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January 23, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-01-23

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See Editorial Page


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See today ... for details

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Vol. LXXXIII, No. 93 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, January 23, 1973 Ten Cents

Eight Pages








By The Associated Press and Reuters ha
SAN ANTONIO - Former goi
President L y n d o n Baines th
Johnson, the man who com- lap
mitted the United States to son
full-scale war in Vietnam, by
died yesterday, apparently tU
of a heart attack. He was 64. for
His death, ironically, comes as flo
> a peace settlement in Indochina sin
appears imminent. Th
Johnson suffered his apparent
heart attack in the bedroom of
his Johnson City ranch. He was p
flown to International Airport in
here and taken by ambulance to all
Brooke Army Hospital, where he dea
AP Photo was pronounced dead on arrival Tr
Cabot Lodge by Col. George Mogranahan, the ma
1966, meeting physician in charge of cardiology <
service at the hospital. Johnson tw

d a history of heart ailment
ng back to 1955.
Lady Bird Johnson, who heard
news of her husband's col-
se in her offices at the John-
Library in Austin, was flown
helicopter to the hospital, ac-
ally arriving q few minutes be-
e the former President's am-
Lance. She went to the seventh-
or suite reserved for Johnson
ce he was vice president.
ere she heard the news of her
sband's death.
Nixon leads mourning
President Nixon led the nation
mourning the death, ordering
U.S. flags, lowered since the
path of former President Harry
uman in late December, to re-
ain at half staff for 30 days.
"In my inaugural address just
o days ago," Nixon said, "I

spoke of how my thoughts went
back to those who stood in that
place before me and of the
dreams they had for America.
"No man had greater dreams
for America than Lyndon John-
son," he added.
President Nixon called John-
son "a dynamic leader, a unique
personality and a man of great
ability and unshakeable cour-
He added: "It is particularly
heartbreaking that even as our
flags fly at half staff in Presi-
dent Truman's memory, another
of our leaders has fallen." He
ordered all flags on federal build-
ings to fly at half staff in honor
of Johnson for 30 days.
Johnson's press secretary, Tom
Johnson (no relation), said in
Austin that according to reports

he had received from Ms. John-
son, the former President sum-
moned help to his bedside at the
Johnson ranch, where three Sec-
ret Service men found him suf-
fering an apparent heart attack.
They tried mouth-to-mouth re-
suscitation and heart massage
With no results, then rushed him
onto a plane to San Antonio,
where an army ambulance met
the party at the airport.
Johnson's family gathered at
the LBJ Ranch last night to dis-
cuss the funeral arrangements for
the former President. There was
no immediate word late last
night on when the plans would be
The Johnson Years
Johnson was thrust into the
White House after the assassina-
tion of John F. Kennedy on Nov.

JOHNSON CONFERS with South Vietnam's then-Premier Nguyen Cao Ky (left), Henry
(back, right) and then-Defense Secretary Robert McNamara (back, left) in a February,
in Honolulu.

today.-. I
if you see news happen cal! 76-DAILY
Berrigans restricted
WASHINGTON - In addition to its abortion ruling, the
Supreme Court voted 8-1 yesterday to deny Phillip and Daniel
Berrigan permission to visit North Vietnam. Justice William
Douglas offered the only dissent to the ruling. The activist priests
are on parole following time served on federal convictions for
anti-war activities. They were requested to make the journey to
Indochina by religious leaders and others. The parole board has
maintained that the trip would hamper efforts to "rehabilitate"
the Berrigans.
Goodbye, duel world
MADISON-Persons who engage in duels-a long oppressed
minority-may soon be relieved of their yoke of persecution. The
enlightened Wisconsin legislature will be considering a joint
senate resolution to end this black chapter in the state's history.
The constitutional provision which disqualifies persons who duel
from voting or holding public office will be discussed today.
Security leak
PARIS-A man urinated on the tomb of France's unknown
soldier and put out the eternal flame today, a few hours after
West German Chancellor Willy Brandt had laid a wreath there.
Police said the man, a 32-year-old Algerian, was apparently
mentally unstable and was not protesting the German leader's George F
visit. stopped F
Happenings ... Page 7).
. . . Guzzle a little liquid refreshment at the LSA coffee
hour today at 3 p.m. in' the Museum of Anthropology, 4018 KISSI
Museums Building. . . . Dr. James Eyster of Virginia Poly -
technic Institute and State University will be speaking at 4 p.m.
in 1042 East Engineering Bldg. His topic? "Advanced flow con-
trol procedures-a means of reducing inbound air traffic delay?" p
.. . And there will be a saxophone student recital at 8 p.m. in
Hill Auditorium.



