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February 27, 1973 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1973-02-27

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' A

z4e AirIrigan Daihj
Eighty-two years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

Campus inactivity reflects national mood

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-0552


" I

Eviction: no solution

THE GROWING number of drug related
robberies in University dormitories
presents a difficult problem for both stu-
dents and housing officials. However, we
do not feel that evicting Charles Hoitt
from his East Quad room will help solve
the problem of drug-related armed rob-
We recognize that the situation has
forced Housing Director John Fefdkamp
into a rather uncomfortable position,
largely because the majority of the armed
robberies have involved the dealing of
On one hand, Feldkampf believes that
the existence of dope dealing raises the
possibility of armed robbery and there-
fore is dangerous to dorm residents, and
he is probably right. If the thieves have
guns, then the dealers may buy them as
well and someone may indeed get shot.
HOWEVER, if Hoitt is evicted from his
dorm room for breach of contract,
we doubt that such action will deter dor-
mitory dealers from selling. Instead, they
will just not report robberies to anyone.
The dealing will continue, and the dang-
ers of armed robberies and shootings will
continue as well. Eventually, a tragedy
may result.
At the same time, it would be unrealis-
tic for University housing officials to
crack down on marijuana use in the dor-

mitories while the city makes the smok-
ing of marijuana a minor violation, and
county sheriff Fred Postill has placed
marijuana violations low on his list of
Furthermore, it is hypocritical and not
feasible to tolerate the use of marijuana
in dormitories and to use the sale of the
weed as grounds for eviction at the same
INSTEAD, proper emphasis should be
placed on the prevention of armed
robbery. This can be partly achieved from
nore stringent security precautions and
better use of these precautions by the
s t u d e n t s, as inconvenient as they
might be.
But students themselves should be
more careful. Those who insist on selling
marijuana should obviously avoid selling
it to strangers, for their own and others'
safety. The old slogan "don't sell to any-
one you don't know" may go against some
vague counter-culture ideals, but it pro-
vides more safety both the to dealer and
to other dorm residents.
MARIJUANA is here to stay, and unfor-
tunately it has brought crime with
it; Evicting minor marijuana dealers in
dormitories merely gives the symbolic
impression that housing officials "are
trying." It does nothing to solve the prob-

WHEN I MOVED to Ann Arbor
in 1968, the atmosphere crack-
led with socio-political unrest. My'
dormitory was a twenty-four hour
debating society. Large demonstra-
tions seemed to come off every
few weeks. Perhaps defiance, ex-
travagance, and ultra-self-con-
sciousness were too highly valued
at the time, but I forgave even
rather offensive outbursts which
labelled me "liberal", "fascist", or
"medieval". Things were just too
exciting to let a few insults spoil
the fun.
But by 1971, the party was quite
finished and a political hang-over
had set in. When I re-enrolled last
fall, I was' amazed at how much
more docile my new classmates
were than their counterparts of
two years before.
On even the basic level of class-
room dynamics, an erosion of stu-
dent consciousness has taken place.
With impunity, some profesors are
saying and doing things that would
previously have been sharply crit-
icized. Somehow or other, the ac-
tivists have almost disappeared
and the grinds have multiplied.
Many professors have changed
their assignment policy from crea-
tive papers to more homeworkish
strations have been replaced by a
fairly conventional electoral poli-
tics. In part, this is an expression
of greater political maturity and
has the good effect of lessening the
alienation of concerned y o u n g
people from the general commun-
ity that desperately needs their in-
But another part of the change is
a striking loss of energy, or rather
a shift in energy, away from socio-
political concerns back to school-

work and jobs, daydreaming, "dat-
ing", and movies. Religion and the
occult seem to have replaced poli-
tics as the fascination of a large
segment of the youthful intelli-
In the last year, the campus has
been visited by many more gurus,
preachers, and psychics than poli-
tical radicals. Of course, the Left
in the country as a whole is "lying
low" at this time with mild state-
ments and survival programs. The
irony of it is this: Lyndon Johnson,
though poorly informed and rather
simple-minded, enacted some very
beneficial social legislation. He vas
the object of intense student-left
hatred which boiled over in the
confrontation at the 1968 Chicago
Now Richard Nixon prepares to
dismantle the vestiges of Johnson's
progressive program and seems de-
termined to force on the country a
social order that really deserves
the name "fascism", yet his out-
rages generate no strong protest
here in Ann Arbor, merely a quiet,
almost polite, contempt.
In explaining this peculiar de-
velopment, the role of simple fear
should not be under-estimated.
With nearly every prominent Left
leader in jail, on bail, or under
threat of reimprisonment, the Left
might be expected to laose into
quiessence. Then again, the murd-
ers at Kent State and other atroci-
ties dampened student ardor. I
cried when I saw the Kent State
murders on television. I was at my
parents' house at the time, my
parents cried with me. Such acts
of brutality cannot be forgiven but
they certainly make one more cau-
tious. The Vietnam Moratoria and
the May Day demonstrations estab-
lished that Nixon does not 'isten to
the likes of us.

