I Government without the press? f4 £1ct4tgan aih Eighty-two years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 FRI DAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1973 Dangerous DES By ARNOLD B. SAWISLAK AFTER THE Cuban missile crisis of 1962, Arthur Sylvester, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs, was quoted as saying "It is in the government's right, if necessary, to lie to save itself when it's going up to nuclear war." Sylvester's state- ment he explained is to mean the govern- ment had the right to lie to deceive an enemy even if it also deceived its own citizens caused a small stir of protest at the time. But for the most part the reality, if not the morality, of the statement was un- challenged. The fact is that the government has been keeping secrets and telling lies about its activities from the first days of the re- public. There are some in the press and politics who believe that all government business should be conducted in public, but most concede the need for secrecy in some cases - troop movements in wartime, and discussions during delicate diplomatic talks, are examples. However, the American press generally insists that it be the judge of what to publish. The idea that government, as in Great Britain, has absolute authority to suppress information is anathema to a press described by Zechariah Chafee as "sort of a wild animal in our midst-restless, gigan- tic, always seeking new ways to use its strength." THIS NATURALLY puts, the press into conflict with government, including at times the "out' party. This was the case with Vietnam, when the Republicans generally supported the Democratic administrations' conduct of the war. Thus the media, in printing and broadcasting reports and an- alyses contrary to the official view of events in Indochina, found itself being lumped with antiwar protesters as "giving aid and comfort" to the enemy. This position is not new - President Franklin D. Roosevelt once proposed to award a Nazi Iron Cross to the Washing- ton correspondent of an unfriendly news- paper - but such talk by men in power has been blamed for "chilling" the 1st Amendment's guarantees, especially in the case of broadcasters who are subject to government licensing. Also not new is the inability of politic- ians to accept the dissident role of the press. Thomas Jefferson is fondly quoted by journalists as saying he would prefer newspapers without government over gov- ernment without newspapers. But he also said, after serving as president, "The man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them." The saying that "everything good is ei- ther illegal, immoral or fattening" might be expanded in Washington to include "se- cret." The government has vastly expanded its facilities in recent years to make in- formation about its activities public, but it also has escalated concealment. E v e n those responsible for keeping official in- formation from the public believe the situa- tion is out of hand. President Nixon, in ordering an overhaul of the federal classification practices for protecting documents relating to national security, said that the system "has failed to meet the standards of an open and demo- cratic society." Too often, he said, docu- ments have been stamped secret merely "to conceal bureaucratic mistakes or to pre- vent embarrassment to officials and ad- ministrations." The physical dimensions of government secrecy - whether for reasons of foreign policy, national security or more obscure objectives - are staggering. A congressional expert, William G. Phillips, estimated that the Defense Department alone has enough classified material to make 18 stacks each as high as the Wash- ington Monument. And Dr. James '. Rhod- es, the archivist of the United States, testi- fied that he is responsible for 470 million pages of classified documents, including 172 million pages dating back to World War II. Until Nixon ordered a reduction last year, there were 55,000 government employees in 38 departments and agencies authorized to classify documents. And the General Accounting Office estimated the government's cost to maintain security for classified material at $126.3 million a year. APART FROM the physical and econom- ic problems of managing official secrecy, there also are questions raised by the sys- tem itself. For example, officials who im- pose secrecy also have the authority to lift it, and it is from government sources that most. "leaks" to the press originate. One writer observed that the U.S. government is "the world's only sieve that leaks from the top," and Jack Anderson, testifying be- fore Congress, asked why Ellsberg was to be prosecuted for handing out the Pentagon Papers when former President Johnson could use the same kind of information in his memoirs without breaking the law. All of which returns the circle to the sheep and the wolfe. The government doubt- less will continue to try to conceal its ac- tivities, in some cases for valid reason. And the press, despite government's growing reaction to its disclosures, probably will continue to dig and probe for information. The shepherd in this drama is the public. It alone can decide which is