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February 23, 1973 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1973-02-23

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Fridoy, February 23, 1973


Page Nin-

Fridy, ebrury 3, 973 HE ICHIAN AIL

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By JIM ECKER Brown finished second in the Big
Editor's Note: This is the second Ten last year behind three-time1
in a two-part series evaluating Mich-
igan's prospects in the Big Te NCAA champion Greg Johnson, a
wrestling championship. Spartan no longer on the scene.
Competition begins today in the 126-Billy Davids
Big Ten Wrestling Championships, After several battles with excess
being staged this weekend at the baggage, Davids appears ready
University of Minnesota. for a shot at the title. The Hazel
Yesterday, we highlighted Mich- Park junior recorded a S-2 loop
igan's outstanding dual meet sea- mark including a split at the heav-
son and explained the inner mecha- ier '34 division.
nisms of the tournament. Today With MSU's defending 126-lb.
we take a weight-by-weight look champion Pat Milkovich injured,
at the ten classifications and Davids sees Minnesota's Jeff Lam-
evaluate Michigan's prospects on phere and Wisconsin's Jim Abbott
an individual basis. as the roadblocks to the top. Dav-
118-Jim Brown ids blew his match against Lam-
The sophomore from Akron com- phere on a careless, last-second
piled a 7-2 conference record, with: takedown while he nosed his Bad-
one of the losses coming at 126. ger foe 7-6.



ned Ritzman, the husky Hawkeye
has departed for lighter pastures.
Look for Holm battling Hubbard
at 150 or Mendrygal at 158. The
Gophers' Joe Schleitin remains to
cause trouble, along with Michi-
gan State's Bruce Zindel and Wis-
consin's Ed Vatch. Ritaman beat
the Spartan but hasn't wrestled the

Today in Sports

Track-The Michigan Open
Fresh off a 74-57 trouncing of Michigan State last Saturday,
Michigan's trackmen will host the Michigan Open here Friday
night in Yost Fieldhouse. The meet will be a final preparation
for the upcoming Big Ten Championship meet to be held at Pur-
Most of the competition will be offered by Notre Dame and
Eastern Michigan. Several other small colleges will be making
Eastern will be featuring the talented Stan Vinson in the
440-yard dash and mile relay. Vinson is noted for his famous
"pulling the whistle" routine. Several times this year Vinson has
come from behind, pulling alongside his opponent, raising his
hand in the air, and then spurting past, much to the delight of
the Eastern fans.
Vinson and the rest of the mile relay team will offer a strong
challenge to Michigan's Kim Rowe, Greg Syphax, Eric Chap-
man, and Al Cornwell.
Field events will start at 6:30 p.m. and running events at
7:00. Admission is free with a student ID card.
* * *
Lowly dekers travel to Tech
Michigan's hockey team (that's right. Remember Rick Mal-
lette, Robbie Moore and company), sporting a not-so-nice 4-25
record, invades Houghton and Michigan Tech for a two-game
series this weekend.
Possessing ea 19-11 slate through the campaign and a 12-10
WCHA mark, Tech has been paced in the conference by the scor-
ing punch of Mike Zuke, with 15 goals and 19 assists for 34
points and Graham Wise (15-11-26).
Tech's defense, bolstered during the campaign by Wayne
Pushie, Jim Nahrgang, Bill Prentice and Bob Lorimer could
constantly give Michigan's impotent offense fits during the
Goaltending ranks as another of Michigan Tech's strong suits.
In 10.3 conference games, Jim Warden boasts a respectable 4.1
goals against average. The back-up netminder, Rick Quance, has
participated in nine WCHA affairs, allowing 3.9 red-lighters per
If nothing else exciting happens in Houghton this weekend,
if the Wolverines drop both games, at least they will all be able
to meet their new coach, Dan Farrell.
Blue gymnasts visit Indiana
The Michigan gymnasts face their final dual meet of the
season tonight as they travel to Bloomington to take on Indiana.
Tuning up for the Big Ten tournament next month, the Wolver-
ines will be handicapped by a rash of recent injuries.
Jean Gagnon will definitely miss tonight's action as he is
nursing a slight shoulder separation. All-arounder Bruce Keeshin
is a questionable performer with his pulled arm muscle. Bob
Johnson is expected to see limited action for the next few days
and Pierre Leclerc finds himself nursing a nagging elbow prob-
Indiana has proven to be tough this year, defeating Minne-
sota in a dual meet earlier after the Gophers had beaten Michi-
gan. Their top combination is the rings team averaging, over
According to Loken, "the seniors really want to win this one,
it being the last dual meet of their careers. We are going down
there to win and we hope to come back with a 7-2 record."

