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January 11, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-01-11

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Vol. LXXXIII, No. 83 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, January 11, 1973 Ten Cents

Eight Pages

ifyousee ne s happencall 76-DAILY
Unemployment blues
Doug Harvey may have lost his bid for re-election as Wash-
tenaw County Sheriff, but he apparently has no intention of hang-
ing up his guns just yet. Harvey is looking for another job in
the law and order business and it seems likely that he will be
offered the job of police chief of Greenoaks Township in Livings-
ton County. It'll be a let down from his former status. Greenoaks
Township only has four cops.
A human meeting
Tonight the Human Rights party will elect members for
internal party positions (party coordinator and steering commit-
tee) and discuss guidelines for their up-coming February primary.
The meeting will start at 7 p.m. in the first floor faculty lounge
at the Union. All those interested are urged to attend.
Another film group?
The cheapest shows in town, starting tomorrow night, are the
75c films which will be screened on Friday and Saturday nights
by Ann Arbor's latest film group, Mediatrics. All the other
campus groups, with the exception of those dorm cheapies, are
presently charging at least a buck, with some (New Morning)
up to $1.25. Mediatrics, which sounds like a branch of medicine
specializing in culture shock, has scheduled such blockbusters as
2001: A Space Odyssey, Shaft, My Fair Lady, and Willard. It's
' only fair; they're sponsored by UAC, which is in turn sponsored
by the students via a mathematical process that uses a head-
count formula to spirit away about $1.00 per person from tuition.
Happenings . . .
. ..include Food of the Middle East at the League cafeteria
between 5-7:15 . . . plus three lectures such as Can Technologists
Cope? given by Donald Christiansen, editor of Spectrum magazine,
at 4 p.m. in 311 W. Engineering . . . Greek Tragedy and the
* Modern Stage given by James McCaughey, a visiting prof from
Princeton, at 2009 Angell, 4:10 p.m. . . . and The Right to be
Indian in the Study of American History given by Rupert Costo
and Jeanette Henery of the American Indian Historical Society
at Aud. 3 M.L.B. 8 p.m.
Congress delays appointment
WASHINGTON-Sen. William Proximre (D-Wis) yesterday
asked the Senate Armed Services Committee to delay acting on
the nomination of William Clements to be the number two man
at the Pentagon until the Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC) completes an investigation into a company headed by
Clements. Committee Chairman Sen. John Stennis (D-Miss) told
reporters, however, that he does not have enough facts on the
investigation of Clements' firm by the SEC to act on his
+ nomination. Proxmire had requested an SEC investigation last
month after the Associated Press disclosed that Clements three
business associates and his company were accused of conspiracy
and fraud in a civil suit filed in federal court in Dallas. The
' committee has been holding hearings on the nomination this week.
Monday morning quarterback
If he could do it all over again, Sen. George McGovern says
his campaign would be different: Less travel, more television,
less openness with the press, and more "no comments." Mc-
Govern added, "My confidence in the ability to get to people
with appeals based on simple, old-fashioned virtues like trust
and decency has been shattered." On the stalled peace negotia-
tions he commented, "I'm not going around saying 'I told you
so.' But it's obvious, as I warned, that President Nixon deliber-
ately misled us."
On the inside . *
On the Editorial Page is an article dealing with the
latest trends in black films by Darnell Hawkins . . . Bobo
Andrews discusses his weird experiences at Madison Square
Garden during the Holiday Festival on the Sports Page ..,.
Arts Page has everything you need to know in the area of
The weather picture
It's gonna be another cold one today. The National
Weather Service predicts clouds, and high winds in Ann
Arbor with a chance of snow. The high will range between
20-25 with the low tonight around ten degrees.


I Hunt






Six other defendants
may also cop pleas
WASHINGTON, (Reuters) - Howard Hunt, a former
White House aide, pleaded guilty yesterday to bugging the
Democratic Party's headquarters, raising the possibility that
the full facts of the politically-charged case may never be
aired in court.
His plea came after the government prosecutor had out-
lined a tale of political intrigue, including plans to bug
Democratic Party leaders and the party's convention at Mi-
ami Beach last year.
Hunt, a key defendant, admitted he was involved' in a
burglary of the Democratic headquarters on, June 17, had
planted bugging devices there and had conspired to put bug-
ging devices in the political headquarters of Sen. George

-AP Photo
Smoke-filled room
Gordon Rule, left, the Navy's civilian cost-cutter, and Admiral Isaa: Kidd, chief of the material command appear yesterday before
Congress' Joint Economic Committee which is looking into Rule's demotion following previous testimony. Rule told the committee on
December 19 that the appointment of Roy Ash as President Nixon's bidget director was a mistake and it was a worse mistake for Ash to
accept the job. Ash formerly headed Litton Industries, a conglomerate which has asked for more money for fulfilling Navy contracts.

