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January 28, 1973 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1973-01-28

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Page Six


Sunday, January 28, 1913 ,

Dems move to block

further 'involvement'

By The Associated Press and Reuters
WASHINGTON-In the wake of
the Vietnam cease-fire signing,
S e n a t e Democrats spoke out
against further U.S. involvementI
in Southeast Asia.
Saying there has been "too much
presidential war," Frank Church
(D-Idaho) introduced a bill which
would require congressional ap-
proval to send U.S troops back to
Indochina if the cease-fire fails.
Laird sets
end to draft
(Continued from Page 1)
that option because of the tra-
ditional difficulty in attracting
highly paid health professionals.
Once regarded as havens for
young men seeking to avoid the
draft, the National Guard and
Reserves now are 56,000 men
below their authorized strength,
and their long waiting lists for
enlistments have vanished.
The armed forces have drop-
ped in authorized strength from
about 3.5 million men at the
height of the war to 2,346,000 at
the end of 1972. A further cut-
back of 93,000 men is to be com-
pleted by mid-1974.
A tberrs
CIa ssfied

Effective in 60 days, if passed,
Church's bill would deny funds for
reinvolvement of U.S. forces in
hostilities "in, over, or from off
the shores of North Vietnam, South
Vietnam, Laos or Cambodia," with-
out congressional approval.
The bill brought immediate op-
position from Michigan Sen. Robert
Griffin, the Senate Republican
whip, who said it would be "fool-
hardy in the extreme to say to
the enemy, 'you can ignore or
disregard the agreement that has
been signed with knowledge and
assurance you can do it with im-
Senate Democratic Leader Mike
Mansfield asked the administration
yesterday to take no military ac-
tions in Laos and Cambodia that
could prevent extension of the
ceasefire to those neighboring
'The warning signs are already
apparent," the Montana Democrat
and longtime war policy critic told
'"The United States should take
the initiative in seeking peace in
Laos and Cambodia by halting
bombing," he continued. "All sides
claim they have won the war. In
reality, all sides have lost."
Mansfield also warned that any
U.S. aid program to help rebuild
North Vietnam will meet strong
opposition in Congress.
"I think we have an obligation to
help with the rebuilding of Indo-
china," he said.
But he added that some members
of the House have indicated "they
were not at, all happy about an
aid program for all of Indochina."


AP Photo
THE HANDS BELONG to Sec. of State William Rogers as he signs the historic cease-fire yesterday.

Epitaph for



AP special Correspondent
SAIGON (A) - It is Sunday
morning, Jan. 28, 1973, and a
war has just died.
Few mourn its passing, except
maybe the fat-cat contractors,
the usual unprincipled profiteers,
and some professional warlords
and proleteriat dreamers of a
people's uprising.
The Indochinese war resumed
Jan. 1, 1961, after the French

Viet fighting goes on
(Continued from Page 1) called to dislodge a Viet Cong
tense in the war, reporting 378 force battling with South Vietna-
communist-launched attacks. The mese troops in the area.
U.S. command reported two Ameri- Hours later, Saigon reported all
can planes shot down yesterday civilian telephone - lines to Tay
afternoon and four airmen miss- Ninh were down.
ing. Meanwhile, in a dramatic last-
One American, John Rucker of minute drive, South Vietnamese
Linden, Texas was killed yester- marines have established a gov-:
day, possibly the last American to ernment base below the demili-I
fall in this war. His death brings tarized zone, according to military
to four the number of American sources. A marine group reached
casaulties since the cease-fire the banks of the Cua Viet river
agreement was announced Tues- some 12 hours before the cease-
day. fire was scheduled to take effect,
In the last-minute surge of fight- and in a two-pronged drive man-
ing yesterday, communist forces aged to advance three miles by
carried out a rocket attack on the' dawn, through withering artillery
air base outside Saigon and cap-.j barrages.
tured a district capital in the Me- And in Cambodia, the govern-
kong Delta. ment forces were placed on full
At dawn, government officials alert, as military sources predict-1
in Tay Ninh City near Cambodia ed further fighting there. They"
said that South Vietnamese dive said they believed deposed Prince
bombers were pounding commu- Norodom Sihanouk, now leading
nist positions half an hour after a government-in-exile in Peking,
the truct officially began. The of- was not willing to end his struggle
ficials said the air strikes were to return to Cambodia.
-__-_-_ - - I

