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February 25, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-02-25

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See Editorial Page



:43 a t I

See Today for details

Vol. LXXXIII; No. 122 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, February 25, 1973 Ten Cents

Ten Pages


Dean machne
Prof. Roger Crampton has become the ninth University law
professor in ten years to be named as dean of a legal school.
Crampton, who has been on a leave of absence to serve as assist-
ant attorney general in Washington, will head the Cornell Uni-
versity Law School, beginning in July. Where have all the law
profs. gone?
Our man in Lansing, Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor), is a co-
sponsor of two bills aimed at providing prison inmates with col-
lective bargaining rights and with participation in setting prison
policy. Both bills were recently introduced into the House of Rep-
resentatives. The bill allows prisoners to form labor unions as a
means to bargain collectively for redress of grievances and as a
peaceful form of settling matters by non-violent strikes that
would be supervised by the labor representative.
Bird watchers
If the snow on the grund and the cold, blustery winter winds
are getting you down, there are indications that relief is just
around the corner. According to unreliable sources on North Cam-
pus, a robin has been sighted frolicking merrily in the snow. The
sighting of this first red-breast of the year may portend that
spring is near, or may indicate a slightly loony bird. Watch Today
for further information.
Happenings ...
. . . are mighty slim with a community day care center ga-
rage sale leading theway. The garage sale and open house will be
held from 10:00 to 3:00 at 1611 Westminister P. Refreshments will
be provided . .. the committee for Women's Studies will select
nominees for director of their organization at 7:30 in the Michi-
gan Room of the Michigan League . . on Monday, happenings
are slimmer still . . . a demonstration for support of an ordinance
to control the use of bottles in the city will be held at the City
Council meeting at 7:30.
Something fishy
DETROIT-A package left in a telephone booth near Detroit
Mayor Roman Gribbs' office in' the City-County Building led to
fast action by the police bomb squad. The package, the bomb
squad discovered, contained frozen fish.
Agnew defends press
MINNEAPOLIS - Vice-President Spiro Agnew, long-known
for his love of the press, said Friday that the Nixon administra-
tion is not carrying on a "reign of terror" against the press and
news coverage of the government. He said an "adversary rela-
tionship" between government and press is "not only traditional
but healthy." Agnew added that a "pliant press is not carrying
out its responsibility as an independent guardian of public inter-
est," and the government should not necessarily be "pliant" to
pressures of headlines and editorials.
Animal nrtes
A family of doves is thriving on a window ledge of the Pen-
tagon. The mother, who had taken up residence earlier in the
week, Friday was busy tending two chirping infants . . . Wayne
Smith of Spokane, Wash. bought a watchdog to prevent his home
from being burglarized a second time. Thieves broke into his
house this week, bribed the dog with raw meat, and made off
with $3,000 worth of merchandise . . . A police dog in Bakersfield,
Calif. has been given a capped tooth so that he can return to
work. The dog, which has a fearsome bite of 850 pounds per
square inch, broke his canine tooth smashing through a plaster
wall'during a training session.
Bikini Blues
ACAPULCO - A young woman stripped off her bikini Friday
and-went to sleep on the beach. When police arrived 15 minutes
later to arrest her, they found they were unable to fight through
a massive crowdkthat had gathered around her. Awakening with
a start, she quickly put her bikini back on and ran for cover in
the ocean. The police left and the onlookers .gave the woman an
Last laugh
HOLLYWOOD-When Bill Fernandez of Pasadena asked for
some time off from his $2 an hour truck driving job so he could
appear on a television show. his boss fired him. But Fernandez
got the last laugh when he carried home $18,383 in cash and
prizes on the program, called "Gambit." That's worth a lot of
truck driving.
On the insle . .
. . . Jim Ecker reports on Michigan's victory in the
Big Ten wrestling championships while Bob McGinn looks
at yesterday's basketball loss to. Minnesota . . . the insight
column, a summation of the week's cultural activities, high-
lights the arts page . .. and Howie Bricks provides a Sun-
day Daily feature on the blind at the University.
The weather picture
The weather forecast is more of the same. With highs
soaring to 30 and the low somewhere in the mid-twenties it
looks like a good day to stay in bed. With a chance of snow
and gusty winds also added in, it seems the days are be-
coming ever gloomier. C'est la temps.

