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February 20, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-02-20

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See Editorial Page


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See Today for details

Vol. LXXXIII, No. 117 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, February 20, 1973 Ten Cents

Ten Pages


Kissinger - Eastern

l ders confer

Energy crises over?
It now looks as though the Great Energy Crisis of 1973 is over
-at least as far as the University is concerned. According to
Jack Weidenbach, University director of physical properties and
plant extension, Michigan Consolidated Gas Company will resume
gas delivery around Feb. 25 "unless something unforeseen
happens." The University has been operating solely on reserves
since delivery was cutoff Jan. 14
Prof in car crash
Katherine Organski, local political scientist and journalist
was killed in an auto crash last week and her husband-well
known political science Prof. A. F. K. Organski-was seriously
injured. Organski is at present in St. Joseph Hospital in Guelph,
Ontario. News of the accident, which happened last Thursday,
was withheld until yesterday so that next of kin could be notified.
Mini-courses approved
Eight of the University's one credit, pass/fail mini-courses
have been approved for offering this winter. Classes are offered
on topics ranging from "Iran and Non-Iran: the Plateau and its
Borders" to "Natural and Synthetic Oxides" and everything in
between. Check it out-a complete list and more information can
be had from the Angell Hall counseling offices or by dialing
Point 1 (763-0390).
Happenings .. .
. . . are largely geared to the academically inclined .
most tittilating lecture of the day will be by Cleve Backster, the
man who talks to plants. Backster will enlighten you about your
vegetable friends at Hill Aud, at 3 p.m. and at Rackham Aud.
at 4 p.m. . . . Natural Resources students can have "Doughnuts
with the Dean" from 10:30-11:30 a.m., 2030 School of Natural
Resources . . . at noon catch a 50 cent lunch at the International
Center courtesy of the Ecumenical Campus Center . . . from
6 p.m. until -10 p.m. you can attend the UAC "1973 Creative Arts
Festival" at the Nat Sci Aud-it's free . . . at 3 p.m. political
science is featured at the LSA Coffee Hour,.6602 Haven . . . and
'U' Folk Dancers will sponsor a Rumanian Dance workshop in
the Women's Old Athletic Bldg. on Forest from 7:30 until 10:00
p.m.-$1.50 admission ... have fun
Back to normal?
The POWs never come back the same. Richard Springman,
who recently returned from a Viet Cong prison camp wearing
beads and a peace symbol has been dubbed by the Army as
displaying "classic prisoner of war withdrawal symptoms."
Springman was taken to Letterman Hospital in Cottonwood, Ariz.
for treatment of ,'periods of disorientation, mood changes and
withdrawal." But all is not lost. According to an Army spokesman,
Springman has shown "marked improvement in the past 48
Hold the mushrooms!
The Food and Drug Administration yesterday announced the
nation's first pizza recall. The offending pizzas, frozen pies made
by the Fabbrini Family Foods of Ossineke, Mich., may contain
mushrooms contaminated with deadly botulism toxin. The com-
pany obtained the tainted mushrooms from the United Canning
Co. of East Plaestine, Ohio.
British preppies
British preppies at crusty Eton College are in revolt. It
seems their profs, absent-minded old men, forget to dismiss
classes on time. The student's battle plan to keep the profs on
their toes includes shuffling their feet, refusing to answer ques-
tions, and if all else fails turning over chairs. Sounds like they're
just picking up on some of our old tricks.
On the inside .,..
. . . Associate Arts Editor Diane Levick writes about
John Denver and his recent concert here . . . the mysterious
and generally cosmic Sylvia begins her horoscope "Sylvia's
Signs" on the Editorial Page . . . and sports writer Marc
Feldman previews the upcoming NCAA tournament on the
Sports Page.
The weather picture
Another gloomy, gray February day is in store for us
today. It will be mostly cloudy with a chance of snow this
morning. High sometime this afternoon will be in the 30s
and it will be cloudy and cold (around 20) tonight. Winds
will be from the northwest at 10-15 m.p.h. Bah!

China talks end
Reuters Staff Writer
PEKING-Chinese Prime Minister Chou En-Lai yester-
day described his talks here with President Nixon's spe-
cial envoy, Henry Kissinger as "very good."
The Premier made the comment less than 12 hours
after Kissinger's departure for Tokyo following a four-
day visit to Peking.
Chou and other Chinese leaders looked buoyant and con-
fident as they attended a banquet last night at the Great
Hall of the People for Begum Bhutto, wife of Pakistani
President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, who is on a visit here.
Asked by a correspondent how the talks with Kissinger
had gone, Chou said "very good."
Although Chou and the Chinese leadership have re-
mained tight-lipped about the talks, diplomats here are
confident that they will lead to some form of American
diplomatic representation in Peking this year.
Kissinger's nearly 20 hours of talks here were crowned
with a two-hour meeting with Chairman Mao Tse-Tung.
Western diplomats here said they believed that the meet-
ing with Chairman Mao must herald a new era in rela-
tions between China and the United States.
Diplomats here said the breakthrough in relations soon
might involve a U.S. commitment to reduce troops in
See KISSINGER, Page 10

