ti A sad commentary on love and lonliness Eighty-two years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1973 Film regulations needed By PETE HAMILL ALL WINTER, Levinsky had waited for the snow. At night, lying with Sandra in the apartment on Bank St., he would stare out at the blue-black sky, cursing the pre- sence of the stars, longing for storms and whiteness. But it was a winter empty of snow. And so he would lie there and try to explain it to her, this long California girl who had chosen, incredibly, to love him. "The best one of all was in 1947," he said. "It snowed for two days, and the backyards were filled up, right to the fences. You couldn't open the doors to the roofs, they were so piled up with snow. Traffic stopped, there were no trolleys ..." "What are trolleys?" she said. "They were these long electric cars, with a thing on the back that connected to elec- tric power-lines. Sort of shaped like stream- lined railroad trains . . . I don't know, it's hard to explain." AND SO WAS the snow: the chimneys helmeted by the snow; a cat moving across the whiteness; the silence falling on Brook- lyn, as the traffic vanished under the white blanket, and the snow squeaking when you walked. In 1947, there were mountains of snow on all the corners and they carved ice tunnels into their white hearts, and made noises to each other like Eskimos. Sandra: golden California girl: he could not explain that to her, or Livonia Av. either. "It doesn't matter," she would say, wnenever he tried to explain about himself or his life. And to Levinsky, that was the beauty part. She loved Levinsky! Incred- ible! And the details did not matter. She loved Levinsky, who had always been too short for the women he desired; Levinsky, who had moved into his 30s bursting with love and no one to give it to; Levinsky, who poured his energies into the shirt business, who was kind to his employes, but who ate too many dinners alone, watched too many Late Shows, and could not make it any more with hookers. And then Sandra had arrived. She ans- wered a model call one day and asked him to buy her dinner and went home with him that night and stayed. As simple as that. She filled the place with flowers, a huge brass pot they bought at the Hamptons, an antique woden pepper grinder, record al- bums, framed prints, books, and more. It was the more that made Levinsky glow through the days at the office: the more was the sense of feminine merger she brought to his life: cosmetics, perfumes, oils, myster- ious tubes, powders, hair conditioners and lotions crowded the top of his once barren dresser. The bureau drawers were filled with stockings, panties, filmy things; the closet had dresses hanging like joyous multi- colored skins among his sombre suits; all of it feeding Levinsky's astonished heart. * * * * * AND NOW, on this February afternoon at the office, he even had the snow. He said goodnight to everyone, and went out onto 28th St. and started walking to the Village. The snow was falling in huge wet flakes; he skimmed a finger over the snow gather- ed on the hood of a car and thought: good packing,,it'll stick, beautiful. She had never seen New York under snow, and it remind- ed him again that he only knew her for three months, and had already asked her to marry him two nights before. He had trembled when he asked her; she was after all, 15 years younger than he was, and a shiksa at that; but she smiled, she didn't say no. Maybe the snow was all that he needed. It was dark when he reached Bank St., and as he made the turn he started packing a snowball from the snow on top of a Buick. When he reached the house, he threw the snowball up at the second-floor window. And then realized that the apartment was dark. A scribble of panic moved through him as he rushed up the stairs. "Sandra?" he said. But the huge Leonard Baskin print was gone from over the fire- place, and the Cuevas was missing from the wall beside the bookcase where she had h'mng it. The brass pot was gone, and the paper flowers, and there were black slots in t:heI bookcases where books once stood, and gashes in the rows of record albums. Her bureau was empty, and a card lay on top .of the barren dresser. It said: "Love. Understand. And thanks. Sandra." HE COULD FEEL the sound moving up from inside him, before he heard it: deep, animal, wounded, as he moved frantically around the bedroom, opening drawers, look- ing behind the dresser, opening the closet. The suits hung neatly, but she was gone. He tore at the suits, knocking them to the floor, hurled the neckties across the room, ripped at the slacks. Until he saw one last, forgotten dress, yellow and summery, hang- ing in solitude behind a raincoat. He lifted it gently, feeling the feminine fabric. And then he held it to himself, embracing it, hugging it, until he fell back on the bed, bawling out his injury and his loss. After a while, he could cry no more, and he lay very still, watching the snow fall through the dark night. V, 4 THE STUDENT GOVERNMENT Council tonight will vote on a wide ranging set of rules regulating and licensing cam- pus film groups. The rules are intended, according to SGC President Bill Jacobs, to clear up the present state of confusion surrounding the multitude of film groups which have sprung up on