I .... :PETE TI AlI:":::::lUITr"i :::"::?i' i f':.:. IlC idtrifan Da4 Eightytwo years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Rockefeller s heroin plan a bit rocky k. 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1973 The risks of Phase Three LWAYS FULL of surprises, President ' Nixon. yesterday took the generally unexpected action of dropping nearly all wage-price controls except those regulat- ing food, health and construction costs. While scrapping most of the Phase Two controls, the President outlined his goal of holding inflation down to two and one- half per cent in 1973.- The President plans to achieve this goal through "jawboning"-which relies on voluntary cooperation on the part of business and labor-backed by the threat that wage-price controls might be rein- stated if flagrant violations occur. It is too early to predict whether the "Jawboning" will work, but suchecono- mists as Walter Heller of the University of Minnesota and Noble Prize-winner Paul Samuelson predict that inflation could climb to a rate of four per cent or more during the coming year. THE FACT that such methods failed early in the Nixon administration before the advent of controls dims the outlook for their success now. The Phase Two controls did not cut in- flation from a rate of six per cent in 1971', to approximately three and one-half per cent last year, but it may be difficult or Impossible to halt inflation without strict controls. After all, even with Phase Two controls December saw the highest monthly increase in the price of food since 1951. It is also questionable whether volun- tary cooperation can keep profits within the President's guidelines. Organized la- bor in particular criticized Phase Two for allowing profits to increase while clamping down on wages. Hence, not only will it be harder for the Nixon adminis- tration to keep prices and profits in line, but the government will also have to contend with unions that may consider themselves belatedly "unleashed." STUDENTS at the University may quickly feel the pinch of rising prices, possibly in the form of rent in- creases. As much as it may keep tabs on this country's industrial and business concerns, the government probably won't be paying too much attention to rent in- creases by local realtors. Controlling inflation is tricky business, and few if any economists insist they have the final answer to the problem. Hopefully, the President's new policy will be more successful than the old one. The risk is great, however, that "jawboning" will be less effective than Phase Two. -ERIC SCHOCH DESPAIR BREEDS desperate meas- ures, and Nelson Rockefeller's sug- gestions for dealing with the narcotics plague are the children of despair. They all sound very clean and surgically neat. Mandatory life sentences for pushers. No more plea bargaining. No parole. The end of youthful offender treatment for pushers under 19. Get tough. Crack down. The problem is that Rockefeller is deal- ing with only a section of the problem, and nobody knows it better than he does. In his State of the State message, Rockefeller says: "In this state, we have tried every possible approach through education and treatment - hop- ing that we could rid society of this disease and drastically reduce mugging on the streets and robbing in the homes." THAT STATEMENT is a lie. The state simply has not tried "every possible ap- proach." It has spent $1 billion, but much of that money went to bureaucratic rip- offs, to fancy posters and glossy pamph- lets and other media junk that had noth- ing to do with the causes of drug addi- ction, and it went to a pitifully small number of programs that tried to deal with the problem, but had to fail be- cause of the inadequacy of the funding. We have at least 200,000 heroin ad- dicts in this city, according to the best estimates I can find; if we have ever had more than 15,000 addicts in treat- ment at one time I'd be thoroughly sur- prised. Rockefeller's "every possible approach" did not include the one approach that has worked in the Western world, I mean the British system. This system re- cognizes that some people are heroin addicts, that addiction (as even Rocke- feller admits) is a disease, and that some heroin adicts should receive heroin for Academic Daily Photo by TOM GOTTLIEB the same reason that diabetes victims receive insulin. It is not a perfect system; but there are about 400 addicts in London, and 200,000 