THERE are deeper forces at
work, however.
Exhaustion and inertia are Nix-
on's chief allies. Americans are
tired of all the progress, ferment,
and fighting of the 1960's. Our
national political mind is manic-
depressive, and we are presently
in the middle of a depressive
phase. The campuses slipped into
this phase two years after the rest
of the country, but this is under-
standable because they were es-
pecially manic during the prev-
ious decade. During manic phases,
Democrats are elected prenident,
social progress takes a leap and
wars are started. The relative
peacefulness of the depressive
phase is its only real asset. If
carried on for more than a decade,
it ends in depression with a capi-
tal "D".
Nixon's regressive trade policies
may bring on a trade war with
Japan and Europe; he has manag-
ed to offend even the Canadians
with his bully tactics. In ignoring
Keynesian principals in favor of
old-fashioned capitalist economics,
Nixon and his advisors are laying
the groundwork for the Bust of our
Boom-and-Bust economy. N i - o n
even has Calvin Coolidge's dishrag
EVEN beyond fear and exhaus-
tion, there is a sort of "generation
gap" that separates the students
of the 1960's from the students of
the 1970's. Most of today's students
were children during the incredibly.
stultifying Eisenhower years. The
exnlosive student movement of the
1960's may be connected with the
fact that its participants were
children during the very belligerent
period 1942-1952. The themes of
in-group solidarity and hostility to
totalitarian control were certainly
heavily 'emphasized in that period.

By a not-too-surprising transfer-
ence, the nation and the foreign
enemy were replaced by revolu-
tionary youth and the establish-
ment, respectively.
Of course, the close association
of war and social progress is hard
for many people to accept, but an
examination of twentieth century
revolutions establishes a strung
connection. Furthermore, the socio-
political atmosphere of one's first
five or six years must have an

important influence on later poli-
tical behavior, especially since the
'introduction of radio and tele-
vision. This cyclic approach to his-
tory is rejected by hard-nosed poli-
ticos and doctrinaire social scien-
tists, who believe it endangers
their respective bailiwicks. I think
it contains real understanding of
important social trends.

Jim Conley is a senior
chology student.


Appraising the Movement

A SERIOUS allegation has been made
by two returning POWs accusing the
anti-war movement of actually prolong-
ing the war. Furthermore, the two, Major
Jon . Reynolds and Norman McDaniel,
have maintained that it was the pres-
sure, through bombing, put on the North
Vietnamese by President Nixon which in-
deed ended the war and hastened the re-
turn of American POWs.
It really wouldn't be fair to attack the
two for their views, not only because they
were isolated from the American political
scene for several years, but also one must
always maintain respect for the rights of
others to express their views. Yet the
utterance of such views, with the subse-
quent widespread m e d i a publicity,
threatens to give an undeserved black
eye to the anti-war movement.
Those who have spoken out against the
war in the past and those who will speak
out in the future are dedicated to an
ideal of peace. In a nation which to so
many has seemed to be so thoroughly
committed to war in years past, it has
taken courage for a minority to express
anti-war sentiments which until recently
were unpopular with the majority of the

Indeed, though the anti-war people can
not truly claim a part in the actual sign-
ing of the peace treaty, they should not
be denied their true victory. For it was
the anti-war movement in this country,
and not presidents present or past, which
probably hastened the end of the Viet-
nam War, and which will probably influ-
ence our country's future involvements
in any questionable conflicts.
With no considerable amount of anti-
war protests in this country during the
Vietnam War, it is conceivable that the
war would still be dragging on, with
thousands more lives wasted, and with
the North Vietnamese fighting even hard-
er for the causes in which they believe.
THE ANTI-WAR movement has chang-
* ed this country significantly. No
longer do we consider our country holy
and sacred. Nor should we.
The United States is the strongest
country on this planet, but this does not
imply that we are therefore the most
moral country without question. Power
must be used wisely. No more "my coun-
try right or wrong." The anti-war move-
ment has help make us aware of our
limitations, and should be thanked for

