Sunday, January 20, 1974
THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, January20, 1974~
We need you for
color-vision experiments
uac-daystar presents:
Tuition hike?
A tuition hike again next year?
"Not if I'm in my right mind,"
said AllanmSmith, vice president
for academic affairs, a few
months ago. But now Smith
seems to be humming a differ-
ent tune.
Although Gov. Milliken has
recommended the University re-
ceive a 10 per cent increase in
state appropriations, Smith was
heard hedging about the "slight
possibility" of another increase
in tuition in the fall.
"I am still working hard to
avoid a fall tuition hike, but I
cannot say what the gross re-
quirements will be yet," Smith
Smith's comments came after
Milliken announced his proposed
budget which included an $8.9
million increase in state funds
only $2.00
Honors B.A. graduate at age 19
By Dennis B. Jackson
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Dartmouth Publishing Co., Dept. C-7
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c 1973 Dartmouth Publishing Co.
for the University. But that $8.9
million may not be much of an
increase after $6.5 million is al-
located for salaries. And there
will be no increase in financial
aid beyond a four per cent in-
crease to offset inflation.
University President Robben
Fleming was less than ecstatic
on hearing the proposed alloca-
"Milliken's recommendation is
well below what we asked for,"
he said. "This won't be received
with much enthusiasm."
Careful timing
The timing was a bit too coin-
cidental to be coincidental. Only
one day after HRP's rent control
proposal was officially certified
for the April ballot, five mem-
bers of a city appointed "Blue
Ribbon" commission declared a
general rent control policy "un-
Ann Arbor's rents have tradi-
tionally been among the highest
in the nation-a fact that made
t h e commission's declaration
come as a surprise to some.
It was also surprising when
David Kiefer, one of the five
commissioners who released the
report on rent control, admitted
the report was based on what
he and the four other members
had termed "insufficient data"
in a September letter to the
Kiefer also denied the report's
release was timed to respond to
the HRP proposal, but said he
had "no idea" why it had not
been issued sooner.
HRP spokesman Dave Good-
man said the political implica-
tion of the report's timing were
"obvious." Goodman also noted
that the findings of subcommit-
tees are not usually released to
the public-although they were
in this instance.
"HRP scored a clear victory
when the rent control proposal
was certified," Goodman said.
"Now it's just natural for the
other parties to want to kick a
little dirt in our face."
Liberated credit
Women have always had a
tough time trying to borrow
money-unless they relied on the
credit rating of a father or hus-
band. For some reason, tradi-
tional lending institutions have
steadfastly refused to grant wo-
men the luxury of a credit rat-
But, apparently a group of wo-
men have devised a solution in
the form of the Feminist Federal
Credit Union. The credit union
operates much as a federal sav-
ings and loan association, except
the union's members are also its
And although both sexes are
eligible for membership (it
wouldn't be legal otherwise),
men are encouraged to go else-
where if they want to borrow.
- money.
The 50(-member credit union,
which is based in Detroit but has
branches here and in Kalamazoo,
has 50 local members to date.
Jane Rothstein manages the
Ann Arbor chapter with a mili-
tant eye. "I don't see our society
as being worthwhile until women
have a strong voice and are not
financially dependent on men,"
she said.
SGC elects.
It was a typical SGC move.
After the second SGC President
in two weeks submitted the sec-
and presidential resignation in
two weeks, SGC elected a presi-
dent who is currently in Georgia
on duty in the military reserves.
Jeff Schiller, who assumed the
presidency in the wake of Lee
Gill's resignation, resigned be-
cause, he said, he didn't have
time to devote to the office. Carl
Sandberg, a 27 year-old lieuten-
ant in the Army reserves, was
elected the new president of SGC.
All sources say Sandberg should
return to Ann Arbor in a few
Two vacancies still remain in
SGC. Both David Fowler, vice
president, and Rosemary Mullin,
Council treasurer, resigned at
the time Gill handed in his re-
signation. Two ballots Thurs.
Jeff Schiller
day failed to elect their succes-
sors; those positions remain., to
be filled.
Until Sandberg returns and new
officers are elected, SGC will no
doubt continue to fly blithely
along on automatic pilot.
-Laura Berman
Demonstration by TAKASHI KUSH IDA, 7th dan
Sponsored by Aikido Association of the
University of Michigan
22 January
SATURDAY, Jan. 26th-Hill Aud., 8 p.m.
Reserved Seats $6-$5.50-$5.00-$4.00
On Sale now only at Michigan UNION 11-5:30 daily, Sat. 1
p m.-4 p.m. Sorry, No personal checks. Also on sale now: SEALS
& CROFTS $5-$4-$3. Go on Sale Tuesday, Jan. 15: DUKE
IM Bldg.-Wrestling Room
FURTHER INFO: 665-4864
Aikido is a Japanese art of self-defense that is based on non-resistance
rather than strength. An attack is never stopped; it is met and
guided in awaykthat causes the attacker to be thrown by the force
of his own attack.
In addition to throws, Aikido also employs a number of wrist tech-
niques. Although these techniques are extremely painful and can
drive an aggressor to the ground immediately, they are not designed
to break bones or cause injury. For this reason, Aikido can be said
to be a 'kind' form of self-defense.