in New York, so they must be doing something right. I believe that this session of the State Legislature should enact very t o u g h narcotic laws. But they should be much broader than what Rockefeller is pro- posing. An ideal law would connect the British system to the Rockefeller crack- down. IN OTHER WORDS, the state wo'!id say to the addict that after a certain date he would be able to get a regular main- tenance dose of heroin, according to his needs, dispensed at health stations, pub- lic hospitals, or a system of supplement- games: ary clinics. To get that dose, he must register, receive a punch card bearing his picture, and get the dose on the premises; no heroin should be taken home. That registered addict would have free access to whatever psychiatric counsel- ing he needs; he would be able to regis- ter at a special addicts' job placement agency; he would have access to social workers who might help repair the ac- cumulated injuries of his years in the life. If he continues registered for 18 months, he might even be given an amnesty for past narcotics-related cri;n- es, which would restore some of the rights he lost to the monkey. All city addicts would be given six Scholarship is to register, from the date the ation is made law. Any addict who ers after that cut-off date would to reveal the name of the person ddicted him, and agree to appear witness against that pusher in a of law (the way federal health rities try to track down the car- of bubonic plague or smallpox.) rER THE registration period is then some of Rockefeller's propos- ould be perfectly acceptable. Some r cent of our addicts have tried hand at pushing, to support their habits. If the state relieves them need to feed their own habits, and i operate as pushers out of greed Mme malign psychological need, to I pain, then they should be put till operate as pushers out of greed r rob people would then be sent- as muggers and robbers, as they 1 be. British system has some flaws and have to be modified to fit local ions. But its institution would at contain the present addict popula- because there would be no profit oin anymore, and therefore no need kate new consumers. ockefeller and the Legislature just the present boldly punitive laws, won't be jails large enough to hold body. The cops, the jails, and the > cannot handle the cases they now and to suggest that more of the will solve the problem is to raise to an emotional pitch, without being able to put your solutions in- ect. E BRITISH SYSTEM, combined the toughest possible penalties, is mly real solution for the most des- problem this city has ever faced. rabble-rousing politics is not. success apparent that he is ignorant c this work. Professors tend to play Outflank by referring to old books graduate students will not have read, graduate students tend to focus on recent books professors will not have read. Ray Gozzi writes a weekly col- umn entitled "Maggie's Farm" for the Yale Daily News. a tI r Court orders police restraint THE EXTENSIVE MANHUNT for the three Detroit men suspected in the shooting of the six STRESS officers has reached the limits of police brutality. For the past two weeks the black com- munity has been plagued by numerous il- legal search proceedings and unwarrant- ed arrests. Homes have been broken into Sports Staff JOHN PAPANEK Sports Editor ELLIOT LEGOW Executive Sports Editor BILL ALTERMAN ........... Associate Sports Editor BOB ANDREW............. Assistant Sports Editor SANDI GERM ............. Assistant Sports Editor RANDY PILLTPS ........ Contributing Sports Editor MICHAEL OLIN .......... Contributing Sports Editor cRUCK DRUKIS ........ Contributing Sports Editor JOEL GREER ............ Contributing Sports Editor SPORTS NIGHT EDITORS: Chuck Bloom, Dan Borus, Mare Feldman, George Hastings, Bob Heuer, Frank Longo, Bob Mc~inn, Roger Rossiter, Rich Stuck. