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January 31, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-01-31

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See Editorial Page


1MI ijau

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For details, see today .

Vol. LXXXIll, No. 100 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, January 31, 1973 Ten Cents

Ten Pages

1today ---
if you see news happen call 76-DAILYI
Green goes to court
Controversial Prof. Mark Green, denied tenure by the chem-
istry department, plans to have his day in court. Green, who
raised hairs on the backs of department bigwigs by showing
antiwar slides to his classes, says "I either want to get tenure,
or find out the real reason why it was denied." Green is now
searching for a lawyer to represent him, and will also appeal
his case to LSA Dean Frank Rhodes and the LSA Executive Com-
mittee-the last resort within the University.
Alexander selected
The Human Rights Party overwhelmingly elected local party
member Robert Alexander as their statewide organizer. Alex-
ander, who lost in a bid for the citywide coordinating position,
received almost three times as many votes for the state post
as did his closest competitor.
Happenings .. .
are intellectual, political and recreational, as usual.
Potential canvassers for Bea Kaimowitz in her mayoralty drive
are to meet tonight at 7:30 in the International Center (603 E.
Madison) . . . the Women's Studies Film Series feature Mar-
lene Dietrich's Blue Angel, free at 7 in the UGLI's Multipurpose
Rm . . . .don't forget the graduate coffee hour, in the East Con-
ference Rm. of the Rackham Bldg. at 8 p.m. . . . tonight at the
First Unitarian Church John Nichols Booth, a Unitarian minis-
ter, speaks on the Middle East . . . at 7:30 . . . and there will
be an open meeting at 7:30 at City Hall to discuss proposed city
bike paths.
Dope notes
The Wayne County Prosecutor's office is miffed at the ac-
tions of Detroit Recorder's Court judge George Crockett. The
judge has been dismissing all felony charges for heroin posses-
sion against persons having three grains of the drug or less .. .
And in Washington, the justice department plans to crack down
on downers. They hope to get Quaalude, that champagne of the
sominex world, classified as a dangerous (and illegal) drug soon.
Ripley's special
TALLAHASSEE, Fla.-Columnist Jack Anderson, who has
been on the journalistic skids since the Eagleton Fiasco, is at-
tempting a comeback. This time he claims the Pentagon has top
secret papers which predict final, military victory in Vietnam-
for the North Vietnamese. He claims the papers, which he lifted
from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, forsee a swift end to any sem-
blance of a cease-fire, and an even quicker end to the Thieu
Fly me, Im Dwight
CHICAGO-It was announced yesterday that Dwight Chapin,
former Nixon aide who was recently implicated in the Water-
gate scandal, will join United Air Lines as director of market
planning. Chapin, who many observers feel was forced to leave
the Nixon inner circle, thus completes his move from one fly-
by-night operation to another.
Recall blues
WASHINGTON-The Nixon administration, in what is ap-
parently a rare slap in the face to the automotive industry, has
asked that automakers foot the bill for fixing vehicles recalled
because of safety defects. Nixon's request would not apply to
cars over six years old.
Sore losers dept.
WASHINGTON-Apparently scandalized by the Supreme
Court's recent decision which cleared the way for women to
have abortions during the first six months of pregnancy, Rep.
Lawrence Hogan (R-Md.) has proposed a constitutional amend-
ment to bar most abortions. Hogan called the high court "Morally
bankrupt" for its decision. When the ruling was made, he says,
"I had very serious thoughts of resigning from Congress." Think












An appreciative and admiring
crowd filled Hill Aud. to its 4000
seat capacity yesterday to hear
Supreme Court Justice William
Douglas deliver a speech entitled
"Future of Our Political System."
Part of a lecture series called
Future Worlds, the Douglas address
was consistent with the liberal and
sometimes radical approach to po-
litical problems that has character-
ized the justice's opinions for over
30 years.
"The time for the more moderate
political solutions has now passed,"
the 73 year old Douglas stated.
"We are at a critical stage."
"But our problems , cannot be
solved by new laws," he added. "It
will take a grassroots movement."
"My generation is rather bank-
rupt politically-rolling along on
their golden gravy train," he jested
to the crowd. "Some of you will
hop on it too."
Douglas then moved to the prob-
lems of our governmental system.
" We are in an age of submissive-
ness-marching in line to the tune
of one drummer," he said.
See DOUGLAS, Page 10

Rot1i jailed'.
O lowing
mer officials of President Nix-
on's re-election committee
were convicted yesterday of
conspiracy, burglary and wire-
tapping of Democratic party
headquarters in the Watergate
political-espionage case.
The jury of eight women and
four men took less than 90 minutes
to convict G. Gordon Liddy and
James McCord Jr.-respectively
the general counsel and security
chief of the Committee for the Re-
election of the President.
McCord was one of five men ar-
rested in the Watergate office
building quarters of the Democra-
tic National Committee last June
17. Liddy was described. by the
prosecution as the boss of the
operation, a contention accepted
by the jury in convicting him of
Liddy was convicted of con-
spiracy and two counts each of
second-degree burglary, attempt-
ing to intercept oral and wire com-
munications and actually intercept-
ing conversations.
McCord was convicted on those
same charges, plus two counts of
possessing bugging equipment.
Chief U.S. District Court Judge
John Sirica, who presided over the
trial, ordered Liddy's and McCord's
bond revoked and the men were

Daily Photo by ROLFE TESSEM
JUSTICE WILLIAM DOUGLAS, yesterday, speaks with law students after Hill Aud. address.





