Page Two i Thursday, January 11, 1973 I b... :=3d; U.S., N. Viets keep war heated; icy peace talks thaw somewhat' ......................................... ..i...i. ..... .......... ..... ........ . I U "Women's Potential and Higher Education" SCHOOL OF ED: G350-Section 002 SAIGON (I) - U.S. BS2s a n d, tactical fighter-bombers attacked targets from the panhandle of North Vietnam to South Vietnam's Mekong Delta yesterday, while communist units mounted more rocket and mortar assaults on hamlets and villages. The strikes in the panhandle range from the port city of Thanh oVt. Ioe dv elopm--el WASHINGTON (R) - The NixonI administration will recommend drastic cutbacks in the fiscal 1974. budget of the Economic Develop-I ment Administration, one of thel government's more prominent grant-in-aid programs, sources said yesterday. If the administration has i t s way, sources said, the seven-year- old agency would be eliminated in favor of the special revenue-sharing program. In making cuts in various Hous- ing and Urban Development pro- grams recently, the administration has also cited revenue sharing as an alternative. The EDA was created in 1965 as MuM's the gov t.* word WASHINGTON (Reuter) - Offi-1 cials of the state and defense de-, partments have been barred from making any comment on the re- sumed Vietnam peace negotiations, it was disclosed yesterday. A directive to all military and civilian employes of the defense department warned "There must be absolutely no, repeat no, com- ment of any sort whatever from any department personnel, civilian and military, of whatever rank." State department spokesman Charles Bray said there was a standing injunction on the depart- ment and the U.S. Foreign Service against speculation, "idle or in- formed" on the peace negotiations. Bray called it "a perfectly sen- sible position, quite defensible." Grunt is a steamed puddh made with blueberris or other small fruits, and is so named be- cause of the sound it makes white boiling. Hoa 200 miles south to the DMZ aboard the two aircraft were list- commission will start almost im- In this course, women will examine their potenti which divides Vietnam. They are ed as missing. mediately to intensify the propa- of the University. Topics covered will include: why youc designed to halt the movement of: The losses raised to 35 the num- ganda war. want to use your education, and what you can do now, w supplies and troops south. ber of American warplanes lost in Viet Cong documents captured inteoe upe i In a related development, t h e Indochina since Dec. 18 w h e n recent weeks show that the com- o evole your potenti. U.S. Command announced the loss President Nixon ordered the mas- munists intend to wage a vigorous The necessary skills for self-understanding, creative aut of a fighter-bomber over N o r t h sive bombardment of North Viet- I political and propaganda battle for - ( Vietnam and a helicopter in South nam, principally Hanoi and Hai- control of the country after a cease- ship (empathy, communication, and motivation) will b Vietnam just below the demilitari- phong. fire. goal is a more independent, open, assertive, original w zed zone. All eight Americans The U.S. Command is not speci- As the fighting continued in Viet- Instructor: Peg Talburtt 764-0311 (office) 763-630 fic about the targets of the current nam, Henry Kissinger and Le Duc attacks in the North, although Tho loggedtanother four hours yes- Time: Tuesday evenings 7:30 Urn' North Vietnam accused the U.S. terday in their renewedpeace jto slashof indiscriminate bombing. talks in Paris. Credits, Rm. 2232 SEB In a broadcast dispatch, Hanoi's It was the third session of the Vietnam News Agency said an agri- round of talks that began Monday nL " 'O ''l1J1 cultural cooperative in a district in an apparent icy atmosphere, but Co-sponsored by The Center for the Study of Higher E area near Thanh Hoa had been now there was a sign of a possible School of Education razed in a B52 attack. thaw. Another session will be helda a successor to the old Area Re- At the same time the Saigon, hursday. """"' :'}" ..4 , . development Administration, which command claimed North Vietnam- he two delegations again avoid- was established under the Kennedy ese and Viet Cong units had step- ed meeting face to face in public, administration in 1961 to help eco- ped up their attacks on civilian but newsmen saw Kissinger shak- nomically distressed areas of the population centers. Civilian casual- ing the hand of an unidentified SHOP TONIGHT AND FRiDAY UNTIL 9:00 P.M. country. ties in the past four days, the com- North Vietnamese official as he Robert Podesta, head of h and said, have climbed to more entered the villa. -hthan 100. It was the first publicly visible agency, said he could not comment handshake of a session marked by on proposed budget cuts for EDA. Most of the fighting reported by coolness in sharp contrast to the CHRISTIAN DIOR the Saigon high command was re- cordiality of earlier meetings. But other sources said that the stricted to shelling attacks. othi sidey maintrned ti