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January 10, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-01-10

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See Editorial Page


40 -qp a t

For details, see today ...

a Vol. LXXXIII, No. 82

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, January 10, 1973

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

if yon see news happen cal 76-DAILY
It's Greek to me
Effete intellectual snobs, take heart. Self-confessed anti-
intellectual Spiro Agnew says that he obtained credit by exami-
nation under a program similar to the University's back when he
w s in school. He got the credits for an English course at John
Hopkins University in the late 1930s, and look at his vocabulary
'U' bus changes
' For all you bus riders, there are a few permanent changes
in the North Campus bus service. A bus drop-off and pick-up
* service will be provided on Beal at Hayward until the area gets
sidewalks. One Bursley/Baits and one Northwood bus will service
the Fuller Ice Rink on weekdays, and all North Campus Buses
will service it evenings and weekends. Northwood and Bursley/
Baits buses serving the ice rink will also service the Medical
Center, stopping at the Ann Arbor Bank going to Central Campus
and stopping at the Kresge Building going to North Campus. All
evening and weekend buses now service the Medical Center.
Enjoy the ride.
No State of the Union speech
In a precedent shattering move, President Nixon will not
give his State of the Union address in person before Congress
later this month. The White House announced yesterday that the
President had decided against a personal appearance, because
* the speech was coming right after his inauguration on Jan. 20.
Manytpolitical observers however feel that Nixon's action was
" the latest round in a running feud with the Congress over the
Vietnam War and domestic spending cuts.
0... Include two meetings for those who don't like what's been
going on in the world these days. First, all who wish to be part
of the counter-inauguration activities in Washington Jan. 20
(when the four more years officially start) should be on the
2nd floor of the SAB at 7:30 p.m.. .. And for those who not only
dislike the war, but know whereof they speak, the Vietnam
Veterans Against the War are having their own meeting, at 8
p.m., one floor up on Third floor, SAB . .. In other events, the
Ann Arbor Board of Education will meet, 7:30 p.m. in the Ann
Arbor Public Library Meeting Room . . . and there will be a
Grad Coffee Hour in Rackham's East Conference Room at 8 p.m.
Hubert McGovern????
Ever heard of Hubert McGovern of 1559 Pennsylvania Ave.,
Washington, D.C.? Well, the peopple who send you your income
tax forms thought they'd get funny this year, so they used that
name on a sample tax form in a guide they prepared. Income
tax chief John Walters was not amused, however, and issued
an apology to Sens. George McGovern and Hubert Humphrey.
"Ordinarily," he said, we use non-identifiable names in our
published . . . material. Unfortunately this time, our course
writer, apparently to enliven the text, used some well-known
names and some name combinations."
Mickey Spillane, beware!
The Cuban government says mystery writers must have"
their villains caught only through a series of deductions and
never by accident. The Committee on Propaganda and Culture
of the Interior Ministry says crimes may not be solved through
decoding, word associations, truth serums, comparisons of ciga-
rette butts of the suspect and those found at the crime, or
victims' dogs that don't bark and reveal the culprit in the pro-
cess. The government, which controls publications in Cuba, also
says love is an unnecessary diversion to the seriousbusiness of
solving mysteries. Mike Hammer could only have been created
in America.
Royal smooch
HARWICH-Princess Anne exchanged her first public kisses
this week and-although nobody knew how many private kisses
had gone before-rumor mongers immediately had her engaged.
The lucky recipient of Anne's affections was Lt. Mark Phillips,
a 24-year-old army officer who has been seen about the palace
in the last month. Phillips, an Olympic gold medal winner, kissed
Anne when he sailed for West Germany Sunday to start a two-
year tour of military duty. Official spokesmen weren't telling
exactly what their relationship is, but one member of the royal
family characterized it as "more than just friendship."
Onthe inside ...
.. On the Editorial Page, Bullshit Party Emperor
Dave Hornstein describes the keys to his success at the
polls . . . Sports staffer Dan- Borus writes his column on
the new, improved Wolverine basketball squad, or, as he
calls them, the "new look Wolverines," on Page 7 . . . Arts
Page probably has something interesting, too.
The weather picturej
Did you get tired of the balmy weather in Florida over

Christmas break? If so, you're in luck. The inhabitants of
the local National Weather Service report ideal conditions
for Eskimos, polar bears and those who live in igloos. To-
day's temperature may reach 25, but it's highly unlikely.
More plausible is the 6 degree low figure and winds gusting
out of the west up to 15 mph. You'd probably get tired of
your tan anyway.
y y

Anti-war activism, fairly
for the last two years, may b,
for a renaissance. Both l
national organizers for an
demonstration-scheduled for
ration Day in Washington,
port a high level of interest
volvement from individu
The demonstration, as calle
by the National Peace Acti
mittee (NPAC) and the Peopl
tion for Peace and Justice
will primarily emphasize pu
satisfaction with President
handling of the Vietnam War
refusal to sign the Oct. 2
Locally, plans and proced
being handled by the An

e headed Organizers predict large tw

t and in-
als and
ed jointly
on Com-
e's Coali-
ublic dis-
r and his
26 peace
ures are
n Arbor