Reports to Tokyo
Associated Press Writer
TOKYO - Henry Kissinger filled in Japan's leaders
yesterday on his talks in Hanoi and Peking, dined at a
geisha house and headed for hometo report.
The talks between President Nixon's foreign affairs
advisor and Japanese leaders reportedly centered on Kis-
singer's Saturday meeting with Chairman Mao- Tse-
Nothing was made public on the subject but Herb Klein,
White House director of communication, indicated an an-
nouncement would be made on Kissinger's arrival in
Washington at 3:30 today.
Foreign Minister Masayoshi Ohira, who joined Prime
Minister Kakuei Tanaka for an hour and 40 minutes of
talks with Kissinger, said the Japanese received the gist
of the talks with Mao. But Ohira said he had been asked
not to make any disclosure.
Ohira told newsmen that the talks covered a wide spec-
trum of subjects, including Vietnam reconstruction, the
international monetary situation and China's relations with
the United States and Japan.
Sources close to the American delegation said there
had been an important advance against speculation that
it involved anything so major as the establishment of

Kissinger confers with Tanaka in Tokyo








'Viet war rage s
d espite appealis
By The AP and Reuters
SAIGON - South Vietnamese troops and communist forces yester-
day stepped up their battle for control of disputed territory, despite
appeals from international ceasefire supervisors for a halt to the
Ambassador Michael Gauvin of Canada, chairman of the Interna-
tional Commission of Control and Supervision, said the cease-fire
failure as well as the delay of the central Joint Military Commission in
becoming fully operative, has presented the ICCS with "serious prob-
lems in meeting its obligations."
The Saigon command claimed that cease-fire violations have soared
past the 4,000 mark and alleged these total Vietnamese casualties
since the cease-fire officially went into effect on Jan. 28:
North Vietnamese and Viet Cong - 7,186 killed, 195 captured;
South Vietnamese military - 1,259 killed, 5,837 wounded, 922 miss-
Civilian - 103 killed, 373 wounded, 497 abducted.
Gauvin said the commission will begin deploying cease-fire teams
to 14 of 26 sites tomorrow. The deployment is expected to be com-
pleted before the Feb. 26 deadline stipulated in the Paris agreement.
Maj Gen. Duncan McAlpine, Canadian chairman of the com-
mission's military committee, said safety was the paramount con-
sideration in selecting only 14 sites at present.
"It goes without saying that we would not want to go to places
like Quang Tri and Gio Linh," said McAlpine. "These places are still
very much in a state of contestation. Obviously, also we've got to be
very careful about how we approach the western delta."
Quang Tri and Gio Linh are just below the demilitarized zone, an
area of South Vietnam where the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong have
held considerable territory since they occupied most of the province
in an offensive last spring.
Gauvin reported that the International Commission of Control and
Supervision also decided to send a team into the field today to investi-
gate, at the request of the United States, the shooting down of an un-
arned American helicopter on a peacekeeping mission last Friday
near An Loc, 60 miles north of Saigon. Five crewmen were wounded,
one critically, and the United States blamed the Viet Cong.
The commission is made up of representatives of Poland, Hun-
gary, Indonesia and Canada. A temporary Joint Military Commission,
designed to support the peacekeeping body in policing the cease-fire,
is composed of delegations from the United States, North and South
Vietnam and the Viet Cong. It is supposed to operate on the basis of
inanimity but has been slowed by bickering.
The peace agreement provides for 825 personnel on each delegation
of the Joint Military Commission. The United States and North andj
See FIGHTING, Page 7
---- - -- -- -- - -
- t