rG administration probably will not The command reported five new strict news blackout, but sources LEG FASHION SALE recommend an extension of the shelling attacks against a provin- said North Vietnam has shown no EDA after next June, when legis- cial capital and three district towns inclination thus far to make new atyiony t cate ithe bgexire. in the Mekong Delta and a village concessions following last month's Last three days to save on panty stockings any money is put in the budget for northwest of Saigon. Nine civilians massive American bombing of ''EDA, these sources said, it would!g probably be a token amount. were killed and 35 others wounded. Hanoi and Haiphong. and stockings in a variety of lovely styles U.S. officials claimed many of _______________ CfBut the program is popular with the communist attacks appeared to Th ihgan Daily, ited and an- with hi-rise side, demi-toe or sandalfoot. Congress. Originally established to I be aimed at civilian, not military ' aged Eby students atl, te Univesityaof'wt hirs sde m-oe rsa afo. pour federal money into financially targets, although in Vietnam's Michigan. News phone: 764-0562. Second pinched rural areas of the nation, overcrowded villages and hamlets gass postage paid at nn Arbor, Mich. In faad it received authority recently to the two often are side by side. Michia4n 810 nardStset Anl ror help alleviate economic problems Meanwhile, in Saigon, President day through Sunday morning Univer- in urban areas. Administration of- Nguyen Van Thieu moved to sity year. Subscription rates: $10 by ficials expect that Congress will strengthen his forces for the in- carrier (campus area): $1 ilocal mail (in Mich. or Ohio); $13 non-local mail!a fight to keep the EDA going. evitable propaganda battle t h a t (other states and foreign).s Its budget in the current fiscal would be fought in the south be- summer Session published Tuesday year is about $300 million, part of tween the Viet Cong and the gov- troughrSatuday moarier subscrp- n which went to help areas damaged ernment in the event of any cease- area): $6.50 local mail (in Mich. or' by tropical storm Agnes. fire. Ohio); $750 non-local mail (other Hoang Duc Nha, a 31-year-old states and foreign). The EDA's approach, direct cousin of the president and one - - - grants and loans toue, h p of his closest aides, has been ap- posed bythWie House, which pitdifrainmnse.TUS A LAYi favorspblock grants for economic pited informationgminister - THURS. JANUARl.$ development, with virtually no er Hand iggr pow ers.n aenbe- J ao strings attached. The administra- ve rs bigger powers. Nha be- stringsattache d. rTheadind istra comes commissioner-general, with tion believes that the EDA ap- a seat in the cabinet. LIBERTY AT MAYNARD many strings attached. .#** of within the context came here, how you vithin the University, tonomy, and leader- e stressed. The end ,oman and student. 4 (home) -9:30 ducation and the ., .' n Y ti .: i: I 01 'S ' . y HELL, UPSIDE DOWN Who will survive-in one one of the greatest escape adventures ever! PANAY-ON - -LOR ByDEm " THUR. /FRI. THE BICYCLE THIEF Dir. Vittorio de Sica, 1947 Italian with subtitles What it means to be poor. Very convincingly done story of a man who hunts the, unknown thief who stole his bike. A moving fim that may make you cry. PLUS: RENE CLAI R'S Entr'Acte ARCH ITECTURE AUDITORIUM t Y 4 t 4 I t I Waker "A COMEDY THAT W IL L M AK E Y O U LAUGH & CRY, IT COULD BE THE BIG HIT OF THE NEW SEASON." -Detroit Free Press "Petew v 4TH HIT WEEK! - PG Podesta is reported to have said !, , *. I / that the White House has l o s t P $r IssMeetig confidence in his agency. But he STEERING COMMITTEE said it has been successful in re- ELECTIONS lieving economically distressed areas of the country. MICHIGAN :EEN UNION N -9 u The EDA has made hundreds of MC__ GNU__NUNION_'7-9_PM grants to local communities, with the assistance going for such things as water and sewage facilities, in-1 dustrial park development, anti- THEATRE COMPANY OF ANN ARBOR + pollution equipment, streets and'4 PRESENT roads, regional airports and health and community facilities. DRAC,6U LA C An Original Adaptation of Bram Stoker's Novel .,I ri an. 10-13 Lydia Mendelsohn Theatre d "AN INTELLIGENT %. ;COMEDY WITH SOME OF THE CLEVEREST Evenings 8 p.m., Sot. Matinee 2:30 LINES IN YEARS . .. Tickets $2.50-$3.50, Matinee $2.00 and $3.00 THE SURPRISE COMEDY" HIT OF THE YEAR." (50c discount Jnr./Snr. High students with ID-Matinee Only) -A.A. News I Tickets at Stangers, McKenny Union, at the door or by writing P.0. Box 2023, Ann Arbor, T illie " _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ DIAL 662-6264 Shows at 1, 3, "BEST FILM OF 1972!" 5, 7, 9 P.M. -National Board of Review Get Selling Resufts! FRY DAILY CLASSIFIEDS Subscribe to The Daily I 4 7 & 9:05 p.m. $1 of '9 I 1 "ONE OF THE BEST MOVIES OF THE YEAR" -Judith Crist, New York Magazine -Detroit Free Press -Greenspun, N.Y. Times you bled my momma .. . you bled my poppa ... but you won't bleed ME! I r MELVIN VAN PEEBLES' film Sweet Sweetback's "-U. -'~ b. N ,.. i