago airports. At a press conference, Mayor
Richard Daley announced he has ordered an immediate end to
pay toilets at the city's three rnajor airports. And a spokesman
for the Chicago chapter of the committee to end pay toilets in
America (CEPTIA), told of the abolition, remarked: "God Bless
Mayor Daley."
'On the inside .. .
On the Edit Page, Bob Black takes a look at LSA
student govt. and how it should be reformed . . . Chuck
Bloom explores the financial aspects of collegiate swim-







Action follows Hanoi statement
refusing to release ,more POs
WASHINGTON (Reuter) - The ceasefire began and is scrupu- "I am not in a position to pre-
White House yesterday angrily ac- lously honoring terms of the cease- dict events or to speculate," Zieg-
cused Hanoi of violating its agree- fire, Ziegler said. ler said when asked what would
ment to free American prisoners of Hanoi's announced refusal to free happen if more prisoners were not
war and demanded the immediate more prisoners now and the swift released.
release of 120 more American cap- and strong reaction from Washing- The White House would not say
tives. ton appeared to mark a deteriora- whether Rogers had been instruct-
Press Secretary Ronald Ziegler tion in relations between the two ed to deliver any warnings to Ha-
in announcing the statement, avoid- governments over implementation noi of what steps the United States
ed any threats of action if the men of the cease-fire. would take if more prisoners were
were not released now, but it ap- But the U. S: government clear- not released-
peared the most obvious retaliation ly hoped the issue could be quick- North Vietnam, in announcing
would be a slowdown or halt in ly resolved, and emphasized it ex- suspension of prisoner releases,
U. S. troop withdrawals from South pected North Vietnam to honor the called, for strict application of the
Vietnam. agreement by freeing the prison- ceasefire and release of civilian
Hanoi's announcement earlier ers. prisoners held by South Vietnam.
yesterday that it was suspending The presidential spokesman care- The White House replied that
ethe release of American POWs reg fully avoided any specific threat the United States was using its
the reas of AmeParisInterne- of a slowdown in the U. S. troop maximum influence to see all par-
ate ed a crisis in the Pris nrna withdrawal rate or other action. if ties observed the peace agreement.
tioal onfrene wichis orkngNorth Vietnam did not immediate- The White }Iouse spokesman also
to guarantee the month-old Viet- ly agree to hand over more prison- suggested North Vietnam was not
nam ceasefire. ers. blameless on ceasefire violations.

Ziegler said President Nixon or-
dered Secretary of State William
Rogers to demand an explanation
from the North Vietnamese delega-
tion in Paris for the delay in free-
ing more American prisoners.
The press secretary said Rogers
would take up the matter with the
North Vietnamese astthe highest
priority before any other business
See relited story, Page 10
at the conference - suggesting the
Paris talks will have to be sus-
pended if Washington is not satis-t
fied with Hanoi's response.
Ziegler read a strongly - worded
statement on Nixon's behalf declar-
ing "it is now time for the other
side immediately to release the
next group (of POWs)" to maintain
the prisoner release rate previous-
ly agreed to.
Asked how many prisoners!
should be returned in the second
round, Ziegler cited the figure 120'
bi trPSd hpuc cin inffin


grants pay,

The University Executive Officers yesterday approved a
plan to implement extensive job classification and salary
changes affecting over 4500 professional and administrative
(P and A) employes.
The plan was created by Management Advisory Group
(MAG) which consists of representatives from the various
University communities employing P and A people. Their
plan is the direct .outgrowth of a study done last year by
management consultants Robert Hayes and associates.
The new guidelines are intended to alleviate sevefal prob-
lems stemming from salary guidelines instituted for P and A
employes as of Jan. 1.
in January. the University

Daily Photo by JOHN UPTON
Sunny daze
Despite a Diag full of snow in the midst of winter Mary Sue Bova '76, and Jill Enzmann '76, bask
in yesterday's warm sunshine.