Known only as "John Doe," a 36-year-old state
mental patient who is a confessed murderer-rapist
is involved in an historic legal battle that may
turn out to be a fight for his life.
Confined for the past 18 years in Ionia State
Hospital after being declared a criminal sexual
psychopath, the man has been in Detroit for the
past two months awaiting experimental brain
surgery that could possibly eliminate uncontrol-
lable rages that precede his acts of violence.
However; Dr. Ernst Rodin, one of the neuro-
logists scheduled to perform the experiment, says
there is a possibility Doe will not survive the sur-
gery or will be severely damaged by it.
Challenging the legality of such experimental
brain surgery, Michigan Legal Services attorney
Gabe Kaimowitz and members of the Committee
for. Human Rights filed a suit Jan. 15 in Wayne
County Circuit Court halting the experimental
surgery. . ,

Kaimowitz contends Doe agreed to the surgery
without knowing the possible risks involved. He
also says Doe and 23 others in the experiment were
deprived of due process of law when they were
offered a choice between participation in a dan-
gerous experiment and indefinite confinement
without treatment.
Kaimowitz is seeking a writ of habeas corpus
to release Doe and his fellow patients from con-
finement in the hospital if they are not receiving
treatment there.
"People are horrified because I'm asking for
the guy's release," Kaimowitz said. "But legally
there's nothing else, you can do.
"The basis for his release is that he's not in a
prison but in a hospital. If they haven't been able
to treat him in 18 years, they must either release
him or turn him over to authorities to stand trial
for his crime, in which case they would probably
prosecute him because of his confession," Kaimo-
witz commented.

sparks 1
In 1954, John Doe confessed to sexually assault-
ing and strangling a student nurse at the Kalama-
zoo State Hospital, where Doe had voluntarily
committed himself.
Doe was then confined to the Ionia State Hospital
until he was proven "not to be a danger to
Since psycho-surgery is a relatively new field
and no laws presently exist regulating it, the suit
raises a number of medical, moral and legal
questions that will ultimately have a profound
effect on the rights of mental patients through-
out the country.
Kaimowitz feels the issue is primarily political.
"It's kind of a professional elitism versus the
people's right to be free of the imposition of pro-
fessions, be it medical or legal. If it was merely a
medical issue, I could win the case but lose the
"The medical profession intends to do this
kind of thing (experimental brain surgery) in :he


future anyway. We're going to try and bring out
the real issues of whether we leave decisions like
these to experts, or let the people decide," said
Kaimowitz claims that if the state is allowedIto
perform experimental brain surgery on Doe, it
would set a precedent to allow experimentation on
all people serving indefinite periods in state mental
The doctor who was to perform the experiment,
Ernst Rodin, declined comment on the issues in-
volved in the case.
Doe had been scheduled to enter' Providence
Hospital in Detroit on Jan. 15 for an operation
to implant electrodes deep in his brain. The doc-
tors at Lafayette Clinic then planned to send
electrical impulses into the brain to see if they
could trigger rages and pinpoint its "defective"
See SUIT, Page 7









An East Quad resident who last week reported the armed
theft of three ounces of marijuana from his room now faces
possible eviction by the University for illegal use of narcotics.
Housing Director John Feldkamp has informed Chris
Hoitt, '76, that unless Hoitt can produce "an alternative solu-
tion" by Wednesday, the housing office will serve him with an
eviction notice for breach of residence hall contract.
The incident in question occurred Monday night when
two men stole Hoitt's three ounces of marijuana at gunpoint,
after discussing a possible drug sale with him. Hoitt then
+1h T-,rnacitraor rti ftrrn f fhc th ft. biA nn sul