campus over the past sev- eral years. TIE DAILY agrees withl Jacobs that some type of regulation is neces- sary. We have watched with something approaching horror as certain groups seem to have flaunted their student or- ganization status to line the pockets of their members. Only codification of the presently ad hoc rules regulating these groups-and that includes a licensing requirement- will end the present unsatisfactory situ- ation. We do not, however, agree that the set of rules which will be presented to council tonight adequately safeguards the rights of the film groups, the film distributors or the student body itself. This is because the proposed legisla- tion fails to establish procedures for li- censing and regulation which meet ba- sic requirements of due process and re- spect for the first amendment. FURTHER, we feel that the proposed regulations are in many ways inade- quate to prevent circumvention by de- termined persons. Specifically, The Daily is concerned by the proposed criteria for licensing. The decision whether to license or not to license rests In the hands of a special board appointed by SGC. Unfortunately, the proposed rules give little, if any, guid- ance to the members of this board on what criteria, if any, should be used to determine the eligibility of a student group to show movies. The proposed rules will regrettably leave the board free to operate without a set of procedures ensuring due process and adequate representation of the film groups involved. Another cause for concern is the pro- posed requirement that SGC be informed at least ten days in advance of the showing of any particular film. The in- tent of this rule is to ensure that phony bookings of University auditoriums are not made in efforts to sabotage the screenings of competitive groups. This could, we feel, be more effectively en- sured by requiring groups to pay, say, a $50 returnable deposit upon the reserva- tion of an auditorium, the money to be forfeit if the film is not shown without good reason. IT DISTURBS US that the proposed reg- ulatory agency have the power to reject schedules of screenings, as we feel this violates the free speech safe- guards of the first amendment to the United States Constitution. We hope also that SGC will not place difficult barriers in the way of student groups hoping to break into the business of showing movies, as this would tend to limit the entertainment available to students on campus. SGC's attempt to standardize ticketing procedures is commendable. Under the proposed rules, all film groups will have to get their tickets from the same place. The serial numbers can then be re- corded and an accurate accounting of monies received by individual groups can be made. This will, hopefully, lead to in- creased confidence in local film groups by the motion picture distributors, who have been somewhat disturbed in recent months by inadequate accounting pro- cedures. We would not wish our position on this issue to be taken as an attack on film groups per se. The Daily is pleased at the contribu- tion made by film groups to the cultural life of the campus. The groups have vastly increased the entertainment op- tions available to students, at more rea- sonable prices than those charged by the commercial theatres. The groups have shown a refreshing willingness to experi- ment, show the movies of lesser known directors and even stage such education- al events as the recent Frank Capra film festival.- We would chide the groups, however, for their apparent inability at self-regu- lation and their often immature atti- tude towards competition. We find it de- plorable that acts of sabotage and decep- tion, often involving outside companies, have been perpetrated. PERHAPS IF the film groups themselves had shown more responsibility we would not have to agree to the need for licensing and rulemaking. They haven't, and so we are forced into the somewhat uncomfortable position of urging govern- mental intervention. We call on campus film groups to get it together and form some type of or- ganization to ensure high standards in the showing of campus films. But at the same time, we urge SGC to continue with its attempt to bring the situation under control. We simply ask that much more attention is paid to the proposed regulations before they come to a vote, and we urge full consultation with members of the film groups and the University community in general be- fore such wide ranging proposals are im- plemented. 4 A Pete Hamill is a columnist for the New York Post. Copyright 1973, the New York Post Corporation. not insane I -. 