Sundcky, February 25, 1973 -! HE MICHGAN DAILY vage Five' I f schools were per fect Kane and Weles Wa an kie wicz) CHILDREN'S RIGHTS, by Paul Adams and others. Praeger, $2.95 paperback. By JOHN GOLDLUST 'TH-E SECONDARY title of this collection of essays, "Toward - the liberation of the child," suc- cinctly identifies the common starting point of all of the con- tributors to this volume. The authors, predominantly British, are as one in condemning what they identify as the repressive and authoritarian oppression of children perpetuated through the combined forces of adult sociali- zation agencies represented by the family and the school. It is quite clear to the writers that society strips all children up to thC age of sixteen, and in some circumstances even beyond, of any rights over their own person or their present and future aspi- ratiOns. The parents, and their "educational representatives" - the teachers - are morally and legally given almost total power to restrict, inhibit, direct and 'discipline the child in order to ensure that the child's behavior (and hopefully his thoughts) are moulded after a fashion the adult world considers desireable. All the essays strongly con- demn the punitive conditioning that remains the predominant weapon used by parents and teachers, to implant in the child reactions of docility, obedience, r C p r e s s e d hostility and fear of authority. Complementary to this, the socializers react with horror and violence when faced with spontaneity, disorder and independence in children. The guiding spirit behind Children's Rights is Wilhelm Reich, to whose works and ideas almost all the contributors refer, par.- ticularly to his assertions that the basic motivating drives of all human beings are "natural so- ciality and sexuality, spontane.- ous enjoyment of work, capacity for love." rf'WO OF THE essays, those of Paul Adams arid Robert 01- lerndorff, are by Reichian-orient- red psychiatrists who propose aa; rights of childhood through the adoption of child - rearing ap- proaches in harmony with the child's "natural" d r i v e s and forces. One of the most impor- tant restrictions religiously en- forced by adult society, is the re- pression of the child's natural sexuality, while violence is an accepted, less guilt-making out- let than overt and loving sexual- ity. Thus, the "sickness"' of so- ciety is compounded, as Ollen- :Book hops Inc 3You ore cordily invited toattend the 70th c Jbirthday party for ) on February 28. )Miss Nm is expected to e ]arrive at Centicore about ( 3P.M. to greet her ridsand admirers. 336 Maynard St. 0 ANNIVERSARy SAL E!. During March 10% OFF on all Hardbound BOOK dorff points out in his essay on adolescents: Violence is, of course, a built- in part of our society. It. is not only the siidism of the school machinery, the examination tortures and military traihing; its most glaring expression is in the little civil servant's pow- er to torture other little men. The hatred in the police, in the prison warden, in the minor civil servant who sits behind grills, is the quintessence of the delegation of violence in a sick society. The adolescent learns it in his contact in schools, in universities, on the street and in offices when he meets the Thite metd of control institu- tionalized in the law and par- b 0 0 k S 1ICHAEL DUANE, who for a tiewas a principal at Ris- inghill, a comprehensive school in London, savagely den ounces the controlling forces of the State educational system that are determined to undermine any experimentation and de- mocratization of schools while clinging frantically to rigidity, authority and brutality as the most potent teaching methods. He also points to the class bias inherent in the subject matter', the personnel and the values em- phasized by the educational sys- tem. Despite the strong and chilling indictment of the existing situa- on, the writer are bno means ciple upon which any "declara- tion of the rights of children" should be based. As Paul Good- man points out in his excellent critical introduction, there is some disagreement as to whether children should have the rights df adults and be treated simil- arly or, on the contrary, have very special rights and immuni- ties because they are children and need protection. FURTHERMoRE, t he m or e educationally-oriented contri- butors assume that all children want to learn and that democ- racy is a natural outgrowth of childhood, two dubious and tun- tested assumptions. Those in fav- or of greater freedom in the schools also have a dilemma. They wish to be teachers, to