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February 04, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-02-04

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Vol. LXXXIII, No. 104 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, February 4, 1973 Ten Cents

Eight Pages

if you see news Ihappen call 76-DAILY
Ten years ago today
Some things change, some things don't. On February 4, .1963,
The Daily ran a story on Army Chief of Staff Earl Wheeler's
fact-finding trip to Vietnam. Wheeler said at the time: "Politic-
ally; economically, and militarily, the tide is beginning to turn
in our favor," and stated that the United States was training
South Vietnamese personnel "so that we can reduce our own
commitment" in Vietnam. He would not disagree with a pre-
diction that the war -would end within three years.
And if that isn't deja-vu enough, Michigan lost a basketball
game to Wisconsin on that same date by a score of 81-78.
Sore losers
About 300 persons braved freezing temperatures and strong
winds yesterday in Lansing to protest the recent Supreme Court
decision that struck down the state's abortion law. Roman Catho-
lic Bishop James Sullivan labelled the decision "murdering of
the unborn." He urged those present to write their congressman
to urge legislation or an amendment to the Constitution to nulli-
fy the decision. Rally sponsor announced that an all-night vigil
Would be held in Lansing next week, followed by a major rally
in Detroit's Kennedy Square.
Happenings .. .
. ..All you jock crazies had a big day yesterday, but you'll
have to do pushups or run around your house or something to-
day, 'cause there just ain't much goin' on in the sports world.
For that matter, there ain't much goin' on anywhere in Ann
Arbor today. With one exception: Noted philosopher, mathe-
matician and designer Buckminster Fuller will speak at Hill
Aud. at 8 p.m. tonight on "Designing a Future World." Tickets
for the lecture, which is appropriately part of the "Future
Worlds" lecture, series, are on sale for $1 in the Union . . . if
you're awake by noon, turn on the tube andtwatch a 'U' TV
center Film, "Singer's Art: The Heavenly Banquet," on Channel
4 at noon . . . Tomorrow offers a somewhat more enticing menu,
including two Frank Capra films, "The Strong Man" and "Negro
S oldiers" at Arch. Aud., the faculty exhibit at the Art Mu-
seum, and much as we wish it to be otherwise, classes.
Not insane
For those who look to psychiatrists as mental saviors take
note: The New Jersey State Prison's only full-time psychiatrist
was charged yesterday with attempting to arrange the murder
of his former wife and two members of her family. A study of
his past revealed that the man, Dr. William King, had been com-
mitted twice to mental hospitals in the 1960s. When informed
of the news, former presidential candidate George Papoon re-
marked, "not insane."
Dope notes
Sylvester Stewart, known to the world as the leader of Sly
and The Family Stone was arrested yesterday when police raided
his home and confiscated quantities of marijuana, heroin, and
a cocaine. Sly's troubles with the police are not new ones, how-
ever. Last monih he was arrested for pulling a water pistol
on a jewelry store owner in a mock hold-up . . . Commenting that
"a Keystone Cop situation" exists between two government
agencies fighting the illicit drug problem, Rep. John Murphy
(D-N.Y.) urged the creation of a super-drug agency. Murphy
cited as an example, a case in which an agent of one organiza-
tion stole evidence from an agent of another so that he would
have jurisdiction over a case.
Hippies beware
Freaks who were considering a springtime visit to Zanzibar
might want to change their plans in light of a government de-
cision announced yesterday. After May 1, women will not be
allowed to wear dresses which expose their knees whether they
are standing, sitting, stooping or lying down. Men's thighs may
no longer be exposed, and they may not wear bell-bottoms and
their hair may be no longer than two inches. The island's Attor-
ney General, Wolfgang Dourado, who himself is a long-hair, said
he had not yet studied the order.
ife's got a friend
Apparently the Nixon administration's crackdown on permis-
siveness contains a few loopholes. After shouting obscenities at a
woman columnist last week, Frank Sinatra was still invited to
perform at a White House social function. The fact that he is
close friend of Vice-president Agnew's is said to have had some-
thing to do with the decision.
On the inside ... I

Movie connoisseur Richard Glatzer tells you every-
thing you wanted to know and more about Frank Capra
on the Arts Page . . . the Edit Page is entitled "Faces of
The War . . . crack sportswriter Bob McGinn will fill the
Sports Page with a now familiar tale of another Michigan
basketball defeat.
The weather picture
Today will be a partly sunny day with temperatures
rising up into the low forties. A good day for shooting a few
hoops or iomping merrily through the streets. Tonite will
be a bit cloudier with a chance of an occasional snow flurry
or two.

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MARKLEY HALL was magically transformed into a greaser's palace last night as, oldies freaks were treated to a hop to
-Doily Photos by RANDY EDMONDS and DENNY GAINER beat all hops. Four bands, all masters of the art of lip-synch, were on hand to entertain the faithful.
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Kissrn er