3 \ p- j4 * - THE MILWAUKEE JOURNAL Pubshers-HaTfl s cat.e, 1972 You ... mean... Im no longer the John Wayne of the money market?' Exam madness: Ugly UGLI art Letters to The Daily Israeli atrocity inexcusable IT WAS DISHEARTENING to wake up yesterday morning to find that Is- raeli fighter planes had forced down a Libyan airliner, killing 70 passengers. The aircraft, which was on a routine flight from Benghazi to Cairo, had ap- parently strayed from its course and was flying over the Israeli-occupied Sinai desert when it was intercepted by Israe- li warplanes and ordered to land. The Israeli, air force said the pilot of the plane, an American made Boeing T-oday's staff: News: Terry Martin, Gerald Nanninga, Christopher Parks Editorial Page: Bill Heenan, C h a r I e s Herrington, Martin Stern Arts Page: Sara Rimer, Gloria Jane Smith Photo Technician: John Upton CHRISTOPHER PARKS and EUGENE ROBINSON Co-Editors in Chief ROBERT BARKIN ................. Feature Editor DIANE LEVICK . ...............Associate Arts Editor 727, refused to heed the order. The Is- raeli jets then brought the plane down with terrible loss of life. WE FIND IT HARD to deny the Israeli's their right to survival. For a long time we have almost bent over backwards to understand their motives in launch- ing strikes against her Arab neighbors. We are saddened by the unrealistic atti- tude of the Arab states towards the ex- istence of Israel, and we long for a set- tlement that can lead to both peoples living in peace. But our support of Israel cannot extend to an acceptance of an atrocity such as the one perpetrated yesterday over Sinai. We find it hard to believe that the sea- soned pilots of the Israeli air force were unable to distinguish a clearly-marked civilian airliner from a hostile warplane. For the same reason that we cannot accept the killing by police of a fleeing suspect unless the suspect presents a clear and present danger to the lives of innocent people, we cannot accept the destruction of a civilian airplane pre- senting no threat to the integrity of Is- rael, whether or not it had invaded Is- raeli airspace. We hope that the Israeli government Gay harassment To The Daily: MOST HOMOSEXUALS in Ann Arbor restrict themselves to t h e one gay bar in town, a shoddy, ill- kept establishment which has ex- ploited its captive clientele for years. This bar remains in poor condition - in spite of its being one of the largest money-making bars in town - simply because the owner knows he does not need an attractive atmosphere to keep the customers coming back. Most gay people feel that they have no other place to go.-10 We are oppressed by a society which wants us to stay with "our own kind" and not mix with so- called "normal" people. Many of us who have been at- tending the meetings of the Gav Liberation Front have raised our eay consciousness enough to be radicalized by the onpression we feel from the straight world. Twice this week groups of us have gone to straight bars to drink and dance just like any other free citizens who have the right to pursue a peaceful and happy existence. Homosexuals had been hassled at these bars before and we wanted both the bar owners and patrons to know that we will no longer be intimidated by their un- reasonable rejection of us. Let me make it clear that we acted in no way different from the other customers. We paid our cov- er charges, we checked our coats, we sat at tables, ordered drinks, and danced when the band play- ed. Men dancing with men brought some curious stares, raised eve- brows and amused smiles. TPhis much we expected and really didn't mind. At least being a novelty is perhaps one step toward being ac- cepted. On our second "liberation visit" that took place: "Do you guys really mind our being here?" "Yes." "Why?" "Because you make me sick. You're sick." "We're not bothering you. We just want to be left alone to enjoy ourselves just like you do." "You're sick. You should see a psychiatrist." "I did. Now I'm happy about being gay." "Well, you should see another one because that first guy didn't do you any good." Etc., etc. By this time about six of these "studs" were gathered around two of us, much to the amusement of the onlookers. "If we ever see you guys in here again we're gonna kick your ass." After a bit more verbal chest beating my friend and I turned away, realizing that no amount of lialogue could convince these warp- ed, narrow minds that they had nothing to fear. For a while the he-men stalked us, probably antici- pating the chance to "beat up those faggots" once we got outside. For- tunately the bar staff warned them not to make trouble and they left without any further attempts at defending their masculinity or whatever it was they felt was at stake. I WAS SHOCKED by the whole scene because I had never before encountered such hostility. What reason did these men have to hate us? We were minding our own business, we were enjoying our- selves, and we were in no way im- posing our sexuality on anyone else. The blind, ugly prejudice of the ignorance is the main ob- stacle to achieving a truly enlight- ened society. Live and let live. Love and let members of the studena organiza- tion Mad Hatter's Tea Party, wish to state our wholehearted support f or our fellow student organiza- tions, and to decry Schaper's at- tempt to impose imposible strict regulations on the film societies. We feel that any group of stu- dents who wish to join together within the University community should be alowed to do within rea- sonable guidelines - not the re- stricting regulations which Schap- er seeks to impose. The purpose of SGC and the Student Organizations Board should be to assist and helo coordinate activities of student groups - not to restrict them. Since David Schaper entered SGC as Treasurer in March 1972, the code of student legislation has been needlessly expanded out of rea- sonable proportions by chapters authored by him. Student govern- ment should seek to