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February 21, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-02-21

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See Today for details

Vol. LXXXIII, No. 118 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February 21, 1973 Ten Cents

Ten Pages


Laotian factions

announce cease-fire;

Daily freebie
Attention movie freeks. From now until Sunday, The Daily
will be giving away free passes to the movie "Lolly Madonna" at
the State Theatre. Each day, six names, randomly selected from
the student directory will be scattered throughout the classified
ads sections of the paper. If your name appears just call up and
you're guaranteed a night of free entertainment right here in
Ann Arbor.
Only in Ann Arbor . .
.. .can you report to the police the theft of your stash. Or
at least that's what one East Quad resident did last night, when a
pistol-toting bandit entered his room and demanded dope. The
thief made off with an undisclosed quantity of marijuana, and
the hapless quaddie called the cops.
Electoral inflation
The ancient rrt of buying votes seems to be getting more
expensive all the time. In Monday's primary a mere 10,581 peo-
ple voted at an approximate cost to the city of three dollars per
vote. At those prices even Mark Hanna would have had trouble
winning election.
No cigar
With the final election results in, it looks as if Bob Alexander
has pulled up short in his effort to get on the ballot as the HRP
candidate from the Third Ward. Alexander received only 22
votes - well short of the 50 required to gain a place on the
April ballot. The failure is not considered too significant, how-
ever, as most observers concede the race to Republican Robert
. ..today are on the light side so you may be forced to use
a bit of imagination to keep yourself amused. Topping today's
light file, is an ACRIS public hearing on the topic of a proposed
site for a new recreation facility. The meeting will take place in
the East Room, North Campus Commons at 7:30 p.m. . . . Prof.
Leo Steinberg of Hunter College will speak on "The Deluge:
Michelangelo's First Fresco" in the MLB, Aud. 3, at 4:10 p.m.
. . and don't forget the Grad Coffee Hour in the East Confer-
ence Room of Rackhm at 8 P.M. . . . mark this one on your
calendar for Friday. UAC is sponsoring a dance at Couzens Hall,
Friday at 8 p.m. Two bands will play ,admission is one dollar
but beer is free . . . and Charlotre Saikowski from the Christian
Science Monitor will be today's "Lecturer in Journalism" at 4
p.m. in Aud. B. Saikowski will speak on reporting in the Soviet
Longhairs delight
CINCINNATI, Ohio - Roll over Beethoven, your popularity is
on the rise. According to booking agents for entertainers, lec-
turers and movies, student interest is turning to the classics.
Bach, Beethoven and Brahms are stealing attention from hard
rock say the agents and there is a greater demand for poetry
readings, Renaissance music and dance. When informed of this
trend, former presidential candidate George Papoon said, "Rock
and roll is here to stay."
Space man
DAVIS, Calif.-Apparently a trip into the cosmos has had
some cosmic effects on astronaut Edgar Mitchell. Mitchell, who
gained fame by conducting ESP experiments on the moon an-
nounced yesterday that he is planning to open an institute for
the study of psychic phenomena. In one of the most cosmic
statements we've heard in a long time Mitchell said, "we hope
eventually to embrace the subjectivity of the Eastern scholars
in order to discover the secret of. conscious energy."
Dope note
A prosecutor yesterday demanded the maximum 20 year jail
term against a 60 year-old Turkish senator accused of smuggling
322 pounds of raw heroin into France. The senator, Kudret Bayha,
who told the police when arrested that he was on his way to
Lyons to buy his daughter a wedding dress, told the court yes-
terday he had been on a European trip to set up a fruit juice
business. Bayha will probably have to come up with even a bet-
ter excuse, if he expects to avoid prosecution.
On the inside.. ..
... the Arts Page features an article by Barb Bialick on
University prof. and poet Robert Hayden . . . James Wech-
sler talks about the Nixon budget cuts on the Editorial
Page . . . and the Sports Page tells us that we have two
more years of Orr.
The weather picture
The cloudy skies and snow flurries of the last few days
should continue today. Temperatures are expected to rise
into the mid-thirties this afternoon accompanied by strong
winds: Tomorrow will once again be cloudy with temper-
atures in the teens.

