Page Six I HE MICHIGAN DAILY rriC1Qy February Z3, 19,13 Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY r-riaoy, February L~, 19L~ Nixon threatens income tax hike if Congress fils on welre cuts (Continued from Page 1) The budget for the 1974 financial get showed a lack of compassion, adopt an overall spending ceiling per cent by the end of 1973. year, which begins on July 1, has declaring that the government must for each fiscal year. I also ask that He promised legislation aimed at been strongly criticized in Congress switch its spending priorities from it establish a regular procedure for income tax and property tax re- ' and elsewhere because it eliminates programs that gave a bad return ensuring that the ceiling is main- form but maintained that the only or cuts deeply into many welfare, for the dollar to programs that tained." way to hold taxes down was to health and other social programs. paid off. He proposed a spending limit of hold the line on federal spending. Nixon claimed again in yester- "The question is not whether we $250 billion in the current fiscal "If we do not restrain spending day's mesage that many of the help, but how we help," he told year; $260 billion in 1974, and 288 and if my recommended cuts are programs benefited the wrong Congress. "By eliminating pro- billion dollars in 1975. reversed it would take a 15 per people or, despite their appealing grams that are wasteful, we can Congress defeated the President's cent increase in income tax to pay 'titles, were dismal failures and a concentrate on programs that attempts last year to set a $250 for the additional expenditures," waste of money. work." billion federal spending limit, most- he warned. He rejected charges that his bud- "To hold the line on federal ly because it also gave him blan- spending it is absolutely vital that ket authority to cut the money T we have the full cooperation of the from whichever program he chose I1"__ -1d(] 1 Congress. I urge the Congress to to prune. POOR MAN'S special DANCE at COUZ ENS HALL 2 bonds: LIGHTNIN' and LOCOMOBILE FREE BEER Friday, Feb. 23 FIRES BURN MORE THAN TREES _ . _ _ - - - ~ -~ i I . , . AL I A b 0 ke t- 0 ~ A1 Z IL) I "00 kAIIIIICt LqY I U-t III joint liaison offices DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 1) American property when the com- munists took over in 1949, and about $78 million worth of Chinese assets blocked here. Kissinger said Secretary of State William Rogers and Chinese For- eign Minister Chi Peng-fei would begin discussions on these issues when they were in Paris next week for the international conference to' guarantee the Vietnam peace ac- DAY CARIDAY FEBRUARY 23 cords. Med. Ctr. Comm. for Women Steer- In an apparent reference to the ing Comm.: S6330 Hosp, noon. Soviet Union's borders and ideolo- Commission for Women: Homer icaldisute wih Chna nd lsoHealth Lounge, Union, 3:30 pm. gical disputes with China and also Music School: B. Christy, clarinet{ to the status of Taiwan, Kissinger doctoral, SM Recital Hall, 5 pm. said the development of relations Track: Michigan Open, Yost, 6:30 pm. between Washington and Peking Law School Movie: "Baby Maker," "is not directed at any other na- 100 Hutch 7 s911 pm. UAC - Meda tri cs: "hf, Nat. Sci. tion but is part of a goal that the Aud., 7, 9:30 pm. president is pursuing-building a International Folk Dance: Turkish srcueof peace." dance workshop, Barbour Gym, 8 pm.I structure ordece.d Physical Education: UM Dancers in The 300-word comunique stated Concert, Power Ctr., 8 pm. that "the normalization of relations Residential College Players: Williams' between the United States and the "Something Unspoken" Ionesco's "The People's Republic of China Will, Lesson," RC Aud., 8 pm. Poptributeothe'selaxbioChnaofw Ctr. for Study of Higher Educ.: contribute to the retaxation of ten- T. Johnson, Atlanta U. "Issues & Con- sion in Asia and the world." cerns of Blacks in Higher Education," The two countries agreed during W. Conf. Rm, Rackham 8doupm.ebass, Kissinger's talks with Prime Minis- sM Recital Hall, 8 pm. ter Chou and Party Chairman Mao Musical Society: Claudio Arrau, pia-! Tse-tung that there would be a nist, Hill, 8:30 pm. major expansion of cultural and Rive Gauche: Japanese language scientific exchanges. Kissinger said the United States would send to China the Philadel- phia Orchestra this year, as well as doctors, scientists, teachers, sena- tors and members of the house of representatives, and teams of C O LO R athletes. WC MCCI~ night, 1024 Hill St., 9 pm. SUMMER PLACEMENT 212 SAB INTERVIEWS: Register in person or by phone 763-4117. Jumbo Ice Cream Co., Livonia. Here is good money again on a summer job. Interested in children - here is a good contact. Will interview Feb. 26 and 27, 9:30 to 5. Camp Tamarack, Detroit Fresh Air Soc. will interview Feb. 23, 9 to 5. Op- enings include gen. male counselors, specialists in ceramics, weaving, trip- ping, nurse, cook, bus/truck driver. Appls. available. Camp Narrin, Girl Scout, Mich. will interview Feb. 28, 9:30 to 5. Openings include program specialists in nature, waterfront, small craft, unit leaders and counselors, trip leadernurse, die- tician, cook, etc. Appls. available. Timber Shores Resort, Northport, Mich. Will interview Feb. 28 and Mar. 1, 9:30 to 5. Openings include life- guards, waiters, waitresses, gas station attendants, bus boys, office personnel, etc. ge 1Y 1 410F/#GANFEAJSIAN Enclosed please -P n4 $9.60 (Chec K or-money t~l ma ue n Qr. d~tiaI ha~of . oo. if bekoK i$ 46"be rMailed. f t I Nome I Aiddre ss- McQiil-o ; 1li~higanen~ngi+, l0o Mjrd, nn rbo I E ATTENTION YOU BLIND? n TOYS-GAMES HOBBIES' and BICYCLES- PARTS See our famous BIKES on Display Campus Bike & Toy WE NEED YOU For Color-Vision Experiment WE PAY! 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