See Editorial Page
See Today for. details
Vol. LXXXIII, No. 119 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, February 22, 1973 Ten Cents
Ten Pages
. i ,
China trade expected
Henry Kissinger has returned from his latest Asian tour,
reportedly bearing an agreement to move U.S.-China relations
forward. The general expectation, at least in Washington, is that
a statement of a formal economic relationship between the two
countries will be announced shortly.' The package is expected
to include the establishment of trade missions in both coun-
Happenings .. .
are lightweight, but fun. At 4:00 the International Cen-
ter offers coffee, donuts and a chance to meet interesting people
. .Project Outreach will be sponsoring a bucket drive today
and tomorrow. All money collected will go to the Recreation
Fund for the Maxey Boys Training School . . . Spaulding for
Children, an adoption agency, is sponsoring a family-style spa-
ghetti dinner today at 5 at the First Congregational Church in
Chelsea . . . and tonight, the Wesley Foundation in the First
United Methodist Church (Huron and State) is presenting a movie
on the John Kennedy assassination at 7:30.
Prison package entered
LANSING-A package of bills which would allow prisoners to
bargain collectively, vote by absentee ballot, and have sex with
visiting spouses was introduced Tuesday in the state House of
Representatives. Rep. Jackie Vaughn (D-Detroit), the sponsor of
the prison package, hopes the bills will force prisons to "start
treating inmates like human beings rather than animals."
Priest in pinch
MOUNT PLEASANT-Controversial priest Rev. Roger Duni-
gan, a professor at Central Michigan University, will lose his
post and the-support of his parishioners if he dares forsake his
celibacy. Dunigan, who has announced plans to marry, wishes to
continue his ministry. Last week, the bishop of Dunigan's dio-
cese ordered the priest to leave the parish. And yesterday, pa-
rishioners told Dunigan he has their full support-so long as he
remains single.
Berrigan blasts POWs
PITTSBURGH - Rev. Philip Berrigan yesterday blasted
America's homeward-bound POWs, calling them war criminals
under "divine and human law." Berrigan also pledged that his
antiwar activities would continue. "We still suffer from a war-
dominated economy and a war budget, and it is still very much
an issue throughout this country and the world," he said.
Booze note
CHICAGO - Five American and Danish psychiatrists say a
study of adopted children who became alcoholics as adults sug-
gests a tendency that the disease may be biologically inherited.
They based their conclusion on a study of 133 adopted men, sepa-
rated into two groups: Each man in the first group had at least
one natural parent who had been diagnosed as alcoholic,
Ho, ho, unph!
DUBLIN, Calif. - In his idea of a joke, 220-pound Daniel
Rivera of Oakland, Calif., attempted to slip down the chimney
of a pizza parlor yesterday. Five hours later, three firemen
managed to dislodge the rotund 28-year-old from the skinny
chute and haul him to the roof. Rivers was booked for attempted
burglary and released on $3,00 bond yesterday.
Just a shot away
ADELAIDE, Australia - A Rolling Stones concert was dis-
rupted last night when 4,000 crazed, screaming fans tried to storm
the stadium where the group was playing. During the hour-long
riot which- ensued dozens of people, including four Aussie cops,
were injured.Eighteen people were arrested, and damage was
set in the thousands.
On the inside . .
.the Art Page introduces a new TV column entitled
"Channels," written by Mike Harper and Ken Altshuler
. . . A sad tale of love and loneliness by columnist Pete
Hamill graces the Editorial Page . . . and the Sports Page
tells us who invented the first football scoreboard. You'll
never guess who's responsible.
The weather picture
More of the same, compadres. The skies should be fair
to partly cloudy today with increasing cloudiness in the
afternoon. The high temperature should climb no higher
than 28 degrees. So much for outdoor activity. Tonight's
low should be somewhere in the teens.
TEL AVIV (Reuter)-A
Libyan commercial airliner
crashed into the storm-
whipped Sinai Desert today
after being intercepted and
shot down by Israeli jets,
leaving at least 74 people
An official announcement after
an extraordinary cabinet meet-
ing in Jerusalem last night said
it had been established that the
pilot of the Libyan Boeing had
refused repeated orders to land.