By The AP and Reuters
After more than a decade of bloodshed, the civil
war in Laos appears to be coming to an uncertain end.
The official Laotian radio announced yesterday that
the government of Prime Minister Souvanna Phouma
and the pro-communist Pathet Lao would sign a
cease-fire late last night.
The announcement came after Prince Souvanna's
cabinet met to consider a cease-fire offer from the
Pathet Lao leader, Prince Souphanouvong, Souvanna's
half brother.
Though the document was expected to be signed
late last night, hostilities were set to halt at noon
Thursday, Laos time.
Observers here believed that the ceasefire was like-
ly to involve a halt to the fighting with all parties
remaining in place-including some 50,000 North Viet-
namese troops.
Informed sources said it would also mean that U.S.
bombing would have to stop-a point the Souvanna
government was known to be unhappy about.
In Washington, Pentagon spokesman Jerry Fried-
heim said that U. S. operations in Laos have not yet






halted. "To the best of my knowledge, it is going on
today," Friedheim said.
U. S. warplanes have been flying an average of
380 air strikes a day over Laos in efforts to bolster
Laotian forces losing ground to North Vietnamese
and Pathet Lao troops. The Pathet Lao now controls
three-quarters of the territory and one half the coun-
try's population.
Peace talks had been in progress between the two
sides since last October, and sources reported that
the Pathet Lao would have broken off the talks if the
cease-fire was rejected.
The Pathet Lao, whose offer envisaged that the talks
would continue during the ceasefire, have hitherto
always refused to deal separately with the military
and political problems.
In the peace talks, the Pathet Lao have been de-
manding a coalition government that would give them
an effective majority, according to informed sources.
They want six ministries for the Vientiane govern-
ment, six for themselves and two for the pro-Pathet
See CEASE-FIRE, Page 7


1971 invasion of Laos


Sagacious Sam
Sen. Sam Ervin (D.-N.C.) scratches his head in contempla
listening to testimony yesterday from Sen. Alan Cranstont
on the advisability of a shield law to protect newsmen
confidential sources.
IAnswuusers demanc
on news health p
About 20 persons from the Free People's Clinic con
director of the Medical Center's Community Medicine P
terday, demanding that he answer their questions about
munity health program being planned by the center.
The confrontation occurred outside the office of Dr. Ro
ter, when the group from the clinic arrived en masse for
ment Carpenter had with one of its members.
At the center of controversy is the proposed Health N
Organization (HMO). It would provide pre-paid, group pr
care to about 7,000 families in the Ann Arbor area.
In other areas of the country, similiar health maint
grams have had moderate success in lowering costs
quality and increasing access to health care.
Of the families in the program, 10 per cent are to b
of the "medically indigent"-those whose fees would1
Medicare and Medicaid.
Most famiiles would pay an estimated $500 to $700
comprehensive health care. Critics charge such a cost w(
too great a burden on lower-middle income families.
See DIRECTOR, Page 10

Daily News Analysis
Perhaps it was the gray skies
-or maybe it was the general
feeling of apathy. Whatever the
reason, city voters and especially
student voters, decided in droves
that Monday's primary elec-
tion was simply not worth it.
While primaries traditionally
attract fewer voters than gener-
al elections, this year's vote to- '
tal was particularly low. Out of
over 72,000 registered voters, on-
ly 10,503 people, or 13. per cent
Iof those eligible, cast ballots.
The low turnout was most puz-
zling in the Second Ward, which
featured wvhat was probably the 1
most exciting primary race. In
that ward, Frank Shoichet, David
Sinclair. Lisa North and Alex-
ander Stephenson were battling
for the HRP nomination for the
City Council seat.
Only 1,434 out of over 13,000
registered S e c o n d Ward resi-
dents decided to vote.
The low turnout probably help-
ed winner Shoichet in his victory
over the better known Sinclair.
Shoichet had a more efficient or-
ganization behind him, an or-
AP Pho ganization that made the phone
calls, some 600 in all, and got his
supporters to the polls.
ation while Sinclair, on the other hand, ran
(D.-Calif.) an extensive, but unfocused cam-
and their paign, replete with rock and roll
bands and the resources of the I
Rainbow People's Party. Though
he aimed much of his appeal at
dorm residents on the Hill,
Sinclair received only 94 votes
to Shoichet's 144 in those pre-
Because of the scarcity of vot-
ers, especially in black and stu-
dent precincts, clear prognasti-
cations on April's general elec-
nfronted the
rogram yes-
a vast com-
bert Carpen-
an appoint-
actice health
ainence pro-
e composed
be paid by
a year for
ould impose