Sylvia S Sign S
A Pisces person will tend to live in
worlds of fantasy.
Pisces. (Feb. 19 - March 20) A project
you have been working on is not bringing
you success. It may be wise to abandon it.
You would satisfy your ego more by seeking
things within reach. You'll have more fun
if you accept the B.
Aries. (March 21 - April 19) An important
position will be offered to you. Accept with-
out fail. Don't let little obstacles annoy you. Don't accept random
literature from individuals in the Diag or Fishbowl.
Taurus. (April 20 - May 20) Important decisions must be made
today, regarding plans for vacation. Seek the advice of other
individuals. The Mardi Gras may be fun, but you might want
Fla. sun.
Gemini. (May 21 - June 20) You have past debts that must be
paid today to insure your financial standing. Pay your tuition or
overdue fines. Pay back money to friends you have borrowed
Cancer. (June 21 - July 22) Use your self-confidence and optim-
ism to put yourself on top. Forget minor differences that have
arisen between close companions. Compromise over a few
Leo. (July 23 - Aug. 22) Your financial situation is in need of
stabilization. Plan to budget yourself better. Avoid spending money
impulsively. Wait till after your vacation to be extravagant.
Virgo. (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) You can make progress in many
situations if you take the time to clarify unsatisfactory positions.
Improvement is necessary. You might be wise to see a good porno
Libra. (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) You are in an excellent position to
accomplish the things you have to do if you don't waste time
thinking about it. Start easy but be patient with others less
capable. Be cagey.
Scorpio. (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) Keep calm in meeting certain dead-
lines. Look more into promising affairs; love, job, or "your own
thing." Anything goes, but respect "no's."
Sagittarius. (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21) Apply yourself in all activities.
There is much to be benefitted. Do your best. A job change is
indicated. Celebrate at a campus bar with a friend.
Capricorn. (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) With careful planning it looks as
though you can't lose. Stay within accepted boundaries for financ-
ial success. Looking straight and being straight Are quite differ-
Aquarius. (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) Your own cooperation is necessary
for your advancement. Don't get in too delirious a mood if you
want life to be pleasant. Cope happily with all situations and
surprise opponents.



Letters to The Daily


The right to manipulate?

THE LEGAL SUIT filed recently by at-
torney Gabe Kaimowitz and members
of the Committee for Human Rights on
behalf of a state mental hospital patient
is extremely important, for it will deal
with the basic question of whether or
not the state has a right to dangerously
manipulate people it has deemed insane.
Editorial Staff
Co-Editors in Chief
ROBERT BARKIN ...................Feature Editor
DIANE LEVICK .................Associate Arts Editor
DAVID MARGOLICK ......... ..Chief Photographer
MARTIN PORTER ............. Magazine Editor
KATHY RICKE.....................Editorial Director
ERIC SCHOCH ....................Editorial Director
GLORIA SMITH ........... ..............Arts Editor
CHARLES STEIN.......................City Edtor
TED STEIN .. .......... Executive Editor
MARTIN STERN..................Editorial Director
ED SUROVELL.......................Books Editor
ROLFE TESSEM..................:..Picture Editor
Shports Staff
Sports Editor
Managing Sports Editor
BOB McGINN.......ng...nsExecutive Sports Editor
CHUCK BLOOM............,Associate Sports Editor
JOEL GREER .... .... ..Associate Sports Editor
RICH STUCK........... Contributing Sports Editor
BOB HEUER .. . . .Contributing Sports Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: Jim Ecker, Marc Feldman, George
Hastings, Marcia Merker. Mark Ronan, Roger Ros-
sater, Theresa Swedo, Robin Wagner.
STAFF: Barry Argenbright, Jeff Chown, Clarke Cogs-
dill, Brian Deming, Leba Hertz, John Kahler,
Mike Lisull, Mike Pritula, Bob Simon.
Business Staff