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Brian Deming, Jim Ecker, Mike Lash, Mark Ronan, Bob Simon, Theresa Swedo, Robin Wagner. Janet McIntosh, Marcia Merker, Mike Pritula, STAFF: Jeff Chown, Richard Flaherty, Fred Lucas, Business Staff ANDY GOLDING Business Manager BILL ABBOTT ............Associate Business Manager FRANCINE SCHERGER ............Personnel Manager PAUL WENZLOFF ...............Promotions Manager STEVE EVSEEFF ................Circulation Manager DEPARTMENT MANAGERS, ASSOCIATES, AND AS- SISTANTS: William Blackford, Sherry Kastle, Ray Catalino, Linda Coleman, Jim Dykema, Sandy Fien- berg, L'Tanya Haith, Dave Lawson, Elliot Legow, Caryn Miller. STAFF AND TRAINEES: Joan Ades, Esat All, Dawn Bare, Michele Becker, Roy Chernus, Linda Cycow- ski, Donald East, Michele Engel, Harriet, Erlick, Deborah Geistein, Gregg Gunnel, Bo Hartrick, Nancy Karp, Cynthia Kaufman, Alan Klein, Steve LeMire, Beryl Levine, Jon Licht, Mike Luerich, Joyce Mc- Clendon, Carol Meyer, Paula Schwach; Valerie Sief- man, Ton Slykhouse, Edward Stieg, John Totte, Daral Voss, Debra Weglarz, Jonnie Williams, San- dra Wronski. STAFF ARTIST: Denny Dittmar. by unidentified policemen and innocent people have been arrested on charges of "suspected harboring of fugitives." How- ever, all these tactics have proved futile and have merely served to disrupt the black community. The family and friends of the three suspects are particularly suspectible to this unusual treatment. The mistreat- ment has reached such a peak that seven of the suspects' family members have filed a suit in Wayne County Circuit Court for damages occurred in police searches. Circuit Court Judge Thomas Foley is- sued a temporary injunction Wednesday ordering Detroit police not to harass the family and neighbors of the three men. THE PLAINTIFFS charge that the po- lice entered their homes without war- rants and tore the furniture apart. Were the police hoping to find the men stuffed inside the furniture? The suit also states that a police ser-, geant phoned one of the plaintiffs and threatened to "blow the place up." Foley's order restrains the police from searching the homes of the accused men's families or immediate neighbors without a search warrant or "other legal right." But as a police spokesman pointed out, the law permits a policeman to enter a building without a search warrant if he has reason to believe that he will find a criminal inside. This may unfortunately lead to con- tinuing harassment of blacks despite the inj unction. -DENISE GRAY Today's staff: News: Prakash Aswani, Pat Bauer, David Grossman, Charles Stein, Teri Ter- rell, Ralph Vartebedian, Rebecca Warner Editorial Page: Denise Gray, Ted Stein Arts Page: Richard Glatzer Photo Technician: Rolfe Tessem By RAY GOZZI AS YOU MAY have noticed, much of academic life consists of giving the impression that you possess great knowledge when, of course, you don't. Many are the occasions when you must appear to have something to say, when you don't. Several techniques have arisen to meet these situations, and they are widely employed by pro- fessors and students alike. The best of these games are virtually foolproof, and provide the game-player with methods to parlay a superficial understand- ing of a book, !thinker, or issue, into what appears to be a thought- ful, critical, intellectual response. In the interest of making these valuable survival techniques avail- able to all, I list below five of the basic games. All they require is a desire to win, as opposed to a desire to understand. Once the de- sire to win is properly inculcated, the game-player will in fact see no difference between winning the game and understanding his ma- terial, which is a most useful at- titude to possess. HAZE. With determination, even the most brilliant clear book or article can be proved vague, inde- terminate, imprecise. Haze is 100 per cent effective be- cause no author or speaker ever defines his terms perfectly, and al- ways uses some undefined terms. "Yet the author does not ever tell us just what he means by capi- talism." Any comparative study at all can be instantly Hazed: "Certainly the defining features of Fascism in Spain are different in certain as- pects from those in Italy, yet the author insists upon treating these movements as equivalent." STRAW MAN. Any argument, in any book, will have qualifying phrases strewn liberally about. It takes only a minimum of effort to disregard these, and the phrase "Essentially, Bottomly is contend- ing that . . ." will allow any Straw Man to be set up that one wishes. This means that only a few ba- sic arguments need be mastered in any given field, and the Straw Man approach will allow one to fit any book, however new, into these basic arguments, about which a long string of prepared remarks can be trotted out. Thus at one stroke the appearance of thoughtfulness is maintained and any truly new thoughts, which might require actual consideration, can be disregarded. BONGO - BONGO. At times it takes some effort, but