22, 1963 in Dallas, Tex., succeed-
ing the man he challenged for
the 1960 nomination. He was
elected to a full term by a land-
slide in 1964.
The first Southerner to hold
the presidency since 1865; John-
son was one of the strongest ad-
vocates of civil rights legisla-
tion, both during his more than
two decades in Congress and
while he was in the White House.
He proposed the voting rights
act later enacted by the 89th
Congress. He also initiated the
war on poverty and the Great
Society, a collection of domestic
social programs for many of
which liberal Democrats had
fought unsuccessfully s i n c e
Franklin D. Roosevelt.
It was Roosevelt who was
Johnson's political mentor. "He
was like a daddy to me," John-
son often said.
In his inaugural address of
1965 - one of the shortest in his
tory - Johnson vowed to over-
come poverty, sickness and ignor-
ance. And he told the world:
"We aspire to nothing that be-
longs to others. We seek no do-
minion over our fellow man, but
man's dominion over tyranny
and misery."
The first; American troops were
sent to South Vietnam in Febru-
ary of that year, however. Esca-
lation of the war actually had
begun in August the previous
year when Communist boats at-
tacked U. S. ships in the Gulf
of Tonkin and Johnson gained
congressional approval of a reso-
lution granting him full support
for "all necessary action to pro-
tect our armed forces."
In April, 1965 Johnson pro-
voked a storm of criticism when
he announced that 400 U. S. Ma-
riles had been sent into Santo
Domingo to protect Americans
caught in a Dominican Republic
government upheaval.
Elected in 1964 with 61 per
cent of the popular vote, by No-
vember of 1967 a public opinion
poll showed that only 38 per cent
of the people aproved his hand-
ling of the presidency and 50 per
cent actively disaproved.
A master politician, sensitive
to public opinion, he ended his
See JOHNSON, Page 8






The Supreme Court ruled 7-2 yesterday that states can-
not prevent a woman from having an abortion during the
first three months of pregnancy.
Though the landmark ruling stopped short of permitting
abortions on demand, the court said the decision to end a
pregnancy in its early stages must be left to the woman and
her physician.
The ruling was delivered by Justice Harry Blackmun over
the opposition of Justices Byron White and William Ren-
The court supported several arguments advanced by
abortion reform groups. The judg-
ment was based on "the right of
privacy." Blackmun said whether
it be founded in the concept of
personal liberty or in restraint on
government it "is broad enough to
encompass a woman's decision
whether or not to terminate a
However, Blackmun went on, the
right "is not unqualified" and the
state can step in to protect health
and prenatal life and to impose
medical standards.
AP Photo The 51-page opinion rejected the
theory pressed by abortion foes
that a fetus is a "person" within

The new 'chan peen'
oreman (dark trunks) delivers the crown ing blow to Joe Frazier as the young.c
razier in the second round to win the he avyweight championship of the world (s

see story,

eace agreement may

See related story, Page 8
constitutional terms and must be
protected by the state.
He said that in the Constitution
"use of the word is such that it
has application only postnatally."'
Blackmun added, "We need not
resolve the difficult question of
when life begins."
However, the court said the right
to privacy cannot be construed to
allow a woman "to terminate her
pregnancy, at whatever time, in
whatever way or for whatever rea-
son she alone chooses.

