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February 14, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-02-14

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For details, see Today

Vol. -XX INo. 112

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February 14, 1973

Ten Cents

Ten Pages


Bubble expanding
Sheriff Fred Postill, district judge Sandorf Elden and a
mystery guest have agreed to judge the Daily-sponsored bubble-
gum contest scheduled for the Diag this Friday. Bubble blowers
from all across the country are expected in town for the event,
which will be covered by much of the media, including cameras
from TV 2 and 7 in Detroit. First prize will be a year's supply
of bubble-gum. Competitions will be held in size, duration and
wierdness of the bubbles blown.
Dope note
City Council Monday night received a report showing that
143 arrests for violation of marijuana laws have been initiated
by the city since last May. The one page document required
293 work hours and cost $1200 to produce. The fact that virtually
no convictions have been made on those arrests prompted John
McCormick (Rep.-Fifth Ward) to remark, "for all practical
purposes marijuana is legal in the city." McCormick's comment
drew a warm round of applause from the assembled multitude.
'U' huge
The big 'U' is apparently bigger than ever. According to
figures just released a total of 39,670 students are enrolled in
the University this winter, 1310 more students than a year ago.
Undergraduates make up 61.7 per cent of the total, followed by
grad students at 27.1 and professional students at 11.2.
High energy action
Rock and roll is here to stay as the ground work for staging
summer rock concerts and the Annual Blues Festival was ap-
proved by City Council Monday night. The council passed two
resolutions of agreement with the University allowing the con-
certs to be held on University owned land west of Huron High
School. Further agreements with the sponsors of the concerts,
the Community Parks Program, and the promoters of the 'Blues
Festival must be worked out. The concerts are scheduled to run
from June 10 to Aug. 9, while the Blues Festival is planned for
Sept. 7-10.
Happenings .. .
...today are clearly on the heavy side. Highlighting events
is a speech by Irene McCabe, busing opponent extraordinaire.
McCabe is in town at the behest of the College Republicans, and
will appear in the Anderson Room D in the Union at 7:30 p.m.
. . . UAC, which has just changed its governing structure, is
looking for applicants for its new executive committee. Applica-
tions can be picked up on the 2nd floor of the Union. . . the
Red Cross Student Blood Bank is taking donations through
tomorrow. The place is the Union, the time 11:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
. . . In two Mark Green related Happenings, the Learning
Exchange will meet tonite at 8:00 p.m. at Guild House,,802
Monroe . . . the Engin council is showing the famed NARMAC
slide show this afternoon at 3:30 at 2084 E. Engin. . . . finally
Dr. Ralph Guzman will speak on "Social Services in the Chicano
Community" at 2:00 p.m. at Rackham Amphitheatre.
Typo of the day
In a story from the Philippines yesterday the AP described
the physical condition of one POW. The copy read, "he may have
recurrence of malaria and probably suffers from a vietnam
Tobacco notes
A tobacco company in London has designed the perfect gift
for pipe-smokers in Britain's damp climate. It is a miniature
umbrella which clips to the side of the pipe bowl and is guaran-
teed to keep the tobacco dry in even the fiercest of downpours.
Made of solid gold, it costs $833. . .. the Minnesota Senate decided
by a 33-28 vote yesterday to ban smoking in its chamber. A mere
19 minutes after the law was passed, however, Sen. Jerome
Blatz lit up a cigarette.
Valentine special
TORONTO-An unknown globe-trotting admirer has mailed
Meryl Dunsmore of Toronto a valentine card for the 46th year
in a row. Dunsmore, who has been receiving the cards signed
only "your secret admirer" since 1928, claims she has no idea
who the mystery author might be.
On the inside ...
the Arts Page has a review of a Miles Davis concert
by Hank Holoszyc . . . the Editorial Page contains vital
information for voters in the Third and Fourth Wards .. .
while Sports Page readers can get the latest developments
in the ever mercurial Big Ten basketball race from the
pen of George Hastings.

The weather picture
Today should bea perfectly miserable day with rain'
mixed with snow forecast for the city. Tonite this mishmash

