See Editorial Page
Sir& i4au
For details, see today,. .
Vol. LXXXII, No. 97 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, January 27, 1973 Ten Cents
Eight Pages
today... I
if you see news happen call 76-DAILY
Prof. Simpson killed
Prof. John Simpson, chief of the Medical Center's Outpatient
Neurology Clinic, died Thursday from injuries suffered in a car
accident near Toronto. Simpson's wife Harriet and son Douglas
also suffered injuries. Simpson joined the University in 1962 and
was a member of Senate Assembly, the faculty representative
body. Funeral arrangements are being made by the Muehlig
Funeral Chapel.
South of the border
Are there plans afoot to start a Latin American branch of
the University? We know nothing except that another University
administrator is off to sunnier climes. Vice-President for Re-
search Charles Overberger is "consulting" this week with the
staff and students at the Macromolecular Laboratory of the
Federal University of Rio in (guess-where) Brazil. He joins
President Robben Fleming, who is down south until the end of
Busing note
The University's commuter buses will service the I-M Bldg.
on Hoover Ave. in both directions starting Monday. Previously,
you could only catch a bus there on your way to Crisler Arena.
Now you can catch a bus there to go to Central Campus.
The University Club's Happy Hour was a little bit happier
yesterday when it was the scene of a drinking contest between
the Student Counseling Office and The Daily. Contestants par-
ticipated in three events: taste discrimination (or "can you tell
the difference between light and dark beer when blindfolded?"),
a "relay race" in which team members tried to see who could
down two pitchers of beer the quickest, and an individual chug-
ging contest. The results are a bit foggy now except for a club
official's verdict: "If I knew you people were going to do that,
I would have put you on the opposite side of the room." (For
further details, see Page 7.)
Happenings .. .
Open your ears! University carilloneur R. Hudson Ladd will
join in a national carillon concert at 7 p.m. in observance of
the Vietnam cease-fire. From 6:45-7, the largest bell in Burton
Tower will toll slowly, then Ladd will go on to play such songs
as "Let There Be Peace on Earth" and "When Johnny Comes
Marchin' Home." Members of the American Guild of Carilloneurs
will participate across the country . . . The statewide conven-
tion of the Human Rights Party begins at 11:30 a.m. in the Fac-
ulty Club Lounge, Michigan Union . . . and a conference on
"Unity Against Repression", 7 p.m., Michigan Union (see story,
this page).
Safety last?
SAN FRANCISCO-Americans must learn to live with the
"risk" involved in pesticides and other farm chemicals-or face
even higher food costs in the future, Secretary of Agriculture
Earl Butz told the National Canners Association yesterday. Butz
criticized scientists and those "who dwell unduly on the safety
issue" regarding the use of chemicals in the farming industry.
"Farmers are criticized for using herbicides, pesticides, and
nutrients essential for bountiful crop production." If those who
criticize "have their way-if they make us absolutely safe-
the time could come when we don't eat meat. We' go through life
taking risks, even when we cross the street, drive down the road,
step into the bathtub, jog or climb a ladder. The only reason
we can sustain 210 million people in this country with a high
protein diet is that we have modified the 'environment," Butz
said in his speech.
On the inside .. .
. ' . Lorre Wiedlich reviews the David Bromberg con-
cert on Page 3 . .. Sue Stephenson discusses the proposed
dormitory rate hikes on the Editorial Page . . . Check out
the background on today's big game with the Hoosiers on
Page 7.
The weather picture
It couldn't last, could it? Get out and enjoy the morn-
ing (still predicted for the 50's), because it's supposed to be
raining by nighttime. By Sunday morning, that rain should
be looking like snow flurries, with the low in the 30's.
The weather people are using words like "temperatures
in the teens" and "snow" to describe the outlook until
Tuesday when a "warming trend" is predicted. Oh well,
how sweet it was!
Nixon administration yester-
day confirmed it plans to
dismantle the Office of Eco-
nomic Opportunity (OEO)
thereby cutting 2,000 people
from the Executive Office
The uprooting of the antipover-
ty agency, a cornerstone of the
late President Lyndon Johnson's
Great Society, was acknowledged
by Roy Ash, budget director for
President Nixon.
"There will be many other re-
ductions over and abovethe
OEO," Ash said at a White House
briefing called to explain the
elimination of three smaller Ex-
ecutive Office agencies: the of-
fices of Emergency PreparednessJ
and Science and Technology and
the National Aeronautics and
Space Council.
In a message to Congress, the
President said this was the first
step in a sharp reduction in the
overall size of the Executive Of-
fice. He said it would help him
in his job.
The three branches will be dead
within 60 days unless Congress
objects. White House Press Sec-
retary Ronald Ziegler said drop-
ping the three offices would cut
389 jobs and save about $2 million.