have schools, to be sent pupils who will wish to listen to them, to have order, attehtion and agree- ment yet they maintain that the child is free to decide his own personal fUture. They wish to cede information, to guide and to instill values but without forcing information and values down the child's throat. Thus the more suc- cessful "progressive" s c h o o 1 s rely heavily on the dominating personality of the founder who may be sensitive and enlighten- ed enough to establish spontane- ous authority without invoking the trappings of power. Yet "spontaneity" a n d democracy may frequently mask other styles of tyranny such as that of peer pressures, fear of withdrawal of love from respected elders, or merely rationalize'd conformity. Much of the critique of the educational system to be found in this book is both valid and needed at the present time, but to assume that it is possible to democratize the schools without achieving critical changes in the society of which these schools are the product is both naive and short-sighted. The problenm of what rights children need and should have unfortunately can- not really be approached without making important assumptions about human nature and the de- sireability of certain types of social relationships and struc- tures; sadly, such assumptions are at present ones of ideological faith rather than rational dis- course. ticularly through the school sys- tem are the central concerns of the other four essays in the book. The essay by Nan Berger ex- amines the network of laws, many frequently archaic but still in use, that allow adults total control over children at home and at school and that clearly establish the complete disen- franchisement of the child with respect to any right except that of protection from being beaten to death-a right which can at best be invoked posthumously. Leila Berg's paper traces the turbulent history of "progres- sive"' educational sabotage adopt- ed by the educational establish- ment in attempting to discredit educators like A. S. Neill and Homer Lane. These men dared, with some success, to introduce a semblance of democracy into their schools; they respected and guarded the rights of their pupils to dissent, to behave spontane- nusly, and to have some influ- ence upon the path and direction of their own education. The arti- cle by A. S. Neill himself out- lines his approach at Summer- hill and maintains that total free- dom and an educational institu- tion are not necessarily mutually contradictory. Today's reviews A former Daily Books Editor, Richard Perry, became so addicted to his reviewing (or perhaps to free books) that when he became a full-fledged academic a year or two ago (at York University, Toronto) he set up his own book reviewing agency, which distributes free of charge several reviews each month to college newspapers. To recent reviews of the College Review Service appear this week. Jay Leyda, author of the "Citizen Kane" review, is a lead- ig film historian and is currently visiting at York. John Goidlust, who reviews "Children's Rights," is a graduate student at York. ANAS NIN Lecture and Readings from Her Work Tuesday, February 27 8 p m. Rackham Lecture H all SPONSORS: Center for Continuing Education of Women, Department of English, Women Advocate's Office FR EE PU BL IC I NVITE D STUDENTS! THEL PROGRAM ON STUDIE'S IN RELI6ION in iies you to a/tend an Informal Reception MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26th 4:00 to 5:30 p.u. Itooli 13108 MLB THE CITIZEN KANE BOOK, containing "Raising Kane," by Pauline Kael, and the shooting script of CITIZEN KANE by Herman J. Mankiewicz and Or- son Welles, with the cutting con- tinuity of the completed film. Little, Brown & Co., $lS; $5.95 paper. By JAY LEYDA 0RSON Welles is still alive. Will I be accused of syco- phancy when I say that he's a remarkable artist? Or will I violate the laws of libel if I say that it's difficult for him to tel the truth? The two statements are not necessarily contradic- tory; they may even complement each other. As time passes Welles is tempted to claim total ahorhi of eryhin god he hstouched, whether the screen- play of Citizen Kane or the radio sensation of "The War of the Worlds" (whose author is ac- tually Howard Koch). If one trusts what appears in print, Welles wvrote not only Kane but just about everything half- way good in any picture he ever acted in, and in interviews he's beginning to have directed any- thing good in them, too. It could have been the free- wheeling, generous-gestured in- terviews that