By Reuters and AP
WASHINGTON-President Nixon said yesterday
he will ask Congress for authority to erect tariff
barriers if necessary to follow up devaluation of
the dollar.
He told Secretary of the Treasury George
Shultz that "devaluation of the dollar is at best
only a temporary solution of the problem."
"That is why trade legislation must follow,"
Nixon said. ". . . only by getting trade legisla-
tion and changing or reducing the huge deficit
can the huge pressure on the dollar be taken
And signaling a tougher stance, Nixon said as
part of an effort "to get a fair deal and a fair
shake for American products abroad" he would
ask Congress "for the right for our negotiators
to go up or down" with tariffs in trade talks
with other countries.
"We have gone into too many negotiations
abroad in which all we have done is to negotiate
down whereas others have negotiated up," the
President said.
His comments came as he began a meeting
with Shultz 12 hours after Shultz' dramatic
announcement that the United States was devalu-
ing the dollar by 10 per cent.
Shultz told reporters when announcing the de-
Cuba and;
have agreed on an anti-
hijacking treaty except for *
some procedural details, the
state department announced
Department Spokesman Charles i
Bray said it was hoped that all
matters on the long-sought agree-
ment to help prevent air piracy
could be reached by the end of
this week.
Bray said that final agreement
-excludig procedural details-
came in a note from Cuba de-
livered to the state department
last Saturday night by Swiss dip-
lomats, who look after U.S. in-
terests in Havana. The message
from Havana was the seventh in
a seies between the two countries
which began with a note from St.
Cuba last Nov. 25 indicating it was
ready to negotiate a bilateral pact.
Informed sources said the agree-
ment would require Cuba to either
prosecute hijackers of American
planes or order the hijacker's ex-
raditionto the United States for
triaxludn here.draSaint Vas
Sucmeinanofreme wuldebrate toda
to cut off one fthet mdescape asthepa
routes used by hijackers-many of healer of
them arned criminals-who have, however,
been demanding ransoms of mil- In fact,
lions of dollars for the safety of Roman cle
the planes they hijack and the executed s
passengers on board. 270 A.D.
The draft pact is also believed Valentirn
to iclude a provision preventng and was i
the United Stilas from giving safe
mhaen tolrCir ubanswo comitventures b
cries on fleeing Cuba for he It was
United States, although it would Roman p
exclude other Cubans who simply of lattermd
sought exile here. During
Bray said the proposed treaty Emperor
will be sent to Congress in the an army
next few days for discussions and to fa
among legislators who have shown h
an interest in writing some sort of
anti-hijacking pact with Cuba.
He said, however, that he did
not think the treaty required any

legislative action on Congress' part.
The spokesmanwould not dis-
close the procedural details yet to C i
be worked out, although it was
thought that one was the method
of signature and exchange of
papers between the two countries, If you've b
which do not recognize each other table leg or pa
diplomatically. A b ' i Ofi





valuation of the dollar that the trade legislation
would provide for:
-Lowering tariff and non-tariff barriers to
trade "assuming our trading partners are willing
to participate full in the process."
-Raising tariffs when such action "would con-
tribute to arrangements assuring that American
exports have fair access to foreign markets."
The aim of the devaluation is to increase the
cost of goods coming into the United States and
to make, U.S. products cheaper abroad.
Nixon said today he wanted Americans to
understand that devaluation did not affect the
value of their dollars at home. These were
affected basically by the cost of living and his
fight against inflation, he said.
Reporters who were allowed to overhear a
portion of Nixon's conversation with Shultz heard
the President say "other nations must get away
from their discriminatory policies and we must be
in a position to bargain harder."
Nixon singled out Japan and Europe when he
talked of threats to U.S. businesses, saying:
"The United States being the best market in
the world-and this is not criticism of our
Japanese and European friends-they are loading
it into this market and they can drive U.S.
See NIXON, Page 7

AP Photo
Business kept coming in strong as usual at the office of an international currency dealer in Frankfurt,
Germany yesterday. Continuous ringing of telephones kept the office staff busy during the day.

Ce asefire to


Valentine's Day:* Love
ry rid es 1 enturies

signed inLaos
VIENTIANE, Laos, (Reuters) - The Laotian government said yes-
terday a ceasefire to end the war in Laos would be signed this week
and later announced that its forces had recaptured the strategic
southern town of Paksong.
A government spokesman, who had attended yesterday's meeting
between the government and pro-communist Pathet Lao delegations
to ,the peace talks here, said a truce would be signed "almost cer-
tainly this week," possibly even today.
The spokesman, Nouphat Chounlamany, said there were no major
obstructions in the way of peace.
Later, a military spokesman said a ceasefire would be signed
by the weekend but would not reveal the exact date.
He added however that the ceasefire would not last if North
Vietnamese forces, estimated at about 70,000, did not withdraw from
the country.
The spokesman, who was giving the first briefing since the black-
out of military news imposed by the government last week, said
that there was no connection between the military situation and the
ceasefire declaration.
He said government irregulars had retaken the town of Paksong
on the Blovens Highlands, lost to North Vietnamese forces last week.
He also said government forces have again got to with "a few
kilometres" of Saravane, on the northern edge of the Highlands.
Last week, it was reported that government troops had suffered
heavy casualties in an attempt to retake Saravane.
There were no official casualty figures of the fighting at the two
towns which have changed hands several times during the past years.
The military spokesman said the government had decided to im-
pose the news blackout because it wanted to encourage the public and
also because adverse reports from the battlefield would not help
during what he called the "political war" before a ceasefire.
Peace talks in Vientiane, which had appeared to have stalled,
picked up pace when the Vietnam agreement was reached.
The Laotian government renewed a proposal for a ceasefire and the
Pathet Lao responded by suggesting that extra secret peace discus-
sions should be held on top of the regular Tuesday sessions.
A week ago Pathet Lao Secretary General Ptou Mi Vongvichit and
chief government negotiator Pheng Phongsavan returned to the talks,
heightening the feeling that they were reaching a critical stage.
Laotian Prime Minister Prince Souvanna Phouma has had several
meetings with Phoumi since his return here 10 days ago from the
Pathet Lao headquarters of Sam Neua, in Northwestern Laos.
A major outstanding problem appeared to be that of the compo-
sition of a provisional government to run the country until new gen-
eral elections could be held.
The Pathet Lao has refused to accept Prince Souvanna as head
of such an administration.