Ash and Ziegler said the event-
ual goal is to reduce the Execu-
tive Office from the 4,250 people
who worked for it last June to less
than. 2,000. Elimination of OEO
will cut out some 2,000 of these
jobs, Ash said.
Thedeathdof OEO, Johnson's
pet program for helping 'the na-
tion's poor, evidently is reflected
in the fiscal 1974 budget to be pre-'
to 1 sented to Congress next Monday.
Most of its programs presumably
ri Iwill be divided among various
federal agencies, with the Depart-
ment of Health, Education and
Welfare getting most of them. The r
legal-service program, a bone in
the throat of conservatives since it
provides lawyers to combat gov-
ernment programs in court, will
be left without a home. Vw J
Pres. Nixon
AP Phot
PRESIDENTIAL ADVISOR Dr. Henry Kissinger shakes hands with House Minority Leader Gerald Ford (R-Mich) yesterday after brief
ing leaders of both the Senate and House on the Vietnam cease-fire agreement due for signing today. Watching is House Speaker Car
Albert (D-Okla.).
Cease fire
dra ws
By AP, UPI and Reuters
President N i x o n yesterday
proclaimed a "national day of
prayer and thanskgiving" to
begin when the Vietnam cease-
fire goes into effect while U.S.
B-52 bombers carried out the
heaviest bombing of South Viet-
nam in nine months.
Nearly 400 Vietnamese civil-
ians were reported killed in fight-
ing that raged across the coun-
try yesterday just two days be-
fore the beginning of a cease-
fire designed to stop the blood-
The latest count raised Viet-
namese casualties s i n c e an-
nouncement of the cease-fire
accord to 541 North Vietnamese
and Viet Cong troops claimed
killed and 119 South Vietnamese
soldiers reported killed, 615
wounded and 34 missing.
Two U.S. servicemen were also
killed yesterday-possibly among
the last to die before America's
12-year-old military involvement
ends in Vietnam.
One man was killed in a rocket
attack against Bien Hoa Air
Basenorth of Saigon, the other
in an apparently accidental
crash of a small U.S. helicopter.
A command spokesman said
yesterday 407 sorties were flown
during the past 24 hours against
communist positions and supply
dumps and in support of South
Vietnamese troops fighting on
the ground.
B-52 bombers also dropped
nearly 1,000 tons of explosives
north of Quang Tri, below the
Demilitarized Zone, where the
heaviest ground fighting was re-
Meanwhile, U.S. officials rush-
ed preparations yesterday for
face-to-face peace meetings with
representatives of the North
Vietnamese and Viet Cong, foes
whom they feared, fought and
bombed for more than a decade.
Sirens, drums and church bells
will sound across South Vietnam
for one minute at 8 a.m. Saigon
time Sunday, signalling the start
of the cease-fire. President Ngu-
ven Van Thieu ordered the cere-
monies and called for a suspen-
sion of all activities for one min-
ute "in order' to welcome this
historic event."
Shortly after the cease-fire, the
first contingent of North Viet-
namese and Viet Cong delegates
to the four-party Joint Military
Commission assigned to imple-
ment the peace agreement will
arrive in Saigon from Paris, and
others are expected from Hanoi.
The initial meeting will get un-
der way 'Monday, U.S. sources
U.S. officials said specially-
marked American helicopters,
transformed from war machines
to peacekeeping role, will pick
up Viet Cong delegates in the
jungles of South Vietnam and fly.
them to Saigon during tle week-
This role was not looked upon
favorably by some American
pilots, who will have their stay
in Vietnam extended by up to
two months to ferry around the
foes they once fired at with ma-
chine guns and rockets.
Other pilots may continue to
bomb North Vietnamese supply
trails in Laos and military targets
Ziegler went out of his way toI
put down reports that the White
tta cstantially under Nixon. He said The People's Conference for
Hsestiaff hdes ixnresd hPBypDeNsEConGrAYe o
it will be cut in the new budget Unity .Against Repression begins
in Cambodia after the fighting from 576 White House jobs that tonight at 7:00 p.m. in the Union
stops in Vietnam today. existed four years ago to 480. Ballroom. The conference, which
Pentagon s p o k e s m a n Jerry Last November, there were 147 is sponsored by a coalition of local
Friedheim left open this possibil- noncareer professionals on Nixon's groups and individuals against re-
ity yesterday in refusing to an- staff, Ziegler said, and this num- pression, is being held to familiar-
swer directly questions about this. ber will be reduced about 40 per ize Washtenaw County residents
He replied by referring to Dr. cent which would leave 88 people. with the activities of these organi-
Henry Kissinger's prediction of The message to Congress said zations.
cease-fires in Laos and Cambodia the functions of the Office of The featured speaker will be
soon. Emergency Preparedness will be Bobby Lee Williams, national co-
"I cannot give you anything be- transferred to other agencies. Gen. ordinator of the United Front of
yond what Dr. Kissinger said . . . George Lincoln, OEP director, re- Cairo, Ill.