first made Pauline Kael suspicious of some gap be- tween the way Citizen Kane was made and the way Orson Welles says it was made. Interviewers and their microphones have an especially intoxicating effect on Welles; he either forgets that his words, when printed, can be checked for their veracity, or he counts on his elevated position or artistic authority to dispose of the "quibbiers'" - it's his word against their petty objec- tions. In a London interview given to The Observer, hedesiagstars- lengthy correspondence with Eisenstein. The interviewer was alert enough to ask where Eisen- stein's letters to Welles were. His airy reply: "I threw them away - I get a lot of letters, yon know." Was there such a correspondence? As Eisenstein was less carefree with the letters he received, I looked for Welles' end of the exchange on my next visit to the Eisenstein archive: - not a trace! I believe it possi- ble that the "correspondence" could have grown in Welles' mind from a single note (unans- wered?) conveying Eisenstein's congratulations after seeing Cit- izen Kane. PAULINE KAEL'S skepticism has produced an extraordi- nary book. In search of buried facts, she has made the great but logical leap from criticism to history, and has given us the year's best work of film history. Hers is a book that is as good and as original in its way as the film it's written about. She has newvly examined the film itself, and has arrived at some unexpected conclusions. Pauline Kael calls Kane "a "shallow masterpiece" (that ad- jective must be swelling the lists of her critics), a work in a "com- ic-strip tragic" style. But she still enjoys the seer exuber- ance of the film, the bravura of Welles' execution and perform- ance, the success of this "collec- tion of black-out sketches" ar- ranged to comment on each oth- er. It is when Miss Kael takes us behind the scenes of Kane's birth and production that the adven- ture aspects of her historical ye- construction begin, excitingly. Chance plays a large role, bring- ing Welles to the film at exactly the right, balanced moment (not too soon, not too late), and giv- ing him amazing independence- in one film: Welles brought out to Holly- wood from New York his own production unit _ the Mercury Theatr: comny, a grop f count on - and, because he was experienced in movies and was smart and had freedom, he was able to find in Hollywood people who had been waiting all their lives to try out new ideas. how to read and wrte. We teach them how to save lives. hel US - The American Red Cross. WNe dont know where wdII be needed next. After the arrival of the group in Hollywood in July, 1939, there was an embarrassing pause while the subject of their first film was sought. The idea had to be one in which Welles would have a substantial acting oppor- tunity, and the first proposal of- fered him two roles - in Con- rad's Heart of Darkness, adapted with John Houseman and Her- bert Drake, a script very inven- tive and requiring as much tech- nical ingenuity as Kane. R. K. 0. thought it would be too expen- sive, and Welles turned to a po- litical spy thriller, The Smiler with the Knife, by Nicholas Blake (C. D~ay Lewis). This too, was rejected and, as time passed too quickly, Welles grew des- perate and tense and quarreled with Houseman, who returned to New York. Before this split o the partnership, Houseman had brought Herman Mankiewicz to Welles. TN HER account of Mankie- wicz's talent and background Pauline Kael does a splendid brief history of H-ollywood films in the 'thirties.' and of the Al- goni- to -"Hollywood group' o writers. She has, in fact, rescued Herman Mankiewicz from the obscurity that is often the doom of a witty intelligence. Here was the first of the "people who had been waiting all their lives to try o't new ideas." He proposed to Welles that they make a "pris- matic" film of a man's life as seen from changing viewpoints, but his first suggestions did not strike fire - Dillinger, Aimee Semple McPherson, Dumas pere. His next was H-earst and "Welles leaped at it." Miss Kael guesses that Hearst was in Mankiewicz's mind from the first - he had long wanted to treat that dra- matic life: he had become the embittered jester of Hearst's certain parallels of Hearst and Welles. The Citizen Kane Book does an enormous service in printing the original shooting script of Citizen Kane, following which is the cutting continuity. The scrint is the film - the ideas, the form, the ironic attitude - everything fundamental in the film wi's orenared in the shoot- ing scrint. The cutting contin- nity