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February 14, 1973 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1973-02-14

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fe £ri4i an aihj
Eighty-two years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

Primary candidates state positions

Editor's note: The following are the state-
ments of the City Council candidates in con-
tested primary races in the Third and Fourth

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Elizabeth Kauf man


Nixon budget strikes again

IF THE SURGEON General had been
asked to inspect President Nixon's
budget for the current fiscal year he
would undoubtedly- have labeled it as be-
ing "hazardous to your health."
Nixon's slashing of public health allo-
cations from $12 million to $6 million
will drastically curtail thF, activities of
the University's School of Public Health
and the eighteen other public health
schools around the nation. His budget for
next year has allocated nothing for pub-
lic health. The cuts would end federal
grants currently supporting 178 of the
Public Health school's 690 students; they
would also lose training grants in the
fields of community mental health, den-
tal public health and federal financial
support of 35 per cent of the school's fac-
Such callous disregard for the na-
tion's health needs is appalling. Obvious-
ly the view from the White House is a
"healthy" one, despite the fact that costs
for medical care continue to skyrocket
and thousands of people go untreated

for lack of medical personnel, facilities,
or the money to pay for them.
0OD HEALTH must obviously be one
of those things Nixon referred to in
his inaugural address as being something
that Americans must do for themselves.
But President Nixon's insensitivity to
human needs is nothing new. What is
needed is determined Congressional ac-
tion to see that Nixon's budget slashes
in this field are not ratified when the
bill authorizing funds for public health
schools runs out on June 30th. A bill to
extend allocations for public health was
introduced in Congress last session and
was passed unanimously by the Senate
but failed to even reach a vote in the
House. -
Congress must finally begin to utilize
the authority it possesses and give Presi-
dent Nixon a taste of his own medicine
by taking his budget recommendations
and "impounding" them.

(No candidates)
Roger Bertoia
I HAVE VISITED over one thousand
homes in the Third Ward in recent
weeks to let you know my priorities, if
Third ward problems first. I am commit-
ted to stop further encroachment of poor-
ly managed low-income and public hous-
ing. To prevent further inexcusablezon-
ing, I will work to convert Ann Arbor to
develop a land use plan controlled by
local residents. I shall fight any move to
expand the airport. I will work to make
it a safer airport. I will work to prevent
the relocation of the junkyard to the bord-
er of the Third Ward.
I also emphasize that due to the ms-
direction of funds and physical resources
by the Democrat and HRP council mem-
bers, the Third Ward and Ann Arbor is
a) The deterioration of service in the
areas of garbage removal, street repair,
public transportation and local recreation
programs. This trend must be reversed.
b) The lack of serious attention to day-
to-day isspes such as acceptable use of
tax dollars and monies from the Dean
Fund to benefit local neighborhoods, abate-
ment of the drug problem and resultant
crime rates, downtown restoration, s a f e
streets for our kids to get to school. I
am committed to these issues and not let-
tuce, pants, and money to send people
to anti-programs.
I am committed to work, if elected, to
return city government and Ann Arbor to
a position, a) where senior citizens and
other homeowners will not be taxed out of
their homes, b) where the Ann Arbor News
editorial page will not have to show pictures
of dirt and refuse piling up on our streets,
c) where orderly city planning and zoning
takes place, d) where local recreation fa-
cilities are staffed in all neighborhoods,
f) where crime is not dignified by city ord-
inance, and f) where City Council meetings
are a responsible forum - not a noisy
Now is the time for voters in the Third
Ward to show their concern and vote for
responsible city government.
Robert Henry, Jr.
"1973 CAN BE the year in which Ann
Arbor takes some major steps toward
solving the problems which have plagued
all of us for the past several years. I think
the voters are dissatisfied, and I think
their dissatisfaction is justified.
Crime in Ann Arbor is at an all time high
while the state of repair of our streets is
at an all time low. The cost of our public
transportation system is at an all time
high while service is at an all time low. Our
public housing program has been allowed
to get itself into an almost impossible mess.
In spite of the costly and idealistic solu-
tions which have been proposed, some of
our neighborhood areas continue to decay.
In addition to overall city problems, the
Third Ward has several specific problems
which must be given proper attention. The
city is growing all along its eastern edge
and good planning for that growth is essen-
tial. The city must supply necessary and
needed services such as police and fire
protection and refuse collection. Safety
items such as street lighting, crosswalks
for school children, and traffic signals

must be planned and provided. Parks and
recreational facilities must be built and
It is not as though we are without the
tools to solve these problems. The city
has money and an almost unlimited supply
of talent. As a result of revenue sharing
and Governor Milliken's highway program,
Ann Arbor will receive additional funds
without the necessity of higher city taxes.
Proper use of these funds will enable us
to repair our roads and keep them in a
decent state of repair, to put meaningful
effort into the development and imple-
mentation of a workable public transporta-
tion system, and to construct and maintain
bicycle paths all over the city. These funds
will also allow us to increase the Police
Department budget so that we can more
effectively fight crime in our city and
will allow us, generally, to provide better
services to our citizens in the areas where
they need and expect services.
But money and talent alone cannot solve