about our future expectations in tired earlier this month. The
Cambodia and Laos,"Friedheim, OED's work in preparation for and Williams will discuss the alleged
said. relief of civil emergencies and police-supported violence upon the
sdisasters will be shifted to the black community of Cairo. The
In discussing details of the new Housing and Urban Development United Front is presently boycot-
peace agreement with North Viet- Department. ting the white businesses in Cairo
nam, Kissinger spoke two days ago The work of the Office of Sci- in protest of the past three years
of "our firm expectation that with- ence and Technology will move of police harrassment.
in a short period of time there 'to the office of National Science Tonight's speakers also include
will be a formal cease-fire in Foundation Director Guyford Hank Bryant of the Community
See VIETNAM, Page 8 Stever. He will take on the addi- Research Internship, Kate Emer-
- -- --tional post of science adviser and son of the Welfare Rights Organi-
* will represent Nixon in such in- zation, Richard Kunnes of the
ternational scientific programs as Medical Committee for Human
LR i the joint U. S. and Soviet Com- Rights, Leonard Sklar of Ann Ar-
mission on Scientific and Techno- bor Young Liberation, and Mauree
logical Cooperation. McKaen, feminist and writer.
couirses The National Aeronautics and
C~ur~eSSpaceCocnil wirlmplycsdisap ScDave sMartinez, ilMichgan Law
paceCuclrilsmpydsp School student, will speak on the
"Needed policy coordination can lettuce boycott.
83 copies of the notes have been now be achieved through the re- The conference will continue
sold out of a total printing of 250- sources of the executive depart- Sunday at 7:00 p.m. in the lecture
Wright says he plans to expand ments and agencies, such as the hall of the Rackham Building.
his service to other courses and National Aeronautics and Space Speakers include Justin Ravitz
to begin operating on a weekly Administration," Nixon told Con- radical Detroit judge Howard
subscription basis. gress. "I am confident that this KahnlDetroit Fre ,sHor,
"We're trying to get enough stu- reorganization plan would signifi- Kohn, Detroit Free Press reporter'
dent subscribers so that we can cantly increase the over-all effic- Lee Dell Walker, of the Prisoners'
take a week's worth of notes at a iency and effectiveness of the fed- Labor Union and Lee Gill, mem-
time and distribute them to the eral government." ber of the University's Council for'
students on a weekly basis," In response to a newsman's Black Concerns.
Wright explained. See NIXON, Page 8 Admission is free.
SNotelects peddles leel
for five introductor
By ROBERT MURRAY Sociology 100, History of Art 102,,
A new study-aid service, Note- Chemistry 113 and 116 and Eco-
lects Co., has begun operations nomics 201-are currently being
this term in an apparent attempt to distributed by the 'U' Cellar and
commercialize the age-old practice Ulrich's.
of selling lecture notes. The notes, priced at $3.25 and
According to Brian Wright, a $4.25 per copy, are cardboard-
black graduate student in the busi- covered, loose-bound photostats of
ness school, the idea for a note- freehand notes compiled by student
taking service originated last sum- volunteers. Wright says he nets a
mer when he and two fellow 60 cent profit on each Notelects.
graduate students were looking for Notelects claims that its notes
"a way to gain practical experi- represent "90% of scheduled class
ence running a minority business times," but Wright admits that the
while also providing a useful ser- notes have not been reviewed by
vice to students." the lecturers for accuracy, nor
Notelects notes for five courses- have they been endorsed by any
of the lecturers.
In addition, the Notelects cur-
rently on sale were compiled from
lectures given last term, which
has caused some professors to
question their usefulness in con-
nection with courses this termt
for History of Art 102, reviewed the
e solely responsible for answer- Notelectstnotes for that course. Al-
one queries. POINT, on the other "resembled slightly" the sequence
orporates human advisors and of his lecturers, Huntington claimed
"a student would have to do a lot
visors can do the jobs that ma- of hunting to find certain topics in
't, and machines can provide the the notes. They would be so in-
nformation that is time consum- efficient to use.
advisors." Thus, says Rodgers, "I think a student who missed
hdvsors Thusn say oders, fsome lectures would be better off
hould be cheaper and more ef .
LSA sets
Academic red tape got you down? Be-
ginning Feb. 1, reliable round-the-clock
information on whatever academic problem
is troubling you will be as available as the
nearest telephone.
POINT, an experimental information sys-
tem, offers five telephone numbers to call
when you need help understanding the
POINT number dialed.
The advisors are only on duty during
regular business hours, however.
According to David Rodgers, assistant to
the assistant dean of LSA, the need for
such an information system was revealed
by a 76-GUIDE tally conducted last fall.
The tally revealed that "at least half" of
all calls from students concerned academic
visors wer
ing teleph
hand, inc
"Our ad
chines can
detailed in
ing for a
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