Uniots act
cease- fre
By AP and UPI
SAIGON - The Interna-
tional Ccmmission of Control
and Supervision (ICCS) broke
a deadlock yesterday and
agreed to send seven teams
into the field tomorrow to
oversee the Vietnam cease-
Canadian Ambassador Michel
Gauvin, acting as chairman of the
ICCS, announced that teams of 20
men each would leave tomorrow
for the seven regional supervisory
centers established under the Viet-
nam cease-fire agreement.
In a related development,, the
Viet Cong and South Vietnamese
officials said yesterday they will
meet in Paris tomorrow to begin
charting the political future of
South Vietnam. It will be their
first official face-to-face confron-
The ICCS compromise w a s
reached at a one-hour meeting of
the delegation chiefs of the ICCS,
representing Hungary, Poland, In-
donesia, and Canada.
Well placed sources said an im-
passe had developed over whether
the teams would be dispatched im-
mediately or after the ICCS chiefs
were able to meet with the Four-
Party Joint Military Commission
(JMC) to agree on logistical sup-
port for the observer teams.
The source said a compromise
was reached, wherein Canada and
Indonesia agreed to delay the dis-
patch until tomorrow, allowing the
chiefs to meet the JMC at a meet-
ing scheduled for 11 a.m. today.
Poland and Hungary agreed, the
source said, to announce the move-
ment of the teams before the com-
bined meeting takes place.
The placement of the regional
See UNITS, Page 8

ews media banned
from latest journey
By AP and Reuters
WASHINGTON-Presidential Adviser Henry Kissinger
will visit Peking later this month for talks with Chinese
government leaders on further normaliryation of U. S. rela-
tions with China, the White Hoese announced yesterday.
Presidential spokesman Ronald Ziegler said Kissinger
would go to Peking on Feb. 15, a couple of days after visiting
Hanoi where he will discuss America's post-war relations
with North Vietnam. He will remain in the Chinese Capital
until Feb. 19.
Although the Vietnam cearsefire and the prospects for
peace throughout Indochina are
bound to come up in Kissinger's
meetings in Peking, Ziegler said
this is not the express purpose of x'
the visit.2'..
"No agenda is set," the spokes-
man said. "Both sides can bring . f
up what they want to bring up.
The focus of the talks will be on
the further normalization of (Sino-
Americ an) relations."{
The White House announcement
said Kissinger would have ''con- -
crete consultations with Chinese
leaders to further the normaliza-
tion of relations between The Peo-
ple's Republic of China and The
United States."
In his meetings with Chinese
Prime Minister Chou En-lai and
foreign ministry officials, t h e
White House adviser would con-
tinue|touexchange views on issues
of common interest, it said. K
j U. S. officials suggested that ssinger
SKissinger might bring up the question of U. S. POWs in Indochina still
missing and unaccounted for. The United States is dissatisfied with
what it feels is an incomplete listing received so far from Hanoi.
Meanwhile, The White House Correspondents Association urged
President Nixon yesterday to change his mind about not permitting
the news media to accompany Kissinger on his trip.
The association, in a telegram to the President, said "we urgently
request our government to allow a news media pool to cover" Kis-
singer's meeting with North Vietnamese and Chinese officials.

AP Photo
A SOUTH VIETNAMESE BOY plays amid a pile of empty shell casings left behind after one of the
last fire missions of the wear.


Black conference held

The first national symposium
dealing with the unique problems
of black medical students and
black physicians came to a close
last night.
The second day of the confer-
ence was devoted to discussions
of black survival in white health
care institutions. Eight speakers
addressed the gathering yester-
day offering a wide range of
advice to the prospective doctors.

Youth fares up in the air

Speaking on the topic of "Medi-
cal Economics," Dr. John Hollo-
man blamed the Nixon adminis-
tration for failing to help poor
and non-white patients with health
care problems. He maintained
that the whole problem was fi-
nancial and added, "Health-care
is a commodity which is sold to
the highest bidder, black and
poor people simply can't com-
pete for a scarce commodity."
The afternoon session was de-
voted primarily to personal iden-
tity problems blacks might en-
counter in the course of their
work. Dr. David Stacher, the
first speaker, explored the dif-
ficulties a black physician could
encounter in dealing with pa-
He warned black doctors who
planned to return to the black
community to practice not to
expecttahero's welcome just be-
cause they happened to be black.
"I strongly suggest that blacks
in health care prepare them-
selves to care for black patients.
Black people will not accept in-
ferior care from anybody. Being

"It was a great deal
really increased my
of the problems."

St. Louis University medical
student Bill Fleming agreed that
the conceptoftthe meeting was a
useful one but added, "The real
test will be to see if there are
any changes made after the sym-
posium is over."


Bach Mai fund drive begins

of help. It

If you happen to be carrying an airlines
youth fare card, hang on to your wallet.
The government wants to take it away.
The Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB), that
wing of the federal bureaucracy concerned
with safeguarding air passengers' rights,
has flown into action against reduced youth

maintain their special rates for young peo-
ple. If it weren't for youth cards, the air-
lines maintain, many youths would prob-
ably find other means of transportation.
At this point, the struggle is still a bu-
reaucratic one. The airlines have petitioned'
the CAB to overturn their own ruling.
Later, the carriers may move to the courts
to seek a continuation of youth fares.
, I- An xhi s tcrrn to - nittl,

For a few students in Ann Arbor, the war in
Vietnam is not over yet.
Ann Arbor Medical Aid for Indochina (MAI)
has begun an intense local effort in a nationwide
campaign to collect funds for the resupplying of
medical equipment and facilities to war-torn areas
of Indochina.
The collection drive presently focuses on the
rehbildine of Hanoi's Bach Mai Hosnital.

In a meeting last week, SGC reduced the orig-
inal funding motion to $500, then to $50, and then
voted down the motion.
Local MAI coordinator Terry Winter reacted
with rage to SGC's veto, calling the Council's
action "irresponsible" and "empty-headed."
"I consider it an insult," said Winter, a medical
student. "They showed their ignorance by dealing
with this as just another charity."
SGC member David Smith, who opposed the
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