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February 11, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-02-11

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See Editorial-Page



P43a it4

For details, see Today

Vol. LXXXIII, No. 110

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, February 11, 1973

Ten Cents

Ten Pages


Branzburg: Reorter under ire
By WILLIAM DALTON people involved in the drug operations and subsequently The ruling which applied to three cases, is gener-
November 15, 1969 a Louisville Courier Journal staff was cited for'contempt of court. ally referred to as the Caldwell case. Earl Caldwell is
writer named Paul Branzburg wrote an illustrated Kentucky is one of the states that has a shield law a black reporter for the New York Times, who was
story entitled "The hash they make isn't to eat." to protect newsmen from revealing their "source of forced to hand over the notes he had gathered from a
information" .year of reporting on the Black Panthers.
The story was the result of information Branzburg, According to Branzburg, Caldwell got the glory
now a reporter for the Detroit Free Press gathered Branzburg contended that the meaning of "source simply because he works for the Times. The court
from confidential sources. As a result of his connec- of information" should be construed to mean all the sentenced Branzburg to six months in a Kentucky jail,
tions he was allowed to visit and watch the actual knowledge received by a newsman. The Kentucky but he had by this time left for Michigan and was a
operations of a "hash lab" where marijuana was con- courts, however, interpreted it to mean immunity reporter for the Free Press. Branzburg's extradition
verted into hashish. from disclosing the source of the information, but not papers are presently in the Michigan Attorney Gen
The story for Branzburg was only the beginning of a the information itself. eral's office and his future remains uncertain.
legal maze which ultimately wound its way up to the Branzburg's appeal went to the Supreme Court and Since the "Branzburg v. Hayes" decision, four other
Supreme Court and produced a landmark ruling on the on June 29, 1972 in a 5-4 decision the Court upheld newsmen have been jailed for either refusing to dis-
concept of newsmen's privilege. Branzburg's contempt charge and in effect said the close sources of information or withholding unpub-
For soon after Branzburg published the story he First Amendment did not protect newsmen from being lished material from curious grand juries.
was subpoenaed to appear before the Jefferson County required to appear and testify before state or federal Newsmen argue that the ability to continue as ef-
Branburg Grand Jury. He refused to disclose the identity of the grand juries. See BRANZBURG, Page 10
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Treasure hunt
At least for a short time, the streets -of Ann Arbor may
indeed be paved with gold. The gold, which in this case comes
in the form of bills and coins, was thrown from a speeding
car by robbers who were being hotly pursued by the police
yesterday. The crooks were apprehended but approximately
$1500 of the stolen money was said to have blown off the road
just south of the city on I-94. Treasure hunters may have
competition, however, as a dozen policemen were also out look-
ing for the stray loot.
Happenings .. .
today are a bit on the slim side but tomorrow the week
starts off with a heavy schedule of events . . . On the agenda
today is the second day of 'the People's Party meeting. The
meeting starts at,10:30 a.m. on the third floor of the SAB .
in a related happening, Dr. Benjamin Spock, the party's candi-
date for president in the last election will speak tomorrow at a
benefit for the Human Rights Party. Spock will appear at the
Lydia Mendelssohn theatre in the Michigan League at 8 p.m.
Price of admission is $1.50 . . . pinball freaks should get their
fingers in shape for a tournament this week at. Tommy's Holi-
day Camp at 632 Packard. Qualifying heats begin tomorrow.
Judge Robert Colombo will discuss the administration of crim-
inal justice in the Detroit Recorder's Court at 7:30 p.m. in
Aud. B of Angell Hall tomorrow .,..
Typically British
The British have always been known as a particularly re-
served people, but at times that reserve becomes a bit ex-
cessive. The City Council of Luton, England, yesterday banned
a tiddlywink marathon that was to be held in town to raise
money for hospitals. "We don't like disappointing these young-
sters," said councilor James Carlten, "but we eckon that
tiddlywinking could cause nasty accidents along crowded pave-
Newsmen nixed
The United States is apparently not the only country where
things are getting tough for newsmen. In Egypt yesterday Pres-
ident Anwar Sadat cracked down on dissident members of his
Arab Socialist Union who he accused of stirring up trouble
among students. Of the 89 people purged halt were journalists.
The rest were writers, actors and several party officials. For
the newsmen the move meant an automatic loss of jobs.
Stars part
Another Hollywood romance looks like its on the proverbial
rocks. British television personality David Frost and actress
Diahann Carroll called off their engagement yesterday after a
two-year relationship. The two parted on a cordial note, how-
ever, and plan to continue work on a film called "Fever Grass"
that Frost is producing and Carroll is starring in.
Dixie blues
Northerners who long to head down South to escape the
misery of winter might want to change their plans as the worst
snowstorm of the century hit the heart of Dixie yesterday. Over
a foot of snow fell in cities from Georgia to Alabama and state
troopers reported that traffic on 1-75 was backed up for over
50 miles.
On the inside .,.
. the Arts Page features a review by Mitchell Ross
of the play "School for Scandal" . . . readers can join Daily
staffers Marty Porter and David Margolick in their trip
to the circus on the Edit Page . . . a wrap-up of a busy
day in sports will naturally appear on the Sports Page.
The weather picture
The cool temperatures of the past few days will con-
tinue today. Highs should be in the mid-twenties under
mostly sunny skies. Tonite's lows should be in the teens.






