See Editorial Page
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See Today for details
Vol. LXXXIII, No. 1 1 3 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, February 15, 1973 Ten Cents
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Ten Pages
Kissinger - h 0u
ta Iks
Chewey, cheve y
Yes dear friends, this is yet another plug for the Daily's
historical bubble-gum contest. As you may know by now, winners
will be chosen in the size, duration, and general wierdness
categories in the big blow-off Friday at noon on the Diag. Ad-
vance press coverage of the event has been gratifying but has,
we fear, generated more heat than light. The Detroit Free Press,
keeping up its tradition of fearlessly inaccurate coverage of
Ann Arbor, said in yesterday's editions that the idea was
cooked up late one night at a party (not true) and that Daily
co-editor Christopher Parks said. Donruss bubble gum was hard
to chew (he says he never said any such thing). Oh, well.
Regents in town (ho, hum)
The Regents are back in town today and tomorrow, and
this month's meeting shapes up to be pretty much like most
Regents' meetings-lots of talk and not much action. Matters
due for regental attention include credit by examination (purely
informational discussion), racial identification on employment
forms (no action expected) and next year's dorm rate increase
(approval is almost automatic). The rest of the time will be
spent rubber-stamping personnel and financial decisions already
in effect.
Factories not safe
University Engin. Prof. Don Chaffin says factories are
getting more dangerous instead of safer. Why? "Some people in
industry," Chaffin says, "believe that increased safety and
health measures automatically reduce productivity."
Happenings ..
.. .we're up to our ears in happenings for you . . . hungry
or thirsty? . . . check out Foods of the Carribean Islands at the
League from 5-7:15 p.m. . . . or International Coffee Hour at the
Rive Gauche, 1024 Hill at 9 p.m. . . . or a beer party for Demo-
cratic mayoral hopeful Franz Modgis, 7002 Tappan at 7 p.m.
... or if you're a Markley resident, eat to your heart's content
at the Markley Pie Eating Contest at 5:30 . . . for those inclined
toward politics Today offers numerous options . . . a hearing
on health care (or the lack thereof) in Washtenaw County will
be held on the second floor of the County Building in Circuit
Court Room number four at 7:30 p.m. . . . or the Human Rights
Party public hearing on the police, also at 7:30 but down the
block at City Hall in the fourth floor conference room . . .
Perry Bullard will hear your problems and/or complaints in
Alice's Restaurant in Alice Lloyd Hall at 7 p.m. . . . the Bach
Mai Fund is holding a press conference at 12:30 p.m. in front
of the new St. Joe's Hospital entrance (326 Ingalls) . . . Andreas
Papandreou, deposed Greek leader, speaks at a seminar of
U.S. intervention in Greece at 9 a.m. in the West Conference
Room in the Rackham Building . . . or if all of this bores you,
you can hear all about mushroom growing in Japan at the
Matthaei Botanical Gardens, 1800 Dixboro, at 8 p.m.
Koster scalped
Don Koster, radical attorney about town, was seen yesterday
getting his rather considerable mane sheared to a 50s style
crew-cut. It's not that he is joining a ,Wall Street firm-the
explanation is somewhat more complex. "My kid was born on
Ground Hog Day," Koster said, "and he didn't see a shadow.
I think that is indicative that it is time to get a hair cut."
Come again?
SGC on the road
As part of a campaign to take the meetings to the people
Student Government Council will stray from its home in the
Union and meet in dining room number three at Markley for
its regular Thursday night meeting tonight. Discussion will
center on film societies, school and college government funding,
the SGC constitution and priorities for the rest of the year.
On the inside .. .
ThetArts Page features the introduction of the "Okie
and Jethro" column . . . Sports Editor designate Dan
Borus contributesanotherturbane commentary to the
Sports Page. . and on the Editorial Page, State Repre-
sentativenJackie Vaughn tells why he opposes capital
The weather picture
The U.S..Weather Service promises a really lousy day
today. It should be cloudy and windy with some light snow
falling. Temperatures will be dropping later in the day and
it will be really bitter tonight with a low around (gasp!) 6.
Stay home.
Reuter Staff Writer
PEKING-Henry Kissinger's five days of talks with Chinese
leaders, beginning today, are believed to offer the possibility of
substantial American troop withdrawal from Taiwan and some
form of official American representation in Peking.