shows little more change than the polish of realization. So it becomes of mnore than nassing interest that Welles was some- where else when the scrint was written by Herm an IVI'kiewicz, kiewicz (who had recently brok- his leg under tragic-comic cir- cumstances) continued to devel- op his ideas, we moved him- nurse, plaster cast and all-up to a place in the mountains called Vitorville, about a hundred miles from Los Angeles. There we installed ourselves on a guest ranch. Mankiewicz wrote (ac- tually dictated to a secretary), I mostl edited and theu rsge wa dinner. At the end of three months we returned to Los An- geles with the 220 page script of Kane . .Tis is ae edelicate sub- sincerely felt that he, single- handed, wrote Kane and every- thing else he has directed -- ex- Sghakespeare Buttthe scrip of Kane wvas essentially Mankie- wlcz's. The conception and struc- ture were his, all the dramatic Hearstian mythology and the journalistic wisdom which hi had been carrying around with him for years and which he now poured into the only serious job he ever did in a lifetime of film wv r i t i n g. (Penelope Houston, Sight and Sound, Autumn, 1962) And Miss KacI reminds us of a general assumption in 1940: It was understood that he would take the credit for the script, jnst as he did for the scripts of the radio plays.. He probably accepted the work that others did for him the way modern Presidents accept the work of speech-writers. But there were too many more urgent matters to discuss credits just then, though the real author prepared himself for the coming crisis. Everyone had to conceal from everyone else that Hearst's career had any connection with the film. The "new faces" of the Mercury actors had to be put to work be- fore they would acceflt other jobs that would mnake them less fresh. The film had to be begun, in spite of R.K.O.'s hesitations, and the shooting of the script was started, disguised as "tests." 0F THE GREATEST import- ance to the project was the contribution of its cameraman, Gregg Toland, who had volun- teered to work for Welles on any film he chose to do. Here was an- other artist whose "new ideas" were to be revealed by Welles' arrival in Hollywood, Miss Kael's inquisitiveness and labor show Toland's own background as more vital to Kane's style - ex- pressionist rather than realist- than has ever before beene dem- onstrated. Her spot-light on the link between Kane and German films of the 'twenties' gives us a genuine surprise. We may have sensed this, before; now we can know it. Hearst as a subject was an in- spired idea. They knew they were playing with fire, but this seems to have sharpened everyone wh6 worked on the film. Unfortunate- ly, it sharpened the enemy far- ces too. By a characteristic, seWf destructive stupidity, the Man- kiewicz script got to Hearst be- fore the shooting of Kane was completed - and the war was on. Miss Kael documents the several attempts, conducted by Hearst and his chain of news- papers, to kill the film and keep it from being released. The most outrageous attempt was Schenck's offer to R. K. 0's president George Schaefer, of $842,000 (the money appears to have come from Hearst's rather than M-G-M's pocket) if he would destroy the negative and all prints of this dangerous film. Schaefer refused. The Hearst papers were a convenient black- mail weapon: even the Rock~efel- ler family were threatened (the messenger was Louella Parsons, Hearst's Hollywood columanist) with a double-page exnose of the late John D. Rockefeller - and the scheduled premier of Citizen Kane at Radio City Music Hall was suddenly cancelled. All Hearst papers refused advertis- ing for Citizen Kane (scaring both theatre chains and local ex- hibitors), and all connected with its making found them- selves under steady iralicios attack. The price of R. K. O. shares o, the market was driven down with rumors of failure. "By mid-1942 Schaefer was fin- ished at R. K. 0." THE FILM was seen by critics, but never by enough of an American audience to recover its production expense. War shut off the Enronean public. Hearst's victory was only partial, but Kane has had to wait for a new generation to gain its full repu- tation. Some of Welles' behav- ior may have a psychological i'nstificention: "Men cheated of their due are notoriously given to claimning more than their due." Lest any reader feel sorry for a Welles at the mercy of a mer- ciless Kael, please remember You dont either advertising cntributed for the Pu AMERICAN RED CROSS CAMPAIGN Been Screw bd baChreArl Wants To Know ne? SGC