there will always be a Bongo - Bongo. "The author claims that individualistic religion leads to achievement orientation, however the Bongo- Bongo possess a highly individual- istic religion and have been de- scribed as inordinately lazy." Any attempt to generalize, how- ever cautious, can be Bongo- Bongoed even if no specific coun- ter - examples are known, by the simple technique of suggesting that the work of some other schcolar has led to different implications. This will always be true. The simple fact that a dispute exists is usually enough to discred- it the generalization. "The author's conclusions differ from those of Professor Bongo-Bongo, and per- haps we should look for fresh re- search in the area before these is- sues are settled." Note the appearance of judicious fair - mindedness, really a cover for an inability to decide issues of substance. Only a minimum stock of names needs to be kept for Bongo - Bongo to be effective, es- pecially when used in conjunction with Straw Man. Bongo - Bongo has the added advantage of pro- longing academic disputes, mak- ing them in principle unresolvable, providing much - needed oppor- tunities for publication. CHUCKLE. There is something grotesque about much academic laughter: it sounds as if it were coming from a tomb. This is be- cause many occasions for laugh- ter are really not funny, but rather are parts of power plays: "Well, Hornswager may think that, (Chuckle,) but of course his argu- ment is circular." This game is best played in a seminar or at a cocktail party, but it has occasionally led to some pon- derous attempts at humor in print. It is most effective in setting up Straw Man or reinforcing a Bongo- Bongo, by diverting attention from the substance of the argument to calling upon the listener to Chuckle along and therefore agree, regard- less of his own thinking. OUTFLANK. Whenever, for one reason or another, the situation. becomes desperate, you can Out- flank your adversary by dropping a new biographical reference: "I believe that Millikan's recent book dealt with that problem." Your adversary will not have read Millikan-if, indeed, Millikan exists - and will not wish to con- tinue the discussion lest it become Letters to The Daily Feldkamp under fire To The Daily: AS A RESIDENT advisor at Mosher-Jordan I feel obligated to respond to John Feldkamp's letter of Jan. 9. I agree with him that the quality of The Daily's report- ing in its article on South Quad was shabby and irresponsible, but I must disagree with him when in the process of defending one of the dorms he himself makes harm- fll implications, uses misleading statistics, and utilizes specious ar- guments that denigrate Mosher- Jordan. The staff of our dorm is fully aware that a real problem exists here in terms of the composition of our resident body. Feldkamp is fully correct when he calls Mosher- Jordan a 'white ghetto". However, he implies, intentionally or not, that there has been very little ef- fort on the part om our claim to integrate. This implication is false. When Feldkamp is comparing the return rates of Mosher-Jordan and South Quad (in itself a mini-course in "how to lie with statistics") he neglects to point out that our rates would have been even higher if our building director, Sharon Gensler, had not requested that 40 per cent of our spaces be kept open for in- coming freshmen. Indeed, Mosher-Jordan w o u I d have had almost 100 per cent up- perclassmen. In implimenting this unprecedented measure, Sharon's intention was to give minority stu- dents at least a chance to live in the dorm. In another effort along this line, Sharon enlisted the help of black recruiters going to pre- dominantly black high schools in Detroit, encouraging blacks to live in Mosher-Jordan. As a final measure, Sharon re- quested that 50 spaces be kept open until the end of August, so as not to make us a "closed" dorm. I should reiterate t h a t all of the above actions were ini- tiated by Sharon Gensler, n o t the Housing Office. It strikes me as extremely ironic that in his letter to The Daily as well as in other forums (Hous- ing Bulletin, meetings with staff's of other dorms) Feldkamp prefers to see himself as the noble white knight of racial justic and Mosher- Jordan as his stubborn adversary. In fact, it appears to me as though every time our dorm makes an effort to alleviate the problem, he jumps on the bandwagon, takes promised for the sake of statistics