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January 26, 1973 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1973-01-26

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Eighty-two years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Model Cities feels squeeze

WE KNOW ABOUT the long arm of the
law, but we are still unfamiliar with
the long arm of the crunch. It is far away
in Washington that the President and his
congressional antagonists bicker over so-
cial legislation billions.
The lopped off millions in the capital
will be divvied up as program cuts among
the nation's large urban centers, of
course. But now, lo and behold, Ann Ar-
bor has qualified.
Funding for the Ann Arbor Model Ci-
ties Program runs out next week. The
President's freeze on Housing and Urban
Development grants. has blocked renew-

al for the city's grants threatening the
jobs of 90 Model Cities employes.
City Council is desperately dredging
up temporary funding to avoid suspen-
sion of Model Cities' dental care, legal
counseling and child care services. City
Administrator Guy Larcom, Mayor Rob-
ert Harris and Congressman Marvin Esch
are trying to wrench the million dollar
program's funds out of the deep freeze.
They may succeed.
But it is an elementary maxim of sci-
ence, political and natural, that when
rich uncle cuts your allowance you get
less money.

Abortion reform
THE SUPREME Court in an historic ruling Monday declared that
abortions are now legal and reaffirmed each woman's right to
be master of her body. To those of us who have supported abortion
reform and who voted "Yes" in November, it is truly a significant
In the 7-2 judgment delivered by Justice Harry Blackmun, the
court ruled that "the right of privacy is broad enough to encompass a
woman's decision whether or not to terminate a pregnancy."
The court further ruled against the arguments of'the "pro-life fac-
tions by rejecting the theory that the fetus is a person and as such,
was not entitled to the protection of thestae."
The social impact of this ruling is immense. The Constitution long
ago established the separation of church and state, and this ruling
finally makes it official. No longer will religious, theology be allowed
to interfere with the private lives of individuals who do not wish such
Abortion laws were originally instituted in the mid-nineteenth cen-
tury because at the time abortion was dangerous physically for the
woman involved. The original ruling was thus protecting a woman's
health, and not her morality. In recent years however, the abortion pro-
cess become much safer in modern hospital facilities - some say five
times as safe as actually bearing a child.
UNFORTUNATELY the issue of abortion has evolved into an
emotional and moral issue. The various anti-abortion groups, in stressing
that the fetus was alive and as such entitled to state protection, have
been able to prevent much needed reform legislation at the polls and
in Congress.
The ruling by the Court has put the abortion arguments in their
proper perspective. Those persons who oppose abortion may continue
to do so in guiding their own lives.
The ruling, in legalizing abortion nationwide, also ends a discrimina-
tion of sorts. In the past, obtaining abortions have not been much of
a problem to those who could afford to fly to New York, California
or Hawaii. This meant that those who couldn't were the lower' middle
class women, especially black women. This will now end.
Abortion should be accepted as exactly what it is - an alternative
means of birth control. The "pro life" people have more or less accept-
ed the existance of the pill, condom, IUD, foam, etq. as birth control
methods. Abortion, while it may be "after the fact" is still birth control.
Martin Stern is an editorial night editor for The Daily.



\E MWAlE rgitJ ec ,
\ \\\ \\ uh1\ \ \ s z aliI ynaate\\
Sorry, there's no room for you here at the inn.,
Try the Welfare Stable down the street.'


Equality and not power

AN ARTICLE IN a Detroit newspaper
yesterday celebrating the entry of
women into an exclusive Detroit men's
club capsulized one of the major prob-
Editorial Staff
PAT BAUER Associate Managing Editor
LINDSAY CHANEY.............. Editorial Director
MARK DILLEN.................. Magazine Editor
LINDA DREEBEN ........Associate Managing Editor
TAMMY JACOBS .................. Managing Editor
ARTHUR LERNER............... Editorial Director
ROBERT SCHREINER... .Editorial Director
GLORIA JANE SMITH.................. Arts Editor
PAUL TRAVIS...... .. . Associate Managing Editor
ED SUROVELL... ... . .............. Books Editor
ARTS STAFF: Herb Bowie, Rich Glatzers Donald
NIGHT EDITORS: Robert Barkin, Jan Benedetti, Di-
ane Levick, Jim O'Brien, Chris Parks, Charles
Stein, Ted Stein.
COPY EDITORS: Meryl Gordon, Debra Thai.
DAY EDITORS: Dave Burhenn, Jim Kentch, Marilyn
Riley, Judy Ruskin, Eric Schoch, Sue Stephen-
son, Ralph Vartabedian, Becky Warner.
Aswani, Gordon Atcheson, Laura Berman, Penny
Blank, Dan Blugerman, Bob Burakoff, Beth Eg-
nater, Ted Evanoff, Cindy Hill, Debbie Knox,
Zachary Schiller, Marcia Zoslaw.
PA4ES: Dave Burleon. Bob Ilacher, Karen Laakko,
Ray' urmi, Aloxsmdra Paul, Ricki Rusting, Mike
Treblin, Debbie Whiting.
STAFF WRITERS: Howard Brick Lorin Labardee, Ka-
thy Ricke, Eugene Robinson, Linda Rosenthal,
David Stoll, Terri Terrell.
Sports Staff
Sports Editor
Executive Sports Editor

