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February 13, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-02-13

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Once the rallying cry for student demonstrators and
the scourge of University administrators, the issue
of classified research has faded into obscurity while
the University has tacitly maintained business as usual.
Although the University has formally divested itself
of Willow Run Laboratories, its former secret research
complex, several issues cloud the ultimate relationship
between the University and the Laboratories.
The majority of classified research is contracted by
the Department of Defense and is for the purpose of
weapons development.
Under a plan adopted in principle by the Regents in
February 1972, Willow Run is operating as an inde-
pendent non-profit research corporation under the name
of the Environmental Research Institute of Michigan
Specifically, the issues in question include the follow-
0 In breaking ties with Willow Run, the University
gave away some 1,500 items of technical equipment
valued at $580,000 which had been purchased with Uni-
versity funds. Also included in the transfer of owner-
ship were 4,500 other items of technical equipment

with no price tag attached - purchased with federal
0 At least one University professor, Emmett Leith,
from the engineering school, has retained his tenure
while maintaining major responsibilities at ERIM.
ERIM Director William Brown said Leith spends
"about fifty per cent of his time at each place."
* According to Brown and University Vice-President

. A group of University faculty and graduate stu-
dents are working on an ERIM research project head-
ed by Keith Raney, a ERIM employe who also holds
three University teaching positions. Speaking of the
arrangements, Raney noted "The project is somewhat
of a trend setter in that we (ERIM) worked out tem-
porary positions for them (the students and faculty)."
* ERIM's seven-member Board of Directors includes

classified research as they already have security
Vice-President for Rese-rch Charles Overberger
said in a recent Daily interview, "All employes of
ERIM have resigned from the University."
But ERIM Director Brown has noted that no policy
with the University has been established on personnel
who split their duties. He said "No, there is no formal

X. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...',.......vIvIv.a.... -
"I have several hundred thousand dollars worth of equipment in toy office and if I changed jobs and went to an-
other university, I'm sure my department chairman wouldn't let me pack it up and take it with me."
-Donald Rucknagal, Med prof.
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Donald Rucknagal, a former member of Senate As-,
sembly currently participating in the investigation of
the property transfer, said "More of the faculty ought
to be upset by Willow Run Labs than they are, be-
cause in these tough financial times the University is
subsidizing them."
"I have several hundred thousand dollars worth of
equipment in my office and if I changed jobs and
went to another university, I'm sure my department
chairman wouldn't let me pack it up and take it with
"Another problem is in the engin school. In giving
this kind of a nest egg to the Willow Run Labs, do we
then have to turn around and replace this equipment
for the engineering students?"
University Chief Financial Officer Wilbur Pierpont
admitted that the University was not reimbursed by
ERIM for the equipment that accompanied the trans-
fer of ownership.
lie added "Technically speaking, all of the money
that comes from the government to the University is
See 'U', Page 8

for Research Charles Overberger, University personnel
can use ERIM facilities on a non-contractual, come-
as-you-please basis for their University projects.
* Six adjunct professorships have already been
granted to ERIM employes - including Brown.
* University employes who previously held security
clearance in their work at Willow Run will maintain
their security status.

three individuals who have ties to the University. They
include Business Administration Prof. Paul McCrack-
en, Electrical Engineering Prof. Emeritus William Dow
and Regent-Emeritus Eugene Power.
0 ERIM will hire approximately 24 University pro-
fessors and 30 graduate students as professional con-
sultants over the coming year. Raney noted "There
are those people we may employ as consultants on

agreement. It's pretty much a case of a man makes
his own deal."
The half-million dollar equipment giveaway may be-
come the center of a legal battle. A group of faculty
members organized as part of the Interfaith Council
have retained the services of local attorney Arthur
Carpenter to study the possibility of briging suit against
the ownership transfer.

See Editorial Page


3k i!3a


See Today for details

Vol. LXXXIII, No. 111 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, February 13, 1973 Ten Cents