eliminate bur- eaucracy rather than make it! As was said by a Daily reporter to a Mad Hatter's Tea Party mem- ber, "If all the paper in the world caught fire, Dave Schaper would rise like a phoenix from the flam- es with a new compiled code." We, of Mad Hatter's Tea Party stand unswervingly against the proposed new rules against film groups. We wish to express our support for, and urge the attend- ance of concerned students at the New Morning Media Cooperative rally in the Fishbowl on Thurs- day. We also urge our fellow stu- dents to show support for their right to organize freely by coming to the Student Organizations Board hearings on the proposed rules, Thursday night in third floor Mich- igan Union. We support our fellow student organizations and urge all concerned students to do the same. -Candace Massey Elliott Chikofsky Anne Missavage Mad Hatter's Tea Party By BOB BARKIN "Y YGOD, THEY all look the same." Such is the anguished cry that reverberates throughout the 4th floor of the Undergraduate Library. For it is that floor which is the repository for the bane of art historians - the print - study gallery, One can appreciate the full extent of the terror of the print gallery only in the face of an oncoming exam. It is then that the agoning fear of failure becomes real. Of course, terror before exams is not the sole possession of art historians, but they know it better than most. Staring at those ugly papered walls the student of the masters wanders from one print to another asking himself how each is different. But after close examina- tion, notes in one hand, and textbook in the other, the conclusion is always the same - how the hell do I know? HOWEVER, THERE IS solace in the fact that there are others gazing at the prints. A vacous stare is their common bond. Shuttling along, looking at prints, they suddenly stop, and as total confusion grips their bodies, they wonder aloud at the intent of a particular artist. rI think he is an Orphist," says one. 'Yeh, but what is an Orphist?" asks the other. But this is not always the case. There are the enlightened who become so engrossed with the artist that they feel they have a direct insight into his work and spare no pains to demonstrate their prowess. "An Orphist," says the art afficianado, "is an offshoot of the cubist style. In some ways, the Orphist is a reaction to the blandness and lack of color which pervades the cubist paintings." The others, stunned by this intellectual appraisal of the painting- at-hand, take a step back, raise their hands to frame the painting, and say: "Yes, Orphism is clear to me now. But what is a cubist?" THE COMPLEXITY OF life is all around us. Entering the print gallery only adds one more dimension to the day's insanity. Here a layman, one who feels that he has some minute portion of intelligence, is reduced to a mental midget because of pieces of paper randomly plastered on the wall, supposed replicas of the works of great masters. Leaving the gallery you stop to see that ohelast print, trying to grasp in that final moment what it is all about. You stare, look at your notes and stare again. "My God, this one is staring back." It's then that you realize that it is time to depart, and hope when safely at home and lying in bed you see the painting and not the handwriting on the wall. Sylvia s Signs THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1973 Pisces Persons Prefer Sunshine to Darkness Pisces. (Feb. 19 - March 20) Take credit where it is due. Keep your price high while you have the monopoly. Unsuspecting class- mates make good customers if product is desirable. . Aries. (March 21 - April 19) Don't go to extremes if you want to keep your sanity. SWear the color blue to express your mod- eration. Find new friends in the UGLI lounge. Taurus. (April 20 - May 20) Check over mid-terms well. Ten- dency to make careless errors can hurt grades. Same errors may generalize into your lovelife. Be cautious if your love really matters. Gemini. (May 21 - June 20) A lover my be leading you on. Confront him or her and discover real intentions. Your opinion will influence the outcome. New loves not hard to find in large lectures. Cancer. (June 21 - July 22) Be open minded if you wish to solve your own problems. Expand your point of view. Join an organization where others share your position, liberate your- self. Leo. (July 23 - Aug. 22) Surround vourself with unusual and interesting individuals. Enter into a locale you have generally avoided. Introduce yourself to a mysterious stranger. Virgo. (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) There are those who covet your position. Be cautious and avoid being over zealous. Remember to aprotect yourself in any fashion that your situation deems necessary. Libra. (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) Complete a difficult task without do- ing' anything out of the ordinary. Follow a general routine. Be mentally prepared to enter into a Future World. Scorpio. (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) Today seems uneventful but bear with it. Don't look for excitement by stirring up trouble. It pos- sible stay in bed; you can't get into mischief there. Sagittarius. (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21) Mind your own business. Be .I 4 4