lems in the movement for people's libera-
tion. Since the only women to be allow-
ed into the club are male members' wives
and unmarried daughters, the move is
not real liberation at all and it ironically
befits the media to treat it as such.
Real discrimination is directed against
the men, women and children who are
barred from the club because of their
"social status." People ignore the roots
of oppression when they think the at-
tainment by a few individuals of status
positions within the social hierarchy is
a solution to the discrimination problem.
What women recent most is the power
men exert over them, and the posi-
tions to which they are relegated by vir-
tue of the males' power. The women's
liberation faction that wants only equal
power, or equal pay for equal work, can-
not erase inequality among people. Lib-
eration can never be attained solely by
increased power, but only through the
disintegration of the power structures
that oppress.
It isn't going to make any difference
to the scrub woman at the men's club
that a rich woman can eat lunch there
now. And it's no step toward liberation
when a woman becomes an executive at
the Chase Manhattan Bank.
Every person should be struggling for
equality through the reformation of so-
cial structure. The oppression women
suffer should remind us that our strug-
gle must not be for equal power, leading
to further oppression, but for equal rights
for all people.

Letters: Nixon,

the Commijes and

Go d


To The Daily:
AFTER READING a number of
editorials criticizing the official
government position, I feel that
some students at the University
of Michigan may not regard the
next four years as totally hopeless.
President Nixon has done much to
purify the minds of the American
people from the lies of the offic-
ial Communist propaganda. Al-
though there are still a few cent-
ers of dissent within the nation,
such as The Daily, the President
has done much to prevent the dis-
senters from receiving widespread
America needs a strong Presi-
dent to prevent the Communists
from continuing their program of
world revolution. Patriotic Amer-
icans should write their congress-
men and senators to rely more
upon the wisdom of the President,
who is more aware of world prob-
lems than the average American
whose mind has been contaminated
by Communist lies.
We need to turn back to the
Bible and recognize that thetPres-
ident is the office through which
God works in the world (Romans
xiii). Some social scientists have
suggested that social dissent is
the road to domestic progress; but
they forget that the Bible s a y s
that Americans should kneel and
pray to God, trusting that G o d
will work through the office of
President Nixon to bring peace to
the world. Yours (not) very truly,
-David Kikuchi
Graduate Student
Jan. 20
Women's studies
To The Daily:
THIS LETTER is in regard to
your January 20th article about
Women's Studies at Michigan.
Your article was accurate and in-
formative, but failed to mention
several important matters. It
states, for example, that the Uni-
versities of South Florida and New
York at Buffalo, Richmond Col-
lege, and Sarah Lawrence are "the
most notable" institutions to have
programs in Women's Studies. In
fact, the phenomena is much more
widespread. At present, the Uni-
versities of Pittsburgh, California
(San Diego, Sacramento), Massa-
chusetts, Cornell, Portland State,
and Wesleyan, as well as several
smaller schools have instituted pro-
grams in Women's Studies. In ad-
dition to this, more than 1000 cours-