(Kathleen Kozachenko has withdrawn)
Richard Hadler
Carl Hollier
IAM completing requirements for a de-
gree in secondary education with a
major in sociology. I previously worked as
a teacher's aid, an administrator for a
child day care center in Detroit, a volun-
teer at Milan Federal Penitentiary in a
prisoner rehabilitation program and worked
two years on the adolescent unit of the
Neuropsychiatric Institute at University
Hospital. Presently, I'm employed at Child-
ren's Psychiatric Hospital. I'm also a free-
lance photographer.
My formal training has contributed sig-

Treatment for the addicts should include:
1) Methadone maintenance, 2) detoxifica-
tion, 3) family counselling, 4) group and
individual therapy, 5) vocational rehabilita-
tion, and 6) job training.
" And evaluation of local laws as tools
for community development, particularly
those relating to possible land usage, i.e. re-
location of Landsky's junkyard, people's
parks and open spaces.
* Transportation - more extensive dial-
a-ride service, extended bus hours, investi-
gating possibilities for a new mass tran-
sit system and bike paths.
Although I don't have the complete solu-
tion to all of the problems, I feel that there
are citizens in Ann Arbor possessing expert
knowledge and concern who, if given the
proper outlet, would pool their expertise
with my efforts to reach the ultimate solu-
tions. I would like to think of myself as a
sounding board for the people so that I
could be the outlet for the maximum use
of all our human resources.
Ethel Lewis
RUNNING FOR City Council in 1973 as
a Democrat is an experience. On one
side are Republicans determined to roll into
office inside garbage cans. On the other
HRP offers catch-phrases as solutions to
complex, human problems. I can only run
on where I've been, what I've done, and
where I believe we ought to go.
My record as a citizen advocate is one
I'm proud of. From the beginning I oppos-
ed Briarwood because I knew it would ad-
versely affect both the CBD and our neigh-
borhoods. That impact is surfacing as
neighborhood groups work together to op-
pose highways by their houses.
I voted to permit day-care centers in
residential areas. In addition, I insisted
that the requirements for the centers be
limited only to those asked of nursery and
private schools.
When the relocation of St. Joseph Hos-
pital came before Planning Commission as
a zoning change, I opened public debate
on the real problem: delivery of essential
health care services. The new location does
not serve this need.
The Subdivision and Land-Use Control
Ordinance is an awkward title, but it broke
new ground. Though the Citizen's Version,
which I presented was rejected by Plan-
ning Commission; it was approved by
Council and we now legally require public
disclosure and public hearings on informa-
tion about development of area and site
plans. Citizens have one more way to
make City Hall pay attention.
Over the years I've worked with the LWV
Planning Committee, continuously with
CAAP, and on the Planning Commission
aince 1969. I've fought within the Democrat-
ic Party for positions I believed in. I've long
advocated buses, bikeways, and pedestrian
malls as necessary alternatives to the car.
Mass transit was non-existent four years
ago; now it can be broadened and improved
if voters approve the millage proposal.
I feel I can best continue by serving the
Fourth Ward on Council. Some of my goals
include: 1) Citizen control and participation
in all of government, 2) Affirmative action
programs for minorities and women, 3)
Economically diversified new housing coup-
led with rent control, 4) A return by the
police to protecting citizens and preventing
crime, 5) Cooperative planning with schools
and townships, 6) Environmental and neigh-
borhood preservation.
In the primary campaign statements
yesterday on this page The Daily in-
advertently misspelled the names of
two of the candidates, First Ward
Democrat Norris Thomas and Second
Ward HRP candidate Franklin Shoi-
chet. The Daily regrets the errors.





our problems. Concerned, practical and re-
sponsible leadership is an essential ingred-
ient. This is where we come up short. Our
present council wastes hours of much need-
ed and valuable time debating such issues
as whether City Council should go on re-
cord in support of the boycott of Farah
slacks, and what color the telephone poles
in town should be painted. They spend
hours and hours drafting, debating and
passing such laws as the marijuana ord-
inance, and then spend thousands of the
city's dollars defending them in court.
They build parks and recreation facilities
and then provide insufficient funds for sup-
ervision and maintenance so that they be-
come filthy and unsafe. Worst of all, they
continue to give undue attention to the
wranglings of special interest groups while
the legitimate needs of our citizens in such
crucial areas as housing, planning, trans-
portation and crime are made the subject
of crippling compromises.
If I am elected, I will work for a budget
realignment which places primary emphas-
is on providing our citizens with essential
city services. I will work for the voters of
the Third Ward and I will be as responsive
as I can to the needs of all our citizens.

