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January 30, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-01-30

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Vol. LXXXIII, No. 99 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, January 30, 1973 Ten Cents

Eight Pages



if You see news happen call 76-IDAILY

By AP, UPI, and Reuters
Increased fighting was reported yesterday in re-
peated breaches of the Vietnam cease-fire as the
Joint Military Commission, meeting in Saigon, broke
up in acrimonious dispute over a technicality.
The South Vietnamese command reported nearly
500 violationsbycommunist forces in the first 24
hours of the cease-fire, while in a radio broadcast
Hanoi accused the Saigon government of "unceas-
ingly violating" the truce throughout South Vietnam.
Casualties since the cease-fire total more than
2,000, according to Saigon. The first American killed
since the cease-fire, Anthony Dal Pozzo of Santa
Barbara, California, died yesterday of wounds suf-
fered Sunday.
The Joint Military Commission, consisting of rep-
resentatives from the four sides in the conflict, met
for the first time in Saigon yesterday to discuss
implementing the cease-fire accord. The meeting
quickly stalled.
Communist representatives at first refused to give
their title, name and rank. This problem was over-
come but then they refused to present credentials

despite cease-fire
Truce talks stalled in Saigon

Band China bound?
The marching men and women of Michigan, home from
their guest appearance at the Superbowl, may be in for even
greater things. Band Director George Cavender told us yester-
day that the National Committee on U. S.-Chinese Relations-
an ad hoc group which organizes cultural exchanges between the
Peoples Republic and the U. S. - has asked him to submit
information on the band with a view to a possible China tour.
The request was not an invitation to actually visit China. Whe-
ther that will ever happen lies in the tea leaves of the people
who decide such things, and they aren't telling.
Bye, bye, Eugene
Ann Arbor Police Capt. Eugene Staudenmaier, a man whose
attendance record at campus demonstrations was as good as even
the most devoted radicals', has retired from the police force.
The mild-mannered cop, star of such illustrious episodes as the
1967 obscenity bust of Flaming Creatures, a movie which would
get a GP rating by today's standards, will retire with his wife
to Florida to fish, eat yogurt and do as little else as possible.
Said police chief Walter Krasny of his former campus intelli-
gence officer: "He's one of a kind."
Prof. Mattis dies at 30
Peter Mattis, an assistant professor in the University's psy-
chology department, died Saturday of an apparent heart attack.
Mattis, a native New Yorker, joined the psychology department
three years -ago. He was engaged in research in community
psychology and was a consultant to the city police department.
Services will be held at 11 a.m. in New York City.
are not much to write home about: mostly academic,
little fun. Mark Green (remember him?) will hold an open tu-
torial for students having trouble with chemistry 225 at 7 p.m.
in room 1300 of the Chemistry Bldg. ... . the Environmental Law
Society will hold a mass meeting at 7:30 p.m. in room 120 of
the Law Quad . . . it's German language night at Rive Gauche,
1024 Hill at 9 p.m.
State press shield asked
LANSING--State Representative Jackie Vaughn (D-Detroit)
yesterday introduced an omnibus collection of four bills aimed
at protecting news gatherers from the whims of courts, defense
lawyers and prosecutors. The bills, said Vaughn, would, if
passed, "protect all newsmen in both print and broadcast media
from any conceivable legal action from anybody for refusing to
break the confidentiality of their cources, or to hand over infor-
mation." Today unequivocably endorses Vaughn's action. Write
Dope note
NEW YORK-A French-born heroin smuggler described as
the biggest narcotics operator ever caught in U. S. history was
sentenced to 20 years in the slam yesterday by a federal dis-
trict judge. The man, 63-year-old Joseph Ricord, succeeded in
bringing in a ton of narcotics a year, until he was nabbed by the
The numbers game
WASHINGTON-That other great numbers game--not the
Michigan State lottery-will continue despite the rumors of its
death. Defense Secretary Melvin Laird said yesterday that a
conscription lottery will be held this, spring despite the end of
the draft. Just in case.
The great bank robbery
HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif-Banks have been run on,
bombed and robbed. Now, police say, someone has tried to steal
one. Police reported Sunday that Richard John Lee, 26, broke
into a motor home used as a portable Bank of America branch,
ransacked it and then tried to drive off with it. Officers said
Lee was unable to get the vehicle into gear and asked two men
at a nearby service station for aid. But the sight of the ransacked
interior and the "Bank of America" painted on the vehicle
"aroused their suspicion." The men called police, who took Lee
into custody without incident. He was booked for investigation
of theft, police said.
Big Board slips
NEW YORK-Saddled with a variety of domestic and inter-
national concerns, the stock market yesterday fell to its lowest
level in 11-weeks. The setback, which stretched the market's
losing streak to six sessions, reflected investor concern about

