°r INe LfiAan ai Eighty-two years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan McGovern: On the campaign trail again 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1973 Budget pares student aid STUDENTS PLANNING their n e x t year's budget may be feeling an un- expected pinch when they apply for fi- nancial aid. President Nixon's plan for domestic budget cuts has now hit the college campuses. By abolishing the pre- sent government loan program and re- placing it with a new program which grants money to the very needy, the plan neglects the middle to lower class stu- dent who isn't starving but who can't afford University tuition either. When the University opened its doors over a hundred years ago student en- rollment was limited to a small and fi- nancially affluent segment of our so- ciety. As scholarship funds, financial aid and work-study programs grew, more people were able to take advantage of the institution that their state taxes sup- ported. Now Nixon's proposed cuts in the federal budget for aid programs could set the progress that has been made back considerably. THE NEW programs for student aid, called Basic Opportunity Grants, provides $1400 per student, with a sum proportionate to the student's income subtracted. This program will be of significant val- ue to students and potential students from low income backgrounds. But it won't significantly touch the majority of this University's students from middle class, middle income back- grounds whose families can't finance their college educations. This problem will be aggravated by Nixon's abolishment of many summer op- portunity programs where students in previous years could earn at least a por- tion of their expenses for the following school year. One alternative that students will face is the possibility of taking out bank loans with the added responsibility of a 7 per cent interest rate in contrast to the 3 per cent they have been paying on gov- ernment loans. This could be further complicated by a law which could re- quire students to pay concurrently for any loans they already have. WHEN A GOVERNMENT aid program becomes one person's opportunity and another's deprivation it can hardly be called an improvement over the old system. This cutback may become very real to University students in the near future. By MARTIN STERN ' T ONESOME GEORGE is at it again. Actively campaigning, t h a t is. George McGovern, wasting no time, and riding low on the mo- mentum of last November's presi- dential election, has begun in his mission to gain reelection as a senator for South Dakota. Apparently learning from h is past mistakes, his "modus oper- andi" promises to be different this time around. The most noticeable change at this stage appears to be a swift switch to the middle for McGovern. Rejected at the polls as a leftist, and an avowed foe of the right, George seeks comfort in the middle - if they'll have him. McGovern began his new quest last week, meeting with the press over breakfast, an apparent con- ciliatory maneuver. Only a f e w weeks earlier, he had expressed bitterness at the press, charging that their unfair and biased cover- age had sunk his presidential hopes. Now the past is forgotten, a n d McGovern is moving forward. At his meeting with the reporters, he gave us a glimpse of the "new" George McGovern. Liberal, b u t not anti-establishment. Economy- minded, yes, narrow minded, no. IN A SURPRISING statement, he mentioned that he was satisfied with President Nixon's $269 bil- lion budget ceiling, and further agreed with some of Nixon's pro- posed domestic cutbacks. For instance, calling the Hill- Burton hospital program "a sacred cow," McGovern expressed agree- ment with Nixon's proposed cuts, statingthat, "We are overbuilt on Ihospitals except for some small communities." He also agreed that housing programs were in need of reform. Furthermore, showing himself a loyal Democrat, McGovern indi- cated his support for the party's titular head, Chairperson Robert Strauss. This, despite the fact that Strauss was appointed in rejection of McGovern and his personal choice, Jean Westwood. And McGovern definitely does not intend to devote any of his campaign to controversial issues this time such as marijuana legal- ization, amnesty, or military cut- backs. On the particularly touchy issue of postwar aid to North Vietnam, McGovern, wishing to offend no one, has called for aid on a multi- national basis, such as through the United Nations. ON THE OTHER hand, McGov- ern still retains liberal viewpoints on the issues that matter most to citizens, particularly South Dakot- ans. He is still calling for tax reform. He is against tax increases, until tax loopholes are closed, particu- larly against big business in the areas of capital gains and deprec- iation schedules. Nor has he by any means sold out to the President. He currently supports legislation aimed at mak- ing illegal the impounding of con- gressionally approved funds by the president. Havingthus re-exposed himself to the nation via the press, Mc- Govern also launched "Phase Two" of his campaign last week - fund raising. His inital effort is direct- ed at those 640,000 persons, t h i s writer included, who contributed $14.5 million to his campaign last year. In personalized letters, sent out to the McGovern faithful, Mc- Govern has requested new dona- tions to help finance his re-election campaign. AS COULD BE expected, h i s solicitation effort appears to be an attempt to convince those who literally threw away theirtm o n e y last year that all was nOt in vain, that he still stands for the same ideals, and that through re-election in South Dakota, the American Dream can still come true. To quote from his letter, "We did not win the election, but the principles we stood for were right, and the methods of citizen partici- pation we used must eventually lift the conduct of American politics. I have frequently recalled in re- cent days the claim of Camus that 'the struggle itself towards t h e heights is enough to fill a man's heart.'" Citing the post-election