z victor
No upsets in
small turnout
In the closest race of an otherwise uneventful,
low-turnout primary election yesterday, Frank
Shoichet was selected by Second Ward voters to
run as the Human Rights Party candidate for
City Council in the April 2 general elections.
Shoichet turned back a serious challenge from
R nbow Peoples Party member David Sinclair,
who had mounted an extensive campaign.
Shoichet received 436 votes to Sinclair's 344, while
candidates Lisa North and Alexander Stephenson
received 128 and 21 votes respectively.
"I think we won through dogged persistency,"
said Shoichet last night. "We just kept doing
what we set out to do, talking with a lot of
people on a one to one basis."
Sinclair had no comment on his defeat, though
he congratulated Shoichet at the winner's victory
party. RPP is expected to support Shoichet in
Bea Kaimowitz won the HRP mayoral primary
with 1173 votes defeating Ann Bobroff, 471,
Richard Steinhart, 209, and David Allen with 92.
Kaimowitz had been favored by most observers.
Democratic mayoral hopeful Franz Mogdis
easily beat opponents Robert Elton and John
Feiner while Republican James Stephenson
swamped Louis Ernst, 4,862 to 419.
There were two other city council primary
races decided yesterday. In the third ward, Re-
publican party favorite Robert Henry defeated
challenger Roger Bertoia 1,254 to 664, while
Democrats in the Fourth Ward chose Ethel Lewis
over Carl Hollie, 706 to 194. Lewis had been
expected to win in that ward.
The low turnout probably helped Shoichet, who
ran a well organized campaign.
Sinclair, the brother of John Sin-
clair, probably had greater name
identification with voters, and con-
ducted a high powered campaign.
But results indicate that the masses
of dorm students at whom he aimed
much of his appeal turned out in
small numbers. Shoichet's organ-
osed conduct ization was able to marshal party
d to the As- regulars, to turn the tide in his
ept. Chairman favor.
former chair- The low turnout also made it
bly, and Law difficult to assess how the winners
rt. of yesterday's balloting will do in
mingly passed April. For example, in the First
f 42-3. Ward, traditionally a Democratic
I supplant the bastion, Republican David Wiarda
duct code im- was able to garner almost 500
s at the time votes, leaving him only 50 votes
Movement in behind popular Democratic incum-
the height of bent Norris Thomas. Thomas is
at the Univer- expected to win easily in April.
the Regents Voter turnout was 20 per cent.
late a new set The following people contribut-
ed to the Daily's election cover-
ed its first set age: David Burhenn, Gordon
of 1971, which Atcheson, Terry Martin, and Ann
, Page 7 Rauma.

SECOND WARD HRP primary candidates Frank Shoichet and David Sinclair pass
out literature convincing passers-by that each is best in yesterday's city primary.
Shoichet edged Sinclair by a narrow mar gin.
Faculty vetoes racial

v Business
}pieks new
The new Senior Business Mana-
gers of The Daily officially took
office yesterday to serve for the
next 12 months.
Appointed two weeks ago by the
outgoing seniors, the group if six
s will control The Daily's advertising
and circulation functions as well
as the budget and all expendi-
Heading. the group is Business
Manager Bill Blackford, a Resi-
dential College junior from Los
Angeles concentrating in political
eri~~~nrP~ Pwilirrth nrp

The faculty yesterday narrowly
voted to oppose voluntary racial
identifications on University job ap-
plications, on the grounds that such
information might be "misused."
Yesterday's meeting of Senate
Assembly, the faculty representa-
tive body, also approved a pro-
posed new set of conduct rules for
the University community-leaving
approval by the Regents as the
sole obstacle to the rules' imple-
The "misuse" of the racial iden-
tifi nt't" f1 dnvAl b tha nn

Members of the
troubled, however,<
term consequencest
fication. A repres
Civil Liberties Bo
group, reported the
ious reservations"
worrying that th
might be misusedd
inal intentions.
The faculty also
possibility of a raci
form presented sepa
actual job applicati
unenthusiastic, how

Assembly were Regents, the prop
about the long- rules were presente
of racial identi- sembly by History D
entative of the Gerhard Weinberg,f
ard, a faculty man of the Assemb
Board's "ser- Professor Robert Bu
about the plan, Assembly overwhel
ze information the rules by a vote o
despite its orig- The new rules wil
Interim Rules, a con
discussed the posed by the Regent
al identification of the Black Action
arately from the the spring of 1970-
ron. Varner was student protest here
'ever, maintain- sity. At that time,
wour, miregardcreated UC to formu
would disregard of conduct rules.
The council propos
the University' of rules in February
e request of the See FACULTY


ing that nnnlicants i

titcaton earea n te Dan's OD u it dplaiL

caUZ~it Kin l Uy p llcPCI P-
ponents involves discrimination
against or in favor of minorities.
The motion to oppose racial ID,
which is only advisory, passed by
a margin of 21-18 and now goes to
the Regents who will make the
final decision.
Affirmative Action Director Nel-
lie Varner presented the case for
racial identification on job appli-
cations to the Assembly. She claim-
ed that the primary purpose of such
identification would be to help'
evaluate how efficiently the Univer-
sity is meeting government require-'
ments for minority employment.

a separate form.
Drawn up by1
Council (UC) at th


WASHINGTON (P) - For those that thought the nuclear
submarine was the ultimate in undersea weapons, look again.
According to CBS, the Navy has trained dolphins to plant and
retrieve intelligence devices, attack enemy devices and place
However, the head of the sea mammal program, Harris
Stone, special assistant for intelligence of the Bureau of Naval
operations, said there was no truth to reports of a "kamikaze
porpoise" trained to carry explosives and blow up submarines.
CBS Newsman Morley Safer said on the "60 minutes"

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