I Us1e Sitnn Daihj Eighty-two years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Mayoral candidates state positions 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1973 A debt. toAmericans as wel HOW IRONIC. After years of record amounts of bombing of North Viet- nam, President Nixon is now forging ahead with his plan to fund a massive foreign aid program to that country. Of course, some of the same irony ex- isted. after World War II when the United States rebuilt Europe and laid the foun- dations for the economic power that Germany and Japan possess today. But there were some differences. After World War II the wartime governments of Germany and Japan no longer existed, and so the German and Japanese gov- ernments were no longer our enemies. However, the government of North Vietnam -today is the same one which Richard Nixon considered to be the ene- my of the United States not even two months ago. The only difference is that now the United States has made peace with the North Vietnamese government. Aid there is no doubt that the United States, after years of destructive bomb- ing, has a moral obligation to the North Vietnamese to help them rebuild. T IF THIS country can effectively forget the past with North Vietnam, if Richard Nixon can travel, neotiate and improve relations with the Peonle's Renublic of China and the Soviet Union, whih Nixon has considered to be ene- ines of the United States, then why can't Richard Nixon grant amnesty? After all, those who avoided or battled the draft were American citizens whose only crimes were that they could not morally sunport the United States' ac- tions in Vietnam. At the same time, the North Vietna- riese, to whom we may give and much as two and a half billion dollars, are avowed communists who killed nearly 50,000 American soldiers. It is hard to see how Richard TNixon, the long-time anti-communist, can log- ically justify aid to North Vietnam and a hard-line attitude towards draft re- sisters at the same time. The President's thinking seems a lit- tle fuzzy from another-point of view as well, as Congress is now pointing out. ACCORDING TO administration logic, aid to North Vietnam is needed, but aid to the United States is not. The fed- eral budget proposed by the President provides drastic cutbacks in approxi- mately one hundred domestic programs. The Nixon administration believes that these programs are either outmoded or failures, and therefore expendable. TOday's staff: News: David Burhenn, Michael Duweck, Cindy Hill, Robert Murray, Ted Stein, David Unnewehr Editorial Page: Denise Gray, K a t h I e en Ricke Arts Page: Richard Glatzer Photo Technician: Randy Edmonds Perhaps many of the domestic pro- grams are failures, perhaps many of them are outmoded. But the problems in American society they were meant to deal with still exist. If old programs don't work ,then new ones should be found that do. Dropping the old pro- grams and then ignoring the problems is not a responsible alternative. The Nixon administration believes that the answer is revenue-sharing. It feels that the federal government cannot solve social problems because of its dis- tance from the problems. Therefore, it believes that money can be used more ef- fectively to solve social problems at the state and local level than at the federal level. Unfortunately, state and local govern- ments are often not very receptive to the need for action to initiate social change. For example, a large chunk of Ann Ar- bor's revenue - sharing money is going to buy new police cars. There are numerous problems more pressing in this city, to say the least. The city of Pontiac plans to use its revenue-sharing money to build a new football stadium for the Detroit Lions. Such is the ability of local govern- ments to deal with pressing local prob- lems. AMERICAN PROBLEMS of justice and equality are still pressing in this country, and thousands of draft resisters are still considered outcasts and crimi- nals because of the dictates of their con- sciences. The United States carried more than its share in the destruction of Indochina, and has an obligation to help rebuild. But the United States also has an obli- gation to the American people. The war had a tremendous impact on this coun- try as well as Indochina. Hopefully, Con- gress will not forget either obligation as it acts on the spending and priorities of the federal budget. -ERIC SCHOCH Editorial Director Blowbards TODAY'S BUBBLE-GUM contest, spon- sored by The Daily, promises to be a big event for all local campus blowhards. Why? The answer, my friend, is blow- ing in the wind. Beginning at noon in the Diag, the dream of all dentists will come true. Hundreds of pieces of free bubble-gum, sweet and chewy, will be on hand for those who wish to show off their bubble- blowing prowess. Those whose jaws sur- vive the grueling grinding, and make it into the final "stretch," will be judged in three separate categories - size dura- tion, and wierdness of the bubbles blown. And the prizes for the lucky survivors? What else but a year's supply of bubble- gum! Editor's note: The following are the state- ments of the mayoral candidates in the up- coming primary. Democratic Party Robert Elton IT IS MY firm belief that the present city government has not addressed itself to the real and serious problems of the com- munity. Problems of the environment, prob. lems of the deterioration of the quality of life, and the growing social problems of Ann Arbor