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February 01, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-02-01

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For details, see today.

Vol. LXXXIII, No. 101 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, February 1, 1973 Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Y- today ..
if you see news happen call76-DAILY
Dry no longer
Alcoholics on, the east side of the city - who for the last
few months have had to truck all the way downtown to wet
their collective whistles - should be happy to hear that the
Village Bell is re-opening today. A spokesman for the Bell in-
forms us that despite the remodeling required for the fire-
damaged interior, prices have not gone up at Clint Castor's
Dorr dies at -76
Harold Dorr, longtime political science professor and most
recently dean of statewide education here at the University,
died at his home yesterday of a sudden stroke. Dorr, who was
76, had been active in city politics, and had served as special
advisor to numerous government agencies including the state
department. Cremation has taken place, and a memorial service
will be held at the Muehlig Funeral Chapel at 4 p.m. on Sunday.
Ackley on the budget
Gardner Ackley, economics professor and former chairman
of the Council of Economic Advisors, yesterday issued a state-
ment on President Nixon's budget message. While conceding that
the new budget contains some meritorious recommendations,
Ackley criticized the shelving of Lyndon Johnson's Great So-
ciety programs without providing substitutes, and blasted what
he called an unwillingness on the President's part to close tax
Local strike continues
Some 185 secretaries in Ann Arbor's public schools continued
their strike yesterday, accusing the Board of Education of "bad-
bargaining." The employees, members of Teamsters Local 124,
walked off the job Tuesday after charging that the school board
was unwilling to go along with recommendations of a -state-
appointed fact-finder concerning wages and benefits. Picket
lines were set up yesterday at' three high schools, and no end
to the strike is immediately seen.
. . are highlighted by a news conference by Prof. John
Whitmore, an academic specialist on Vietnam, who was in
Hanoi at the time of the cease-fire announcement. He will speak
at 11 a.m. in the Regents Room on the first floor of the Ad-
ministration Building . . . in the local political sphere Drain
Commissioner Jerry Fulton will speak at the Democratic Lunch
Box Forum at noon in the International Center, 603 E. Madison
St. . . . the Democrats will also be gathering at the Ann Arbor
Public Library at 7:30 p.m. to continue open hearings on their
1973 city platform . . . not to be outdone the Human Rights
Party will hold a mass meeting on the second floor of the SAB
at 7:30 p.m. . . . and in a final musical note - middle "C" -
Bach Club members will gather at 8 p.m, in the Green Lounge
of East Quad.





low service

A Daily survey of Big Ten schools has revealedS
that the University charges dorm residents higher ae o essrieta n tt-upre
rates for less service than any state-supported '
school in the conference. or 20 meal-per-wee
Housing rates have risen approximately 15 per -breakfast, lunch
cent in the last two years, including a planned Wisconsin operat
average increase of roughly $50 for next year. which allows stude
This is the highest rate of increase of any school in rately.
the conference. In this way, stu
Only Northwestern, a private school, charges meals they don't
higher dorm rates than the University. Housing Director'L
services offered to University quaddies lag far particularly popula
behind those available to their counterparts in this is fairer beca
other conference schools. ing the big eater."
The University is the only Big Ten school which Further, student
doesn't offer at least 20 meals-per-week; it offers meal tickets in d
only 13. purchase beer with
Northwestern and Ohio State offer optional 13 University stude

vey reveals poor service

ek contracts. Minnesota offers 21
and dinner, 7 days-per-week.
es a unique meal ticket system
ents to pay for each meal sepa-
dents don't have to pay for any
eat. According to Wisconsin
Larry Halle, the system has been
ar with women who he says "feel
use they were tired of subsidiz-
ts at Wisconsin can use their
orm snack bars and can even
h them, according to Halle.
nts must pay the full amount

for 13 meals-per-week, regardless of how many
meals they eat, and University meal tickets are
not transferable for use outside dorm cafeterias.
Further, the University is one of only three Big
Ten schools which do not provide linen service.
The housing office dropped linen service last
year claiming it was, too expensive.
Some further cuts in dorm service recommended
by the housing office but temporarily rejected
would heighten the unfavorable comparison.
It has been suggested that the number of meals-
per-week be reduced from 13 to 10, and that the
dorm security system be eliminated.