177-John Ryan
Ryan built a 4-2-1 conference
134-Jeff Guyton standing before missing the last
Guyton's Big Ten setbacks were two meets with a strained should-
administered by Indiana's Bill Wil- -_
letts and Iowa's Brad Smith, but For a humongously interesting
Andre Allen from Northwestern look by Bob Heuer at the fine
looks like the man to beat. Guyton art of recruiting flip back to
claims he never should have lost Page Seven.
to Smith and thinks MSU's Conrad j
Calendar, Purdue's Bill Andrew
and Illinois' Andy Passaglia will be er. The Detroit Catholic Central
Icompetitive. Guyton decisioned product placed a surprising fourth
the last three in close bouts. in the Big Ten tourney last year.
142-Bill Schuck His chances of improving his fin-
i zish are not overwhelming
The battle in the 142-lb. division g
is for second place behind MSU's 190-Dave Curby
Tom Milkovich. The defending Big The quiet man from Ann Arbor
Ten and NCAA champion wrestles established himself near the top
here and stands the heavy favorite of the powerful bracket with an
for a repeat title performance. 8-1 league report. Curby looks for
revenge against Iowa's Fred Pen-
150-Jerry Hubbard rod, the man who left the sole
The all-time Michigan dual meet black mark on the sophomore's
record holder and two-time Big slate.
Ten champ seeks his third con- Illinois, Minnesota and Michigan:
secutive conference crown. Statesoffer outstanding 190 pound-
Hubbard reasserted his domina- ers in Palmer Glass, Evan John-
tion of the 150-lb. bracket with a son and Scott Wickard. Although
9-0 league record, although two "Curbs" beat them all, each vic-
tight victories do appear on his tory came by a single point. A
score sheet. top seed is possible. Tough comp R e
"Hub" edged Purdue's Darr Dil- is a surety.
worth in a sluggish performance Heavyweight--Gary Ernst DETROIT (A") -I
and took his closest competitor, Gary Ernst developed into the Dionne scored thre
Rick Lawinger (Wisconsin), 3-2 Big Ten's outstanding heavyweight power plays andt
last Saturday in a battle for the this year. The closest anyone came sisted, as the Red
tournament's top seed, to Ernst was five points, an indi- the National Hocke3
158-Mitch Mendrygal cation of the Saline native's com- leading Montreal
1972's defending champion rates plete domination of the field. last night.
a slight favorite for a repeat title Michigan State's Larry Avery Guy Lafleur open
this year. The Wolverines' cap- could be Ernst's sole source of for Montreal with
tain posted a solid 8-1 federation competition. Iowa's Jim Washeck of the first period
record, with the only loss levied and Minnesota's Dave Simonson onne came back to
by Northwestern's Leo Kocher. The rate outside chances at preventing 15:33 on a powerI
Detroit native deserves his divi- 1972's fourth best conference Jim Roberts scc
sion's top seed, with Kocher, Io- heavyweight from officially be-' the seco erio
wa's Jan Sanderson and Minne- coming 1973's main man. tiensefore Deiod
sota's Dan Chandler the closest The Wolverines obviously have nd knotted t sonn
pursuers. the horses to go all the way, to er. Then at 7:43
165-Roger Ritzman take "The Big One". Defending ahead on another p
Ritzman's injury - riddled ca- champion Michigan State, riddled his 31st tally of the
reer continued this year when a by graduation and injury, prob- more than his goal
bruised sternum forced the DeKalb ably won't finish higher than as a rookie.
senior to the sidelines early in the fourth.
season. After returning he won Iowa possesses the best shot at thYvan Cournoyer
four of six 167-pound matches, with derailing the Wolverine Express, hovlich pass past
the setbacks coming in one per- albeit a slight one. Michigan has Roy Edwards at 3
sonally forgetable weekend against the depth and the scorers for a period.
Iowa and Minnesota. championship. Goal Number Two, p
Although Iowa's ,Dan Holm pin- I the Big Ten title, nears reality. Montreal has only