ign oro
tion results are difficult.
There are, however, signs in
the primary results that could
mean trouble for some local can-
didates - especially Democrats.
Republican mayoral hopeful
James Stephenson, for instance,
was expected to have a stiff fight
with Democratic candiddate
Franz Mogdis in April. But Be-
nita's Kaimowitz's strongshow-
ing in the HRP primary casts a
shadow on Mogdis' hopes.
Stephenson garnered 4,882 votes
to Mogdis' 2,549 and Kaimo-

witz's 1,175. When these totals Here again, Monday
are combined with their respec- results show a greate
tive party opponents, Stephenson the combined HRP -I
receives 5,276 votes to Mogdis' candidates. Though m
3,356 and Kaimowitz's 1,951. crats could be expect
Though the combined liberal- in April, a reason
radical vote was larger than the showing could crushI
conservative tally, its division hopes of gaining thes
by the two candidates could - In the Third, Ward,
mean victory for Stephenson in tions point to a Repu
April. tory. This area was ci
A similar split could hurt Dem- Republican enclave i
ocratic chances in the Fourth est ward plan, and R
Ward, which after redistricting ry should gain the c
reflects a more liberal cast. with little difficulty.

Search for .arshal Petain' s
Stolen body centers on Verdun

By The AP and Reuters
PARIS - Police seeking the stolen coffin of
Marshal Philippe Petain yesterday centered on the
hallowed burial grounds of Verdun on the theory
that the body-snatchers might try to re-bury the
hero-turned-traitor among France's honored war
Authorities theorized that fanatical admirers of
Petain had unearthed his coffin from his exile
grave on the lonely Ile d'Yeu, in the Atlantic, Mon-
day and would try to re-bury Petain in Verdun to-
day - the anniversary of his bloody and victor-
ious stand against the advancing German army in
Verdun, in 1916.
Police sealed off the snow-covered Douaumont
Cemetery at Verdun, France's most honored bur-
ial site, to block any such attempts.
The almost universal theory over the dramatic
theft of his coffin from Yeu, 12 miles off the At-
lantic coast, is that diehard Petainists are bent on
restoring the reputation the marshal lost by col-
laborating with the Nazis in World War II.
Jean-Louis Tixier-Vignancourt, a lawyer closely

associated with right-wing causes, said he had re-
ceived an anonymous telephone call Monday from
a man who said the remains had been moved "a
month ago to the Verdun region."
In 1945, Petain was imprisoned on Yeu after be-
ing found guilty of treason for heading the Vichy
government. And it was there he died and was
buried at the age of 95, in 1951.
The theft of Petain's coffin threatened to become
a serious electoral embarrassment for the ruling
Gaullists with less than two weeks before general
elections in France.
Various newspapers condemned the profanation
of the tomb, but they could not agree on who might
have done it. Several linked it to the election of
a new National Assembly next month, and the
left-wing Combat' said: "It threatens to put the
authorities in an embarrassing situation."
When and if it is finally found, President Geor-
ges Pompidou will face a tough decision whether to
send it back to exile at the Ile d'Yeu or comply
See PLOT, Page 10

y's primary
er total for
nore Demo
ted to vote
able HRP
all indica-
ublican vic
reated as a
in the new-
lobert Hen-
ouncil seat

Plants: They have



Daily Science Writer
Although we call plants, "living things,"
we have never considered,them capable of
real feelings. But if one scientist's experi-
ments can be verified, those deaf, dumb,
and blind chlorophyll factories may have a
consciousness equal-or superior-to our
Cleve Backster, an expert in the use of

in a question he is asked.
Backster said he made his initial dis-
covery of plant perception "by accident" in
19%6 while trying to use the polygraph to
measure the rate of water uptake in a
When he noticed a "people-like reaction"
(a slight jog in the polygraphy r e c o r d),
Ba':kster decided to see if he could re-
produce the response by threatening the

sensitivity of plants to the death of any
living thing," Backster reported.
Backster was able to detect strong "sym-
pathy" responses from plants in a room in
which live shrimp were being dropped into
boiling water. Eggs also responded when
other eggs were broken, he said.
Backster theorizes that dying cells of any
kind produce some kind of signal which is
picked up by living cells and appears as

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