Eight Pages















Blow your heart out
Outrageous is how the critics described The Daily's mad
scheme for an all-campus bubble gum blowing contest. Out-
rageous it is sure to be this Friday at noon when literally hun-
dreds of gum-crazed students will gather on the Diag-or Fish-
bowl if the weather is bad - to compete in a variety of compe-
titions to see who can blow the biggest, fastest, longest lasting
bubble of them all. The gum is free and for the winners there
will be (you guessed it) a free year's supply of bubble gum. Ev-
eryone is eligible, except for employes of The Daily and members
of the Board of Student Publications. We will not be responsible
for dentist bills.
G-men still clean
We got a call from Ray Copeland of the local FBI office
yesterday complaining about an item in this column last week
which said an FBI agent had been arrested in the French Con-
nection case. 'Taint so, Copeland told us-the man involved was
an agent all right, but not with the FBI. Copeland pointed out
that the bureau takes great pride in the fact that no G-man has
ever been caught on the take. Well Ray, neither Today nor our
wire services are infallible and we're sorry.
Daily wins an award
NEW ORLEANS - The Inland Daily Press Association yes-
terday awarded The Daily the second place honors in a typogra-
phy contest for papers with a circulation of less than 10,000. At
a meeting here, The Daily was honored along with several other
Michigan papers for outstanding design. No other college papers
received awards. Michigan's biggest winner was the Jackson g'
Citizen Patriot, which placed first among papers with a circu-
lation of 25-75,000.
Happenings.. .
are slender but worthwhile with another in the Future
Worlds lecture series serving to brighten up the day's fare. At
Hill Aud. this afternoon, Paolo Soleri, city designer, author, and.
general renaissance man speaks on "The Future of Aesthetics."
There will be slides and admission is free. Be there at 3 p.m.
. ..The United Jewish Appeal presents John Grauel, a former
crew member of the Exodus, at 1429 Hill Street at 8 p.m.-.-. -
CANCELLATION: The visit of Black Panther leader Bobby
Seale to Ann Arbor Wednesday has been dropped .. .
Kiss my
CLEVELAND, Ohio - Adm. Elmo Zumwalt Jr. has told
lawyers gathered here for a meeting of the American Bar As-
sociation one way of attaining high office - a well placed kiss.
The chief of naval operations said on Sunday that, not long after
he was pictured kissing Arlene Duerk, the first woman to attain
the rank of admiral, he received a letter from a former assist-
ant secretary of the navy. Zumwalt quoted the letter as saying
the former secretary had never thought he would see the day
"when the chief of naval operations was kissing an admiral."
The Navy chief said he replied: "Dear Boss, you should have
recalled that nobody reaches the place I'm at without kissing a
lot of admirals."
Editor dies
SARASOTA, Fla. - David Lawrence, editor and founder of
U. S. News and World Report and a widely syndicated column-
ist with a conservative viewpoint, is dead at 84. Lawrence suf-
fered an apparent heart attack at his winter home here and was
dead on arrival Sunday at Sarasota Memorial Hospital, a spokes-
man said. Funeral arrangements were incomplete as of yester-
Gaullists lose ground
PARIS - An opinion poll published yesterday by the news-
paper L'Aurore showed that the Gaullist dominated coalition gov-
ernment of George Pompidou is continuing to lose ground as
the March 4 first round of French elections approaches. The poll
showed the Socialist-Communist left front with 47 per cent of the
vote, the majority coalition down two percentage points to 35 per
cent and the Reform Coalition up one one at 17 per cent......
On the inside . .
the Arts Page features a review by Lorre Weidlich
of Lou Killen's performance at the Ark . . . Editorial Page

By The Associated Press and Reuters
WASHINGTON-The United States last night devalued
the dollar by 10 per cent in an effort to solve the international
monetary crisis.
The 10 per cent devaluation of the dollar-the second
time in 14 months the U.S. currency has been cut in value-
was taken in consultation with major U.S. trading partners,
according to Treasury Secretary George Shultz.
It was "in keeping with the basic principles of our pro-
posals for monetary reform," he said.

Devaluation followed a massive
run on the dollar, with speculators
selling the American currency be-
cause of concern over the deterior-
ating U.S. balance of payments
In the last two weeks alone West
Germany was believed to have
taken in six billion dollars of U.S.
A dollar devaluation has the ef-
fect of making imports into the
United States more expensive and
U.S. exports to other countries
cheaper, thus giving the nation a
better trading advantage.

By Reuters and AP
CLARK AIR BASE, Philippines-
A total of 143 prisoners of war
came back yesterday from the

4 1

USAF Photo via AP
A group of American POWs salute as they are transferred from North Vietnamese to American hands in Hanoi yesterday. The men
were later transported to Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines.

