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February 21, 1973 - Image 10

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1973-02-21

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Wednesday, February 21, 1973


Director of new health care
project confronted by critics




i I

Have some time on

Daily Photo by KEN FINK
Super joint
Ron Coleman puffs on a monster joint reportedly 24 inches long and three inches in diameter. Made
from paper from a Cheech and Chong album, the killer reefer was described by Coleman as "the first
three day joint I've ever smoked."
Plot thickens i Petaine case

(Continued from Page 1) .
Nancy Lessin, spokeswoman for
the People's Clinic, says that the
plan makes no provision for thosej
near-indigents whose income places
them ..just beyond the reach of
government benefits.
The confrontation followed a noon
meeting at the medical center, at
which Carpenter lectured on the
HMO. At the session, he fielded
some questions from the People's
Clinic representatives, but refused
to answer others.
Outside his office, Carpenter re-
fused to sit down with the group
and address their queries, though
he did talk with them for nearly
an hour about why he would not
discuss the HMO with them.
Carpenter said he was not "pre-
pared to address the group" and
protested that he had only invited
one person. He agreed, however,
to meet with the group next week.
In a later interview, Carpenter
SEOUL (P) - South K o r e a pro-
vides jail terms of up to 29 days
for men wearing hair long enough
to cover their ears, for women who
wear hot pants or see-through dres-
ses and for anyone secretly teach-
ing dancing.
SAINT DIE, France (P)-A bur-,
glar got a piece bitten off his
tongue when he tried to kiss a
sleeping woman. Police saved the
piece for matching purposes, butl
theorized the man was keeping
his mouth shut to avoid detection.
ernment report says 4 per cent of
Brazil's 100 million people are al-r
coholics, and that liquor is re-
sponsible for 6 Oper cent of the
nation's traffic accidents.

admitted that only "some" non-
indigents would be helped by the
program, through the "extra time '
efforts of staff members.
He expressly limited HMO's
goals, however, to those "within
tthe range" of the Medical Center's
mission. That mission, Carpenter
said, does not include "overthrow-
ing" the present structure of U.S.
medicine, a move which would
probably be necessary, he claimed,
to include the near-indigent in
health maintenance plans.
It is precisely on this question of

scope that Carnenter and the rep-
resentatives of the People's Clinic
disagree most sharply. While Car-
penter advocates only limited re-
form, the clinic people would like
Ito see a major revolution in the
nation's entire health care system.
Speaking to this point, Lessin
says that the HMO is set up to
serve the needs of the "health es-
tablishment." "Any viable sys-
tem," she said, "has to be orien-
tated toward service rather than
profit and be controlled by those it
is meant to serve.,"

your hands?
Truck on
7 Daily and
ness Staff


join the Busi-


at 420 Maynard
M-F 10-12, M-W-F 2-4, or Call 764-0560



Ctr. for Cont. Education of Women:
"Directions & Redirections," 330
Thompson St., 9:30 am.
Psychiatry Lecture: G. Curtis, "Bio-
logical Rhythms in Psychiatric & Psy-
chometric Research," CPH Aud., 10:15
UAC - Creative Arts Festival: "Ex-
panded Cinema," discussion - screening
with underground filmmaker Stan Van-
DerBeek, RC Aud., 3 pm.
Student Lab Theatre: Wilson's "Lud-
low Fair" Lennon's "In His Own
Write," Arena Theatre, Frieze Bldg., 4
Statistics Seminar: M. Schork, "Sam-
pie Size Determination in a Clinical
'Trial When Non-Adherence is a Prob-
lem," 229 Angell Hall, 4 pm.
Physics Seminar: K. Brueckner, KMS
Fusion, "Fusion by Laser Beams," P&A
Colloq. Rm., 4 pm.
Dentistry & Dental Res. Inst.: T.
Tencate, U of Toronto, "The Role of