Locu igroup


A &P

It was too cold to spend much time outside yesterday, but that
didn't discourage the Ann Arbor Lettuce Boycott from picketing the
A&P store at Division and Huron.
Between 25 and 50 boycott supporters marched, sang, and distrib-
uted leaflets at the supermarket's entrance for nearly eight hours,
demanding that A&P sell only union-grown lettuce, and encouraging
customers to shop elsewhere.
The picketing effort is part of a nationwide drive to boycott non-
union iceberg lettuce, led by the United Farm Workers (UFW/AFL-
CIO) and UFW President Cesar Chavez.
The bc!cott is aimed at forcing West Coast produce firms to sign
UFW contracts requiring wage and work standards for some three
million farm laborers, whose average annual income now stands at
lc thanZ(n

By Reuters, AP and UPI
Sometime late tonight, 142 American POWs
are scheduled to be released by their Communist
captors in North and South Vietnam.
From Hanoi and An Loc, 60 miles north of Sai-
gon, the prisoners will be flown to Clark Air Force
Base in the Philippines and their first limited
contact with American life. They will be the
first Americans to be released under the terms
of last month's cease-fire agreement.
Included on the list of those to be released are
eight civilians and the first American airman to
be captured by the North Vietnamese. Lieut.
Comm. Everett Alvarez of Santa Clara, Calif. will
be coming home after 8% years in captivity.
As preparations for the release continued yes-
terday, Presidential envoy and world. traveler
Henry Kissinger was conferring with North Viet-
namege leaders in Hanoi.
Kissinger met for 4 hours to discuss possible
American aid programs and Hanoi's future rela-
tions with the United States.
President Nixon has mentioned the possibility
of $2.5 billion in aid being given to the North
Vietnamese, though that sum was not included in
the Presidential budget before Congress.
Kissinger and his party were guests of honor
later at a dinner given by Le Duc Tho, with
whom he negotiated the Vietnamese cearefire ac-
The Presidential security advisor is to remain
in Hanoi until Tuesday, when he will fly to Pe-
king to confer with Chinese leaders.
While the talks were underway in Hanoi, fight-
ing raged in Laos, still without a ceasefire agree-
ment. However, rumors are circulating that a
cease in hostilities is imminent, and Hanoi radio
claimed yesterday that talks between Laotian
factions would begin Tuesday.
Government officials in Vientiane were report-

less inan $16uu.
W orkm4
ex plsio
ing explosion collapsed1
of the world's largest liqu
tural gas tank yester
trapped at least 43 wor]
side. Authorities said a
fire probably suffocated
Three workmen manage
cape-one unharmed and t
with minor injuries-but F
John O'Hagan told newsn
"barring a miracle" ther
hope the other 43 trapp
could survive.
"It is very discourag:
entire roof came down at
tact. It had heavy re
rods," O'Hagan said la
only way "we can get to
by cutting through this
and the reinforcing rods<

-- Local boycott organizer David
Martinez said the demonstrators
effectively turned ,away nearly 200
e shoppers through "friendly per-I
suasion," but some of the recep-
- ~ tion was not so polite.
I A&P sales clerk Doug Fox called
y medemonsrators "a bunch of
misnfomedidiots" as he crossed
through the picket line to enterj
the store.
i 1 When Martinez and others ap-
proached him with leaflets, Fox
shouted, "You don't know what
thunder- you're talking about! Fuck the Chi-
the roof canos! And fuck the United Farm
uified na-l Workers!"
day and Fox said that "this store sells
kmen in- very little non-union lettuce, and
smoky even if it does, this boycott won't
1 all of ever change A&P policy."
"Incidentally, I don't really dis-
ed to es- like Chicanos," he added. "I just
he ->thers j kind of get worked up about my
'ire Chief job."
rmen that !Fox and store manager David
e was no. Lengel maintained that A&P let-'
ped meni tuce is grown by Teamster-union-
ized farm workers and that "the
ing. Tee issue comes down to one union
lmost :n- fighting another."
inforcing But when Martinez explained
ter. The the boycott demands, Lengel and
them is other A&P employes became less
concrete adamant.
and that Martinez cited a California Su-
e 10 preme Court ruling which barred
the Teamsters' effort to halt the
lettuce strike in 1970.
That decision found that the
Teamsters worked in collusion
with produce companies to stop the:
organizing efforts of Chavez and
the UFW. The court also deter-}
mined that "a substantial number
and perhaps a majority of the
farm workers desire to be repre-
sented by the UFW and express
no desire to be represented by thej
Lengel and several retail clerks
agreed with Martinez' terming the
See LOCAL, Page 10