The Tri-Jet 727 had overflown
LEBANON (Reuter) - At
least three large fires could
be seen burning fiercely near
the oil refinery town of Tri-
poli early yesterday when Is-
raeli forces returned from one
of their heaviest land strikes
on alleged Palestinian guer-
rilla bases.
The raids occurred more than 12
hours before a Libyan airliner
crashed in the Sinai desert, killing
about 70 people, after being inter-
cepted by Israeli jets.
In Nahr Al-Bared camp, eye-
witnesses said, Palestinian man-
dos put up a gallant fight when
Israeli forces attacked two refugee
Refugees said the raiders landed
from the sea tp attack this sprawl-
ing camp on the Mediterranean
coast and from helicopter the
smaller Al-Beddawi camp, on
higher ground to the south.
It seemed obvious from offshore
that the Palestinians and Lebanese
had been taken completely by sur-
prise by the large-scald operation
in which the Israel's speedy
French-built missile boats were
used to take naval commandos
and paratroops tothe target areas.
The operation was the first major
land, sea and air operation in two
years-since a similar but smaller
raid on the Sarafan area of south-
ern Lebanon-and a senior Israeli
officer told journalists that it was
one of the most complicated since
the 1967 Six-Day War.
But as far as the correspondents
could see, it went off like clock-
work, despite the bright moon
breaking through clouds and calm
The Israeli attack began at about
1 a.m. local time with an artillery
barrage from two Israeli warships
lying off the north Lebanese city
of Tripoli.
At about the same time, Israeli
helicopters flew in from the seat
to attack the two camps between
Tripoli and the Syrian border.
The Palestinian news agency
(WAFA) said the Israeli troops
ran into stiff resistance and had to
be reinforced by about 350 men.
The agency said guerrillas in the
camps fought with machine-guns,
hand grenades and in hand-to-hand
combat, killing or wounding many
of the invaders.
The fighting must have been
serious enough. Israel's official
figures put their own casualties at
eight wounded-two moderately
and the rest lightly. They claim,
however, that they killed dozens'
of guerrillas.
A senior officer told us the ob-
jective of the operation was "to
wipe out terrorist installations, to
eliminate as many terrorists as
possible and to bring back what-
ever important evidence may be in
the area."
One commando, questioned by
See ISRAEL, Page 10
a very sensitive military area
and acted in a most suspicious
manner, the announcement said.
After its failure to heed all
.broadcast warnings there was no
alternative but to send up Israeli
Air Force planes as a last resort.
Egypt denied the Israelis made
any attempt t6 contact the pilot.
From Beirut came a report that
the pilot of the airliner radioed
for help and said: "We are
finished. We have been hit by a
The report came from a Beirut
Airport spokesman who said a
crew member of a Middle East
Airlines aircraft, which had been
flying behind the downed airliner,
picked up the radio message.
Israel announced its deep sor-
row at the loss of life in the in-
cident and Premier Golda Meir
expressed regret.
A sandstorm in the area may
have driven the airliner off-
course, observers said. The storm
held up Israeli i-escue helicopters
for more than two hours before
they were able to take survivors
to hospital.
Thirteen people survived the
crash but four died later.
Tripoli radio reported one of
the passengers was,$aleh Masoud
Bousseir, a former Libyan for-
eign minister and special ad-
viser to President Muammar
The nine crew members com-
prised four Frenchmen, a French
stewardess, two Libyans and
two Lebanese stewardesses.
Earlier, an Israeli statement
on the incident failed to make it
clear whether the plane was
forced down or shot down, and
the situation was still confused
hours later.
The statement said when the
aircraft did not comply to in-
structions and to warning shots,
it was intercepted by Israeli
planes. The damaged aircraft
landed within the Sinai area
about 12 miles from the Suez
Canal and crashed."