On the inside
David Cahill, Human Rights Party city co-chairman,
talks about style issues on the Editorial Page. . . . The
Sports page presents an articulate Bob McGinn writing on
Michigan State's loss to Indiana. . . . And Associate
Managing Editor and man-about-town Paul Travis reviews
Luther Allison's concert on the Arts page.
The weather picture
Today will be gray. The temperature's supposed to hit
40 degrees during the day, slide down to the mid 20s tonight.
Tomorrow will be about the same. It doesn't give you much
to look forward to.

be signed

by weekend

By AP and Reuters
U.S. envoy Henry Kissinger ar-
rived in Paris yesterday for what
may be the last round of talks be-
fore a peace agreement is finally
Kissinger's 24th peace mission
began amid indications that a
settlement would be signed by the
end of this week, including a re-
port from senior South Vietnamese
officials that they had captured
a communist document giving a

timetable for the agreement.
A settlement will be initialed at
8 p.m. EST tomorrow, the offic-
ials quoted the document as say-
ing. It will be formally signed Sat-
urday and a cease-fire will go into
effect on Sunday, Jan. 28, the re-
port continued.
While the White House continu-
ed its blackout on formal comment
as regards the peace talks, Wash-
ington sources indicated that Pres-
ident Nixon has set a goal of

wrapping up the Vietnam agree- In" s 1c.u ytd
ment this week, in time for the In summary, the court held:
Feb. 3 Tet New Year. -The states are barred from re-
Meanwhile, South Vietnamese stricting abortions within the first
Foreign Minister Tran Van Lam three monthsr;
also traveled to Paris yesterday -In this period the abortion de-
from taigoneanheldtaslyeterdonycision must be left to the medical
from Saigon, and -held a late con- jugetof the pregnant wom-
ference with Kissinger lastnight. Judgmentophs prgn;w
"I have come to Paris to show ants own physician;
the goodwill of our government for -After the first three months
the re-establishment of peace in the state, if it chooses, may regu-
Vietnam, and, if that is possible, hlate abortionbproceduresatin ways
to bring our direct cooperation on that are reasonably related to ma-
the spot in order to complete the ternal health,"
Lamtol reortrs. -In approximately the last
negotiations,"La tldrptes three months of pregnancy, the
Viet Cong foreign minister Ma-Istate maynif it chooses, regulate
dame Nguyen Thi Binh, also ar- and even prohibit abortions to pre-
rived in Paris for the talks, and A.. o 1c



-Doily Photo
JOHNSON TELLS the University community about his "Great
Society," as he receives an honorary doctorate in May, 1964.
Statesmen anld public
mourn LBJ's death


Fuel shortage

threatens the


See related story, Page 2

serve the expectant moiner s ie
or health;
-The state may allow only li-

The time is late February, 1973. It is
early in the winter morning.
A typical University student leaves a cold,
darkened dormitory room and trudges across
campus to another cold, half-lit classroom
On the way to class, which was resched-
tiled from a nightime hour to save heat,

agreement with its largest users, including
the University, that stipulates that when gas
shortages occur, service can be temporarily
interrupted on 30 days notice.
In December, the gas company told Uni-
versity officials that it would end service
this month for a period of approximately six
weeks. On Jan. 14, the gas was shut off to
University mains and the power and heating

the rest of the campus, says that it could
guarantee six weeks at current heating'
If a lengthy cold wave resulted in heavy
fuel demands during the time of the gas
cut-off, a serious squeeze would result.
Alfred Ueker, manager of the power plant'
and utility services, says of the crisis, "It's
going to be tough. We won't have enough

s t m sd ce physicians to perform
said the communists are ready to abortions and may prohibit abor- By PAUL TRAVIS
"do everything possible to achieve tions by nonphysicians, though and The Associated Press
a quickssettlement."ed abortions during the first three Reaction locally to the death of former President Lyndon Johnson
But, she added, "everything de- I month are not required to be was filled with sadness
pends on the United States." The performed in hospitals.
proposed agreement, according to The ruling sit down a Tex- Dean of the Education School Wilbur Cohen, who was Johnson's
Binh, gives the United States "An as law and a second 7-2 decision secretary of health, education, and welfare, said President Johnson's
honorable way out of its dirty invalidating parts of a Georgia contribution to assuring civil rights, to making health care a right, to
war." law, will affect the abortion sta- attacking poverty, and expanding federal aid to education will long be
While diplomats were assembly- tutes of 44 states. Over 30 states, remembered as a basis for improvements which will inevitably come
ing i Paris, there were rumors including Michigan, make it a later in this decade."
that Vice President Spiro Agnew crime to nerform an abortion ex- PAlitica lrience Prof Allen Whitini who was director of the

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