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When President Nixon is inaugu-
rated on Jan. 20 it will not be
without protest. At least 300 people
from Ann Arbor will be on hand

The AACIC has reserved 10 bus-
es already and will rent more as
tickets sales dictate.
The caravan of buses will leave
Ann Arbor at 8 p.m. Friday, Jan.



He had originally been charged
on eight counts, but after he
pleadedguilty to three, the prose-
cution withdrew the others.
A lawyer for four more of the
seven accused of bugging the Dem-
ocratic headquarters indicated ear-
lier his clients would plead guilty
if they were assured of a suspend-
ed sentence and a fine.
Hunt's guilty plea followed ad-
missions by lawyers of five of the
accused yesterday that their cli-,
ents were inside the Democratic
offices as charged, but had no evilt
aor criminal intent. 1
If all seven were to plead guilty,
'the evidence in the case-in which
Democratic officials have claimed
the Republicans, including mem-
bers of Nixon's re-election com-
mittee, organized widespread po-.
litical sabotage -- might never be
disclosed in court.
A government prosecutor, Earl
Silbert, said in his opening state-
ment that one of the seven defen-
dants, Gordon Liddy, a formert
White House Aide, was asked byE
the President's Re-election com-
mittee in late 1971 to direct a po-
litical intelligence - gathering op-
eration for the committee, and re-I
ceived $235,000 for expenses. 1
1Silbert charged that as part of
the operation, a universitystu-
dent infiltrated McGovern head-
quarters to discover dissension and
survey the office for a later break-
in to install. secret listening de-
Police arrested five of the seven
defendants at gunpoint inside the
Watergate complex, wearing sur-
gical masks over their faces and
carrying electronic eavesdropping
The prosecutor told the jury of
eight women and four men that
the student, Thomas Gregory, dur-
ing his two months of undercover
operations,rmet secretly with
Hunt, to provide him with the in-
formation he had gathered..
Hunt, in turn, gave the student
$175 each week in an envelope,
Silbert said.
Earlier, Gregory had infiltrated
the offices of Senator Edmund,
Muskie (D-Me.) to gather informa-
tion about his organization when
he was considered the leading
Presidential candidate.
Hunt and Liddy were not among
the five arrested by police inside
the Watergate, but were later
charged with conspiracy in the
bugging attempt.
Silbert told the jury that Liddy
was given the espionage assign-
ment by Jeb Stuart Magruder, for-
See PLEAS, Page 8

U.S. pilot
Won't fy
faces tri*
OMAHA, Neb. (P)-The Strategic
Air Command (SAC) reported yes-
terday that a B52 pilot faces pos-
sible court-martial for allegedly re-
fusing to fly a combat mission over
North Vietnam.
A spokesman at SAC headquar-
ters here identiifed the officer as
Capt. Michael Heck, 30, now sta-
tioned at the Utapao Air Station
in Thailand.
A command spokesman said
Heck was "the first and only" B52
crew member to face a charge of
"alleged failure to obey an order
to fly a combat mission in South-
east Asia" since B52s first went
into action over Indochina in June
The alleged incident occurred
Dec. 27, nine days after B52s began
participating in massive raids
against the Hanoitarea. The heav-
iest loss of B52s to surface to air
missiles occurred prior to that
See PILOT, Page 8
VC reports
U.S., S. Viets
fought battle
HONG KONG (Reuter) - U.S.
troops stationed at the Da Nang
air base in South Vietnam have
clashed with South Vietnamese sol-
diers, according to the Viet Cong
Giaiphong Press Agency (GPA).
The GPA report, quoted by the
North Vietnam News Agency said
the Americans took anti-war ac-
tions last Monday and opened fire
at the Saigon troops.
"The U.S.-puppet command im-
mediately sent many aircraft to
bomb and strafe repeatedly the
northern sectorsof the base," the
report added.
It also said some 50 American
soldiers including many officers
and technicians were killed or
wounded, while the South Vietna-
See U.S., Page 8