Chinese leaders have been meeting to prepare the agenda for
their talks with the United States special envoy, diplomats say,
and there is some increase in security measures, especially on
the 20-mile road from the airport to the Chinese capital.
Kissinger's visit-which will end almost on the first anni-
versary of President Nixon's historic trip to Peking-is expected
to be the most productive of all his five visits to China.
Tangible results are expected because the Vietnam War, which
China had consistently held was the main impediment to better
relations between the two countries, is now largely out of the
way, at least for the present.
Kissinger is expected to press for increased contacts between
the two countries in trade, culture, journalism and sports.
Although trade has moved healthily upward, with China buy-
ing American airliners and grain, contacts in other fields have
developed less quickly than Kissinger had hoped.
But one of the main items of interest for the Chinese will be
Kissinger's expected commitment to a cutback in the American
military presence on Taiwan.
China regards Taiwan as an integral part of its territory
despite the presence there of the American-aided Nationalist
Regime of General Chiang Kai-shek, the last non-communist ruler
of China.
The communique signed at the end of President Nixon's last
February visit called for reduction of the :American forces in
Taiwan as tension in Asia diminished. China will see 'the ending
of the Vietnam conflict as fulfilling this condition.
Like the Americans, the Chinese thus have every reason to
See HOPES, Page 10
Chou En-Ilai
H anoi
Joint commission to emphasize
rebuilding of N. Viet economy
Daily Photo by JOHN UPTON
Nagnag, nag
Students challenge McCabe
By AP and Reuters
Washington announced yesterday
that they had agreed on a joint
economic commission that will
coordinate economic aid to war-
battered North Vietnam.
The disclosure came in a joint
communique sketchily outlining
nearly four days of recent talks
in Hanoi by Henry Kissinger, Pres-
ident Nixon's chief foreign policy
Ronald Ziegler, White House
press secretary, said Kissinger
and North Vietnamese officials did
not discuss the scope of potential
U. S.dreconstruction assistance.
Predicting the joint commission
would be set up in about a month,
Ziegler said any dollar figures
would first be discussed in that
forum, and would be subject to
further consultation with Con-
It also spoke of "imperative
measures" necessary to carry outi
the Vietnam peace accord signed
in Paris on Jan. 27. It did not
Ziegler said in response to ques-
tions that one such item on which
Kissinger and the North Vietna-
mese agreed was the need to set
up a system for trying to trace
Americans still listed as missing
in action in Indochina.
The communique said Kissinger
and Hanoi officials "also agreed
they would continue 'to have per-
iodic exchanges of views" with
the aim of making sure the Paris
accords "are strictly and scrup-
ulously implemented."
Since the two countries have no
formal diplomatic ties, Ziegler
was asked how these exchanges
would take place.
He said Kissinger and Le Duc
Tho, the Hanoi delegate in Paris
peace negotiations, already had
set up reliable channels of com-
munication. In addition, he said
U. S. and North Vietnamese dele-
gations to an international confer-
ence on Vietnam that opens in
Paris on Feb. 26 will "stay in
place" indefinitely to facilitate ex-
While in Hanoi, Kissinger met
with Tho, Premier Pham Van'
Dong and Vice Premier Nguyent
Duy Trinh. Their talks were de-
scribed as "frank, serious andI
Kissinger was en route to Peking
via Hong Kong and will leave.
there next Monday, making an ov-
ernight stop in Tokyo before re-
turning to Washington the next
Ziegler said Kissinger would
hold a news conference on his Ha-
noi and Peking talks soon after re-t
turning here.
The creation of a joint U.S.-
North Vietnamese economic com-
mission was the first concrete de-
cision taken by the two countries
to improve their relations.
The speed with which the com-
mission was set up surprised dip-t
lomatic observers and was viewed
as a sign of willingness by the twot
countries to get to grips with post-
war problems and forge a new re-
The White House spokesman said
the United States would name itsx
members within two weeks, and
the commission should be organiz-t
ed in about a month.I
He did not know where its head-1
quarters would be or the size oft
the eventual U. S. contribution toE
reconstruction in North Vietnam.1
He said Kissinger did not discussc
any dollar amounts during hisc
talks in Hanoi.
Ziegler also pointed out the
proposed reconstruction program
would have to be approved by Con-
gress - where opposition to it is
mounting on grounds that the
American people would be reluc-
tant to help North Vietnam while
President Nixon is slashing social
programmes at home.