Last night, the official an-
nouncement: issued after the cab-
inet meeting said it had been
established that the Boeing pilot
understood the Israeli signals
but refused to obey.
"The pilot of the Libyan plane
observed the repeated warnings
made in accordance with inter-
national civil aviation practise.
The Libyan plane's pilot even
acknowledged that he had re-
ceived repeated warnings and
orders to land-but he refused to
obey them," it said.
However, the official Middle
East News Agency broadcasting
from Cairo denied the Israelis
made any attempt to contact the
The agency added Egypt would
make a full record of the downing
of the plane available to world
associations investigating the in-
The plane deviated from its
course because of a navigational
See ISRAELI, Page 10
Jet downing pits
Kadafi, Israelis
Reuters News Analysis
LONDON - The shooting down of a Libyan airlineer by, Israeli
planes throws Libya's powerful leader, Col. Muammar Kadafi, into
direct confrontation with Israel.
Kadafi has been completely uncompromising in his anti-Israeli
stance. But Libya is hundreds of miles from the front lines in the
Israeli-Arab conflict.
Now the question hanging over the Middle East is what action, if
any, the Libyan leader will take to avenge the loss of the airliner and
its 74 victims.
With his country's oil riches to back him, Kadafi has helped the
Palestinian effort very substantially. Last month, for instance, a man
introduced in a German television program-as a leading member of the
Al Fatah guerrilla organization said the colonel had been contributing
AP Photo
THIS IS A FILE photograph of a Libyan Boeing 727 jetliner of the type shot down by Israeli war-
planes over the Sinai desert yesterday. By last night, early morning Middle East time, no photographs
were available from the crash site where at last 70 passengers died when the plane made a forced
FDA approvesDE
By AP and UI'I
WASHINGTON-The Food and Drug Admin-
istration (FDA) will approve the so-called
"morning after" use of the controversial drug
diethylstibestrol (DES), FDA Commissioner
Charles Edwards said yesterday.
The decision was made on the basis of a
unanimous recommendation from an FDA
Advisory Panel to change the drug's status
from "experimental" to "emergency" accord-
ing to Edwards. A labelling revision is under-
way, Edwards said.
(DES has been dispensed here under the
auspices of the University Health Service. Use
of the "morning after pill" at the Health
Service has drawn fire from local women who
charge the drug can cause cancer.
Belita Cowan, local DES opponent and editor
of Herself magazine charged yesterday that
the FDA decision was a result of pressure
from doctors and pharmaceutical companies.
"DES is still a dangerous and experimental
drug," Cowan said.)
Edwards told the Senate yesterday that
"there is no evidence for a significant risk"
to -women under prescribed dosages.
"However," he added, "because the possi-
bility of a harmful effect on the fetus either
from a pregnancy existing at the time of
treatment, from a previous sexual exposure,
or resulting from a patient failure during
treatment, an early abortion induced by con-
ventional means should be seriously considered
even though an action of this kind on the
fetus is not known to exist."
- DES was banned as an animal feed additive
last year because it causes cancer, and illegal
residues remained in the liver of slaughtered
beef cattle.
some 30 million dollars a year to
Black September, one of the most
militant Arab groups.
Last month, too, the Libyan pro-
government newspaper Al Balagh
said in Tripoli that Libya had "suc-
ceeded in wrecking the relations
between Israel and some African
countries." Five African countries
-Uganda, Chad, Congo, Niger and
Mali-have broken off relations
with Tel Aviv.
But the devoutly Moslem leader
has on occasion disagreed with
other Arab leaders on the attitude
to take toward the conflict with
Last month, Colonel Kadafi de-
- cided to withdraw Libyan volun-.
teers from the Palestine resistan:e
The reason appeared to be a
fundamental difference between
Libya and other Arab states on a
possible peace agreement wish Is-
Tripoli radio quoted the colonel
as saying in a speech that the vol-
unteers-the number was unspeci-
fied - were being brought home
because of the lack of "serious
action" on the Palestinian front at
that moment. They had been on
the Palestinian front for little more
than a year.