the sheep and which is the wolf, and by its power to reward or punish with the vote and the dol- lar define for both the meaning of liberty. Arnold Sawislak is a writer for the United Press International. ON WEDNESDAY the Food and Drug Administration irresponsibly ap- proved the use of diethylstilbestrol (DES) as a "morning after" pill, while at the same time advising women to get abor- tions if they can before resorting to its use. The drug is suspected of causing can- cer in the female infants born to wo- men who have taken it. Experiments are still being conducted to determine how large a dose can be tolerated, and what effects it may have, especially in cases where there is a fam- ily history of cancer. But in the mean- time the drug will be administered to women in "emergency" cases. Last year the FDA found DES harm- ful to cattle and banned it from their feed. This year they apparently think that it won't be quite as dangerous to women. The past condonance and use of ex- perimental drugs has often led to disas- ter resulting from inadequate and in- complete, preliminary testing. And there is no conclusive evidence that DES is safe. Unfortunately, the FDA went ahead and authorized restricted use of the drug, which presents the problem of how to responsibly administer it. Although DES was given approval for emergency situations only, such as rape or incest, the possibility of the drug be- ing misused based on varying individual definitions of "emergency" still exist. Ev- en when the drug was more severely re- stricted to "experiment 1" status, there were reports of it being administered without the recipients full understanding of its nature or possible harmful side ef- fects. A CCORDING TO a report released by Ralph Nader's Health Research group last December - based on studies by the local Advocates for Medical Infor- mation (AMI) - three-fourths of the 69 women responding to the AMI survey were not given follow-ups after taking the pill at the University's Health Cen- ter. Only seven of the women were told that the drug was experimental, and only three had their family histories checked. In addition, FDA Commissioner Charles Edwards stated that "a definite danger" exists .to fetuses that DES reci- pients may already unknowingly be car- rying. DES will not abort a fetus after four weeks. Despite that fact, only four survey respondents were given pregnancy tests before receiving the drug. The evidence is strong that DES was not used properly at the University Health Service. Yesterday's decision by the FDA does not provide much satis- faction that it will be used more respon- sibly across the country. But the basic question is not how the drug should be administered, but whether it should be administered at all. Consid- ering adverse effects the drug has had in the past, research evidence regarding DES is inconclusive at best. We feel that the decision to relax restrictions on DES was certainly premature, and the FDA should reconsider its decision. Women who are victims of rape or in- cest should not have the added worry of the danger of cancer to themselves or their daughters from the use of an experimental drug. 4 -;..... - :. ..:. + . .. :;;-nt, ..., . + .. .'.'Y tr :}( "v }"u rt'.....vv .;..vn.w Editors Note: This article is the first in a five- part series written by the Interna- tional Center Staff and designed to inform students about the ins and outs of traveling overseas. Watch Friday's Editorial Page forthe travel se~ries and check out tihe information in the International Center's Work/ Study/Travel Abroad Office, Room 23, 603 E. Madison, and the UAC Of- fice on tie second floor of the Mich- igan Union. The sponsors of this article are par- ticularly interested in student reac- tions and experiences. If you have a favorite guidebook, travel anecdotes to share or questions to ask, call 764-9310. If you're a seasoned traveler, your experiences and comments will help the International Center staff organize the best possible student travel service. By JANE ANDERSON and KATHY FALLAN 11HIS SUMMER over 600,000 young Americans will experi- ence the highs and hassles of tra- velling in a foreign country. For most the experience will be un- forgettable, especially if they know beforehand exactly what they're getting into. If you're a free spirit with a thin wallet and a tight schedule, com- prehensive and creative planning can be half the fun of traveling and good insurance for a personal- ized and problem-free trip. Reading the right guidebooks be- fore you travel means more than knowing where to find cheap beds and meals. It can give you social savvy, a knack for planning unus- ual ways to get around, a backlog of references and resources to con- tact in case of crises, and an alter- native to ending up in places with countless other American tourists who have $5 a Day tucked under their arms. If Europe on $5 a Day and Let's egoing abroad... Go: Europe are the only guide- books you're familiar with, come to the International Center's Work/ Study Travel Abroad Office and browse through a comprehensive review of guidebooks. The Center has critiqued fifteen guidebooks with the young, bud- get-conscious, adventuresome