Asked to justify the University's high rates and
low level of service, Housing Director John Feld-
kamp cited de-centralized facilities and high food
costs as contributing factors.
He said University housing is composed of "small
units, not programmed for economy but rather
designed according to the Michigan House Plan"
which attempts to promote small group living.
Also, Feldkamp claimed University dorms serve
"more expensive entrees" with meals than other
Big Ten schools.
As a result, he says, the University pays more
money to feed far fewer students than our sister
school at Michigan State.
How do University students react to the high cost
and low service level of dorm living?
One answer is that many do not return to Uni-
versity housing, switching to apartment living
See 'U', P"ge 8






Stennis report
WASHINGTON - Sen. John Stennis (D-Miss.) was
very serious condition but resting comfortably after
ing more than six hours of surgery for bullet wounds
during a holdup Tuesday night. The 71-year-old Stennis
man of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

listed in
is chair-

Better than Harrad
HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif. - The sonof explorer and sex
researcher Wyn Sargent defended his mother's recent marriage
to Obaharok, . cannibal chieftain in Indonesia. "My mom knows
what she's doing," says Jmy (pronounced Jimmy) Sargent.
"When she's done with the book, that-will be it. Mom is writing
a book. It's all about customs and things. And the best way to
get material ...'"
Dope notes
NEW YORK - Police Commissioner Patrick Murphy ad-
mitted yesterday that a total of over 400 pounds of heroin and
cocaine have been stolen from the police department and re-
turned to the sreets. The disclosure came after an exhaustive in-
ventory of all confiscated dope, prompted by the theft from
police of 81 pounds of heroin seized in the infamous "French
Connection" case. Police officials claim only police had access
to the drugs.,
On the inside.. .
Renaissance man Jonathan .Miller explores the prob-
lems of Cable TV on the Arts Page . . Edit Page read-
ers can marvel at Pete Hamill's description of "The Cock-
roach Who Ate Brooklyn" . . . the Sports Page will feature
a look at the Big Ten basketball race by the Daily's own
George Hastings.
The weather picture
Ann Arbor's temperatures will rise into the mid-forties
today, but the higher temperatures will be accompanied by
some precipitation. The rain is likely to continue through
tonight as temperatures will remain unseasonably mild.

ed s to
hold funds,
WASHINGTON (1) - Presi-
dent Nixon declared yesterday
that he intends to continue to
impound funds appropriated
by Congress if such spending
would necessitate h i g h e r
Nixon spoke at a news confer-
ence, where he was asked to re-
spond to critics who say that his
impoundment of funds abrogates
power or authority that the con-
stitution gave to Congress.
The constitutional right to im-
pound, or refuse to spend funds'
appropriated by Congress "is com-
pletely clear," he said.
Claiming that Congress repre-
sents special interests, Nixon said
he will represent the general in-
terest of the nation and that the
interest "whether itbebrich or
poor or old, is don't break the
family budget by raising the taxes
or raising prices."
Accordingly, the President said
"I will not spend money if the
Congress overspends, and I will not
be for programs that will raise the
taxes and put a bigger burden on
the already overburdened Ameri-
can taxpayer."
The impoundment issue drew be-
wildered Congressional reaction.
Sen. Sam Ervin Jr. (D-N.C.),
author of a bill to bar impound-
ments for more than 60 days with-
out the concurrence of Congress,!
said a cooperative effort by the
president and Congress is neces-
sary "if we are going to put the,
financial house of the federal gov-
erment in order."
On other legislative matters:
-Nixon, who did not consult
Congress on most of his major war
decisions, said Congress will have
to support any effort for peace-
time reconstruction in Indochina
as "an investment in peace."
-On executive privilege, the pro-
tection of administration officials
from testifying before Congress,'
Nixon said he did not want to
abuse the privilege and that his
general attitude "is to be as lib-
eral as possible" in making his
people available as congressional
"We are not going to use execu-
tive privilegeas amshield for con-
versations that might be embar-
rassing to us, but that really don't
deserve executive privilege," thel
President promised.