Frosh cagers fizzle
to end season, 79-48
By JOHN KAHLER Cheeks finally fell on the ball, as
The Michigan Freshman basket- the referee whistled the action to
ball team ended its first season on a stop. The entire sequence earned
a low note as Glen Oaks Commun- a round of applause from the
ity College methodically squelched crowd of 61.
the Baby Blue by a score of 79-48 As the period ended, Michigan's
last night at Crisler Arena. offense died and Glen Oaks ripped
The game commenced with Hen- off ten unanswered points. GOCC
ry Wilmore operating the score- lead 40-24 at the half.
board and Michigan playing a te-
nacious 2-1-2 zone, and it quickly In the locker room, the Glen
developed into a rebounding bat- Oakers finally figured out they had
tle, with both teams as cold as the a 3-4 inch height advantage on
weather outside. Michigan. As a result, they came
The Freshmen stayed even with out in the second half sweeping
their taller opponents in the re- the boards clean. Michigan con-
bounding battle, with Scott Mason tinued to shoot poorly, and the
playing a strong game. Most of combination proved fatal.
this effort was wasted, however, Coach Richard "Bird" Carter
as Michigan could not convert their called the key to the game the
offensive rebounds into points. shooting by both clubs. "We went
GOCC held on to a six point lead cold while they were consistent.
and all efforts to reduce it were This game was typical of the
futile. problems we have encountered
Late in the period, Reggie playing Junior Colleges, where the
Franks of Glen Oaks missed a players are recruited to play bas-
shot. The rebound bounced off sev- ketball."
eral players, none of whom could Catrflthseonwsauc
control it. Finally Michigan's Cam- Cart felt t seo wsa su
eron Cheeks grabjed it and headed cess. "First, because of our di-
toward the Blue basket, only to viduals. I can't say enough for
oethe ball to two GOCC plaers,. them. As for our team, we were a
But they didn't want it either, and winner the first time out. The
Bu _te _ddtwntitethradteam constantly improved. We beat

Daily Photo by DENNY GAINER
Hubbard hustles


Wings tie Montreal

Detroit's Marcel last 25 games and Detroit only one
e goals, two on of its last 11.
the other unas- * * *
Wings held off;Sabr tr
y League's East res tounce
Canadiens 3-3 BUFFALO (0) - Norm Gratton,
a recent addition to the Buffalo
;ned the scoring lineup, scored the go-ahead goal in
nedthescoingthe second period as the Sabres de-
a goal at 4:23 feated the Vancouver Canucks 3-1
d and then Di- last night in National Hockey
tie the score at League action.
lay. Gratton's goal was his third in

four games after coming to Buffalo
from the Atlanta Flames. The tri-
jumph was Buffalo's fifth straight
game without a loss and extend-'
ed the Sabres' lead over Detroit
to four points in the battle for
fourth place in the NHL's East Di-

some fine schools and only got
blown out a couple of times. I
enjoyed it. And I feel the fellows
enjoyed it, too."
The scoring for Glen Oaks was
balanced, as three players had 14
points and two netted 13. Scott Ma-
son led Michigan scorers with 18
points. Bill Burress, with 10, was
the only other Wolverine in double
The team finished with a 6-4 re-
cord for the year. Next season,
holds the possibility of freshman
games with similar non-scholarship
teams from other Big Ten schools,
as the idea of intercollegiate ath-
letics for the average student was
the true winner this season.