'Fasching' frolics
Doily Photo by DENNY GAINER
The University German club gets into the costume spirit of "Faschin g" yesterday at a renovated farmhouse outside the city. "Fasching"
is the German equivalent of Mardi Gras-in short, an excuse for three nights of wild dancing and Dionysian revelry.

notirie tthe university security
pects were apprehended.
Feldkamp's move may be party
of an effort to crack down on what
he describes as "this very alarm-
ing situation with drug-related rob-
beries in the dorms."
The residence hall contract lists
illegal use and sale of narcotics
as grounds for termination of the
lease, but in recent years only a
handful of students have been
evicted for this violation.
In a meeting Friday between
Feldkamp, Hoitt, and Barney Wel-
ton, Hoitt's hall resident fellow,
Feldkamp said he was "sympa-
thetic" to Hoitt's situation but had
to consider the "threat" that drug
dealers posed to .the dorm com-
Hoitt and Welton claim that
Feldkamp "laughed in our faces"
when they showed him a petition
signed by residents of Hoitt's hall
urging that Hoitt posed no danger
and should not be evicted.
Welton maintains that the hous-
ing director insisted that it was
"time to crack down on this sort
of thing," and stated that Hoitt
had clearly violated the landlord-
tenant agreement in the lease.
Feldkamp took a different view
of Friday's meeting when contact-
ed yesterday, contending that the
eviction is a long way from being
S"I haven't had a chance to look
at all the facts in this thing," he
said, "and no decision has actual-
ly been reached yet."
When asked if the three ounce
grass theft from Hoitt's room con-
stituted grounds for eviction, Feld-
kamp said he would answer the
question "if and when we reach a
decision on this."
But he added that "there is no
written policy that says dealing in
'X' quantity of drugs is okay and
' quantity is illegal.''
Hoitt says he reported the rob-
bery "in the interest of campus
security, but I never thought it
would get me into all this trouble."
Feldkamp expressed doubts
about Hoitt's intentions, insisting
that "someone who gets robbed
may have various reasons for re-
porting it, such as trying to pro-
tect themselves."
"I'm not naive enough to think
that this kid is the only dealer on
the campus," he continued, "but
when someone comes to me with
evidence, it's my job to investigate
See 'U', Page 7
Laos figh

7force or tn eiL, u,u 111bu
admnit to
crash guilt
TEL AVIV (P) - Israel for the
first time, accepted part of the
blame yesterday for downing a
Libyan airliner in the Sinai Desert
and proposed a hot line with Egypt
to prevent any similar tragedies.
Egypt swiftly rejected the hot
line idea and said what it wanted
from the Israelis was respect for
"international law and order."
"That is all we ask," declared a
government spokesman, Ezzeddin
Rifaat, in Cairo. .
Israel's position was voiced by
Defense Minister Moshe Dayan as
international repercussions con-
tinued to boil because of Wednes-
day's crash which took 106 lives.
Dayan told a news conference.
misinterpreted the Boeing 727's
Israel now admitted it may have
presence is Israeli skies. But he
insisted the parties mainly at fault
were the plane's crew, for refusing
to heed Israeli orders to land, and
the Cairo airport control tower, for
failing to help the airliner after it
strayed far off course over terri-
tory captured by Israel in the 1967
Libya's minister of information
yesterday called the downing of the
airliner by Israeli fighter planes
"premediated mass murder."
In the first official Libyan state-
ment since the shooting of the
plane, Abuzd Omar Dorda said the
Boeing 727 had dropped its flaps
and was about to land when the
Israeli planes opened fire.
The French pilot, he added, had
more than 12,000 flying hours and
"would not have endangered his
passengers and surely would have
made no dangerous maneuvers."
"The plane was shot at without
any opportunity for it to land," the
minister charged.
"This manslaughter was prepar-
ed in advance and decided in ad-
vance," Dorda claimed at a news
See ISRAEL, Page 7