lentine, whose Feast Day we cele-
y, has been known throughout history
tron saint of engaged couples and
lover's quarrels. Curiously enough,
Valentine was no Valentino.
Saint Valentine was two people-
rgymen of the same name who were
imultaneously on this date-Feb. 14,
e number one was Bishop of Terni,
mprisoned not for his amorous ad-
ut for aiding persecuted Christians.
really Valentine number two-a
riest-whose adventures as a sort
ay Cupid started the whole tradition.
the early years A.D. the Roman
Claudius was seeking to establish
of single-minded bachelor soldiers
cilitate his plans he proclaimed a

ban on marriage.
Valentine, however, defied the edict and
continued bringing happy couples together on
the sly.
He was soon caught, however, and sen-
tenced to die.
Even a Roman emperor could not vanquish
the spirit of love, however. Each Feb. 15
during the Feast of Lupercalia young men
picked a sweetheart for a year by drawing
names from a lottery box.
Since Lupercalia came so close to the feast
day for the now cannonized Valentine (Feb.
14) the two holidays were consolidated into
one: Saint Valentine's Day.
The sentiment of Lupercalia and lover's
lotteries stuck and soon the idea caught on
in France and England.
The sentimental Britons really went to town
See VALENTINE'S, Page 10

$200,000 NEEDED

of percipitation should turn
will be in the upper thirties,

to snow. Temperatures today
tonite's lows will be near 25.

Ford cited for improper tests;
judge sets fine at $7 million

DETROIT (UPI)-Ford Motor
Co. was fined $7 million yester-
day as a result of government
court action stemming from vio-
lations in antipollution testing of
1973-model cars and Ford's fail-
ure to report them.
The Justice Department filed
criminal and civil suits against
Ford before U.S. District Judge

last year. They involved un-
scheduled maintenance on the
engines and exhaust systems of
some of the test cars.
Ford brought the matter to
the attention of the Environ-
mental Protection Agency (EPA)
voluntarily after its top manage-
ment became aware of the viola-
tions. The company was then
nrd.rP+ i-torotac$ tha ,amhirac nan

The antipollution tests required
by the 1970 Clean Air Act called
for conducting 50,000-mile tests
to determine if the 1973-model
cars met federal emission stan-
dards for car engines.
In addition to the fines levied,
Ford was, ordered to prevent
similar violations in the future
through "affirmative action."
"We believe that the conclu-

riror s men in
tions departm
last year at thi
or more parkir
bile" officers v
with violators,
Car impour
pointsaout, the
when they wall
The city's;
According to
Sheehan to Ma
sources are fa
The larges
funds exists in
primarily from

y cracks down on
been using your parking tickets to prop up an unsteady ":::
per your room, be prepared for a visit from one of Ann
blue. The second annual parking violations crackdown is
to Warrant Officer Marvin Goebel of the Traffic Viola-
ent, a "tightening-up" of policy, similar to that done
us time, is presently in effect.
centers on a list of "chronic violators," thos'e with tent
ng infringements. The approach is two-fold: more "mo-
who will seek personal rather than telephone encounters
and impoundment of notoriously offending cars on sight.
indment is a special threat for out-of-staters. As Goebel
best way to contact those not registered in Michigan is
k into the police station to collect their cars.
motivation appears to be primarily fiscal, not vengeful.
a memo from Assistant City Administrator Kenneth
yor Robert Harris and the city council, certain revenue
illing way short of expectations.
t such gap between estimated revenue and collected
the department of Fines and Forfeits. The funds come
parking tickets. "f

parking fines

." C"

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