Counter-Inaugural Committee, which
will meet this evening in the Second
Floor Lobby of the Student Activities
Building at 7:30. The public' meeting
will discuss transportation and hous-
ing arrangements, as well as appoint
officers in charge of the various
planning committees.
According to Jerry Gordon, .NPAC
coordinator, national response has
been considerable. "I have never seen
this response for any of the other
marches. We've been getting calls
from all over the country."
Bonkie Garvin of the Detroit Coali-
tion to End the War Now was also
enthusiastic about the response.

"We've had better contact regionally
than ever before." Garvin noted that
Flint is sending twelve buses, and
that many other Michigan cities will
send buses. Also, a group of UAW
retirees are renting a bus for the
trip to D.C.-a peace movement first.
Chuck Meibeyer, one of the coordi-
nators for the Ann Arbor Committee,
notes that while the main emphasis
of the national protest will be focused
on the war, local groups will be urged
to go to Washington to also demon-
strate on other social issues such as
racism and repression.
Meibeyer called the protest "neces-
sary," and stated that "People are

beginning to co
years under N
Current plans
call for the ma
Lincoln Memor
10 a.m. on Ja
procession will
tion Avenue fr
move to the V
where a rally w
PCPJ, as wel
pressed optimis
will be peacefu
The Washingt

protest set
week however, reported that both the
1J11 1 Students for a Democratic Society
St (SDS) and the Youth International
Party (YIP) are staging separate
ncede that four more demonstrations which spokespersons
ixon could be disas- indicate may result in civil dis-
obiedience tactics.
for the demonstration
rchers to meet at the Garvin, of the Detroit anti-war coali-
irchers to Wms tn at h tion, expressed the hope that the
ial in Washington at demonstrations will be both peaceful
an. 20. At noon, the and legal. "The better the thing comes
move down Constitu- off, the more humiliating it will be to
oom 14th St. and will Nixon."
Washington Monument
ill be held. No one is willing to speculate on
from both NPAC and how many persons are expected in
1 as the Ann Arbor D.C., other than to say that there
ral Committee, ex- will be a large group. The last big
m that the D.C. rally demonstration in Washington was in
l and orderly. April, 1971, when about 300,000 people
on Post, in a story last marched in protest of the War.





dam age

prices show
major -gain
By the UPI and Reuters
WASHINGTON - Wholesale prices registered their big-
gest rise last month in 22 years, the Department of Labor said
The wholesale price index - closely watched because of
the inflationary implications of any major rise - gained 1.8
percent last month. It was the biggest gain since January,
The announcement came as President Nixon began dis-
cussions to extend food and price controls with his top fi-
nancial advisers - Treasury Secretary George Shultz, the
chairman of his Council of Economic Advisers, Herbert Stein,
and presidential assistants for domestic affairs, John Ehr-

GOP limits
in- Senate
WASHINGTON 1P) - Senate Re-
publicans broke with a 127-year
tradition yesterday and formally
sacked seniority in determining
their ranking members on com-
The step was taken at a secret
afternoon meeting of the Senate
Republican Conference.
The measure provides that the
Republican Committee on Com-
mittees determine who is to serve.
on each committee and that the
Republicans on that committee
then elect their ranking member
or chairman, as the case may be.
The conference itself can chal-
lenge the results and vote on its
own choice for the committees. All
votes will be written and open in
the conference.
Sen. Norris Cotton (R-New
Hampshire), the conference chair-
;man, expressed belief the rule on-
ly will be used in extreme cases.
The Javits-Baker measure has a
grandfather clause - ranking
members who held their posts in
the previous session are exempted.

The Department of Labor cited
"extremely sharp increases" in
the prices of farm products as the
major reason for the gain.
Farm products rose 6.8 percent'
-the largest gain since March,
1947, when post-war demand be-
gan to push up prices.
Don Paarlberg, director of eco-
nomics for the Agriculture Depart-
Iment, told a reporter he nowv ex-
pects store food prices to rise at aj
rate of 4.5 per cent through mid-
White House Press Secretary
Ronald Ziegler said the Adminis-
tration realized rising food prices
were a major problem and Nixon
was considering new steps to deal
with it.
But other economic indicators
showed that the economy was
healthy and expanding, he claim-'
The climb spelled bad news for
President Nixon's economic con--
trols program and signaled the:
prospect of higher living costs for
American consumers when the
wholesale increases are passed on
at the retail level.
The rise is expected to generate
more pressure on the President to1
clamp some kind of controls on
raw agricultural products which
now are exempt from his eco-
nomic program.
Shultz declined public comment,
but a spokesman said Nixon's chief
economic policy maker was "ex-n
tremely depressed" about the !I
price report.t