tra- veler in mind. Most guidebooks are specialized, and address them- selves to different types of trav- elers. The International Center's review is designed to acquaint you with each guidebook's forte and to help you get information most rel- evant to your tripeasily and effic- iently. All guidebooks reviewed can be read at the center, or purchased at the University Cellar and other local bookstores. If Asia is your destination, dope your thing, and hitching and ming- ling with nationals your style, get ahold of Overland to India by Douglas Brown, Student Guide to Asia by David Jenkins and Asia for the Hitchhiker by Mik Schultz. If you don't want to miss the exotic and mysterious sights and events, read Golden Guide to South and East Asia for its cultural and his- toric commentaries, rather than its listings of plush hotels and expen- sive, antisceptic restaurants. The Whole World Handbooks by Marjorie Cohen and Margaret Shermon is one of the best run- downs on details and regulations around. Read and digested States- side, it should help you avoid most of the common traveling hang-ups and many of the uncommon ones. Europe under 25 by Eugen Fo- dor and J. Marks, a new addition to the famous Fodor travel series, is a goldmine for travelers more interested in people than galleries and monuments. A comprehensive description of pubs, discos, bars, night clubs and corner hangouts across the continent, is interwoven with common sense advice on in- teracting with people in each coun- try. If you're planning a sojourn in Latin America,, don't overlook Travel Guide to South America by Myra Waldo just because the means of transportation outlined may be too rich and soft for your blood. The extensive coverage of history and culture should make worthwhile and intriguing reading anyway. Is camping through Europe at the back of your mind? Camping Guide to Europe by Paul Lipp- mann should help you make some intelligent decisions concerning the best equipment to invest in and the most beautiful and acces- sible campsites to relax in. Read- ing Camping Guide in tandem with other youth guides to Europe may help you avoid some of the isola- tion built into the camping style of travel. IF WORKING or studying is your goal, some guidebooks such as Whole World Handbook or Eu- rope Under 25 include information on academic programs and work experience. For further informa- tion, check out the pamphlets, booklets, and first-hand accounts collected in the Work/Study/Travel Abroad Library. Jane Anderson and Kathy Fallan are University students who are re- searching travel situations in for- eign countries. Penal reform action I A GROUP of six bills dealing with pri- son reform was introduced in the state House of Representatives last Tues- day, recommending long overdue reform in all areas of prison management. It has been apparent for some time that such legislation is sorely needed. The old concept of imprisonment as sole- ly a means of punishment and deter- rence has proven itself ineffective. In- stead of "teaching prisoners a lesson" and setting an example for others to heed, our modern dungeon-like prisons have been more effective as academies for the advancement of criminal exper- tise. Specific points in the proposed legis- lation include provisions allowing pri- soners to vote through absentee ballots, to have sex with visiting spouses and to join and form unions. Another provision calls for the formation of grievance pan- els in every state penal institution to re- place the present system of a single grievance ombudsman for the whole state. The voting and union provisions could help to improve the atmosphere of resentment and alienation that is found in our prisons. And the visitation policy could be an important step in the reduc- tion of incidents of sexual assault among inmates. All told the package of bills would be instrumental in constructing a humane society. 4 LTHOUGH THE necessity for such leg- islation is apparent, it is in for some rough sailing. When asked about the chances of the bill even leaving the com- mittee, an aid to Rep. Jackie Vaughn (D.-Det.) - who proposed the bills- indicated that there has already been violent protest from some legislators. It is not surprising that many of the people opposed to Vaughn's bills support the probosal to reinstate capital punish- ment in Michigan. It is bad enough when our legislature drags its heels when penal reform is badly needed, but to re-establish the death penalty amounts to executing an about face and marching in precisely the wrong direction. By now we had hope it be clear to the State's law-makers that what is needed is not a regression to the "good old days" of bread, water and the noose, but rather progressive legislation for reform of our penal system. Daily Photo by STUA RT HOLLANDER Reading the right guidebooks before you travel means more than knowing where to find cheap beds and meals. v.,{.:;;,;:y}...,.y. a.. .y,; '. rv;:..:::;;' r':?"4?'. .rY'c"3r;.;..: Yi,",.:. rS ' . ........ . { .. .7 y..i f'v. .