inflation, tighter money and rising interest rates. Some analysts
suggested there is a fear that'the three factors combined might
alter the bullish outlook for corporate profits and the overall
economy in the months ahead.
On the inside .. .
Staff cybernetics man Bob Barkin takes a terrify-
ing look forward to the days of computerized bureaucrats,
on the Editorial Page . . . on the Arts Page Gerhard Wein-

confirming their identities and positions.
Although the U. S. and South Vietnamese de-
manded that they offer such documents, the cease-
fire agreement makes no mention of credentials in
its section on the military commission.
The two sides were said to have accused each
other of cease-fire violations. One source said the
meeting accomplished "absolutely nothing."
While the meeting was in progress, two U. S. Air
Force transport planes flew in from Hanoi carry-
ing about ninety North Vietnamese officials. Like an
earlier party of communist representatives, the
group apparently refused to sign immigration forms
on the grounds that this would- amount to recogni-
tion of the Saigon government as sovereign in South
The earlier party of twelve Vietcong representa-

tives left their aircraft at Saigon's Tan Son Nhut
airbase after a twenty-hour wait on the runway
without signing the forms.
The first party of communist representatives dis-
embarked after the South Vietnamese Foreign Min-
istry issued a statement saying it waived immigra-
tion procedures for them "in the interests of peace
and in accord with the spirit of the Paris agree-
ment." But the statement said the decision does not
constitute a precedent for other delegates, leaving
in doubt the fate of the second party of communist
Hanoi radio claimed that the United States and
the Saigon government had "violated" the Paris ac-
cord by "openly causing trouble" to its representa-
See HEAVY, Page 2

NAVY COMMANDER Kenneth Coskey of Ann
Arbor who was shot down over North Vietnam
in 1968 will be released soon, according to gov-
ernment officials. Coskey's parents received
the official notice Sunday morning.



pro poses


bud get

HEW spending cut;
defense spending up
By AP, UPI, and Reuters
WASHINGTON-President Nixon sent a $268.7 billion
budget to Congress yesterday, demanding that the lawmak-
ers stay within that limit or take full blame for inflation and
bigger taxation.
Although the budget was the largest in history, Nixon
made sweeping cuts in a wide variety of social programs-
mostly in the health, education, welfare and job training
programs of Lyndon Johnson's Great Society.
Cuts were also made in defense-including already-
ordered missiles, aircraft, and ships-but the overall figure
for defense spending was another record high because of
rising costs.
But even with the cuts, spending increases in other
areas pushed the budget eight per -

cent above Nixon's self-imposed
$250 billion spending ceiling for the
current financial year.
"It is time to get big government
off your back and out of your
pocket,". the President said in a
radio speech Sunday, the opening
salvo in what observers predict
will be a savage battle with Con-
gress over federal spending.
The President warned Congress
that it must accept responsibility
for holding down spending or facel
the politically unpopular prospect
of raising income taxes by as much
as 15 per cent.
"Should the Congress causethe
budgeted outlays to be exceeded it
would inescapably face the alterna-
tives of higher taxes, higher in-,

confirmed in
Senate vote
yesterday confirmed P r e s i d e n t
Nixon's nomination of Elliot Rich-
ardson to be secretary of defense.
The vote was 81-1, with only Sen.
James Abourezk (D-S.D.)- voting
Richardson, who has been sec-
retary of health, education and

AP Photo
Time for thought
A youngster pauses among the grave markers in Arlington Na tional Cemetery as the cease-fire in Vietnam moved into its
second day.4

',City Councll

fuses to hold


Republicans and Democrats on
City Council joined forces last
night to reject a proposal by the
Human Rights Party (HRP) for
an open public hearing on the city
Council voted 8 to 3 to defeat the
Thief robs
stores with
Sunday night a mysterious mask-
ed man toting a shotgun robbed the
Kroger supermarket on Packard
of over $300.
Over the past few weeks, some-
one meeting the Kroger suspect's
description has robbed over a half
dozen gas stations, liquor stores,
and other small businesses in the
greater Ann Arbor area.
The identity of this man remains
a puzzle to city police, but he has
become known locally as "the shot-
gun bandit."
David Reuter, assistant manager
of a McDonald's Restaurant re-