go, not only un';olved, but not even talked about. The development of outlying parts of Ann Arbor is going on at unprecedented rate, but there exists little or no dialogue as to whether this is good, or bad. Already the sewage plant operates at, or near, capacity. Yet the past year saw a record number of building permits issued. The downtown area gets more inundated with automobiles every day, yet the city is building resi- dences that will increase the n e e d for transportation. Garbage collection services are curtailed, and the landfill is being filled to capacity, yet the city never ques- tions what it picks up in the garbage pail to see if it could be recycled, or used in another way. Violent crime is at an all time high, yet policement spend more time than e-er writing parking tickets. The city plans -d d millions for roads, yet pennies for crossing guards to help schoolchildren across these busy streets. I don't believe these are inevitable trends. With good leadership, the city can turn these things around, and begin the work of building for the future. The city must develop an environmental conscience. There is no reason why the building code cannot stipulate that new buildings will have adequate ventilation, freeing them from dependance on energy- using air conditioners. There is no reason why the city should actively encourage the use of private automobiles by building and maintaining roads, and discourage the use of bicycles and walking by not building, and not maintaining, bikepaths and sidewalks. The city should actively encourage the re- cycling of materials, rather than the pro- liferation of refuse, and it should start by banning non-returnable bottles. The city must develop a program for growth that does not merely rubber stamp. the desires of the land developers. At the same time, the city must ensure that ade- quate representation of all the city's minor- ity groups is made in the decision-making process. We cannot allow Ann Arbor to become a haven for the rich alone. Most of all, the city must come to grips with the realization that the quality of life in Anh Arbor has declined for most people in the last five years. It is likely to get even worse unless we act now to do something about it. Ann Arbor has a spec- ial character, a certain uniqueness, and it would be a tragedy to let it slip away because we were too shortsighted to real- ize what was happening. John Feiner IF ELECTED MAYOR I will do all I can to help make Ann Arbor a community its citizens are proud of. Whether you reside here a day, a year or a lifetime I believe you are entitled to and should receive all the normal city provided services equal to or better than you have had in the past. If as mayor I do only one thing to improve the environment for the citizens of Ann Arbor, and I certain- ly hope I can do more than just one, I will be able to look back on my term as mayor and say to myself, "I helped to make Ann Arbor a better place to live, not only for myself and family but for all the citizens of Ann Arbor. I am past president of the Noon Optim- ist Club of Ann Arbor, and have worked to have laws requiring the use of safety glass passed on the local and state levels. Franz Mogdis I'M A CANDIDATE for mayor because I feel Ann Arbor needs a strong mayor over the next two years. A mayor who is willing to take the lead and indeed force changes, force reorganization of city hall and its priorities to make them more re- sponsive to the needs of the total commun- ity. It's time, for example, that we had ac- countability to citizens at all levels of city government. This can be done by making all department headsresponsibleto council rather than to the city administrator, and it can be done by introducing regular re- views of each department, including public hearings, in order to determine and eval- uate how well they are carrying out their functions. I'll fight for both of these chang- es. The city must also initiate an affirmative action program to get women into non- clerical, administrative jobs. It is totally unexplainable that no woman holds a posi- tion of department head or higher in city hail today. When we hire a new city ad- ministrator, which the new mayor and coun- cil will do, we must look for an innovative person who believes in these principles and is prepared to pursue them. This new ad- ministrator also must be willing to take direction from your elected representatives -council and the mayor. If elected, I'll push for an immediate mor- atorium on all new road construction until a new.circulation study is completed - a study which takes into account all modes of transportation. I strongly support the AATA bonding proposal for a comprehen- sive public transportation system. The city must free itself from dependence on asphalt roads and polluting cars; the ex- pansion of the public transit system is a step in the right direction. If I'm elected I'll also give immediate at- tention to ensuring that the police give equal service when needed to all citizens. It is clear that if the police are going to effectively combat serious crime against people, muggings, rapes, hard drugs and break-ins, then victimless crimes must be de-emphasized. As immediate first steps, I'll set up an ad hoc citizens' committee to review and recommend changes in police priorities and procedures; bring the pres- sure of the mayor's office to bear on the police department to immediately de-em- phasize victimless crimes; and