es on women are being offered at
more than 100 universities and col-
leges throughout the country.
At Michigan there is tremendous
student interest in and support for
Women's Studies. The course, In-
troduction to Women's Studies,
which your article mentions, was
unable to accommodate the large
number of students who wished to
enroll in it this fall and winter. In
both terms the course closed with-
out being able to admit a great
many students who wished to take
it. Clearly, the course should con-
tinue to be offered, as well as oth-
er women's courses on an under-
graduate level. At present, of the
courses on women offered in LS&A
only two are open to underclass-
THERE IS NO WAY, however,
that Introduction to Women's Stu-
dies can continue to be taught on
a voluntary basis. There is n o
reason it should be. Women have
made significant contributions to
our culture. History, Anthropology,
and Psychology, as they relate to
women, are only beginning to be
expanded. Women writers, c o m-
posers, and artists have been, all
too often, ignored in undergraduate
courses. The University of Michi-
gan should, therefore, recognize
Women's Studies as a legitimate
and necesary part of the academic
We urge students to express their
support for the Women's Studies
Proposal which is presently being
considered by the LS&A Executive
-Undergraduate Committee
for Women's Studies at
(83 signatures)
Jan. 22
To The Daily:
ALTHOUGH I commend you on
your editorial stand against dis-
pensal of the morning-after p i I 1
at our student health service, I
think it is unfair of you to deprive
your readers of some of the juicy
history (and The Daily's role) be-
hind this now nationally publicized
scandal. One person - Kay Weiss
- is responsible for Nader's dis-
closure. She took a concise, ter-
rifying, 11-page summarization of
her research concerning DES to
Washington D.C., less than two
weeks ago. One fact listed in
Weiss' report reads:

BILL ALTERMAN...........Associate Sports:
BOB ANDREWS ............ Assistant Sports:
SANDI GENIS..............Assistant Sports
RANDY PHILLIPS.........Contributing SportsI
MICHAEL OLIN.......... Contributing Sports
CHUCK DRUKIS........CContributing Sports
JOEL GREER........... Contributing Sports7


Photography Staff
DAVID MARGOLICK ............Chief Photographer
ROLFE TESSEM ....................Picture Editor
DENNY GAINER ...................Staff Photographer
THOMAS GOTTLIEB .............Staff Photographer
KAREN KASMAUSKI............Staff Photographer
Business Staff
Business Manager
STEVE EVSEEFF............. Circulation Manager
SHERRY KASTLE.............Advertising Manager
PAUL WENZLOFF............Promotions Manager
SISTANTS: William Blackford, Ray Catalino, Linda
Coleman, Jim Dykema, Sandy Fienberg, Cynthia
Kaufman, Dave Lawson, Elliot Legow, Caryn Miller
STAFF AND TRAINEES: Joan Ades, Dawn Bare, Linda
Cycowski, Deborah Gelstein, Gregg Gunnel, Alan
Klein, Steve LeMire, Beryl Levine, Paula Schwach,
Ross Shugan, Tom Slykhouse, Edward Stieg, John
Totte, Debra Weglarz, Sandra Wronski, Ross Shugan
SALES: Dave Burleson. Bob Fischer, Karen Laakko,
Alexandra Paul, Mike Treblin, Debbie Whiting.
STAFF ARTIST: Denny Dittmar.

"A Nader task force investigated
and reported on the carcinogenicity
of tiny amounts of DES in our
food. To our knowledge it did not
mention that hundreds of thousands
of unsuspecting women are given
167,000 times the dose in the morn-
ing-after pill.
Nader's statements and stories
in newspapers across the country
are based solely on Weiss' work.
The interesting point, however, is
that not only did the same in-
formation appear months ago in
herself but Weiss has been trying
for months to give the Daily the
same information which Nader
found urgent enough to publicize
immediately. First there was the
Daily article which claimed no ev-
idence existed which demonstrated
DES to be unsafe for human con-
sumption. Remember that one?
Weiss, of course, was horrified.
Upon confronting the author of the
article with an incredible body of
evidence which clearly proved DES
to be harmful, Weiss was informed
that the Daily would not fully re-
tract the article because it was
the author's first science article
and the poor girl might be embar-
rassed. How many women have in-
creased their chances of getting
vaginal cancer in exchange for the
author having saved face? Then
there's the recent article about Ad-
vocates for Medical Information.
The Daily interviewed a misin-
formed office worker for that one
(instead of Weiss of Cowan as
they should have). The results
were spectacular. The statement
that DES is correlated with some
really weird maladies (I'm not
even going to name them here) was
incorrectly atributed to AMI. Ad-
vocates for Medical Information
lost credibility before it ever got
off the ground.
I have two suggestions for the
Daily. First, why not subscribe
to herself? Secondly, instead of
trying to create scoops why not
work on sharpening your powers
of observation so that you'll re-
cognize one when it walks through
the door and plops itself down
on your desk?
-Dean Falk
Highway story
To The Daily:
AT 7:45 A.M. January 2, I stood
on I-75 between Cincinnati and
Dayton. Because much of Dayton's
labor force commutes, heavy traf-
fic crowded the freeway at t h a t
hour. Unfortunately, no one stop-
ped to pickme up.
Twenty minutes later, an Ohio
state trooper pulled up to where I
stood. His chrome-studded uniform
glistened in the morning sun as he
stepped out of his car and placed
his wide-brimmed, pointed cap on
his head. He wore mirror glasses,
wide-hipped riding pants, knee high
boots, and an incredible array of
chrome ornaments.
"Boy, you're creatinga traffic
hazard here. Move on back to the
entrance ramp," he said.
Obeying his command, I walked
toward the entrance ramp. After
he disappeared from my sight, I
figured that neither he nor any
other cop would cruise through
again for at least another hour. I
returned to the expressway.
No sooner had I reached t h e
freeway, when the same s t a t e
trooper pulled up again. "Boy, if
I come back here again, and
you're still standing here, I'll have
to take you in," the trooper said.