the topic
By AP and Reuters
WASHINGTON - Pr e s 1-
dent Nixon announced yes-


terday that ne is sending F or-
eign Affairs Advisor Henry
Kissinger to Hanoi next week
to discuss post war relations
with North Vietnam.
The President said that the
meeting, the first directdialogue
with North Vietnam's leaders. in
more than ten years, will pave the
way for a potentially large post-
war program for the battered na-
Kissinger, who conducted simi-
lar trail-blazing missions to China
and the Soviet Union before the
President made his own historic
visits there last year, will visit
Hanoi from Feb. 10-13.
At the same press conference,
the first since Oct. , Nixon an-
naunced that he will review the
post-war relationship between the
United States and South Vietnam
at talks with President Ngnyen
Van Thieu at the California White
House in San Clemente in the
Commenting on the recently
signed cease-fire, the chief execu-
tive said the intricate agreement
signed Saturday in Paris can bring
peace "in Indochina for a very
long period of time."
But he said the once-warring par-
AP Photo ties need "incentives to peace."
And he cast the Indochina-wide
reconstruction program as one in-
stic cover centive, calling it "a potential
* investment in peace."
With the postwar aid, Nixon
said, the North Vietnamese "will
have a tendency to turn inward to
the works of peace rather than
turning outward to the works of
eHe acknowledged some congress-
r e men and other Americans opposed
American aid for North Vietnam,
repeatedly bombed by American
planes, but he appealed for wide-
spread support, reminding them
that the United States had been
generous to its world war II ene-
lemarcation mies.
-man strong Officials said Kissinger will
body can stress Nixon's view that the post-
vation sta- war aid can begin only after the
de. Vietnam cease-fire is fully observ-
from the ed,

A tired soul
Tired but willing, Amos Walton places another tire atop a plastic trench silo at a dairy farm in Fairfax County, Va. The pla
protects cut green corn used for feed for the herd of dairy cattle. Progress keeps rolling along.


international control fo

holds meeting as fighting abal

SAIGON (Reuters)-The first
step towards international super-
vision of the Vietnam ceasefire
was taken in Saigon yesterday as
four days of fierce fighting in the
countryside abated.
Members of the International
Control Commission had their

' team

hls clearta aze{
If you were fortunate enough to have an income
last year you qualify for the Internal Revenue Serv-
ice's way of getting even - preparing your income
tax statement.
Each year IRS claims the procedure becomes eas-
ier, but to the average person, the "simplified"j
tax form begins to look more and more like the
Rosetta Stone.
For those who don't like the challenge and are
unable to pay someone else to do it for them, Pro-
ject Community is offering an income tax assistance
tti program in an effort to aid low-income households in
deciphering their tax forms. The program is only

first official meeting with the
four-party Joint Military Com-
mission representing the United
States, South Vietnam, North
Vietnam and the Viet Cong.
Officials of the International
Commission For Control and Su-
pervision (I.C.C.S.), which is
made of Canada, Poland, Indo-
nesia and Hungary, would not say
exactly what took place at the
hour-long meeting, but they call-
ed it a positive move.
The meeting was delayed be-
cause of a dispute between the
SaigonI government and Com-
munist delegates over immigra-
tion procedures.
Michel Gauvin, Canada's chief
delegate to the ICCS, said the
commission met U.S. and South
Vietnamese representatives to
discussatransport, communica-
tions and other facilities needed
by the 1,160-man international
observer force, in a bid to speed
their move out to seven re-
gional headquarters.
"We are extremely happy with
what they are offering us in the

two commissions met at an in-
formal tea party. As delegates
drank tea and soft drinks mem-
bers of the Control Commission
reportedly found the atmosphere
more optimistic than they had
Members of the joint commis-
sion had clearly been engaged in
three days of serious discussions
and were determined to make
progress, the sources said.
The Joint Military Commission
is responsible, under the Paris
agreement, for providing trans-

port, security and d
lines so that the 1,160-
international control
move out into obser
tions in the countrysid
Battlefield reports

South Vietnamese high command The visit to Hanoi Feb. 10-13 will
indicated that Communist troops open "vitally important . . . direct
were fighting their way into more communication" with top North
hamlets in the province around Vietnamese leaders, Nixon said.
Saigon and in the Mekong Delta The President last year spoke
and that government troops were of a potential American aid pro-
driving them out of others. j gram totalling 7.5 billion dollars
Despite the heavy fighting along1for Indochina, including 2.5 billion
See VIET, Page 8 See KISSINGER, Page 8

o - -

Year of
Ox begins

PEKING (Reuters)-Bicycles were banned from the main
shopping streets here and hoppers besieged the well-stocked
stores as spring festival fever gripped the Chinese capital
Starting Saturday, a quarter of the world's population will
be feasting off choice food delicacies and relaxing in four days
of family merry-making to mark the start of the Lunar New
Year and to usher in the Year of the Ox.
Hundreds of thousands of Chinese are on the move home-
ward making the capital a giant crossroads.
The ending of the war in Vietnam and the easing of strain
on China's borders seems to have added to the festive atmo-


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