in high crime neighborhoods, determine the feas- ibility of bicycle and foot patrols replacing or augmenting patrol cars. The new mayor must also push for ex- panded child care, community-oriented medical, dental and drug care for all, .and better consumer and renter protection laws. These are just a few of the progran:. I in- tend to push for if elected mayor. Human Rights Party David Allen David Allen has Daily's invitation statement on the not responded to T he to make a campaign editorial page. Ann Bobroff LIKE MOST other HRP candidates, I feel the party must pressure local govern- ment for changes in many areas: health care, childcare, mass transportation, hous- ing, community control of services, ten- ants rights, taxation, discrimination against various groups, and so on. The differences between my opponents and myself is how we believe city council can be used to achieve these goals. Some candidates talk mostly about mak- ing change through City Council. I be- lieve this is totally unrealistic. Lo c a government is comparatively powerless. Our experience on council has shown that frequently state and federal laws block. legislation HRP wishes to pass. And Ann Arbor government has nowhere enough money, even with revenue sharing, to pro- vide the services we feel are necesary for its citizens. Perhaps most importantly, many problems in our society cannot be changed through government alone. For example, City Council will never be able to simply legislate away the racism and sexism which exist in Ann Arbor. The only way to deal effectively w i t h these problems is through the pressure of mass movements, such as those of blacks, women, gay liberation, and trade union- ists. Only such movements can create mas- sive social change. They pressure govern- ment on all levels to enact reform. And outside of government, they focus public attention on the problems of oppressed groups, and force society to recognize their rights. HRP should push for whatever reforms we can get through City Council. But an equally important role for our candidates and elected officials is to participate in, aid, and publicize mass movements. For example, recently I have participated in the demonstration at City Hall demanding a public hearing on community control of police. I also picketed in the past weeks with the striking Ann Arbor school board secretaries. As HRP's mayoral candidate, I would continue such activities as an im- portant part of my campaign. The anti-war movement made the stu- dent community acutely aware of how pow- erless we are as a group by ourselves. So it's important for us to try to draw other types of people into our party. Part of this means stressing issues which affect non-students, workers, minorities, women. It also means that HRP must be more than an Ann Arbor party. We should begin by reaching nearby communities which have a larger non-student population, such as Ypsilanti. We must also strengthen our ties with the National People's Party. Jenita Kaimowitz MY CANDIDACY for mayor was urged by people disillusioned with Democratic and Republican refusal to make needed changes in our city. Democrats like Republicans are so tied to the narrow interests of the business community and the University administra- tion that they cannot and have not re- sponded to others.. City government must begin to function for those who've been left out - for blacks, students, women, neighborhood groups, workers, poor peo- ple. To carry on and expand the work toward these goals, the two HRP people elected last April need added support on City Council. When Nixon began his total dismantling of the war on poverty, I was horified, though hardly surprised. In its place local governments will receive revenue sharing funds, theoretically intended for +he financ- city officials who are preoccupied mainly with a new fleet of police cars and the aesthetics of garbage collection. We have a broad natural constituency in this town that we can bring out to the pols by concentrating on our real needs and common goals without rhetoric or divisive- ness. Rent control, for instance, is neces- sary here, and we will have to elect our own people to get that passed. I am confident that I can win the mayor's race. I am representative of segments of the community that include but go far beyond the "youth vote," because I am 37 years old - I have a family of my own, have raised two kids, have been a house- wife, a sales clerk, a high schoil teacher. In addition, my work at Ozone House has pro- vided me with first-hand contact with peo- ple and departments and agencies through- out Ann Arbor, as well as with young peo- ple and their families from varying poli- tical, economic, and social backgrounds. I am supported by many members of the Human Rights Party, and also by peo- ple who usually support Democrats but who don't believe that a Bendix technocrat will concern himself greatly with human needs and social change. Richard Steinhart WE ARE STILL pioneers. Man has not yet conquered the elements. His tech- nology is burying him in a polluted, data- processed condominium. Look around you! People have become absorbed by militant apathy. We stubbornly fight to be left pas- sively ignorant. I prefer to look at radical politics from a bio-chemical viewpoint. The definition of radical being, in this case, "a group of atoms that is replacable by a single atom or that is capable of remaining unchanged during a series of reactions." When