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February 21, 1973 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1973-02-21

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It ir%4 B
Eighty-two years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

420 Mqynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-0552


Ecology battle not overt

ONE OF THE more incongruous sights
in the world of posters is one of
4ichard and Pat Nixon shuffling along a
beach. Imprinted on the picture are the
President's own words:
"The 1970's must be the years when
America pays its debts to the past by re-
claiming the purity of its air, its water
and our living environment. It is liter-
ally now or -never."
Unfortunately, despite the President's
poster rhetoric, it appears this country
.will delay, perhaps until it is too late, in
facing up to the major environmental is-
Last week the President asked Con-
gress to approve nineteen pieces of en-
vironmental legislation ranging from
controls on strip mining to a program to
attempt to modify the weather. And yet,
even though he recently impounded sev-
eral billion dollars intended for pollu-
tion control, and proposed legislation
which, at least in the case of the strip
mining statute, is clearly inadequate, the
President has the audacity (an admitted-
ly chronic one) to proclaim that the fight
to safeguard the environment is almost
MANY OTHERS, Richard Nixon
is in the proverbial spot of not being
able to see the forest for the trees. In-
stead of going to the heart of the mat-
ter and controlling resource and energy
use, the President is deluding himself

into thinking that the world's problems
are simply a matter of aesthetics.
However, while Nixon may have en-
gaged in window dressing last week, oth-
ers did not.
Last Tuesday, the National Commis-
sion on Materials Policy, a group of re-
searchers and businessmen, gave an en-
tirely different and considerably grim-
mer forecast for our environment.
The report concludes that the U. S. is
growing dependent on imported raw re-
sources and unless it reduces its consump-
tion of certain materials, the world will
suffer a global crisis. It further con-
cludes that the world, and the U. S. in
particular, will have to move toward a
no-growth economy.
differently. He derided those who
had the temerity to suggest that the U.S.
could never reconcile environmental pro-
tection with continued economic growth.
"I reject this doomsday mentality," he
exclaimed. "I believe we can meet our
environmental challenges without turn-
ing our back on progress."
The world is not a bottomless pit. It is
closer to economist Kenneth Boulding's
"Spaceship Earth" than Nixon's flowing
And sooner or later, we must face up
to our planetary limitations - and not
merely by applying another coat of paint.

THAT TEMPORARY muted phrase, "a
long hot sumnmer," may soon be very
much in the air again. When the pillars of
commerce are absorbed in the ramifica-
tions of world currencytmovements, there
are new rumblings of storms in the cities.
They are a direct result of the domestic
budget cuts to which the President has pug-
naciously committed himself.
A preview of the upheaval will be vis-
ible next Tuesday when thousands from this
and other metropolises ride buses to Wash-
ington in a protest that will evoke re-
minders of scenes from Depression-era
newsreels. It has no doubt been noted by
White House wind-watchers that Sen. Ed-
ward Kennedy is listed to speak at a cli-
mactic rally.
MUCH OF the discussion about the pro-
jected dismantling of the Office of Eco-
nomic Opportunity and the abolition of
its Community Action programsbresembles
an academic debate about the virtues and
deficiencies of anti-poverty bureaucrats. It
assumes a more human dimension in a
conversation with Mrs. Bertha Thomas and
Jimmy Denegal, who head, respectively,
the program and training divisions of the
Fort Greene Community Corp. - one of
the 26 OEO community operations in the
city slated for extinction by June 30.
They cannot be lightly dismissed as job-
holders seeking to protest private vested
interests. They are dedicated conscientious
citizens; they are sensitive to the needs and
moods of Brooklyn's Fort Greene area,
where more than 500,000 people - overwhel-
mingly black and Puerto Rican - dwell,
many of them in conditions of deep depri-
vation. When Bertha Thomas says angrily

that "Mr. Nioxn has declared war on these
people," she is not a solitary voice.
Neither she nor her associate contended
that the OEO effort has been flawless. Ra-
ther, they argue with some ardor that it
is being cut off just as it was beginning to
show its brightest promise on many fronts.
Ironically, that was the basic conclus-
ion voiced by the OEO's own Office of Op-
eration after a survey of 591 Community

We've trained men to kill, and now they're coming home-
and it's been our job to help them find their way back to
education and training. If you don't offer them some con-
nection with the community, what can you expect? But now
Washington is saying--well, just go make it the best you can.
-Bertha Thomas
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job training and even in this static time,
to employment openings in local banks and
other enterprises. It sponsors basketball
leagues in which about 2000 kids play. It
has promoted housing projects for the aged
and low-income groups and urban renewal
projects. Health tests for many long denied
adequate medical care have been organiz-
ed. A mental hygiene clinic has a work
relationship with Cumberland Hospital for