The colonel made his position
clear. There could be no question
of working out a solution with 13-
rael based on a modification of the
frontiers, with Israel retaining any
Arab territory.
react to
By AP and Reuters
Arab countries erupted in out-
rage over the action by Israeli
warpanes that forced a Libyan
passenger jetliner to crash-land
The nonaligned group of coun-
tries at the United Nations in New
York issued a denunciation. U.N.
Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim
expressed his "shock and condo-
lences" to Libya over the incident
that resulted in at least 74 deaths,
and his "regret a'nd concern" to
Israel by way of their missions at
the United Nations.
At an unannounced 35-minute
m e e t i n g, Dr. Abdel Meguid,
Egypt's U.N. representative, also
drew Waldheim's attention to a
statement issued earlier in Cairo
charging that four Israeli fighter
aircraft opened fire on the plane
without warning and in violation
of all international regulations.
The Cairo statement said that
since the jetliner had been on a
See WORLD, Page 10
hold hearing on
rules for campus films
Appeals court voids Harrison
BAM strike assault conviction
jAn open hearing in the offices
of the Student Government Coun-
cil at 7:30 tonight will be the
scene of a showdown in SGC's at-
tempt to regulate campus film
The regulations proposed by SGC
have run head-on into stiff oppo-
sition from Friends of Newsreel, a
local film group, which describes
the proposed regulations as "an
SGC power grab."
SGC President Bill Jacobs, how-
ever, maintains the new rules are
needed to prevent film; distribu-
tors and students from being de-
ceived by unfair or fraudulent~
practices. "We need some way of
checking where the student's mon-
ey is going," Jacobs said.
Under the new rules, student or-
ganizations can show films only
if theyare licensed by the Student
Organizations Board (SOB).
To obtain a film license a stud-
ent organization would have to be
registered for at least two months
and submit a form listing the
group's officers.
State court approves
union for 'U' interns
A new state Supreme Court ruling gives University Hospital interns
and residents the right to bargain collectively as public employes.
It appears doubtful, however, whether the University Michigan
Interns-Residents Association, which won the decision, will move to
take advantage of its new rights.
The position of interns and residents at the hospital has improved
to such an extent, according to association president Dr. Jay Harness,
thtfra 1 ini5tn ba o upnnl
tracts between the film distributorI
and the organization within 30
days following the film showing,
-Turning in a form after each
film showing detailing the number
of persons attending and the
amount of money received.
These regulations are necessary,
according to SGC officers, because
film distributors have been com-
plaining that campus groups cheat
on attendance figures - the basis
on which the distributors commis-
sions are determined.
Rich Glatzer, a board member of
the Cinema Guild, a campus film
group, said last night there is a
"need for somebody to be respon-
sible (for the film groups). Right
now, nobody is."
Glatzer said, however, he did
not feel the proposed regulations
would work.
The Michigan Court of Appeals has reversed
the controversial 1971 conviction of Trotter
House head Thaddeus (T.R.) Harrison on charges
of felonious assault on a police detective at a
demonstration which took place during the Black
Action Movement (BAM) strike in the spring of
The four-judge panel released Tuesday an opin-
ion which concurred with claims by Harrison'
deMfense that Prnocutnr Thnna Shea acted im-
prove he was innocent, rather than on the prose-
cution to prove he was guilty," Leitson said.
"I'm very happy the decision was reversed,"
Harrison remarked yesterday, "but I'm not cer-
tain that it's all over yet." He stressed that the
prosecutor has the option of re-trial.
H-arrison, who is now a part-time law student.
would have been ineligible for certification as a
lawyer if the felony conviction had remained on
his record.
Th.CnR w,,,u-,cmerhersre an- I
Qe"' D'w' ""''t' "i~""' N "c " d that formal unionization may not come a out.
pointed by SGC would grant li-
censes with automatic review by The court ruling, which was handed dov
SGC. There are no specific criteria legal battle which began several years agov
set down for deciding whether to istration refused to bargain with the associate
wn Tuesday, ends a long
when the hospital admin-
ion for higher wages.
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