By AP and Reuters
SAIGON - Fighting blazed
across Vietnam yesterday, while
the International Control Com-
mission (ICC) sat hamstrung in
Saigon, watching the continuing
violations of the ceasefire.
Each side blamed the other for
constant breaches of the cease-
fire, which officially began here
Sunday morning.
The fighting has blocked many
of South Vietnam's major high-
ways, including some of the
road lifelines into Saigon, cut-
ting food supplies and sending

prices soaring by up to 100 per
Informed sources said the gov-
ernment planned to introduce
rationing and emergency airlifts
into the city if the supply situa-
tion deteriorated further.
The four nations chosen to po-
lice the Vietnam ceasefire -
Canada, Hungary, Indonesia and
Poland - waited powerlessly in
They held meetings Monday
and yesterday, but a spokesman
said no progress could be made

towards arranging the supervi-
sion of the ceasefire until the
warring parties - North Viet-
nam and Viet Cong, South Viet-
nam and the United States -
had finalized their own cease-
fire arrangements.
Meanwhile the United States
continued the bombing of Laos
for the third day since the sign-
ing of the Vietnam ceasefire
agreement on Saturday, the de-
fense department announced.
A South Vietnamese military
spokesman said today that

Local school

se retaries

in vi(
fighting in Vietnam remained
widespread and heavy.
The number of new attacks
dropped from 225 on the first
night of the ceasefire to 146
Monday night, but this did not
mean the offensive was dying
out. What it meant, military
sources said, was that that Viet-
Cong and North Vietnamese had
fully committed themselves
across the country and were now
concentrating on holding what
they had won.
The largest new outbreaks of
fighting were reported in the cen-
tral highlands along the only
road link between the major ci-
ties of Pleiku and Kotitum.
During the first two days after
the ceasefire, South Vietnamese
government casualties have been
296 killed and 1,070 wounded in
battles across the country, ac-
cording to initial reports avail-
able today. A South Vietnamese
command spokesman said 1,761
communists had been killed and
92 taken prisoner in the same
Speaking to a French television
interviewer, Nguyen Thi Binh -
foreign minister of the Viet
Cong's Provisional Revolutionary
Government - blamed "reac-
tionary forces" within the Sai-
gon. regime for the continuing
But Vice President Spiro Ag-
new took a hard pro-Saigon line
there on the first leg of a seven-
nation Asian tour that will in-
clude Cambodia, Thailand, Laos,

On the inside...
the Arts Page features a review by Warren Rosen-
berg of poet Josef Brodsky's latest reading . . . HRP's


The attorneys for McCord and
Liddy said they would request a
M band hearing before Judge Sirica
~ tn ~today and both said that if the
band is $100,000-as for the five.
other Watergate defennants who
pleaded guilty-they would not be
Singapore, Indonesia and Malay- able to raise the money.
sia. Gerald Alch, attorney for Mc-
"We recognize the government Cord, said basic grounds for ap-
of the. Republic of Vietnam as the peal would be Sirica's failure to
sole legitimate government of allow questioning of prospective
South Vietnam," Agnew said. "We jurors on an individual basis, his
do not recognize the right of any denial of mistrial motions after
foreign troops to remain on South five of the defendants pleaded
Vietnamese soil." guilty and denial of Alch's request
And, a topU S. peace negotia- that he be allowed to present wit-
tor warned North and South Viet- nesses that McCord acted to pre-
nam that American aid totheir vent greater crimes.
countriesmay depend on them ad- A Senatetpanel is expectid to
look into the wider questions of
See FIGHTING, Page 10 the Watergate affair

strike in

Chocolate Almond Caucus explains its positions on the Edi- Some 150 Ann Arbor school sys-
torial Page ... the Sports Page includes the results of the tem secretaries walked off the job
pro football draft. early yesterday morning in a dis-
pute over salary increases.
The secretaries, members of
The weather picture Teamsters local 214, voted to"
If we can trust the gnomes at the Weather Service, the strike Monday night after months
weather for the next few days will be struggling to ap- of negotiations had failed to pro-
proach mediocrity from below. Today will be cloudy with duce a contract settlement with the
"high" temperatures reaching up into the mid-thirties. Rain school board. The secretaries had
is scheduled to begin tonight and may continue through snen ei30.
tomorrow. The key issue in the dispute is
the union's demand for a 5.5 per
e i h d
Stennis shot twice in holdup
attempt near D.C. residence