the Fibercyte in Connective Tissue,"
6311 Dent., 4 pm.
History of Art Lecture: L. Steinberg,
Hunter Coil., "The Deluge; Michel-
angelo's First Fresco," Aud. 3, MLB,
4:10 pm.
Zoology & Ctr. for Human Growth
& Dev.: S. Kauffman, U of Chicago,
"Control Circuits for Determination &
Transdetermination in Drosophila me-
lanogaster," Lect. Rm. 2, MLB, 4:10 pm.
Computing Ctrs: E. Fronczak, "The
FORTRAN IV Programming Language,
Part 4," Nat. Sci. Aud., 7:30 pm.
Grad Coffee Hour: E. Conf. Rm.,
Rackham, 8 pm.
Music School: U Symphony Orches-
tra, J. Blatt, conductor, Hil, 8 pm.
Music School: K. Wunsch, flute doc-
toral, SM Recital Hall, 8 pm.
New Mini Mourse Begins Tonight:
"Frontiers in Philosophy," No. 318 (1
cr.) Pass/Fall, Richard Brandt, S. P.
Stich,; Greene Lounge, E. Quad, 7 pm.

(Continued from Page 1) cemetery is reserved for "fighters
with the Petainists wish to lay it in who died for France" and, since
the military cemetery at Verdun. Petain collaborated with the Nazis,'
Whatever his decision, he risks his burial there "would be totally
infuriating millions of older French illegal."
people who still have strong feel- Prominent F r e n c h lawyer
ings on the Petain affair. Jacques Isorni, who defended Pe-
Petain's supporters say that he tam at his treason trial, offered
should get his "dearest wish" of Pompidou a third alternative yes-
burial among the soldiers he led at terday - reburial of the marshal
the Battle of Verdun. The French at the Les Invalides shrine in
National War Veterans Associa- Paris. But that would place the
tion contends that the Douaumont head of the Hitler-aligned Vichy
Vegetarian')s dilemma
(Continued from Page 1) At the same time, Backster in-'
municating within a body should vited other scientists to suggest!
be relatively simple. controls for his experiments. The
"It stretches your imagination to result, he said, was "the most con-
suppose that the body's chemical trolled experiment you've ever
messenger system can go this far," seen."
he said.
The first to be skeptical of his Stressing that a scientist's main
own results, Backster has repeated- fob is to report his observations,
ly consulted botanists, physicists, Backster declined to guess what
and other professionals in an at: kind of force is behind these com-
tempt to find errors in his pro- munications, but he invites sug-
cedure. gestions.
"I was trying to find out if I was Since most of his experiments
being overly excited about some- are carried on across metal bar-
thing that could be explained by riers, Backster said, he feels it
the body of existing scientific cannot be an electromagnetic phe-
knowledge," he added. nomenon.

regime next to Napoleon.
Isnori, a leader of the move-
ment for Petain's reinstatement
said: "If the coffin of Marshal Pe-
tain were found on the eve of the
celebration of the Battle of Ver-
dun, I suggest it should be placed
in the Chapel crypt at Les In-
valides, on the banks of the Seine,
in the midst of those Frenchmen
he protected so well."

to the

If you feel surrounded by the doldrums of daily life
one person is needed to Become a member
run each of the following
committees: of e newly-organ-
ized 10-man Execu-
Musket Live Programming
all-campus student-run Board.
Soph Show Applications for all posi-
tions may be picked up in
Class Musical. the U.A.C. office, second
floor, Michigan Union, and
must be returned by
Travel Friday, February 23.
Student-run travel
Freshman Registrar,
U.A.C. Calendar.
Join The Daily Staff,



Dr. Leonid Kossman
formerly Assistant Professor, Moscow Institute
of Foreign Languages
recent emigre to Israel
"The Current Status of the Soviet
Jews-A Personal Documentary"
4 p.m.-Aud. 4 Modern Languages Bldg.
8 p.m.-Hillel, 1429 Hill St.

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the warm sand. You say you'd like
to but you've got to earn some
bread this summer? So do your 8
hour gig, but do it here, then set
yourself free on some sunshine and
beautiful people. Hawaii's wages,
higher than the national'average,
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back at school in the fall with
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hometown job.
TABBED P.O Box 17221 Honolulu, Hawaii 96817
Enclosed is $4.25 for guaranteed housing employment aid. I under-
stand this entitles me alone to your service. No C.O.D.s please.
Skill. .....-...... ..............


i ,










1. YOU design your own course.

2. YOU find a qualified teacher and faculty sponsor.
3. YOU get college credit for taking the course.
4. YOU come into 1018 Angell Hall to get the forms


and more information.




All proposals must be completed and returned to 1018 Angell Hall,
the Student Counselling Office, no later than March 21.




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