conduct of the Nixon administration - the North Vietnam bombings, the "President's defiance of the Con- gress", and "the painfully distort- ed budget priorities" - McGovern goes on to say that these "only challenge us to renew our efforts to restore our Nation to the ideals of our founding fathers." He continues, "I intend to con- tinue speaking out, in the Senate and across the nation, for the goals we sought in 1972." Next, the catch. "To do that, I must also win re-election to the Senate in South Dakota next year . .. But we must begin nowto build a carefully planned, ener- getic, adequately financed cam- paign if we are to prevail." George McGovern still feels that he must carry his campaign to the common person .if he is to win. Which means that he will tell them what they want to hear. Whatever they want to hear. George McGovern in early 1972 r- r- w Will the real George .McGovern please stand up? came across as a new breed of politician, carrying with him a high level of honesty and idealism. It's unfortunate, but the George McGovern of early 1973 appears to be just another politician: Such are the effects of the American po- litical system. Martin Stein is an Editorial Di- rector for The Daily who dislikes solicitations for money in the mail. New disclosure law needed T ME LATEST WORD from the General later.j Accounting Office in Washington the G indicates that the people responsible for tions bringing America President Nixon and $5,000 Vice-President Agnew, the Republican The campaign fund-raisers, were also respon- secret sible for failing to report nearly one and dairy one half million dollars in last minute Teleph presidential contributions. This disclo- Union sure is only another example of the in- natra. effectiveness of the federal campaign COIN disclosure law. re The GAO said that by failing to ack- $300 r nowledge the contributions, the Nixon minist fund-raisers "clearly violated the spirit dairy of the law" requiring disclosure of cam- lucky1 paign contributions. Some of the money in an received as early as October 28, 1972 was Depar not reported publicly until three months natra not ye Today's Staff: The. con tri News: Bob Barkin, Debbie Pastoria, Sue the pi Sommer, David Stoll, Ralph Varta- influe: bedion favors Editorial Page: Linda Rosenthal, E r i c The fa Schoch, David Yalowitz purpos Arts Page: Sara Rimer, Gloria Jane Smith, that ev Jeff Sorensen and w Photo Technician: David Margolick anda.n sible. As ., g.the dis practi written CHRISTOPHER PARKS and EUGENE ROBINSON change Co-Editors in Chief R8OERT BARKIN....................Feature Editor DIANE LEVICK ...........Associate Arts Editor DAVID MARGOLICK............Chief Photographer Toda MARTIN PORTER...............Magazine Editor i KATHY RICKES.....................Editorial Director unsign ERIO SCHOCH...................Editorial Director represe GLORIA SMITH..........................Arts Editor CHARLES STEIN........................City Editor boardt \ \\\ Another $1,252,000 was hidden, said .AO, by subdividing the contribu- into numerous gifts of less than each. contributions which remained included large amounts from the farmer's trust fund, International hone and Telegraph, the Seafarers , and last but not least, Frank Si- 'CIDENTALLY, the dairy farmers ceived a windfall profit at a rate of million a year since the Nixon Ad- tration's price support ruling for products. Similarly, ITT was the recipient of a favorable settlement anti-trust ruling from the Justice tment last year. What Frank Si- got for his $50,000 contribution has t come to light. whole purpose of the campaign bution disclosure act was to alert ublic to special interests trying to nce candidates and "buy" political with huge campaign contributions. ailure of the act to accomplish this se clearly demonstrates once again ven the best efforts of Congress can ill be circumvented whenever pos- an effective piece of legislation sclosure law has proven itself to be cally worthless, and should be re- n before the public gets short- ed again. Editor's note ay The Daily introduces a policy of ed editorials. Such editorials will ent the opinion of the editorial of The Michigan Daily. Sylvia's signs TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1973 A Pisces person should avoid being egotistical and selfish. Pisces. Resist the violent urge to spend money unwisely. Avoid browsing in stores between your classes. Social activities are accentuated; you may meet Mr. or Ms. Right. Aries. Make use of your talents to get ahead. Opportunity knocks so strike back. Be clever but inform those close to you of your plans: their assistance is necessary. It may involve a class- mate you have ignored. Taurus. No one is perfect. Stop being so depressed. Develop your ego to its fullest. Strut across the Diag in striped socks. It is time to plan and prepare for future gain. Use your discre- tion. Gemini. Today is an excellent day for the Gemini person. Love, finances and excitement should all be on the up and up. Exams taken today will provide good results. Lucky you. Cancer. Blah, this is today's melancholy mood. Your mind tends to float in the clouds. Your state of consciousness is altered. You tend to waste time listlessly. Find a good stimulus. Try the fishbowl at 12:15. Leo. Your actions should be restricted to necessities. Concen- tration of powers will be necessary. Good deeds will be rewarded. Apple polishing a good starting point. Virgo. Avoid pessimism and outside influences today and you may meet an opportunity of a lifetime. Don't be afraid to indulge in an erotic love affair despite what others may think. Libra. Put a stop to those individuals who are taking advant- age of your good nature. Remember TANSTAAFL. Avoid using your car or participating in situations where an accident might occur. Scorpio. Do not get married or 'engaged today. Commitments made today will not be fulfilled. Your over-optimism could put you under water. Study for tests or don't take them at all. Sagittarius. Plans made for today will be broken. Don't get too upset. If you are stood