! !
hearing o police issue
proposal following a demonstration the police. Others, however, voiced full sup
by around 70 persons supporting The proposal for placing tie port for the AATA plan.
passage. City Councilman Norris AATA tax issue on the ballot re- Councilman Robert Faber (D
Thomas (D-First Ward) joined the ceived unanimous support, al- ;Second Ward) commented that th
two HRP council members in sup- though several council members plan is "tremendous although ob
porting the motion, indicated they were supporting it viously flawed.
In other action, council unani- only to give the public a right to I "I'm sure any flaws can be cor
mously agreed to let city voters choose for themselves. rected," he added.
decide on a proposed 2.5 mill tax Councilman Lloyd Fairbanks (R- More than 70 persons ha(
levy to fund the Ann Arbor Trans- Fifth Ward), for example, said be- crowded into the city's -first floo
portation Authority's (AATA) mass fore voting for the proposal, "I lobby for about half an hour be
transit plan. The issue will appear believe the system will fail-it is fore the meeting to demonstrate i
on the ballot in the April 2 city far too expensive and will not be support of a public hearing on th
election. effective." police.
The AATA's proposal combines
a "dial-a-ride" taxi style service ,S R G
with an express bus system, pur-1P
portedly providing the city fast,
efficient, door-to-door public trans-
portation. The system reportedly
wozldtocost over $2 million per D r. Wbo t
year to operate.
Debate over the public hearing
on the police was long and heated. By LORIN LABARDEE
Councilman Jerry De Grieck The sea of graduating University medical students grows restles
(HRP-First Ward), a leading pro- awaiting the commencement speaker, the man they most admire, thei
ponent of the measure, said "the idol in the Brotherhood of.Healing.
people have not been given an A tall, gray, supremely distinguished man strides to the podium
opportunity to air grievances about reshuffling his notes for the speech which is to send these new doctor
the ,police department. Now we out into the world. He introduces himself, his strong studied voic
must take the initiative to hear piercing the eerie anticipatory silence:
and rectify problems within the
department." "Hi, I'm Marcus Welby, M.D."
Councilman J o h n McCormick
(R-Fifth Ward), however, charged It was disclosed yesterday that as a result of a vote by the Uni
that "the real purpose of tonight's versity's graduating medical students, the Medical School's com
demonstration and this legislation iq 4-1. xvil p nnP t~r tha~n the unrea l world'!

J terest rates, renewed inflation or welfare, succeeds Melvin Laird in
all three," he told Congress yester- the Pentagon Cabinet post.
day. Sen. Harold Hughes (D-Iowa)
The new budget, according to who had blocked Senate action be-
the Associated Press, eliminates fore the peace agreement as a
all National Direct Student Loans symbolic protest against the Viet-
(formerly called National Defense nam war, joined in Richardson's
Loans). But the slack is apparently support.
picked up through other federal Hughes said that while Richard-
student loan programs. son was restrained in answering
Nixon, who has impounded $10 questions about the war, he gave
billion voted by Congress for do-II satisfactory answers on other is-
bhtic programs in the present surlier the-Senate Labor Com-
financial year, called on the Amer- mittee approved without a dissent-
can people to resist higher federal in vote the nomination of Peter
- expenditures. He said they must iBrennan New York labor leader,
fight special interests who place to be seretary of labor.
heavy pressure on Congressmen to Confirmation of Richardson left
e vote money that he claimed would three of President Nixon's six pro-
- lead to inflation and higher taxes. posed Cabinet changes awaiting
The President estimated that iSenate action. All have been ap-
r- without the cuts in domestic and proved by committees.
military outlays, the new budget Action on Casper Weinberger's
d would suffer a $30 billion deficit. nomination to succeed Richardson
r With the cuts, it is projected to as secretary of health, education
- produce a $12 billion deficit. and welfare, is being held up by
n Among the casualties of the new Democratic senators who want a
e budget is the Office of Economic chance to question him further
See HEW, Page 2 E about domestic program cuts.


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Med grads


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