de Osits
Size, use
of deposits
From wire Service Reports
LANSING-Legislation that
for the first time regulates
tenant damage deposits was
* signed into law yesterday by
Gov. William Milliken.
Milliken called the measure,
which was prompted primarily by
complaints from student renters in
college towns, "a major break-
through in consumer legislation."
"The bill provides a full under-
standing for the first time of the
deposits and the relationship be-
tween the tenant and the landlord,"
he said.
The law, which takes effect April
1, includes these major provisions:
-a limit on the amount of any
damage or security deposit to no
more than one and one-half month's
-a requirement that the deposit
be nlaced in a regular financial
institution such as a bank;
-a provision limiting the use of
damage deposits to pay for "dam-
ages . .. that are the direct result
ofconduct not reasonably expected
in the normal course of habitua-
' tion" or in the case of unpaid back
-a requirement that the deposit
either be returned in full within
30 days after the lease is ter-
-AP Photo minated, or a portion of it, with
an itemized list of damages with
ion of the Paris peace attached bill for the repairs;
o the theksrsporedly -a provision stipulating that the
of the talks reportedly damage deposit money will be
legally presumed the property of
the tenant. In disputed cases, the
landlord will have 45 days to seek
a court judgement in his favor;
-a requirement that landlords
furnish tenants with a checklist so
that existing damages to an apart-
ment may be noted before a tenant
moves in; and
-a provision requiring tenants
to inform their landlord in writing
within three days of moving of a
forwarding address where a check
or money order for the deposit may
while he was told by Lax be sen.
appeal to the Supreme During public hearings on the
been filed he was never legislation, some renters testified
bteate f e harng that they paid a deposit as high as
the date of the hearig two months rent and were unable
to get a penny of it back when
Lindemer, Hathaway they moved out even though they
therefore unable to pre- did not damage or minimal damage
case to the high court. to the apartment.
y Lax responded yester- Under the new law, damage de-
lathaway was given ade- : posits are considered the property
ce and that if his side of the tenant. The landlord must
e wasn't heard it was en- prove - in court if necessary -
own fault. - that all or part of the money be-
See GOP, Page 8 longs to him.

Why is this man smiling?
Presidential envoy-Henry Kissinger grins broadly after leaving yesterday's sessi
talks. His beaming visage may be a ruse, however, as the most recent sessionc
was not very productive. See story, Page 2.
GOP asks statec6o
to review ward r


Arson hit,4
On the night of Dec. 14, while some 300
people danced and waited to hear Mitch
Ryder jam with the Knockdown Party Band
in the People's Ballroom at 502 E. Wash-
ington, one or more arsonists set 'three
piles of trash on fire in the basement of
the adjacent Community Center.
The ensuing fire destroyed most or all
of the facilities of three community organi-
zations, and left a rash of controversy in
its aftermath.

'People 's Bal((room
the Rainbow People's Party and the Ann Arbor Tribal
Council have formed a People's Defense Committee to inves-
tigate the fire department's actions, contending that several
firemen were guilty of "criminal negligence."

". yi

Local Republicans are making a
last ditch attempt to stall imple-
mentation of the city's new ward1
boundary plan in the state Supreme
GOP attorney John Hathaway
has asked the high court to re-
consider its unanimous Jan. 5 rul-
ing ordering implementation of the
plan, charging he received insuf-
ficient notice of the court's hear-
The Republicans have kept the
plan tied up in the courts since it
was given final approval by City
Council on Dec. 4.
The case was originally taken
before Circuit Court Judge William
Ager who ruled that the old ward
boundary plan must be used in the
upcoming city election. That deci-
sion was appealed by City Attor-
ney Jerold Lax, and the case fin-
ally reached the state Supreme
Court after the Appeals Court re-
fused to give it immediate con-

Stockbridge), filed with the high said that w
court Monday a "Petition to Va- that ana
cate Order of Court and to Grant 'Court had
Hearing." informed o
The petition, filed on the behalf itself.
of Hathaway, alleges that Lax He and
failed to give Hathaway proper said, were
notice of the hearing and further sent their
charges that briefs filed with the An angr
court by Lax were incomplete. It day that H
asks that 'the court's original rul- quate noti
ing be nullified and that a new of the case
hearing be granted. tirely hisc
Contacted yesterday, HathawayS

Foundation liberates Fleming
from dreary University winter

Thousands of returning students, faced with an icy battle with
Ann Arbor's winter as they trudge to class, can take heart over
the happy fate of their University's president and his wife.
Rnhh~r, Flerrmin no rd his wife Sallv arezeniovinLa a two-

Fischer, an Ozone House staffer and one

according to Chief Fire Inspector Arthur
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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