to help insure this sentiment is 19 from East University and is
felt. expected to arrive in Washington
Last night the Ann Arbor Coun- around 8 a.m. on Saturday.
ter-Inaugural Committee (AACIC) The protesters will then go to
held a meeting in the SAB to in- the Lincoln Memorial and march
form the students of the "atroci- down Constitution Ave. to the
ties" of the Nixon administration Washington Monument where there
and encourage them to join in the will be a rally. AACIC organizers
demonstration organized nationally stressed the peaceful nature of the
by the National Peace Action Com- protest and also discouraged par-
mittee and the People's Coalition ticipation in organized efforts to
for Peace and Justice. interfere with any of the inaugural
The organizer of the local meet- proceedings.
'ing, Richard Weinberg, was en- Nationally, Students for a Demo-
thusiastic about the turnout and cratic Society (SDS) has planned
commented "this demonstration is for a rally at Union Station, which
developing almost spontaneously. they have indicated may include
I spoke with the Washington Post some 'civil disobedience.'
last week and a reporter said he A
~expected a few groups of about IAt 5 p.m. Saturday the buses
i 0peoe. Now, with mounting will leave Washington, D.C. for
national support, people are talking Ann Arbor. The AACIC has ar-
about 100,000 attending." ranged for some housing for those
driving who wish to spend Satur-
day night in the capital. People
needing housing must contact the
AACIC before leaving Ann Arbor.
The temporary AACIC phone num-
ber is 763-4797.
At last night's meeting, Al Kauf-
man of the Young Workers Libera-
tion League spoke on the "charac-
ter of activities of the Nixon ad-
ministration" and Terry Winters
of the Medical Aid to SE Asia
group asked for a "show ofesoli-
darity in response to the need of
the peoples of Vietnam."
Chuck Meibeyer said that the
jAACIC "hopes to continue after
k the 20th (of January) to unite
sym pathetic (peace) groups, those
against racism, and against those
trying to (undermine) freedom of
speech and the press."
During the question and answer
period State Representative Perry
Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) asked about
the possibility of there being a
group of buses leaving on Thursday
night so people could speak against
the war to their congressional rep-
Student Council member Dave
IlHorenstein said he will bring up
the question of SGC funding of the

Unions cal for end
to Viet war funding
The area AFL-CIO labor council has adopted a resolution calling
upon Congress to cut off funding for the Vietnam war.
Initiated by members of the American Federation of State,
County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), an AFL-CIO affiliate
to which University employes belong, the resolution was passed
unanimously at a meeting Tuesday night.
"The end of U.S. involvement in the war . . . can be 'at hand'
if the leadership of the United States wishes it to be," the resolu-
tion states, adding that "continued U.S. bombing of North Vietnam
can only serve to prolong the war."
It was only the second anti-war motion ever adopted by the
Huron Valley Central Labor Council of the AFL-CIO, which covers
Washtenaw and Livingston Counties. The first, passed last spring;
protested the President's decision to mine Haiphong harbor but
did not call upon Congress to take any action.
No other AFL-CIO area labor councils are known to havebpassed
similar resolutions. Although the national organization is backing
the lettuce boycott, its president George Meanyhas staunchly
supported Nixon's war policies and was instrumental in the AFL-
See LOCAL, Page 8


Intra-party splits b

Associate Managing Editor
As the Human Rights Party (HRP) moves
into its second City Council election battle,
the splits developingtwithinethefparty
threaten to destroy the fragile left-wing
coalition framework of the party.
The splits have always been present
within the party, but with HRP facing its
first open primary in February, those dif-
ferences have become accentuated.
On one hand is the Rainbow People's

Council nomination, and Linda Ross for
party coordinator.

Many of the "party regulars" were out-
raged at what one called "a blatant Rain-
bow power play."
"They don't do any work for the party
all fall and now they want to run the par-
ty," added one angry party member.
On the other side of the spectrum is the
self-styled Rootless Chocolate Almond Cau-
cus. Headed by long-time Ann Arbor radi-

eset HRP
any viewpoint other than their own "cor-
rect" point of view.
This group also has its own set of can-
didates for the top positions. Anne Bobroff
is their candidate in the mayoral primary,
while they are supporting Lisa North for
the Second Ward council seat and Susan
Steigerwalt for party coordinator.
The rest of the party appears to be on
some sort of amorphous middle ground. In
fact, some of them have started calling
themselves the Militant Middle.

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