change is necesary, implement it. I am a University of Michigan student, have regularly attended city council meet- ings, and keep informed of major issues. The time is rapidly approaching when the city, as we know it, will be extinct. In its place will be a sprawlingbmegapolis from Detroit to Chicago. It is vital that Ann Ar- bor maintain its position as an open forum and artistic center in the confining atmos- phere of surrounding communities. Action is energy. Drive and desire are fuel. I find it appalling that in a city housing a large and well-respected University, $800,- 000 of allocated monies was cut from an al- ready anemic public school budget. Our youth are our most valuable resource. Per- haps there can be a more reliable way of financing public education. Programs in schools should be developed to both teach students and provide a service to the community. On another level, centrally located gar- bage receptacles would improve and cut the cost of garbage collection. By positively encouraging recycling, there will not be as much waste. We must begin to clean up after ourselves. No one can deny the continuing import- ance of the automobile in the function of our daily lives. The city must, however, encourage alternate methods of transporta- tion to relieve congestion and avoid energy crises. The possibilities include more bi- cycle paths, improved sidewalk maintain- ence, evaluation of restricted parking areas and pedestrian malls. Extended bus serv- ice to all areas of the city, with special rates for low-income passengers would be a necessary measure as well. People all over the country say that Ann Arbor is a unique city. Is it governed in a unique way? We deserve a new approach to politics. Causes, not symptoms will have to be dealt with sooner or later. By act- ing now, we will have the potential for im- provement and will save the higher future cost of dealing with more and more symp- toms. Republican Party. Lewis Ernst .I i -MAYNARD Letters to The Daily S / f4 4OAbN~AU1T(QR 'rII Ride on To The Daily: AS TWO concerned students, who have closely followed a n d worked on city bicycling projects, we heartily endorse the passage of a safety - bicycling bond issue by City Council on Monday night. Out of over $1,700,000 approved for the bonding project, $800,000 will be allocated to developing a total bicycle network. The majority of the remaining funds will deal with the safety of pedestrians, and the handicapped. With the approval of these funds, and the establishment of the Bi- cycling Coordinating Committee by Council, the concerns of Ann Ar- bor cyclists will finally be dealt with, and acted upon. Hard work by citizen lobbies, es- pecially the Ann Arbor Bicycle League, has prompted City Coun- cil to propose this responsive fund- ing issue. Now it is up to con- cerned citizens and cyclists to unite and work towards the pas- sage of the safety - bicycling bond issue, on the ballot in the April election. --Dave Sahn '75 ing within two miles of campus have nothing better to do from January 1 until May than to ho,) to the door every five minutes to an- swer inquiries about next fall's vacancies? Those of us who do not live in Ypsilanti or in buildings with armed guards are not permit- ted to study, nap, or chat w it i i friends from nooq until 11 p.m. - no, we must spend all our time go- ing to the door to tell twirpy co- eds and their male counterparts whether we intend to move out of our apartments in time to let them move in before classes start in the- fall! If it were already Aug. 24 - or September 3 - it might be under- standable: desperation and t h e threat of oncoming winter m i g h t justify this ceaseless interruption of the peace of local inhabitanl s. But 7 or even 8 months before registration!!?? It is rudeness and thoughtlessness, not desperation, which accounts for this behavior. As a resident student of many years' standing, I can sympath- ize with those who do not relish working through rental agencies; but the least such people ght do is wait for the Daily to adver- r 7 ,. T Lewis Ernst has Daily's invitation statement on the not responded to The to make a campaign editorial page. James Stephenson AT THIS TIME in history the Ann Arbor resident and the University student need the same thing from City Hall. Lead- ership, from the Mayor's office. Leadership means the ability to manage city programs so as to accomplish some kind of decent objectives. The city has a tradition of being well managed by Republican Mayors. The city has been poorly managed under the leader- ship of a Democrat Mayor and Democrat- HRP coalition leadership of City Council. Well meaning but naive people thought leadership from liberal Democrats could accelerate social change. Instead, the only thing they got was chaos. The decent ob- jectives that have been achieved are few and ultimate losses of programs are forsee- able. For example, look, at the results of the Public Housing Program and the Model Cities Program. Both are a shambles, and both have been controlled exclusively by liberal leadership climaxing in the evic- tion of public housing tenants on Febru- ary 7. If the voters continue the present leader- "r~traditional city programs will become just as useless. How would t h e quality of life for the University student be afected by poorer refuse collection serv- ices and poorer police services? Surely the armed robbery and theft problems have touched most students hby this time Tho AI II