operation held



circuit court restraining order

By DAN BLUGERMAN expressed co
Washtenaw County C i r c u i t company can1
Judge Edward Deake has issued "We've work
an injunction ordering Write-on, can Civil Lib
Inc., to stop selling term papers past on this t
to University students. ger said yest
The order came after state At- other states w
torney General Frank Kelley fil- similar action
ed a suit charging Write-on, a to continue to
nationwide term paper company, threat to ther
with "subverting the educational ual citizen to
process." he said. "The
Deake's injunction requires the wants to elim
firm's manager and three direc- infringes on
tors to appear at a March 7 hear- monopoly."
ing to argue for re-opening the Harger said
company's operations. Art Har- release from
ger, board chairman of Write-on, day.
It could be a room in any one of Ann Arbor's
nicely-preserved sorority houses.
It's filled with the usual clutter of two sorority
women, pennants and rush banners and photos
of people doing silly things. The wallpaper is a
delicately hideous collage of ersatz carnations.
The wooden closet covers one end of the room
and its door stands ajar, supporting a navy night-

nfidence that the
beat the injunction.
ked with the Ameri-
erties Union in the
ype of case," Har-
erday. "In the six
here we have faced
we have been able
operate. This is a
right of the individ-
private research,"
education monolith
inate anything that
their educational
he plans to seek a
the order on Mon-

University General Counsel
Roderick Daane, appointed by
Kelley to help initiate a law suit
to get Write-on's franchise re-
voked, said yesterday that the
prosecution would need to show
that at least one student ordered
a term paper from the firm and
handed it in for credit in a Uni-
versity course.
Daane told The Daily he plan-
ned to go to the Write-on office
early next week with a Sheriff's
Department officer and an order
which would afford the prosecu-
tion access to the firm's records.
However, Daane said that if
The Daily revealed his intention,

he would not take such action.
In any case, Daane said his ob-
ject was not to pin down student
term paper buyers.
"I have no wish to single out
any student. However, it is in-
evitable that some names will
come out," Daane said. "I don't
know what will happen to them
after that."
Write-on spokespersons said
the firm keeps no record of cus-
tomers' names. Buyers are given
numbers, and files do not include
students' names or the descrip-
tions'of materials purchased.
Meanwhile, University sources
said they would welcome Write-
on's discontinuation, but planned
no specific action against the
firm or students buying its serv-
"I encourage anyone who would
put them out of business," Vice
President for Academic Affairs
Allan Smith said yesterday.
Smith called Write-on on "intel-
lectually dishonest enterprise."
LSA Dean Frank Rhodes com-
mented that the firm "doesn't
serve the interests of the stu-
dents" and "cheats them out of
valuable educational opportuni-
ties ateMichigan.'
^Write-on, Inc. is owned by a

ruses ghost?

their identities
When they

were concealed.
moved into the room last fall, a

former occupant told them, "You can have it.
This room is haunted." This was the first mention
of anything strange, and says Chris, "We thought
it was just a joke. If something was missing, we
teased each other about the ghost being respon-1
Then things started happening. The main an-
nrnrtn e wase ca~nmmnticnn in the rlnset A seie

following cease-fire
By AP and UPI
VIENTIANE - The government of Prince Souvanna Phouma,
bolstered by U.S. air strikes in the first day of the 48-hour-old Laotian
cease-fire, reported a sharp decline in fighting yesterday.
A government spokesperson said that overall communist violations
of the cease-fire were about half those recorded Friday, reflecting a
sharp drop in the level of fighting, particularly on the Bolovens
Plateau in southern Laos.
The high command of the communist Pathet Lao armed forces
hc, nrrierarl itq fir.c, ,and men "tn, fi-rht to the finish"- in "a nelw

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