Director sought to


women 's studies post,

ur sresse e was using un IIlc-j'.., , . .*O
ial statistics. adopted new minimum salary lev-
North Vietnam, which has so far els for P and A workers. Persons
released 163 of the 562 American whose salaries fell below the new
prisoners it says it holds, said in a minimums received increases,
statement issued earlier in the day while others at or just above the
it would not free more men until minimum got no increment.
the United States and South Viet- As a result, many workers with
nam give assurances the peace several years experience were
agreement would be properly ob- earning at the same salary level
served. as new employes. The MAG plan
The White House firmly rejected is supposed to remedy the prob-
a link between prisoner releases lem by allowing pay adjustments
and any aspect of the ceasefire for experienced employes earning
agreement other than the with- minimum salaries.
drawal of U. S. forces. MAG originally proposed that
Ziegler said North Vietnam was only -employes earning below the
bound by the agreement to free median in a salary classification,
American prisoners as fast as U.S. where the new minimums result-
forces were pulled out. ed in increases for other employes,
"There can be no ambiguity in- be allowed raises. The Executive
volved in the agreement regard- Officers, however, amended the
ing the release of U. S. prisoners," proposal to extend potential in-
he said. "The release of U. S. pri- creases to all workers in such clas-
soners is only related to the rate sifications.
of withdrawal of American forces, Vice President of Academic Af-
and nothing else. fairs Allan Smith, an Executive
The United States would not ac- Officer, and MAG member said
cept, during the negotiations, and "we haven't the slightest estimate
will not accept now, the linking of of how much the salary increases
release of American prisoners to will amount to." He indicated the
any other aspect of the agreement entire cost would be known some-
other than the rate of withdrawal," time after April 1 when the in-
he said. creases become effective.
One of the most contentious TedBonus, also a MAG member,
points of entire negotiations was attributed the uncertainty to "not
that there was no relationship be- knowing at this time how many
tween the release of United States employes will receive raises." The
prisoners of war and civilian pri- raises will be awarded by, P and
soners in the South, Ziegler said. A administrators.
This point is clearly spelled out in The MAG plan establishes a very
the agreement and clearly spelled specific P and A job classification
out in the protocol." plan. The plan attempts to group
The United States has already similar jobs under one classifica-
pulled out just over half the 22,000 tion on a University-wide basis.
troops it had in Vietnam when the See 'U', Page 7

suit filed
by Nagey
In what promises to be another
round of electoral brouhaha, Engin.
Council President Ro Nagey has
charged Student Government Coun-
cil with "illegally and immorally"
blocking his restructuring proposal
from appearing on the March all
campus election ballot.
Nagey maintains that by not
informing him that an earlier
Council vote on his proposed con-
stitutional amendment was invalid
SGC has prevented a "fair and
just consideration of the proposal
by the student body."
In a suit naming himself and the
Pharmacy and Nursing Councils
as complaintants, Nagey asked the
Central Student Judiciary (CSJ)
to restrain SGC from printing any
ballots without his proposal.
The proposal would triple 'the
SGC's size and give separate SGC
representation to individual school
constituencies. It was officially
placed on the ballot by a 6-4 Coun-
cil vote nearly two weeks ago.
But a later look at SGC's con-
stitution revealed that a two-thirds
See NAGEY, Page 7

The search for a director of
the University women's studies
program has begun despite an
unsolved budget problem.
The Committee for Women's
Studies (CFWS), the originators
of the women's studies proposal,
unanimously recommended his-
tory lecturer Kitty Sklar as the
co-ordinator of women's studies
to begin next fall.
The recommendation will be
forwarded to Literary College
Dean Frank Rhodes, who will
select the director from a larger
list of nominations.
Lydia Kleiner, a CFWS mem-
ber, says the committee was
"looking for someone who had ex-
perience with the University, who
was a scholar in the area of
women's studies and was dedi-
cated to furthering women's
studies as a legitmate academic
Sklar believes the director's
position will include three spe-
cific functions. "The first is
building a program which draws
on the resources of LSA effec-
tively," she said. This would
mean promoting research on
women and the hiring of more
women scholars.
According to Sklar, the second
function is the creation of aca-
demic innovationto carry over to
other LSA courses and the third
is concern for women's counsel-
ing needs.
One of the first jobs for the
director Sklar continues is to de-
sign an academic program for
xxy " Q QiiiA Q ri-. Aar '' All

program as being interdisciplin-
ary. She hopes this approach will
be extended to other fields of
The women's studies program
will also encourage departments
to offer courses related to the
field of women's studies, espe-
cially those departments present-
ly not doing so.
The original budget for the pro-
gram was cut when the proposal
was passed earlier this month.
The present budget calls for the
director to run the women's
studies program in addition to
her regular University activities.

The director would receive an
honorium of between $500 to.
$1000. According to Kleiner, final
negotiations are still under way
concerning the amount of release
time the director will receive
from her department.
Money was also appropriated
for office expenses and teaching
fellows for the introductory
"This is a tremendously im-
portant step for the University,"
Sklar commented. "It shows the
openness of the University to
change, and that there is support
for this kind of innovation."

IP aapsyc ho logits t ..'.~i' /~~ ,'A'F
speaks on future }
and STEPHEN SELBST'f" <: 4
Parapsychology has "brought us to an awareness of another '"
reality," said J. B. Rhine during the course of his lecture""
yesterday on "Psychic Phenomena and Its Implications for F t""'
the Future."
The lecture, part of the Future Worlds series, dealt with
research and experimentation in parapsychology and the
effect of such research on future societies.
Rhine, director of the Foundation for' Research on the
Nature of Man at Duke University, discussed the relationship
of parapsychological research and work being done in other
fields, primarily psychology, medicine, religion and physics.
He admitted that the academic community has trouble :>,r' h
accepting his results. He told the audience "You ought to be

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