Detroit 3, Montreal 3 (tie)
Buffalo 3, Vancouver 1
Pittsburgh 2, NY Islanders 1

ored at 1:36 of
Ifor the Cana-
& stole the puck
re a minute lat-
he put Detroit
power-play goal,
season -three
total last year
g a Frank Ma-
Detroit goalie
:16 of the final
y lost two of its


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Jf* a. Ye4 y'+ u4 t
Reprise album MS 2129
Bert Jansch, pillar of Pentangle
and veteran of 15 albums, has
completed his eighth and most
mellow solo LP, Moonshine.

SYLVIA WYNTER, Prof. of Literature, University of the West Indies, Jamaica
Visiting Lecturer, in Residence at the University of Michigan, March 12-April 5
LECTURE SCHEDULE-8 p.m. Wednesdays Room 2235 Angell Hall
MARCH 14-Cultural 'Dualism': Theory as Ideology or Critical Consciousness in
the Commodity Form Society.
The concept and role of the theory of cultural 'dualism'-and its related definitions of First/
Third World social/cultural pluralism-in commodity form society which presents itself as
other than it really is, in which 'reality deceives the subject.'
MARCH -21-Nigger Minstrel/Nigger Monster, Noble Savage/Indio Bruto: Western
Humanism, Plantation America, and the Role of the Stereotype.
New World stereotypes of Blacks and Indians as intrinsic and necessary projections of Western
humanism; Plantation America as an area of EXPERIENCE which laid bare the relation of
exploitation underlying the fetishism of humanist freedom; and its insistence on the indivi-
dual person. Use of stereotypes to conceal, evade, make invisible.
MARCH 28-Elite/Mass, Settler/Native: The Colonization of Consciousness in
Commodity Form Society.
The elite class in neocolonial 'third world' countries exist, more than most elite, in a tension
caused by the difference between what is and what ought-to-be. Its "ideological" pretensions
are. therefore in even sharper conflict with the economic reality of its base; its degree of mys-
tification is necessarily greater; and when the illusion breaks down the resort to force, to mil-
tory rule, is inherent in the situation. As an elite class that is really the 'manager' class for
an imposed economic and cultural system it enters a 'settler' relationship with the 'native'
mass and its consciousness becomes 'colon'-ized a it attempts to colonize the consciousness
of the masses.
APRIL 4-Babylon Zion: Culture and Counter-culture in the Catacombs
of Marginality.
The reality of the lived experience of the marginal minorities of the First World and the ma-
ority of the excluded masses of the Third World exists in direct antimony with and as a
negation of the norms, values and assumptions both of the dominant affluent of the First
World, and of the Third World elite who are the agents of these norms. These marginal
masses live-in their ghettoes, yards, barriadas, favelas, shanty towns-the contradiction be-
tween the infrastructure of the economic base and the superstructure of illusions which bol-
sters the unjust and irrational mechanism of a system of which they are the victims.
Born in Holguin, Ariente, Cuba of Jamanican parents. Attended elementary and secondary
schools in Jamaica, West Indies. Studies at London University and University of Madrid. Pre-
sented papers "C.L.R. James and the Castaway Culture of the Caribbean" and "C.L.R.
James and the Cultural Revolution" (the latter at the University of Michigan). Has written
a novel The Hills of Hebron. Currently working on a critical study of fiction The Novel in
the Third World and a ziography of Bustamante, a populist leader and National Hero of

LITTLE FEAT-Dixie Chicken
Warner Bros. album BS 2686
Drool over these tasty new
pieces of finger-lickin' good
music. Not your greasy kid
stuff for sure, this is the
world's "funkiest" chicken.
Umm, umm good!

89.5 Stereo
Vf, vit

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