minutes, I saw the state trooper go
up the exit ramp on the other side
of the expressway. I thought this
would be the end.
Just as the cop crossed the via
dock, a white Rolls-Royce stopped
next to me and a soothing gentle
voice called out, "Get in, man."
I took a bottle of Medoc Bor-
deaux from my suitcase and we
floated on to Ann Arbor. Ira C.,
the owner of theRolls, played some
original tapes he made in Eng-
Ira plays piano and sings. While
in England, he recorded with T.
Rex and other groups. When I ask-
ed him if he knew the Rolling
Stones, he pulled a necklace from
under his shirt and said, "Charlie
gave this to me. He's a very gentle

stuffs his cap into his coat pock-
et. Momentarily halted, their
breath rushes into each others fac-
es. Their cold tears feel good on
their flushed cheeks.
"My god, the War is actually
over. I . . . this is the first time
I've . . . we've been at peace. We
are actually at peace."
"Right now, some soldier thinks
of us and is happy, he is alive and
happy and doesn't have to kill'any-
one anymore, he can put down his
gun and come home . . . He'll
stand up, turn around and walk
away from his rifle . . . and his
enemy who has him in his rifle's
crosshairs will hesitate, he will re-
main still and watch the first sold-
ier walk into the jungle and out of
sight. Maybe for the first time in
his life, he will take his finger off


Today's staff:
News: Mike Duweck, Tommy Jacobs,
Debbie Pastoria, Sue Stephenson, Sue
Tretheway, David Unhewehr
Editorial Page: Robert Burakoff, Arthur
Lerner, Kathleen Ricke
Arts Page: Richard Glatzer
Photo Technician: Randy Edmonds

"We need to turn back to the Bible and recog-
nize that the President is the office through
which God works in the world."




Dist. Publishers


, 1

T susTR(thi,

IRA SAID he bought the R o1Il s
because of its reliability. (The Life
expectancy of a Rolls-Royce is
over thirty years.) This one is a
1958 model and is valued at $10,-
000. This amazed me because the
auto seemed brand new. It is im-
maculate - inside, outside and un-
der the hood.
Ira was born in Windsor, Ontar-
io 26 years ago but lived in Ypsi-
lanti and went to EMU prior to his
musical adventures in England.
On his boat trip back to t h e
States, he entertained Mr. and
Mrs. Salvador Dali. "They were
very beautiful but strangely
enough, Mrs. Dali never smiled
except when I played piano," Ira
After making his fortune in Eng-
land ,he decided to come to Ann
Arbor to jam with the locals and
continue his musical career. As we
crossed the Michigan state line,
Ira said, "I'm so happy to be com-
ing to Ann Arbor., This is the
most exciting day of my life arid
I'm just so glad we can share this
beautiful day together."

the trigger . . . and rest . .
They drink another toast and
embrace tighter.
-Lee Johnson
Jan. 23
Review criticized
To The Daily:
I HAVE JUST finished an article,
ostensibly a book review, written
by Michael Castleman. I could not
resist the temptation to register
some criticism of it. It has always
seemed to me that when one writ-
es a book review, the result ought
to be a book review. Mr. Castle-
man; disregarding this maxim, has
written an editorial. It is a very
good editorial, I think, as b o o k
reviews go, but it was not exactly
what I wanted to read when I turn-
ed to that page. In better than
three columns of newsprint, -I
found very little about the books in
question. I did find a great deal
about Henry Kissinger in what
amounted to, if you don't like the
term "editorial", a critical bio-
graphical sketch of our c h i e f
National Security Advisor. He crit-
irvn thsa h. . ri a _ n hm


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