is unacceptable. The situation is a difficult one, and Feldkamp's in- niendos to the effect that Mosher- Jordan is intentionally racist and negligent are certainly not helping matters. -Ralph Helmick Jan. 10 South Quad solution? To The Daily: AFTER READING letters to The D a i l y concerning the article "South Quad: Beset with Quiet Ten-, sion," I was greatly relieved to find that the director of housing is a liberal. From John Feldkamp's letter of Dec. 15, I too was con- vinced that this was no issue for rationality and that, like F e I d- kamp, we must all resort to naive liberalism to solve South Quad's al- leged problems. Applying his dubious reasoning I have formulated a solution to our housing dilemma. If we lower South Quad's atrocious number of blacks and use them to dissolve Mosher-Jordan's white ghetto, we will accomplish several desired goals. First, this plan will lower South Quad's tensions and alleged crimes by spreading it around and also it will keep blacks in the mi- nority of both dorms where they belong. But even before we can achieve quotas we must first find out which housing applicants are black and which are white. Present housing applications do not indicate race or religion. Perhaps we should in- vestigate the Ouija board techni- que now employed by the housing office for the purpose of deflect- ing blacks to South Quad. Some- how we must integrate both dorms without adding a race criterion to the application form. I propose that we wait until after the first day of classes and then desegre- gate the dorms by busing. Despite the convincing arguments of both Feldkamp, housing direct- or, and myself, some die-hards still argue for freedom of choice. If they were right, I would agree with them. However, this freedom of choice cannot remain as long as Catholics, Jews, Orientals and Chi- canos continue to covet the plush white suburb of Mosher-Jordan. -Robert Caine Jan. 10 ciety" and the free world. At the present time we do not have any type of outside or inside sponsorship, nor are we recognized by the administration here. We are working to remedy both of these situations , within the eery n e a r future. We have recently become aware of various community organizations and individuals who hold sympa- thetic views towards prisoners' rights and the goal of community control of prisons. We peel that any exchange of information would be enlightening and beneficial both to us and to you, the concerned mem- bers of the local community. We are currently "thinking in terms of a workshop format to cov- er such topics as ,Communications Media, Community Organizing, Sex- ism, Ecology, History of the Amer- ican Left, etc. We need films, video tape, letters of support, speakers, creative energies and other crea- tive inputs generated fram outside these walls. If you feel that you. can h e I p please write to Roger Mintzer, No. 1056 or Ray Fortman, No. 10672 with your ideas, suggestions and any physical support you ma! be able to offer. The least you could do would be to acknowledge t h i s letter to help us in our struggle for recognition here at Milan. -Prisoners' Cultural' Collective FCI, Milan Jan. 8 Office space To The Daily: I SEE (Dec., 10 Daily) that SGC member Bill Dobbs is trying to unload some surplus office space. I have a suggestion for its use. At one time there were five music practice rooms in the Union. SGC appropriated two of them (pos- sibly as storage space for the lion- tamer's act, it's hard to know for certain). / Wouldn't it be sensible for SGC to make use of Dobbs' space and to re-dedicate one of the rooms to music? There is a notorious short- age of places to practice on the central campus, and a lot of prac- ticing can be done in the time it takes to get to the School of Mb- sic, which itself is crowded. Be- sides, Fellini's devotion aside, it can be forcibly argued that, as a cultural activity, music should take precedence over circus. -M. Easley 11 Dec. SALES: Dave Burleson, Bob Fischer, Ray Nurnl, Alexandra Paul, Ricki Treblin, Debbie Whiting. Karen Laakko, Rusting, M'e TC F7ACP h o~A{er6 TS tos 05S O v9JOUAQPSTHE OF 4OWI UP ( U i COM41AT FU 1I{E Wk)E-1YHAS -kip- NAPUP J3('9 MOW 11, FAM6 Q HtAM~ IOJPI QR ;OF QT H V(hXk-t 60 f 5A T-O NHAMQ( W&)O U$H LK)CAVRC~L2o OF OVpOMGM- U7Q§ OF LWAM AS PR~i'U&) I AM -I 1.U&)6 QO FACE A[-k4OST AMY7h lIkS . WCLU HV c ACUU2 TAU&YF$ Ak)12 E- CRiIAJAT(OM AT Tic CZXffpEJcc BO7" I CAIJ&T FACE6T&1~5 OF M~