up, don't sit at home but go out and have fun at a bar on Washington St. Someone new will reward you with attention. Capricorn. Individuals tend to come down on you today, how- ever, you are in the right. A love believed lost will return to you with renewed affection. Beware of strange intentions and the color red. Aquarius. Be beautiful, especially in appearance. Rewards are in the offing. You will give to others the unexpected today. An Aquarian will have great influence over others. Organized con- fusion. Sylvia, who asks to remain anonymous, will be writing a daily horoscope for this page. f x 'F \P1 e y{ '" F N S. lsr=. r 'L Y.,II(E5 Publishers-Hall Syndicate, 1973 THE MILWAU.KEE JOURNAL t 1He110, chief? A funny thing happened to me right after I left your office.' New tact for r I 11 1 Qtg4 5 ./ / " \ I l 1 p TRY 11YD 5 t i Letters to The Daily Nixon budget To The Daily: I AM extremely distressed by President Nixon's recently propos- ed budgetary cuts effecting var- ious anti-poverty agencies. Spec- ifically, I am angered at his pro- posal to cut the funds for the Office of Economic Opportunity. As a member of the academic community in Ann Arbor, I have spent a great deal of time dis- cussing "relevant social issues". I strongly believe that it is time for all of us to take an active and a pragmatic step by raising a public outcry against these propos- ed cutbacks. In our community now, there is the real possibility of the termina- tion of an organization that is in- volved in delivering essential social services to low-income families. Our local branch of OEO has been instrumental in creating a network of service delivery focusing on the issues of housing, youth programs, gency Services Fund was distribut- ed in 1972, servicing 1355 clients. The breakdown is as follows: Clothing ($2,689 - 165 clients); emergency housing ($500 - 36 clients); food stamps ($2,412 - 357 clients); furniture ($17,149 - 486 clients); housing ($9,484 - 1 9 3 clients); medical/dental ($723 - 19 clients); and utilities ($1,238 - 99 clients). It is apparent that the continua- tion of the operations of OEO is of extreme importance to the Ann Arbor community. Those of us who feel committed to the continuation of this essential agency must take a stand now. The current situation is such that public support can have some impact on the future of this service. I strongly urge people in the academic community to support continued OEO funding by writing a letter, and either sending the let- ter directly to Senators Philip Hart and Robert Griffin, Old Senate By CHARLES THOMAS Jr. and FRED ZERMACK POOR AND black communities either do not own and control the services in their communities or there simply are none. Wealth and resources evaporate from the -ommunity rather than multiplying to build the area. Only the ability to address the total environment f a community will change the current systems into ones that are Iontrolled by and genuinely serve the people they affect. Architects, planners and engineers are the professionals who design t h e s e systems. Therefore, the Washtenaw Coun- ty Black Economic Development League would like to announce that in the future all policies, proposals, and projects that it undertakes will be done in conjunction w i t h the Community Development Cen- ter which the BEDL is co-sponsor- ing with the Huron Valley Chapter of the American Institute of Ar- chitects. These programs include, but are not limited to, those af- fecting governmental units, hous- ing, mass media, transportation, industry, public agencies, private firms, educational or medical in- stitutions, or dealing with the gei- eral planning and allocation of the resources in this area. issue statements and plans within the community. In explanation: A Commiv Development Can- ter is a place where professional architects, planp. ers and engineers come to offer their skills free-of- charge to low-income and black communities, people for whom these services have been previous- ly unavailabl. In this case, architects and pla 1- ners will bring ideas and e x p e r- ience from a four county area. The Huron Valley Chapter of the AIA includes all of Washtenaw, Mon- roe, Livingston and Lenawee cou'i- ties, over 2,000 square miles. This is their only Community Develop- ment Center. It was made ps- sible by the BEDL who is pr - viding the laad, equipment, offico space and operating costs for the Center. The Center will be direct- ed by David R. Byrd who is vic°- president of the Huron V a I1 e v Chapter of the AIA. His office wil: be part of the physical facilities. These design professionals ir able to create plans from the re- habilitation of a single-family home to comprehensive plans for whole communities, including land u ; e evaluation, property assessment and equalizatior They will create original plans, conceive alterna- !?EDL of its combined expertise to create plans as their clients themselves perceive their needs. THIS IS only the 71st CDC in the nation and is preparing to han- :1le such projects as transportation systems; mass communication sys- tems - radio, TV, cable systems;- community centers; inter-city com- mercial facilities; youth activity centers; multi-family housing; comprehensive r e d e v e I opment plans; medical facilities; nursing homes; child care facilities; single- house renovation or rehabilitation; ,expressway alternatives; educa- tional facilities; mini-parks; neigh- borhood recreational planning; cul- tural facilities; church renovation; service agency renovations or ad- ditions; plans to be used by all funding agencies and governn'ient institutions; as well as services such as mini-work shops on com- munity development, architecture edudation programs, general con- sultation, graphic design, engineer- ing studies, land use and ecology studies. COMBINED with the BEDL's ability to actually undertake con- struction and rehabilitation, t h e plans of the CDC will become a vi- brant approach to decaying areas. Design, construction, jobs, training to acquire skills, education a nid 4 i i i f «tiG^V' Ilke , I