The decision to devalue the dol- longest war in American history.
lar by 10 per cent was expected The first to arrive were 116
by European monetary officials to from North Vietnamese prisons,
relieve immediate pressures on ferried on the 2 -hour flight from
the world currency system, per- Hanoi by three U.S. Air Force
mitting exchange markets to re- Starlifter hospital planes.
open today or tomorrow. "No emergency medical treat-
America's balance of trade sta- ment was required and did not
ti-stics may not respond to the seem necessary," a spokesman
change for some time, however, said later. "On the most part the
according to international economic men were ebullient."
officials in Paris.; A second contingent of 26 men
Indeed, the lower dollar could headed here from South Vietnam.
exercise a negative impact in the They were released north of Sai-
short term by increasing the cost gon following a day-long dispute
of imports to the United States and that delayed their departure. A
reducing the foreign exchange 27th prisoner released with them
yield on U.S. exports, they said. remained behind at a Saigon hos-
I ital.



health school threatened

L. M.' , qW =.q M6MM



The University's School of Public3
Health will be forced to make dras-
tic cuts in personnel if the Con-
gress approves President Nixon's
3 new revised budget Dean Myron
Wegman said yesterday.
According to Wegman, the school
may be forced to reduce its size by
one third to one half because ofj
the budget cuts. Many students'
and professors, who are presently
supported by federal grants, may 1

lose them unless Congress changes
the budget, Wegman added.
In his revised budget for the cur-j
rent fiscal year, President Nixon!
cut public health allocations from
$12 million to $6 million. The oudget
for the next fiscal year has noj
allocations for public health.
"We (the 18 public health schools
in the nation) could survive for a
while with the lowered amount of
funds," Wegman said. "But with
no funds we would be in trouble."

Shultz announced that the United'
States will ask Congress for trade
legislation that would provide for
S lowering trade barriers; raising
Oin budget cu s tariffs to make sure that U.S. ex-
ports have fair access to foreign
No federal funding, Wegman the drain. We're hoping that Con- markets; provide safeguards, such
continues would leave almost 3S gress will act to restore the funds." as import quotas, to guard against
per ent f te fault witoutrapid changes in foreign trade, and
per cent of the faculty without A bill to extend allocations for to protect the United States from,
financial support. Presently, those public health was introduced in large and persistent deficits in its
faculty members are supported by Congress last session. It was pass- balance of payments.
federal training grants. ed unanimously by the Senate but
failed even to reach a vote in the Shultz said he and other top
The budget cuts would also hurt HCabinet officials had met frequent-
many students presently going House. ly in recent days. He said Presi-
through school on federal grants. Nixon's budget cuts came as part dent Nixon made the final decision
Wegman said that at 'east 178 of a drive to curb governmental yesterday morning. Nixon was re-
students are having their tuition spending. Critics have labelled the turning to Washington from a five-
plus a small stipend paid by fed- move a usurpation of Congressional day stay in California as Shultz
eral grants. Tuition for the publc authority. was announcing the devaluation.
health school is $1,220 for in-state
students per school year and :2,500

The release of the Americans
followed nearly 12 hours of tense
waiting and last minute negotia-
tions and an official U.S. boycot
of the Joint Military Commission
(J.M.C.) sessions in Saigon.
The delay was started by the
refusal of Communist prisoners to
board release aircraft until they
had been reassured by Communist
officers on the J.M.C.
Finally, 10 hours behind schedule
the Vietnamese prisoners were
flown to Loc Ninh Town, 75 niles
north of Saigon and released.
The American prisoners-19 ser-
vicemen and 8 civilians-were then
turned over and flown to Saigon in
U.S. helicopters for transfer to
See POWs, Page 8

Council forms rent
control commission

City Council approved a "Blue
Ribbon Commission on Rent
Control" last night despite un-
expected and vocal disapproval
by the Human Rights Party
The resolution was passed by
an 8-3 margin. Only the IHRP
council members and Bruce Ben-
ner (R-Fourth Ward) opposed the

fined. Nancy Wechsler (HRP-
Second Ward) indicated the com-
mission could easily be dominat-
ed by landlord interests negating
any possibility of city rent con-
"Because there is no control
over who is appointed to com-
mittee there can be no assur-
ance this won't turn into a
sham," charged Jerry DeGrieck
(HRP-First Ward).

The school would also lose train-
ing grants in the area of commu-
nity mental health andtdental ph-
lic health: Most other training
grants will be reduced.
The ending of federal funds
"would drastically reduce our abil-
ity to award grants," Wegman
said. "This means most new stu-
dents would have to pay their own
way," he added.
Wegman said that there would
still be a small amount -)f funds
from the general budget and from
the state so the school will be able
to continue supporting those al-
ready working on grants.

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