The word aikido means "method, or way (do) for the Coordination,
or Harmony (at) of Mental Energy, or Spirit (ki)." Aikido is then
harmony of the mind and of the body.
we need not struggle against an opponent's strength. If we lead his
mind, his body will follow. However, to lead an opponent's mind the
Aikidoist must be calm and relaxed and in control of his own mind
and body. One of the most valuable aspects of Aikido is that it
trains its students to be relaxed and in harmony with themselves
and with others. These are things which can be carried into our daily
lives and can help us to be better and more effective people.
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The MASTER OF MANAGEMENT Degree Program is offered during the
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fessional careers in the management of business and other organizations.
Student Activities Building
THURSDAY, January 24
-or Request "MM Information"-
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f University of Michigan-Dearborn,. Dearborn 48128
Insofar as January is rush-
time, the Daily had a lot to say
about the whole process in the
early winter of '64. The system,
it seems, was having little diffi-
c u I t y attracting prospective
members, but at least one wo-
man columnist was exasperated
by one of the rush customs:.
"Today nearly 2500 young la-
dies are trying to recuperate
from last weekend's round of 22
rush parties. The basic idea of
making every rushee visit every
sorority is good and should be
continued. But something must
be done to turn the mixer talk-a-
thon into a more worthwhile ex-
perience. The very structure of
mixers entrenches chit-chat, and
precludes meaningful conversa-
Have a flair for
ed in
poeryean "si
or writing feature
stories a b o u t the
drama. dance, film.
arts: Contact Art,
Editor, c/n Tht
Michigan Daily.
The major political issue of
the day, even by 1964, seems to
have been civil rights. Pickets
were a continuing story, and
were led by the Ann Arbor Fair
Housing Association, a then-affil-
iate of the Congress for Racial
Equality (CORE). One of . the
more dramatic protests involved
a defective bomb which explod-
ed in the now-defunct Student
Friend Discount Barber Shop, on
Maynard Street. the shop had
been regularly picketed for some
time after refusing to cut the
hair of a black man.
Two other sites of pickets were
the Florence Bridal Shop on
Main Street, for refusing to rent
commercial space to blacks, and
Thompson's Restaurant, also on
Main Street.
In a related development that
week, Dr. Benjamin Mays, Presi-
dent of Morehouse College, ad-
dressed students on the subject
of integration. "Unification of di-
verse groups into a relatively
coordinated and harmonious en-
tity can only be achieved by
eliminating segregation," he
said. He described an integrated
nation as "highly spiritualized
where people would be largely
color blind."
The Arb
It seems that in 1964, people
suddenly stopped treating the
Arb kindly. Always, of course, a
popular place, the property
abuses became so great during
January that officials had to wire
it off for the first time, as well
as institute hours. Walter Cham-
bers, Professor of Landscape Ar-
chitecture, counted 117 incidents
of vehicles running over the
grass in a week period.
In addition, he said, children
were nearly run over, trash bar-
rels were set on fire, and identi-
fication tags on plants were rip-
ped off.
* * *
Tidbits: At the McDonald's
out on Stadium, fries were $.12
and triple shakes went for a
mere $.20 . . . an editorial col-
umnist blasted the administra-
tion for its puritanical attitudes
on sex, writing "Perhaps the uni-
versity administration w 11
(eventually) mind their own busi-
ness and leave the problem of
virginity to the virgins" . .. and
a report stating that ciga-
rette smoking was dangerous to
one's health was met here large-
ly with indifference. One Med-
School freshman told the Daily:
"I'm not convinced the detri-
ments outweigh the pleasures."
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Are yOu still
the way your
parents read?
In the first grade, when you were taught
to read "Run Spot Run," you had to read it
out loud. Word-by-word. Later, in the second
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you couldn't do it.
You stopped reading out loud, but you
continued to say every word to yourself.
Chances are, you're doing it right now.
This means that you read only as fast
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lists John F. Kennedy as delivering the fast-
est speech on record: 327 words per
The Evelyn Wood Course teaches you
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To see how natural this is, look at the
dot over the line in bold type.
grass is green
You immediately see all three words.
Now look at the dot between the next two
lines of type.
and it grows
when it rains
With-training, you'll learn to use your
innate ability to see groups of words.
As an Evelyn Wood graduate, you'll be
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words per minute . . . depending on the
difficulty of the material.
At 1,000 words per minute, you'll be
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American Political Tradition and finish
each chapter in 11 minutes.
At 2,000 words per minute, you'll I
,able to read a magazine like Time or P,'.
week and finish each page in 31 seconds.
At 3,000 words per minute, you'll be
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These are documented statistics based
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The course isn't complicated. There
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take. And you don't have to memorize any-
95% of our graduates have improved
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ing ability isn't improved by at least 3 times.
In these instances, the tuition is completely
Take a free
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Do you want to see how the course
Then take a free Mini-Lesson.=M The
Mini-Lesson is an hour long peek at what
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We'll show you how it's possible to
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single word. You'll have a chance to try your
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We'll show you how we can extend your
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Take a Mini-Lesson this week. It's a
And it's free.
Monday, January 21-3 p.m. or 7 p.m.
Tuesday, January 22-3 p.m. or 7 p.m.
Wednesday, Jan. 23-3 p.m. or 7 p.m.
Thursday, January 24-3 p.m. or 7 p.m.