The patient, a confessed murderer-
rapist, has been an inmate at Ionia State
Hospital for the past eighteen years, hav-
ing been deemed a criminal sexual psy-
chopath. He has more recently been
awaiting experimental brain surgery
which, it is speculated could possibly
eliminate h i s uncontrollable violent
The surgery might also kill him.
The danger involved is of course an is-
sue in the case, especially if, as Kaimo-
witz contends, that the patient agreed to
the surgery without being informed of
the possible dangers.
BUT MORE important is the basic issue
of the right of the state to experi-
ment with those people serving indefi-
nite periods of confinement in state men-
tal institutions. If this particular opera-
tion is allowed, a precedent could be set
allowing the state to perform such ex-
perimentation freely in the future.
Although the surgery might be consid-
ered beneficial, the implications of pos-
sible abuse of experimental procedures is
frightening. The nature-of mental insti-
tutions, closed off from public scrutiny,
makes the possibility of such abuse even
more frightening.
Who shall decide what patients are ex-
perimented u p o n, and upon what
grounds? These questions have not been
answered. We do not believe the state
has the right to perform such experi-


A modest proposal
To The Daily:
THE EXECUTIVE Council of the
LSA Student Government is con-
sidering the following motion. The
council would appreciate student
input before a decision is reached.
Please direct any comments to
Room 3M, Michigan Union, 763-
4799, or attend the Council meet-
ing at 7:00 p.m. Wed. eveningi
the SGC Council Chambers.
WHEREAS, Dean Frank Rhodes
has distributed to the parents of
all LSA studentsta letter,aremark-
ably devoid of substantive c o n-
tent, but evidently directed toward
establishing a "Parents' Program"
of indeterminate nature; and
WHEREAS, The Dean may be
unaware that virtually every LSA
student is an adult in the eyes
of the law of the land, and not a
second-class citizen requiring sup-
ervision and patneralism either by
the College in loco parentis or by
the parents themselves; and
WHEREAS, The PTA has never
served a purpose even for h i g h
school, and seems out of place in
a reputable university in the 1970's;
WHEREAS, The proposed LSA-
PTA sounds suspiciously like the
sort of body from which reaction-
ary recruits may be drawn by the
Dean for packing the various com-
mittees and commissions he is
wont to devise; and
WHEREAS, The conduct of the
Governing Faculty raises serious
questions as to whether some of
its members are entering their
second childhood or have yet Lo
emerge from their first one; and
WHEREAS, In these times of
peace, retrenchment, and reform,
frequent direct mailings to ten
thousand or so households is a
waste of resources derived ulti-
mately from students and their
parents alike: ,
RESOLVED, That the Executive
Council of the LSA Student Govern-
ment petition the Dean to establish

the relatives of the parents' gen-
eration;" and
Dean ought to distribute to the
parents of all LSA students a sup-
plementary letter containing t h e
(1) The best available estimates
of the prevalence of drug use, athe-
ism, anti-Americanism, and sexual
promiscuity among LSA students
available to LSA sociologists.
(2) How much of the taxpayers'
money was lavished on the distri-
bution of his first letter; and
(3) A copy of this resolution.
-Rebecca Schenk
Executive Secretary
Feb. 26
To The Daily:
I WOULD like to reply to last
Saturday's editorial entitled "Is-
raeli-Arab Conflict: Sheer Mad-
ness?", in which Mr. Robinson
claims that 't'he Israelis have per-
petuated what can only be consid-
ered acts of war."
Four months ago Libya accepted
with .open arms three Arab terror-
ists who took part in the Munich
massacre and survived. The sui-
cide squad which killed 23 people
at Lod airport in Israel last May
was permitted to train on Lebanese
soil, and Lebanon harbors numer-
ous other guerrilla groups which
have made it unsafe for an Israeli
consul anywhere in the world to
open a letter. And within the last
month, Jordan has placed its army
in a unified Arab command under
Egypt's direction. All this amidst
cries from Egypt's Anwar Sadat
for a new war against Israel.
In light of these facts, I think
Israeli's raids against the guer-
rille camps in Lebanon were com-
pletely justified. As far as the

tragedy with the Libyan airliner
goes: ,
1) the Israelis tried to make the
plane land, not to kill its pas-
sengers, and
2) the airspace above the Suez
Canal has been one of the hottest
battle spots in the world for the
past 5 years (since the Six-Day
War). I agree with Moshe Dayan's
"In normal times - without war
or tension - and in another area,
perhaps another way could have
been found."
--Mark Goldberg
Wayne State U.
Feb, 25










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