'long hot summer'

or cities?
they're coming home - and it's been our
job to help them find their way hack to
education and training," ihe said.
"If you don't offer them some connec-
tion with the community, a. hat can you ex-
"But now Washington is saying - well,
just go make it the best' you can."
itorially recently: "Anyone who has the
slightest familiarity with the (OEO) pro-
gram knows that one of its major benefits
has been what it has done for people. It
has uncovered - from the ranks of the
people themselves - several new layers-
of leadership in communities around the
country. It has given people the opportunity
to develop skills that help them participate
in the management of their own communi-
ties and of their own lives. It has given
thousands a new sense of their own dignity
and worth and some stake in the society."
Clearly, it added, these gains oversha-
dow the acknowledged "excesses; mis-
takes and false starts." '.ut all the pro-
gress - in Fort Greene and countless other
places - is now threatened with sudden
There is no way of knowing whether Mr.
Nixon will hear any of the sounds in the
Washington streets next Tuesday; he may
choose to leave town or simply avert his
eyes and ears. But this mobilization could
be the prelude to a new, bitter era of do-
mestic conflict. That is the ear message
from Fort Greene; the "other America,"
one suspects, has just begun to fight.

action agencies complete 1 a s t month -
just before the Presidential axe descended.
THE FORT GREENE Corp. operates on
essentially two levels - providing service
and counselling in centers of its own and
acting as a conduit to other agencies and
institutions. The range of its activity is as
broad as the roster of problems confront-
ing thousands in the area.
It has a drug-addiction program that of-
fers counselling and, where necessary, ar-
ranges hospital referral. It has a re-
habilitation center that teaches art, sew-
ing and printing, among other things. Its
Manpower Service Center leads the way to

out-patient care.
IT HAS BEGUN to expand its horizons;
plans for a food co-operative were being
developed when the grim news came from
"We have been trying to show the people
they have a place, that they can regain
pride inthemselves and try to achieve
for themselves, and give them something
they can identify with," Denegal said.
Bertha Thomas stressed the problems of
veterans who will once again be Eubjected
to malignant neglect.
"We've trained men to kill, and now

James Wechsler is the editorial
of The New York Post, copyright
the New York Post Corporation.

1973 by

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N. Vietnam should
give us foreign aid

I 1

The Navy's dolphin project

T9H NEWS THAT the Navy has a "top
secret" project to train dolphins
should elicit a response of laughter and
incredulity, that is, until the program's
.$Q million-price tag is mentioned.
There are a lot of things that can be
done with that kind of money. The list
of needed social welfare projects is end-
less, But instead the government de-
cides the money should be spent to train
undersea mammal maulers,
Todays staff:.
News: Dave Burhenn, Michael Duweck,
Cindy Hill, Eugene Robinson, Char-
les Stein
Editorial Page: Denise Gray, Ted Stein
Arts Page: Herb Bowie
Photo Technician: Rolfe Tessem
Co-Editors in Chief
"BMT RIN.................Feature Editor
'DIANE LEVICK. .............Associate Arts Editor
DAVID MARGOLICK...........Chief Photographer
MARTIN PORTER ................. Magazine Editor
KATHY RICKES.....................Editorial Director
ERIC SCHOCH.........Editorial Director
GLORIA SMITH......... .................Arts Editor
CHARLES5 STEIN.............City Editor
TED STEIN.....................Executive Editor
MARTIN STERN ....................Editorial Director
ED SUROVIL................. ....BHooks Editor
ROLFE TSSEM ..................Picture Editor
Photography Staff
DAMID MAROOLICK ..........Chief Photographer
RoLlS TESSIM...,.............Picture Editor
VENNY GAINER.............. Staff Photographer
THOMAS G'I2IEB ............Staff Photographer
KAPN KASMAUVSKI...........Staff Photographer

According to a CBS report, the dolphins
have been trained to plant and retrieve
from a foreign harbor a device used to
detect the type of atomic fuel used in
Russian nuclear-powered submarines.
According to a diver who has dealt
with the deadly dolphins, the mammals
can "pick us (the divers) up without fail,
run us to the surface with their noses
and corral us into an area."
The dolphins apparently use tech-
niques such as pulling off face masks,
and tearing regulator hoses to defeat
their opponents.
THE ABSURDITY OF the situation is
obvious. Using dolphins to detect div-
ers is beyond the imagination of most
science fiction. But apparently, if one
can believe the reports, the "marine bio-
logical weapons" program may be effec-
However, there is also something of
an ethical question involved. Why use
dolphins to do man's dirty work? Isn't it
enough that we bomb, kill, and maim
one another? Now we have dolphins do-
ing it for us.
There must be a great satisfaction for
a military man to sit in the back room
and try to concoct schemes as bizarre as
the dolphin program. And for the scien-
tists that train the dolphins to combat
the enemies of our country, there must
be the satisfaction of seeing undersea
animals harnessed to do our chores.
But for the rest of us, who have seen
what the military and scientists have
done in Vietnam and on other battle-
fields, there is little satisfaction. Only a
reluctant recognition that they have
come up with another creative weapon
for espionage.