AP Photo
PRESIDENT NIXON greets Vice-president Agnew with open arms yesterday as the
latter returned from a visit to eight Asian countries. Newsmen were not allowed to
cover the Agnew trip. They were also barred from travelling with Henry Kissinger on
his current mission to Hanoi and Peking.

ed to have

Forum held to discuss

regulation c
The recent Supreme Court ruling that allowed
women to have an abortion without hindrance
in the first three months of pregnancy has left
many legal, medical, and public health officials
in a quandary.
Serious questions remain about what can be
done legally to protect the health of women who
seek abortions.



He pointed out that although the state has
control over the conditions in hospitals and the
licensing of doctors, "I don't think the department
has the muscle to license a "free standing
abortion facility not connected with the hos-
The only other possibility of control is through
a civil suit on the part of a patient who suffers
physical or emotional damage due to a doctor's
Thus conditions in the free standing clinic-the
type of anesthesia used, the availability of coun-
seling, the use of laboratory testing-are left to
those who run the clinnic.
Joan Mulligan, of the Michigan Nurses Asso-
ciation, said that while barbers and swimming
pool facilities must be licensed, "the state finds

discussed with Kissinger the question
sof a guarantee that the estimated
65,000 North Vietnamese troops in
Laos would be withdrawn after a
In advance of a possible peace,
North Vietnamese-led troops of the
Pathet Lao were renorted trying
to seize the town of Thakhet, about
150 miles southeast of Vientiane,
in hopes of severing Highway 23,
the main north-south road- artery.
This would effectively cut Las in
Thakhet has been rocketed sev-
eral times in the past two weeks.
While Kissinger was off to yet
another world capital, Vice-presi-
dent Spiro Agnew returned from
his own eight-nation Asian sojourn.
Agnew told President Nixon that
on his trip, he found "a desire on
the part of all to help make the
peace a lasting one" in Indochina.
Nixon said that the Vice-presi-
dent's mission played a "very im-
portant purpose at this point in
terms of building a structure of
peace in Indochina and all of
Southeast Asia."
While the two were meeting,
Presidential Press Secretary Ron-
ald Zeigler told newsmen that Ag-
new was briefing Nixon on "his
conversations with leaders of the
capitals he visited."

In order to better understand this
an- abortion forum sponsored by the
Department, of Public Health and the
Council for the Study of Abortion was
terday at the Medical center.

held yes-

One of the speakers, Dr. Maurice Reizen, direc-
tor of the state public health department, said
that the basic question yet to be resolved is
determining what role the state has in regulating
the private practice of medicine.

itself unable to act in a
of a woman is affected."

situation where the life

In 1900, about one in every 100 American mothers
died during childbirth. Most of the blame fell on the
shoulder of American midwives, described at the time
as "hopelessly dirty, ignorant, and incompetent."
Now midwifery is coining back - but with a differ-

practices at

ence. .
The first nurse-midwife in Michigan, Margaret Craig,
R. N., will soon be delivering babies at 'U' Hospital.
A Certified Nurse-Midwife, Craig deals only with nor-
mal cases, and is trained to identify problem pregnan-
cies and refer them to an obstetrician.
Unlike "granny midwives", she says, nurse-mid-
wives are "professionally trained, backed by an or-
ganization, and legally sanctioned."
As a nurse-midwife, Craig says, she spends a great

"The advantage of being a nurse-midwife," she says,
"is that I can relate woman to woman with the pa-
tient. I pay a lot of attention to communication, mak-
ing sure that we understand each other."
Many doctors at 'U' Hospital allow the mother to be
awake during the entire delivery, with as little medica-
tion as possible, Craig says, adding that she often sees
the father in the labor room as well.
Craig says she would like to see more research done
on the possibility of childbirth in an upright position.
"Primitive females squat when they give birth," she
explains. "Here women deliver flat on their backs, so
they have little use of their abdominal muscles."
She adds that many women have a natural urge to
sit up during labor.

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