~cntsaar isput
cent salary increase with larger tire staff is paid "pretty we
increases for workers with great- added it was time for sch
er seniority. tem employes "to draw
The board has rejected the in- belt."
crease, despite a state fact-finder's McPherson blames what
recommendation in November that scribes as a tight money s
it be approved. on the school's ratio of sta:
In their last action before the bers to students - one of t
strike, the secretaries overwhelm- est in the state - which
ingly rejected a final board offer stretches his limited funds
of a 2.7 per cent increase with greater number of people.
standing increments. How long the strike will
The strike is the third among in effect is unclear at thi
the school system's employes in But neither the union n
the past two years. Last year, the school board can afford
teachers went on strike for a sal- tracted battle.
ary increase and the fall term was See CITY, Page 7
marked by a bus drivers' strike. --- - -- - ---- --
"Established l e g a 1 proce-
dures have been exhausted,"
Teamster representative E a r 1
D~rake said.w
William Stewart, public infor-
terday attributed the recent prob- Jewe!
mation officer for the schools, yes- w e ra trbtdtercn rb eI
lems with "coming to face with
the fact that revenues areslim." By DAN B
He claimed that by October the A local jeweler with a
system's budget was already in Monday to trip up a g
"bad shape," worsening later in thieves, thwarting their
the year to necessitate an $800,000 knock over his downtow
cutback in existing expenses. Jumped in his own
He said the fact-finding study, Jed in hisroDnid
which recommended the secretar- oner, the owner-David
ies' demands "did not look closely Jewelers on S. Main-
enough at the local situation." tors, tricking them in
Drake said he doubts the board's alarm in his store.
claim that budget cutbacks from For Pastor, the who
the state make the raise impossi- began Monday night
ble. through the door to his
"Maybe they are a little short throughted to hi
-10a . c,.,,.,>a +.ha - alknh t was greeted by a pair

ell" and
ool sys-
in the
he de-
ff mem-
he high-
he says!
over a,
s point.
or the:
a pro-

Council votes special
'aid to Model Cities
City Council last night approved temporary financial aid to con-
tinue the local Model Cities Program after federal funds run out this
Currently Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
grants provide most funds for Model Cities' annual $1 million budget.
The federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) froze a HUD
grant expected to finance the program this year.
Consequently, council approved $72,000 to continue the Model Cities
Program through March 4. The resolution was passed by a 7-3, vote.
Councilmen William Colburn (R-Third Ward), Richard Hadler (R-
Fourth Ward), and Bruce Benner (R-Fourth Ward) cast the dissenting
City Administrator Guy Larcom indicated the temporary funding
will give the city time to plan a course of action if the HUD grant
does not become available.
Model Cities provides child care, dental care, and other social
See MODEL, Page 7

pr outwits masked bandits

By Lhe Associated Press and Reuters
Stennis (D-Miss) 71 - year - old
chairman of the Senate Armed
Services Committee, was shot
and seriously wounded outside
his home here last night in an
apparent robbery attempt, police
Stennis was hit twice-in the
chest and thigh-but an aide de-
scribed his condition as stable
as he underwent emergency
surgery at Walter Reed Army
Medical Center.
Police said they were search-

nis entered the operating theater,
doctors said they expected it
would be at least another hour
before the surgery was com-
Stennis, who has been in the
Senate since 1947, is a strong
supporter of the military. He
fought for support of the Nixon
administration's Vietnam w a r
policy as fiercely as he opposed
federal civil-rights legislation.
Stennis was shot a short time
after leaving a National Guard
reception near the Capitol.
Police Lt. George Keene said

a cool head managed
roup of professional
r alleged attempt to
wn Ann Arbor store.
home and held pris-
Pastor of Edwards'
-outwitted his cap-
nto setting off the
ole bizarre incident
when he walked
Chelsea home, and
r of double-barreled

nearly two hours, made their purpose per-
fectly clear.
"This is how we make our living; we
are paid to do this. Just do exactly as we
say, and no one will get hurt."
They tied and taped Pastor to a chair
in an upstairs room and ordered him to
tell them how to break into his jewelry
store undetected.
"I was dumbfounded," Pastor Said yes-
terday. "I didn't know what to do except
to follow orders and try to stay calm."
The two men said they were "profes-
sionals" and grilled the 35-year-old jeweler

of them," Pastor says. "For professionals,
they did a few dumb things, and that was
my salvation."
When his captors asked how to escape
undetected through the store's back door,
Pastor said that it could be done simply
by removing the bars from the door and
using.keys in the right locks.
But he didn't tell them that unless one
key master switch was thrown first, the
silent alarm would alert police the moment
the thieves stepped into the rear section
of the store.
n when nne of the maked men drove


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