WASHINGTON, - Secretary of
State William Rogers said the
other day he forsees some dif-
ficulty persuading Congress to pro-
vide postwar aid for North Viet-
nam. I believe that expectation is
well founded.
The opposition could be more
than just a matter of some mem-
bers of Congress being reluctant
to render financial assistance to
the North Vietnamese.
The administration also may en-
counter a feeling that the North
Vietnamese should be giving aid to
I have heard that view expressed
more than once by foreign affairs
analysts in recent days. If it takes
hold on Capitol Hill, the aid issue
may become even more sticky than
Rogers anticipates.
"FAIR. IS FAIR," one foreign
affairs analyst told me. "By pre-
cedent and tradition, the United
States renders assistance to the
enemies it defeats in war.
"We therefore have a right to
insist that any enemy we don't
defeat should render assistance to
A good point. Any such claim on
our part, however, is weakened
by the ambiguous manner in which
the Vietnam War ended.
In other words, the question of
who should give aid to whom was
fogged over by the failure of the
peace agreement to designate a
winner and loser.
It is, indeed, almost impossible
to characterize the war's outcome.
While the foreign affairs analyst
quoted above was correct in ar-
guing that we did not defeat the

enems. 'either did the eneiny de-
feat us.
So how would you label the re-
sult? As a tie? A stalemate? A'
draw? A dead heat? A standoff?
An impasse? A dealock? A stand-
None of those terms quite fits.
SOME ANALYSTS believe the
matter turns on a technicality.
Since the United States is the
only participant that is withdraw-
ing from the area of combat, they
contend that America is theoreti-
cally more of a non-winner than
is North Vietnam.
Consequently, we should, be the
country that receives the postwar
"But, I protest upon hearing
this rationale, "Vietnam is t h s
country that needs rebuilditg."
"Look at it this way," an ana-
lyst replied. "The United States
achieved the greatest sustained
economic growth in the history of
the world during the period after
World War 11 when we were aiding
our former enemies.
"If that stimulated our economy,
it stands to reason that giving us
aid would create a boom in Norin
"The North Vietnamese will ra-
cover more quickly by giving us
aid than they would if. we aided
In that case, making North Viet-
nam the donor would require a sa-
crifice on our part. But nothing is
too good for a former enemy.
Dick West Is a special feature
writer for the United Press In-
ternatioial wire service.


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Letters to The Daily

County health care
much discussion at the county
and local level concerning the need
for effective local control over
health care planning. This discus-
sion has, in part, been stimulated
by the serious problem of closed-
door planning of St. Joseph Mercy
Hospital. It was also stimulated
by the efforts of the Washtenaw
Community Hospital and Health
Care Corporation (WCH), as men-
tioned in various news articles.
As Co-Chairperson of WCH

Education/Outreach Committee, I
would like to mention a few of
our efforts in this regard.
The WCH has prepared a first
draft proposal for county health
care, including hospital and am-
bulatory facilities. Our plan is pres-
ently being reviewed by the South-
west M i c h i g a n Comprehensive
Health Planning Council and by
concerned citizens and citizen's or-
ganiz,,tions in Washtenaw County.
When we receive their comments
and suggestions we will proceed in
developing a formal proposal.

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. 'TH-AT


WCH believes that only by stand-
ing firm on some of the principles
which our proposal highlights, will
the average citizen enjoy good
health care. We call for respect for
the consumers' concern and intel-
ligence, both in regard to their own
health needs and those of the rest
of the community. We call for
mechanisms to involve citizens in
the early planning stages and not
after unknown and unaccountable
"health experts" have made their
Anyone interested in receiving
information from us providing us
with information, becoming a mem-
ber of WCH, obtaining a speaker to
address a citizens group, and/or
making a contribution to WCH,
please contact WCH through me:
Washtenaw Community Hospital
Corporation, c/o Dan Ringler, 3516
Larchmont Dr., Ann Arbor, Mi.
As a new group we would ap-
preciate that requests for material,
if possible, be made with a small
donation to cover duplication costs.
Washtenaw Community Hospital
Corporation encourages consumers
involvement in health planning.
Health consumers' frustrations,
concerns and needs are our prin-
ciple concerns.
-Dan Ringler

Syvia s1Signs
Pisces Persons Should Avoid Quarrels
. and Debts..
Pisces. An individual trying to impress
you is using status to cover up flaws.
Go vogue and change your hairdo or style
F, of dress. Beat them at their game.
Aries. Haste makes waste, so be prepared
in any situation. A lot can be gained if you
plan ahead. A seduction scheme should prove,
to be very successful.
Taurus. Your appearance will be impressionable on others, but
they may fail to look deeper. Know what you want others
to think. Don't blow your cover.
Gemini. Be enterprising and original and create something
exciting. There is much to accomplish. Experiment with new
positions. Gain experience.
Cancer. People judge you by your reputation. Watch your
step. Avoid associating with deviant characters. Show your own
worth. Friends involve you in scandals.
Leo. You will find yourself in an unusual situation involving
a casual acquaintance, (possibly a student in your class), but you
craftily solve it. Avoid grilled pecan rolls and start a diet.
Virgo. Accept a small catastrophe in your stride and carry
out your normal activities. Your next campaigns will result more
favorably to you. Don't be a poor loser.
Libra. People do not approve of your actions. Listen to their
criticism for they will prove helpful if heeded. You are not what
you wear. Find a new way to attract attention.
Scorpio. Make reservations for spring vacation now. Tend
strictly to your own affairs. Bad vibrations in relationships will
lead to trouble. Avoid company this evening.



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