had once before left it for dead.
Since then millions of civilians
have lost their lives, their homes,
their cattle.
"Sorry about that" was the
one unforgetable GI slogan to
come out of the war. It could
serve as its epitaph.
There were many things to be
sorry about on both sides. The
killings of My Lai and Hue. The
slaughter of Tet 1968. The roll-
ing thunder of B52s over Hanoi,
Haiphong, and .other places. The
six million refugees, according
to a U.S. Senate subcommittee,
who were driven from their
homes. The bomb-cratered val-
leys ,the defoliated forests and
mangrove swamps, the wrecked
The war divided American as
no other issue has done since
the Civil War. In its wake and
as part of its backwash came the
peace marches, campus unrest,
the Kent State shootings, the
narcotics crisis, the breakdown
in military morale and disci-
pline, the race rumbles in the
Navy, plus fragging, a new word
for revenge.
The warcost the American
taxpayer $17 billion.
Its lingering tragedy was the
undoing of one American Presi-
dent. The promise of its negotiat-
ed end helped bring about the
landslide re-election of another.
More than three million Amer-
icans served in the armed force
in Vietnam or on ships off the
coasts and at bases elsewhere in
Southeast Asia. They came
home talking a strange language,
part of it left over from the Ko-
rean War: Hootch maid, number
10, and -the army.
U. S. planes dropped three
times as many tons of bomb as
in World War II, 10 times more

than in Korea.
It ended with a bang, not a
whimper. All night long, on, that
final night, broken by Sunday's
dawn, the artillery barked, the
B52s quaked the earth, flares
eerily lit the lush lovely land -
and people died, with the war's
dying gasp.
U.S., Viets
sign accords
(Continued fronf Page 1)
gle against imperialist aggres-
AsRogers and Trinh met in a
more relaxed atmosphere for the
final two-sided signing session, the
fighting and dying continued. A
Vietnamese civilian was killed in
a Communist rocket attack near
Saigon only minutes before the
cease-fire went into effect, and
at least one American was killed
on what was hoped to be the last,
day of the war.
Crowds of demonstrators chant-
ed anti-Nixon slogans outside the
Paris conference building as the
signing ceremonies took place.
The demonstrators cheered Binh
and booed Rogers and Lam as the
four representatives left the build-
Lam, incensed by the demon-
strations and apparently also by
official references in the second
set of treaty texts to the Provi-
sional Revolutionary Government,
briefly disrupted the complex
signing procedure by refusing to
pen two of the texts.
His refusal, however, does not
affect the validity of the agree-

+ Use Dcily Classifieds +




Deadline for Applications:
February 1, 1973
Junior Year Language Examinations:
February 5, 1973, 7 P.M.
GERMAN: Lecture Room 1, M.L.B.
FRENCH: Lecture Room 2, M.L.B.
STUDY ABROAD OFFICE, Room 1058, LSA Building

POW listings exchanged
(Continued from Page 1) igurney to a military hospital near
turn of approximately one-half the their homes, the prisoners will be
U.S. civilians missing or captured allowed to make a direct long-dis-
in South Vietnam, Laos and Cam- tance telephone call to their rela-
bodia. The list included civilians tives in the United States.
from other countries. The full list of those named by,
Operation Homecoming includes the North Vietnamese and Viet
plans for officers to notify POW Cong is expected to be released by
families in person, or by phone in tomorrow.
rare cases, as the names of their There was no word on the fate
men are listed. The names were of the several thousand North Viet-
to be publicly released after the namese and Viet Cong prisoners
families were notified, and by late held by South Vietnam, although
yesterday evening, wire services those lists were also exchanged
began carrying the first several several hours after the signing of
dozen names. the treaty yesterday.
According to Pentagon sources, - ------
the prisoners are to be released
in several groups over the next
two months-with the first 100 or
so to be back in the United States O rder
by the end of next week, and the
remainder within 60 days.
Nineteen Air Force jets manned
by medical teams and equipped for Your
emergencies ranging from bug
bites to psychiatric disorders stood
by at Clark Air Base in the Philip-
pines to fly to Hanoi and pick up Subscription
the first group of freed POWs.
Once the POWs are brought back
to Clark, their first stop on the 1 I --

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