^ r ...... .. ::: . ..uv . . .. .....r:...::i::. . ..;. .....:.. . RA} betters to The Daily Sylvia s Signs A tl POLL CON I .. . New policy To The Daily: I AM WRITING this letter in re- gard to your despicable new pol- icy of unsigned editorials. I feel that this shameful cowardice de- stroys the last vestiges of my re- spect for the editorial opinion of your paper. I believe that your new policy re- flects the untrue and popular as- sumption of moral responsibility residing in the divine institutional "we". The institutional "we" which you hide behind has no name and no face. "We" take moral respon- sibility. Individuals take moral re- :sponsibility. If someone has a grievance against me he doesn't look for every individual of my description to chastize. He addres- ses me by name and holds me re- sponsible for my views. Yourpaper's constant prattle about liberties abused and individ- uals repressed is hypocrisy in the face of your own policies. Why shouldn't the regents hold closed meetings and issue edicts; this is now the Daily's policy. I for one feel that if this letter is published it will be read by but a few who agree with me since most have switched to another source of news. Something on the order of the De- troit News, they are no more bias- ed than The Daily and at least their hypocrisy has always been with us. any consideration was given to the large amount of electricity such cooling machinery consumes. Wouldn't it be preferable to wear light clothing - and sweat a lot - rather than contribute to two of our society's more difficult prob- lems: the energy crisis and air pollution produced when generat- ing electricity? --Mark Rossow Feb. 11 Grievance To The Daily: IN SPITE of the fact that var- ious University of Michigan of- ficials have been proclaiming the University's program in affirmna- tive action for women and minori- ties, it is noteworthy that repre- sentatives of HEW have just visit- ed to once again investigate. This time their concern is the inadequa- cies of the grievance procedure - the only means inside the Univer- sity for redress of hiring and job inequality. It is no wonder that people have complained to HEW. The present grievance procedure and the per- sons who implement it seem al- most guaranteed to discourage em- ployees from seeking justice. The aggrieved employee must f i r s t confront her/his direct suoerv'sor with the complaint of discrimina- tion - not exactly a pleasant task. also at no point in the grievan2e procedure does the employee have formalized influence on what ei- dence the Review Committee uses to make its decision. The grievant cannot force the Committee to con- sult relevant witnesses and cannot cross-examine any sources which the Committee decides secretly to consult. The final decision is made en- tirely by the head o>f the college and a Personnel official - both re- presentatives of the empl,-yer'.s interest. A representative of the Women's Commission is "allowed" to attend meetings but has no vote. As a woman who is currently charging the University with dis- crimination and seeking justice through this procedure, I know whereof I speak. -J,.an Ben Dor Feb. 12 Communes To The Daily: I AM ASKING your cooperation in publishing this letter so that I may reach the general student population. I am attempting to accumulate some meaningful data for a serious study on American communes. To that end, I wish to reach as many communes as possible by mail and in some cases for personal inter- views, if agreeable. I will be grateful if students, graduate and undergraduate, who FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23; 1973 A Pisces person will over indulge in wishful thinking. Pisces. (Feb. 19 - March 20) Today is your day to dominate. Make all the arrange- ments for that heavy date tonight. It is time to get tough and rise to the top. Name your perversion. Aries. (March 21 - April 19) You tend to rub others the wrong way. Be overly con- siderate of those around you. Give a rose friends and brighten up the day. to each of your close f'}7L L DETERN Taurus. (April 20 - May 20) The day seems pretty average, not too black or too white. Add color by seeking new diversions. A light show with the proper atmosphere could result in intimacy. Gemini. (May 21 - June 20) Initiate action for satisfying results. Stage a demonstration on the steps of the graduate library. Involve others in a libertarian iovement. Can'cer. (June 21 - July 22) You definitely need help from others. Don't be afraid to accept propositions that promise re- ward. The experience of others can be an excellent teacher. Leo. (July 23 - Aug. 22) People tend to be deceiving you. Avoid crowds which produce irritating behavior. Study alone tonight in a corner in the law library. Virgo. (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) School work bogs you down, a love walks out of your life and all seems dark. But never fear, to- morrow your stars will be much brighter. Libra. (Sept. 23 - Ooct. 22) Planetary influences stimulate you into high energy action. Don't be too rambunctious. Let your mind lead you to another dimension. n 4 Y, }. Scorpio. (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) Attend all your will miss more than just work. Find the -- ZTT'.. classes today. You "Star" and other se.'n v innwt A 3%.a. .a 'aW I