The President last year spoke of
a 7.5 billion dollar reconstruction
program for Indochina, 2.5 billion
dollars of it for North Vietnam,
over five years.
An encounter between anti-busing activist Irene
McCabe and a University audience ranging from
libertarians to radicals, was bound to provoke
brisk dialogue.
Last night at the Union, McCabe's speech to ap-
proximately 75 students evolved into an emotional
"You're not hearing the other side of busing-
the other side being the truth," McCabe said be-
fore inviting questions from the audience.
Defining the effects of busing as "universal
mediocrity", McCabe claims that "no one has
proven that mixing the races is beneficial to stu-
"I, for one, would not allow my daughter to go
to a school she should not have to go to," said
the busing opponent, citing the school's record of
nine child molestings in one week.
Then the debate started.
given right," and claims 80 per cent of the coun-
try is behind her.
"There are no magical, mystical, ethereal rights
that hang above all others," said a black law stu-
dent, "If you have 51 per cent on your side, you
have a right, and be damned with mine."
"We've got our 51 per cent," fired back McCabe,
"All we need is some help."
"Then why Is it so hard to find and elect some-
one against busing?tIsn't that a contradiction?"
asked another student.
McCabe, in answering, cited politicians like
"Willie Milliken - who won't get off the fence,"
and Rep. Robert Huber who, McCabe claims "was
so anti-busing before the election he made me
look pro-busing."
Recently, she claims, he backed a bill that
would make it possible to bus childrei to the first
or second nearest school.
"If that isn't a sell-out, I'd like to know what is,"
said McCabe.
.Justice R-ehnquist
McCabe referred to her desire
to a neighborhood school as a
to send her child "h r they selling out?" asked another stu-I
"maternal, God- See BUSING, Page 7
'U' h ikes prices on
student gri tickets
Those long, lazy Saturday afternoons of booze, dope and football
in the Michigan Stadium will cost you a little more next year.
The University Athletic Department has announced that the price
of student season tickets will go up from $16 to $18-roughly 28 cents-j
per-game-this fall.
According to Athletic Director Don Canham, the price increase
comes as a direct result of a Big Ten conference recommendation.
Canham says Big Ten ticket prices are among the lowest in the
Revenue from the increase-expected to be around $200,000-will
help recoup the loss of the Detroit Lions' pre-season game held in the
stadium in August the last two years.
Income from the Lion's game dipped from $200,000 in 1971 to
$100,000 last year.
Canham says the Lions could not offer a game for this year which
would draw enough fans to make the venture worthwhile. According
to Canham, the department tried to get the Washington Redskins or
the Kansas City Chiefs, but the Lions could only offer the Baltimore
Rehnquist to preside'
over law competition
The appearance of U. S. Supreme Court Justice William Rehn-
quist at the University may be the noisiest event in an otherwise
quiet spring break.
Rehnquist, the most conservative of the Supreme Court Justices,
will preside at the 49th Annual Campbell Competition at the law
school on March 6.
Some sources have indicated that there may be demonstrations
and other protests to greet the justice.
Rehnquist will be appearing with Judge John Brown, U. S. Court
of Appeals, fifth circuit, and Judge Cornelia Kennedy, U. S. District
Court of Eastern Michigan.
Together with Law School Dean Theodore St. Antoine and Prof.
Vincent Blasi they will consider the arguments presented in a mock
trial by five law students on a hypothetical law limiting campaign
The Campbell competitions are the final event in a series of com-
petitions for law students. In the past four years Justices Harold
Blackmun, Potter Stewart, William Brennan and Byron White have
attended the competition.
John Meredith, Campbell chairman, says the invitation is extended
to the Supreme Court every year, and who attends is determined
New duds
By AP and Reuters
CLARK AIR BASE, Philippines
-A group of recently released
POWs got their first dose of
culture shock yesterday making
the big switch from prisoner pa-
jamas to wide ties, vivid colors
and bell bottoms.
About 35 of the remaining 120
former prisoners chatted with
reporters while they shopped for
clothes in the main base ex-
Cmdr. Gerald Coffee, a Navy
pilot downed over North Vietnam
nearly seven years ago, told re-
porters he had tried unsuccess-
fully to find a "rather conser-
vative outfit, circa '65 or '66,"
but ended up with an outfit that
made him "feel I was wearing
a costume.
"Belts are much wider than we
remember them, collars are long-
er," he said.
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