nificantly to the development of an acute
awareness for the diversity of problems
facing a total community. However, I have
always expressed a particular concern for
problems requiring special needs in the
community, and have sought to meet the
needs of these problems through a role of
active participation.
Categorically, the viability of a comnmu-
ity is dependent upon two areas: 1) the pro-
per development of human resources and
2) the proper development* of natural re-
sources. Areas of concern are:
" An on-going evaluation of community
involvement activities for youth. Continued
progress requires constant initiative a n d
creativity on the part of the community
structure. I would work for child day care
centers and more community health cent-
0 Procurement of adequate and suitable
housing for low and middle income areas,
students and senior citizens.
* Rising crime rate - experiences sug-
gest this problem is best solved through
total community involvement - business
action and private, public and civic action.
Drug-related rip-offs can be minimized
by stricter building codes insuring secur-
ity, and medical treatment for the addict.
For example, I would push for legislation
requiring dead-bolt locks on doors, effi-
cient locking devices on basement windows,
and to give this legislation teeth, new
buildings would have to pass an occupancy
security inspection by the local law en-
forcement agency. This agency could also
provide seminars to teach people how to
give the crooks a run for their money.

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Photos raphy Staff
Co-Editors in Chief
ROBERT BARKIN ...................Feature Editor
DIANE LEVIOK ................Associate Arts Editor
DAVID MARGOLICK............Chief Phlotographer

Tlay's staff:
News: Prakosh Aswani, Laura Berman,
Laura Koopman, Christopher Parks,
Judy Ruskin
Editorial Page: Eric Schoch
Arts Page: Diane Levick
Photo Technician: Rolfe Tessem


Philip Carroll

Letters to The Daily

Little-known anti-busing
activist spll thebeas

Philippine bargain
To The Daily:
LAST NIGHT the latest reports
of peace progress in Southeast Asia
indicated that planes had b e e n
withdrawn from Vietnam and Cam-
bodia to the Clark Air Force Base,
At least we must question why
American "resources" must con-
sistently lie in wait in the vicinity
of Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam.
Moreover, having witnessed the
suspicion with which the peoples of
the Philippines regard the Amer-
ican military presence in t h e i r
country, I can only imagine their
fear in seeing the stronghold of
American military force return
from Vietnam and land within their
There has been, for several years,
an angry and nationalistic outcry
against Filipino involvement (even
covert) in the Vietnam fighting.
Dne wonders, then, how Filipino
acquiescence to the activities at
Clark Base has been fostered. (rThe
history of US-RP relations tells us
that the favor of Clark Base has
'een purchased in the past.)
Martial law, as I saw it in the
Philippines, was an expen.ive pro-
)osition, one which the poor ' econ-
)my of that country can ha~rdly

Seale of approval
To The Daily:
THE HUMAN Rights Party of
Ann Arbor endorses Bobby Seale
for Mayor and Elaine Brown for
Councilwoman of Oakland, Califor-
Just as Bobby and Elaine are de-
dicated to building a strong base of
operations in Oakland, so too are
we dedicated to building a strong,
consolidated base of operations in
Ann Arbor.
We recognize the parallels be-
tween the struggle in Oakland and
Ann Arbor as being the struggle for
self-determination and community
control of institutions which affect
the lives of poor and powerless
The election of Bobby Seale and
Elaine Brown as representatives of
the people of Oakland would be a
significant victory as well as a
step in taking power away from
the ruling class and giving it to
the people to whom it rightfully be-
-Human Rights Party
Feb. 11
Letters to The Daily should I

IN LAST Novembpr's election, perhaps the
most vocal issue in the state contests was
the busing of school children. Whether to
shlep or not to shlep was the question.
Ironically, the question was only of peri-
pheral importance because the fate of busing
will ultimately be decided in the courts, not
the legislature.
If there is one person to whom we owe the
greatest tribute for the busing hysteria, it is
Irene McCabe of the National Action Group
(NAG). She became the focal point of the
busing controversy - an issue which she help-
ed twist beyond the furthest limits of rational
McCabe is speaking tonight at the Uni-
versity. Naturally, I wanted to speak to some-
one about the issue, so I phoned the leader of
another anti-busing group called Save Our
Babies (SOB):
Q: Hello Ms. Bigoten. This is Bob Barkin
of The Michigan Daily. You said I could inter-
view you?
Bigoten: What do you want, you radical
Q: My first question is, why are you so vio-
lently opposed to busing?

B: Of course not. Some of my best friends
are nigroes.
Q: And what about your children. Do they
have black friends?
B: I wouldn't let nigroes get close to my
children. They are too young to be exposed
to that kind of influence.
Q: Now that your children have been in
school with blacks for over a semester. Have
you noticed any changes, either good or
B: Well, their hair seems to be getting more
Q: Strange, anything else?
B: Yeah, they've become much more uppity.
They don't listen to me when I tell them not
to associate with nigroes. They just tell me
I'm a racist.
Q: I can't imagine why.
B: I can't either. Except that once.you
put my clean children with those dirty black
ones - they are dirty you know - it's bound
to dirty their bodies as well as their minds.
But, I just beat my kids until they promise
not to talk to the nigroes at school and every-
thing turns out all right.
Q: On a more personal level, what do you
and your friends do for recreation, when





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